California Roll/DST

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Ui button variant 1 off.png
Ui button variant 1 on.png

Exclusive to: Shipwrecked icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wilba Portrait.png


California Roll is a Crock Pot recipe introduced in the Don't Starve Together, introduced in Return of Them. It is made by combining 1.0 unit of Fishes and exactly 2 Kelp Fronds. It restores 20 Health Meter.png, 37.5 Hunger Meter.png, and 10 Sanity Meter.png.

Adding 3 Kelp Fronds will result in Meatballs. Adding Wobster for the fish requirement and Ice or Butter as a filler will instead result in Lobster Bisque and Lobster Dinner respectively.

Cookbook.png Recipe



Kelp Frond.png
Kelp Frond.png
Crock Pot.png
California Roll.png

Crock Pot.png Examples

Freshwater Fish.png
Freshwater Fish.png
Kelp Frond.png
Kelp Frond.png
Crock Pot.png
California Roll.png
Kelp Frond.png
Kelp Frond.png
Crock Pot.png
California Roll.png
50% chance to result in Unagi.
Raw Fish.png
Kelp Frond.png
Kelp Frond.png
Crock Pot.png
California Roll.png

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • California Roll was added to Don't Starve Together in the Hook, Line, and Inker update.
  • The California Roll was invented to popularize sushi in North America. To become appetizing for people who did not like seeing seaweed, it's prepared "inside out", where the seaweed is inside and the rice is outside of the roll. However, the in-game image for California Roll has the seaweed outside, indicating it's not actually a California Roll.