Volcano Biome

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Exclusive to: Shipwrecked icon.png

Me ol' prison.


The Volcano is a Biome exclusive to the Shipwrecked DLC, much like Caves in the regular Don't Starve world. The biome can be accessed through the Volcano which is found in the Ocean.


It is a small area surrounding the mouth of the Volcano, and is affected by weather. At the center, the mouth of the volcano contains a large pool of lava, and approaching it will quickly increase the temperature of the player character to the maximum and cause damage from Overheating. During Dry Season, eruptions will cause the entire Volcano area to rise in temperature as well, causing immediate Overheating effect similar to getting close to the central lava. This effect will last for a period of time after the eruption ends.

The area is mostly covered with a mixture of Volcano Turf, Magma Turf and Ashy Turf, and the Magma Piles are abundant. Skeletons and Krissures are also commonly encountered.

Coffee Plants and Elephant Cacti are found here. These can be dug up with a Shovel and replanted elsewhere, but they can only be planted on volcanic turfs. Burnt Ash Trees can also be found here. Chopping these trees will yield Ashes. Dragoon Dens, and their Dragoons are native to the Volcano Biome. Obsidian and Charcoal Boulders can also be found here.

The area contains one Obsidian Workbench that allows the crafting items in the Volcanic Tab. Volcano Altar of Snackrifice is also in the area, and provides limited control over eruptions by sacrificing items in the Dry Season.

Woodlegs Portrait.png Woodlegs

If Woodlegs is not unlocked, Woodlegs' Cage will be found here. The cage can be unlocked by finding and using all 3 keys: the Iron Key, the Golden Key, and the Bone Key.

Unlocking the cage will additionally drop some Bone Shards. Even if unlocked, the special turf under his cage and a couple of Bone Shards will continue to spawn in newly generated worlds.

Gears.png Mechanics

  • All effects of Hurricane Season will function regularly, except for the spawning of Sealnado.
  • Birds do not spawn inside the Volcano, regardless of the type of turf.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • If the player manages to cross into the pool of lava (using console commands or The Lazy Explorer), they will instantly die, and the cause of Death in the morgue will be listed as "Burnt". If they resurrect afterwards with a Touch Stone or similar, they will not be able to retrieve any inventory items other than character-specific gear. Other indestructible items such as the Fishbone or Things will be stuck on top of the lava. Dying this way may or may not leave a skeleton.
  • The Volcano does not allow Crocodog waves, making it a valid place for a base.
  • Dry Season does not seem to affect the plants inside the Volcano.
    • As of the Quality of Life update, Dry Season causes plants and farm plants to wither .

Mosquito.png Bugs

  • In the Pocket Edition of Shipwrecked, entering the Volcano for the first time may cause the app to crash. In this case, the affected save game will be permanently corrupted.
  • Upon entering, the player retains speed modifiers provided by the boat they used to get to volcano.