Warbucks (Quotes)

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Map Icon Florid Postern.png This feature has been removed from the game.
The information presented here is for reference only.
I say! This is quite fascinating!


A resplendent specimen.

This page lists Warbucks's Quotes which are spoken when the player examines an in-game item or object. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them.

Due to the amount of text catalogued, this page only contains Warbucks's quotes for items found in Don't Starve. For items exclusive to other expansions, see the pages listed above.

Icon Tools.pngTools

  • Axe.pngAxe- "A tool favoured by many ancient societies."
  • Luxury Axe.pngLuxury Axe- "A rather elegant tool for chopping."
  • Shovel.pngShovel- "An instrument well suited for digging."
  • Regal Shovel.pngRegal Shovel- "A rather elegant tool for digging things."
  • Pickaxe.pngPickaxe- "An instrument to hunt for fossils."
  • Opulent Pickaxe.pngOpulent Pickaxe- "A rather elegant tool for fracturing rocks."
  • Razor.pngRazor- "One must keep oneself presentable."
  • Hammer.pngHammer- "Rather blunt."
  • Pitchfork.pngPitchfork- "A tool for ground work."
  • Feather Pencil.pngFeather Pencil- "A fine writing implement."
  • Brush.pngBrush- "I do wish I had one of these for my mustache."
  • Saddle.pngSaddle- "A fine saddle for a beast of burden."
  • War Saddle.pngWar Saddle- "This will take a beating."
  • Glossamer Saddle.pngGlossamer Saddle- "Rather more aerodynamic than the others."
  • Saddlehorn.pngSaddlehorn- "For those stubborn saddles."
  • Salt Lick.pngSalt Lick- "Keeps the livestock docile."

Icon Light.pngLights

  • Campfire.pngCampfire (upon being built)- "Quite cozy."
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (upon being built)- "A cozy convenience."
  • Campfire.pngCampfire (high)- "A roaring fire!"
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (high)- "A rather roaring fire!"
  • Campfire.pngCampfire (normal)- "Keeps the beasts at bay."
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (normal)- "A fine cozy fire to gather 'round."
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire & Fire Pit (low)- "It could do with another log."
  • Campfire.pngCampfire (embers)- "Rather low."
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (embers)- "Quite in need of fuel."
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire & Fire Pit (out)- "Dash it all! It's gone out."
  • Torch.pngTorch- "Now I can stalk my prey in the dark."
  • Miner Hat.pngMiner Hat- "Quite useful in the dark."
  • Pumpkin Lantern.pngPumpkin Lantern- "Quite cheery."
  • Lantern.pngLantern- "Finally, a civilized way to carry light."

Icon Survival.pngSurvival

  • Backpack.pngBackpack- "A satchel to put one's treasures in."
  • Piggyback.pngPiggyback- "A satchel for keeping ones treasures."
  • Bird Trap.pngBird Trap- "Rather efficient."
  • Bug Net.pngBug Net- "Advantageous. But only if I don't want to hurt the bugs."
  • Fishing Rod.pngFishing Rod- "Ah fishing. The cornerstone to many societies."
  • Straw Roll.pngStraw Roll- "A far cry from my usual sleeping arrangements."
  • Fur Roll.pngFur Roll- "Huzzah! The means to a good night's sleep!"
  • Tent.pngTent- "Rather crude, but it'll have to do."
  • Trap.pngTrap- "Handy for acquiring meat!"
  • Honey Poultice.pngHoney Poultice- "For dressing ones wounds."
  • Healing Salve.pngHealing Salve- "Ahhh. Quite soothing."
  • Umbrella.pngUmbrella- "A fragile parasol, but it shall have to do."
  • Compass.pngCompass-
    • N- "North."
    • S- "South."
    • E- "East."
    • W- "West."
    • NE- "Northeast."
    • SE- "Southeast."
    • NW- "Northwest."
    • SW- "Southwest."
  • Compass.pngCompass (generic)- "I cannot read it just yet."
  • Compass.pngCompass (broken)- "A bit of shoddy workmanship there."
  • Bundling Wrap.pngBundling Wrap- "Rather clever wrap for my supplies."
  • Bundled Supplies 1 Slot.pngBundled Supplies 2-3 Slot.pngBundled Supplies.pngBundled Supplies- "Quite a bit more condensed like this."

Icon Food.pngFood

  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (empty)- "I could do a bit of cooking with this."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "Patience is a virtue."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "I shall be enjoying a fine meal promptly."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (finished)- "I say! That was well worth the effort."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (failed to add item)- "It's not the proper place for that."
  • Bee Box.pngBee Box- "Ah, the elixir of life."
  • Bee Box Level 0.pngBee Box (no honey)- "I'm afraid it's not ready yet."
  • Bee Box Level 1.pngBee Box (some honey)- "It's best to leave it a touch longer."
  • Bee Box Level 3.pngBee Box (full of honey)- "I say, the honey is ready to harvest!"
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm- "One can learn a lot by studying agriculture."
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (growing)- "Cultivating rather nicely."
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (finished)- "Ripe for harvesting."
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (needs fertilizer)- "It could do with a bit of manure."
  • Ice Box.pngIce Box- "Every civilized person should have one."
  • Drying Rack Build.pngDrying Rack- "One can get some decent food with that."
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (drying)- "It's drying nicely."
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (finished)- "At last, some civilized food."

Icon Science.pngScience

  • Science Machine.png Science Machine- "It's prudent to broaden one's horizons."
  • Alchemy Engine.png Alchemy Engine- "I've dabbled in a bit of alchemy from time to time."
  • Thermal Measurer.pngThermal Measurer- "Quite a clever way to tell the climate."
  • Rainometer.pngRainometer- "A barometer of sorts."
  • Lightning Rod.pngLightning Rod- "A bit of protection in a storm."
  • Lightning Rod.pngLightning Rod (charged)- "I say, it's quite vivacious."
  • Gunpowder.pngGunpowder- "Explosive!"

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomploshrine- "I say, that was hardly worth the effort."

Icon Fight.pngFight

  • Spear.pngSpear- "A primitive hunting weapon."
  • Ham Bat.pngHam Bat- "A peculiar weapon."
  • Boomerang.pngBoomerang- "The artifact of a hunting civilization, no doubt."
  • Boomerang.pngBoomerang (hit self)- "Egad! It's a boomerang."
  • Blow Dart.pngBlow Dart- "Used in ancient warfare."
  • Sleep Dart.pngSleep Dart- "Rather tiresome!"
  • Fire Dart.pngFire Dart- "Ignites a bit of excitement!"
  • Football Helmet.pngFootball Helmet- "A wonderful hat made of pig bottom."
  • Grass Suit.pngGrass Suit- "Barely adequate protection but it will have to do."
  • Log Suit.pngLog Suit- "A commendable attempt at protection."
  • Marble Suit.pngMarble Suit- "Rather burdensome but quite dependable."
  • Bee Mine.pngBee Mine- "Warfare which adopts to the materials at one's disposal."
  • Tooth Trap.pngTooth Trap- "I say! Rather more effective this way."

Icon Structures.pngStructures

  • Birdcage Build.pngBirdcage- "Rather ornate cage."
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied)- "Domestication has its uses."
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, sleeping)- "I say, he's a lackadaisical fellow!"
  • Pig House Build.pngPig House- "Crude, but rather functional."
  • Pig House Light On.pngPig House (occupied, lights on)- "I say! These pigs are quite civilized!"
  • Pig House Build.pngPig House (occupied, lights off)- "They've turned in for the night."
  • Rabbit Hutch Build.pngRabbit Hutch- "I say! What fantastic society built that!"
  • Hay Wall.pngHay Wall (held)- "Rather unstable but it has its uses."
  • Hay Wall Build.pngHay Wall- "Rather crude, but it'll have to do I'm afraid."
  • Wood Wall.pngStone Wall.pngWood & Stone Wall (held)- "Presumably one could place this somewhere."
  • Wood Wall Build.pngWood Wall- "A wall of reasonable strength."
  • Stone Wall Build.pngStone Wall- "A wall with some stability."
  • Chest.pngChest- "A place for all my accumulated wealth."
  • Sign.pngSign- "Ah! Civilization."
  • Potted Fern.pngPotted Fern- "A fine decoration."
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (held)- "I should think it's better off in the ground."
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (empty)- "Let's see if my drawing skills are up to snuff."
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (drawn on)- "A signpost of sorts."
  • Wood Fence.pngWood Fence (held)- "I suppose I will have to build this myself."
  • Wood Fence Build.pngWood Fence- "I do admire its construction."
  • Wood Gate.pngWood Gate (held)- "I suppose I'll have to get my hands dirty."
  • Wood Gate Build.pngWood Gate- "Should keep this closed if I want to retain my herd."

Icon Refine.pngRefine

  • Rope.pngRope- "Rather handy!"
  • Boards.pngBoards- "Rather more civilized!"
  • Cut Stone.pngCut Stone- "One may build many civilized things with this."
  • Papyrus.pngPapyrus- "I say, one could make paper with this!"
  • Purple Gem.pngPurple Gem- "A gruesome beauty!"
  • Nightmare Fuel.pngNightmare Fuel- "Rather aberrant."
  • Beeswax.pngBeeswax- "Pity I can't use it for mustache wax."
  • Wax Paper.pngWax Paper- "A fine wrapping material."

Icon Magic.pngMagic

  • Meat Effigy.pngMeat Effigy- "Rather reassuring that."
  • Prestihatitator.pngPrestihatitator- "I'm not above learning some of the dark arts."
  • Shadow Manipulator.pngShadow Manipulator- "I say, this seems rather macabre."
  • Pan Flute.pngPan Flute- "I suppose I could carry a tune if the necessity arises."
  • Night Light.pngNight Light- "Quite uncanny!"
  • Night Armor.pngNight Armor- "Rather durable, yet there's something unsound about it."
  • Dark Sword.pngDark Sword- "I say! It's a rather ghastly sword."
  • One-man Band.pngOne-man Band- "Reminds me of my regimental band."
  • Bat Bat.pngBat Bat- "A rather macabre hunting weapon."
  • Belt of Hunger.pngBelt of Hunger- "Wearing hunted animals makes one feel quite viril!"
  • Chilled Amulet.pngChilled Amulet- "Quite the chilling find!"
  • Nightmare Amulet.pngNightmare Amulet- "I'm quite mad about this gem!"
  • Life Giving Amulet.pngLife Giving Amulet- "Huzzah! Looks rather invulnerable!"
  • Fire Staff.pngFire Staff- "Quite an incendiary instrument."
  • Ice Staff.pngIce Staff- "A rather chilling weapon. Haw haw!"
  • Telelocator Staff.pngTelelocator Staff- "Rather adventuresome tool."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (full)- "Riveting."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "It's missing something..."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelolocator Socket (full)- "Quite a clever device."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "Empty, I'm afraid."

Icon Dress.pngDress

  • Sewing Kit.pngSewing Kit- "One must make one's own repairs whilst on adventure."
  • Rabbit Earmuffs.pngRabbit Earmuffs- "I say, these would be all the fashion back home."
  • Straw Hat.pngStraw Hat- "Rather bucolic fashion."
  • Beefalo Hat.pngBeefalo Hat- "One feels rather ungulate in this."
  • Beekeeper Hat.pngBeekeeper Hat- "Beekeeping is a fine hobby to invest ones time in."
  • Feather Hat.pngFeather Hat- "Rather garish."
  • Winter Hat.pngWinter Hat- "Rather sobering head gear."
  • Top Hat.pngTop Hat- "I say! I'm ready for a night on the town!"
  • Dapper Vest.pngDapper Vest- "Distinguished!"
  • Breezy Vest.pngBreezy Vest- "Cozy, and quite the fashion."
  • Puffy Vest.pngPuffy Vest- "Rather snuggly."
  • Bush Hat.pngBush Hat- "I say! Rather clever camoflauge!"
  • Garland.pngGarland- "I should hope no one sees me in such a state."
  • Walking Cane.pngWalking Cane- "Nothing more genteel than good walking cane."

Icon Ancient.pngAncient

  • Thulecite.pngThulecite- "Quite magnificent! A capital find!"
  • Thulecite Wall.pngThulecite Wall (held)- "One may be able to salvage these."
  • Thulecite Wall Build.pngThulecite Wall- "Rather feeble now."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (min)- "All is well."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising low)- "It seems something is afoot."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "I'm afraid there's been an upsurge in ghastliness."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (max)- "I believe we've hit the apex."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "Thank goodness the horrors are waning."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding low)- "My word that was onerous."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "It seems there is a problem."
  • The Lazy Forager.pngThe Lazy Forager- "Gathers items without the bothersome act of bending down."
  • Magiluminescence.pngMagiluminescence- "I feel invigorated!"
  • Construction Amulet.pngConstruction Amulet- "I say! This is rather economical."
  • The Lazy Explorer.pngThe Lazy Explorer- "This certainly saves on traveling time."
  • Star Caller's Staff.pngStar Caller's Staff- "Illuminating!"
  • Deconstruction Staff.pngDeconstruction Staff- "I say! This makes dismantling objects quite a bit easier."
  • PickSlashAxe.pngPick/Axe- "Rather clever!"
  • Thulecite Crown.pngThulecite Crown- "Huzzah! A head piece made of artifacts."
  • Thulecite Suit.pngThulecite Suit- "I say! This armor is quite dapper."
  • Thulecite Club.pngThulecite Club- "I'm quite fond of this weapon!"
  • Houndius Shootius.pngHoundius Shootius (held)- "I should like to study this while it's working."
  • Houndius Shootius Build.pngHoundius Shootius- "I say! It's rather ancient technology."

Eyeplant.pngNature - Plants

  • Evergreen.pngEvergreen- "A fine pine."
  • A Lumpy Evergreen.pngLumpy Evergreen- "Rather pathetic looking."
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree- "Rather prickly fellow."
  • Evergreen Stump.pngEvergreen & Lumpy Evergreen (stump)- "It's been razed."
  • Spiky Tree Stump.pngSpiky Tree (stump)- "Not as fertile as its brethren."
  • Evergreen.pngA Lumpy Evergreen.pngEvergreen & Lumpy Evergreen (burning)- "Alarming!"
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree (burning)- "I can't say that was unexpected."
  • Burnt Evergreen.pngEvergreen & Lumpy Evergreen (burnt)- "Well that's done."
  • Spiky Tree Burnt.pngSpiky Tree (burnt)- "Ashen."
  • Evergreen Sapling.pngEvergreen (sapling)- "It should grow into a fine tree."
  • Log.pngLog- "A log fit for a fire."
  • Log.pngLog (burning)- "Ahh. Nice and cozy."
  • Charcoal.pngCharcoal- "Rather useful bit of ash."
  • Pine Cone.pngPine Cone- "I should plant this."
  • Marble Tree.pngMarble Tree- "I require something stronger than an axe for that!"
  • Totally Normal Tree.pngTotally Normal Tree (normal and stump)- "I say! One might think that tree had a mouth."
  • Living Log.pngLiving Log- "This dead tree is alarmingly alive."
  • Sapling.pngSapling- "Those twigs could be good for something."
  • Sapling Picked.pngSapling (picked)- "Nothing left here for me."
  • Sapling.pngSapling (burning)- "Inevitable."
  • Sapling Item.pngSapling (held)- "This would do better in the ground."
  • Twigs.pngTwigs- "I'm sure I can find a use for these."
  • Grass Tuft.pngGrass Tuft- "A rather mundane tuft of grass."
  • Grass Tuft Picked.pngGrass Tuft (picked)- "It's been picked through, I'm afraid."
  • Grass Tuft Withered.pngGrass Tuft (barren)- "In desperate need of fertilizer."
  • Grass Tuft.pngGrass Tuft (burning)- "Quite a blaze!"
  • Grass Tuft Item.pngGrass Tuft (held)- "This would do better in the ground."
  • Cut Grass.pngCut Grass- "Quaint, but quite useful."
  • Berry Bush.pngBerry Bush2.pngBerry Bush (normal & burning)- "A common berry bush."
  • Berry Bush Picked.pngBerry Bush (picked)- "It's been relieved of its fruit."
  • Berry Bush Withered.pngBarren Berry Bush 2.pngBerry Bush (barren)- "Quite fruitless at the moment."
  • Berry Bush Item.pngBerry Bush 2.pngBerry Bush (held)- "This would do better in the ground."
  • Reeds.pngReeds- "I could use those."
  • Reeds.pngReeds (burning)- "Rather fervent flames."
  • Reeds Picked.pngReeds (picked)- "One must give it time to grow back."
  • Cut Reeds.pngCut Reeds- "Crude, but quite useful."
  • Plant.pngPlant- "A rather ordinary plant."
  • Plant.pngPlant (growing)- "It's germinating."
  • Plant.pngPlant (ready to be picked)- "Ripe for harvesting."
  • Marsh Plant1.pngMarsh Plant- "Full of leafage."
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush- "Quite thorny."
  • Spiky Bush Picked.pngSpiky Bush (picked)- "Prickly."
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush (burning)- "Engulfed in flames."
  • Spiky Bush Dug.pngSpiky Bush (held)- "This would do better in the ground."
  • Flower.pngFlower- "Quite delicate."
  • Petals.pngPetals- "Rather ornate."
  • Evil Flower.pngEvil Flower- "Rather hideous."
  • Dark Petals.pngDark Petals- "There's something bizarre about these."
  • Carrot Planted.pngCarrot (planted)- "Growing quite nicely."
  • Red Mushroom.pngRed Mushroom- "Local fauna."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngRed Mushroom (sleeping)- "Quite unreachable."
  • Mushroom Picked.pngRed Mushroom (picked)- "It's been harvested already."
  • Green Mushroom.pngGreen Mushroom- "A strange irrational fungus."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngGreen Mushroom (sleeping)- "It needs to be plucked out of its hole."
  • Mushroom Picked.pngGreen Mushroom (picked)- "It's been harvested already."
  • Blue Mushroom.pngBlue Mushroom- "Experimenting with fungus is rather audacious."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngBlue Mushroom (sleeping)- "Rather inaccessible like that."
  • Mushroom Picked.pngBlue Mushroom (picked)- "Already plucked from the earth."

Harp Statue.pngNature - Objects

  • Beehive.pngBeehive- "Rather bustling."
  • Killer Bee Hive.pngKiller Bee Hive- "Pesky creatures!"
  • Honeycomb.pngHoneycomb- "Rather sweet."
  • Hound Mound.pngHound Mound- "You never know what one may find in a midden."
  • Bones.pngBones- "Clearly the work of a predator."
  • Touch Stone.pngTouch Stone- "A restorative stone."
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, up)- "Sobering."
  • Lowered Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, down)- "It has disappeared into the ground."
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, up)- "I feel quite unsound."
  • Lowered Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, down)- "Rather ominous looking but it's just a stone."
  • Harp Statue.pngHarp Statue- "I say! That's a rather ornate monument!"
  • Marble Pillar.pngMarble Pillar- "I say, it's quite sturdy."
  • Marble.pngMarble- "Rather opulent!"
  • Rundown House.pngRundown House- "I should like to study this society."
  • Merm Head.pngMerm Head- "Bah! Signs of a savage society."
  • Pig Head.pngPig Head- "It appears there are warring societies here."
  • Pig Torch.pngPig Torch- "Rather crude construction."
  • Basalt1.pngBasalt- "Rather impervious, I'm afraid."
  • Boulder.pngBoulder- "Ah! Nothing like a bit of geology to soothe the soul."
  • Rocks.pngRocks- "They could contain fossils!"
  • Flint.pngFlint- "A useful bit of rock."
  • Nitre.pngNitre- "I say! This can be made into gunpowder!"
  • Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget- "I say, this brings a shine to my eye!"
  • Grave.pngGrave- "Rather morose."
  • Grave Dug.pngGrave (dug)- "Ghoulish."
  • Suspicious Dirt Pile.pngSuspicious Dirt Pile- "Worth a closer examination."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track- "Aha! I've got the trail."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (lost its trail)- "Zounds! I've lost the trail."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (found)- "Egads! Rather large beasts are lurking."
  • Wooden Thing.pngWooden Thing Adventure Mode.pngWooden Thing- "Quite an arcane device."
  • Wooden Thing (partially assembled)- "It's lacking something..."
  • Wooden Thing (locked)- "I shall discover the key."
  • Wooden Thing (fully assembled)- "I say! It appears to be doing...something!"
  • Ring Thing.pngRing Thing Adventure Mode.pngRing Thing- "I say! That looks valuable."
  • Crank Thing.pngCrank Thing Adventure Mode.pngCrank Thing- "A gadget of some sort."
  • Box Thing.pngBox Thing Adventure Mode.pngBox Thing- "What sort of apparatus is this?"
  • Metal Potato Thing.pngMetal Potato Thing Adventure Mode.pngMetal Potato Thing- "A contraption of some sort."
  • Worm Hole.pngWorm Hole- "I wonder what treasures lay within."
  • Wormhole.pngWorm Hole (open)- "Bah! It's fetid."
  • Worm Hole Eating.pngWorm Hole (exited)- "A bit of unpleasantness."
  • Pond.pngPond- "One wonders what lies within its depths."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton- "One never knows what secrets a skeleton keeps."
  • Spider Den.pngSpider Den- "Rather dank in there."
  • Spider Eggs.pngSpider Eggs- "Repulsive."
  • Rabbit Hole.pngRabbit Hole- "Rather dark in there."
  • Walrus Camp Winter.pngWalrus Camp- "The camp of marine mammals."
  • Walrus Camp Empty.pngWalrus Camp (empty)- "An abandoned camp."
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Boat- "I say! Are there survivors, I wonder?"
  • Sunken Boat Abandoned.pngSunken Boat (empty)- "Quite abandoned, I'm afraid."
  • Flotsam.pngFlotsam- "How does one go about getting that...?"

CaveEntrance1.pngNature - Caves

  • Sinkhole.pngPlugged Sinkhole- "I say, that must lead somewhere."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole (generic)- "Huzzah! It leads somewhere!"
  • Unplugged Sinkhole DS.pngSinkhole (open)- "Plenty of discoveries in there, I should think."
  • Exit to Surface (generic)- "It appears to be a way out."
  • Exit to Surface (open)- "Shall I?"
  • MushtreeRed.pngRed Mushtree- "A flourishing fungus."
  • MushtreeGreen.pngGreen Mushtree- "A tiny tree of toxin."
  • Mushtree.pngBlue Mushtree- "A towering fungal atrocity."
  • Light Flower.pngLight Flower- "A rather luminous flower."
  • Light Bulb.pngLight Bulb- "Rather enlightening, but I shant eat that raw."
  • Stalagmite.pngStalagmiteTall.pngStalagmite (normal & pointy)- "No doubt the Geological Society would find that interesting."
  • Spilagmite.pngSpilagmite- "Aha! I have discovered a spider den."
  • Slurtle Mound.pngSlurtle Mound- "Rather dingy in there."
  • Splumonkey Pod.pngSplumonkey Pod- "It smells rather like those barbaric creatures."
  • Fern.pngFern- "A bit of decoration."
  • Foliage.pngFoliage- "Rather bland bit of leafage."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree- "Curious how these can grow down here..."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree (burnt)- "I say, that's rather gauche!"

Thulecite Fragments.pngNature - Ruins

  • Ruins Entrance.png Plugged Ruins Sinkhole- "I say, that must lead somewhere."
  • Ruins Entrance.pngRuins Sinkhole- "Plenty of discoveries in there, I should think."
  • Ancient.pngAncient Face.pngAncient Statue- "A pity it doesn't put up much of a fight."
  • Broken Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station (broken)- "Only half formed. I should like to see it whole."
  • Ancient Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station- "A superb monument from a savage civilization."
  • Algae.pngAlgae- "Rather useless plant matter."
  • Broken Clockworks1.pngBroken Clockworks (type 1)- "I'm afraid it's reached its endgame."
  • Broken Clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks (type 2)- "It's been fianchettoed!"
  • Broken Clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks (type 3)- "No doubt sacrificed to protect the king."
  • Relic Chair.pngRelic Table.pngRelic Vase.pngRelic Plate.pngRelic Bowl.pngRelic Chipbowl.pngRelic- "I say! This is quite fascinating!"
  • Relic Chair Rubble.pngRelic Table Rubble.pngRelic Vase Rubble.pngRelic (broken)- "Bah! One can't study it like this!"
  • Thulecite Fragments.pngThulecite Fragments- "Huzzah! These look quite intriguing!"
  • Cave Lichen.pngCave Lichen- "Rather prefer these cooked."
  • Ornate Chest.pngOrnate Chest- "A gilded chest. How lavish!"
  • Ornate Chest.pngLarge Ornate Chest- "One hopes the treasure within is as ornate."
  • Nightmare Light.pngNightmare Light- "Vibrantly unsettling."

Grass Turf.pngTurfs

  • Wooden Flooring.pngWooden Flooring- "Has a tad of sophistication."
  • Carpeted Flooring.pngCarpeted Flooring- "Quite refined."
  • Checkerboard Flooring.pngCheckerboard Flooring- "With enough of these I could play a round of chess."
  • Cobblestones.pngCobblestones- "I applaud the attempt at sophistication."
  • Forest Turf.pngForest Turf- "Luxuriant, but overrun."
  • Grass Turf.pngGrass Turf- "Rustic."
  • Marsh Turf.pngMarsh Turf- "Bah! It's unsophisticated."
  • Rocky Turf.pngRocky Turf- "Rather rough around the edges."
  • Savanna Turf.pngSavanna Turf- "A touch dry."
  • Mud Turf.pngMud Turf- "Quite unsophisticated."
  • Guano Turf.pngGuano Turf- "Rather unsophisticated."
  • Slimy Turf.pngSlimy Turf- "A touch of mildew in this."
  • Fungal Turf Blue.pngFungal Turf Red.pngFungal Turf Green.pngFungal Turf (blue, red, green)- "A bit of fungus, I believe."
  • Cave Rock Turf.pngCave Rock Turf- "Rather dank."

Spider.pngMobs - Monsters

  • Clockwork Knight.pngClockwork Knight- "You'll not fork me, knight!"
  • Clockwork Bishop.pngClockwork Bishop- "I say, a chess match does sound like jolly good fun."
  • Clockwork Rook.pngClockwork Rook- "A roaming turret!"
  • Damaged Knight.pngDamaged Knight- "Quite a knightmare!"
  • Damaged Bishop.pngDamaged Bishop- "A ghoulish game piece!"
  • Damaged Rook.pngDamaged Rook- "A ghastly turret!"
  • Charlie (the darkness monster)- "Hummph? What's that?"
  • Charlie (attacked by)- "Huzzah! Show yourself!"
  • Hound.pngHound- "I say! That's a monstrous mongrel!"
  • Red Hound.pngRed Hound- "I say! Infernal creature!"
  • Blue Hound.pngBlue Hound- "I say! That's a chilling quadruped!"
  • Hound's Tooth.pngHound's Tooth- "The artifact of a rather intimidating creature."
  • Spider.pngSpider- "Rather aggressive!"
  • Spider Warrior.pngSpider Warrior- "He seems guarded."
  • Spider Sleeping.pngSpider (sleeping)- "I've caught it napping."
  • Spider Warrior Sleeping.pngSpider Warrior (sleeping)- "Rather useless as a guard just now."
  • Dead Spider.pngSpider (dead)- "Conquered."
  • Dead Spider Warrior.pngSpider Warrior (dead)- "It has been bested!"
  • Spider Gland.pngSpider Gland- "Vile!"
  • Silk.pngSilk- "It's quite a fine cloth!"
  • Krampus.pngKrampus- "Bah! Humbug!"
  • Krampus Sack.pngKrampus Sack- "A rather festive satchel."
  • Merm.pngMerm- "I say! I wonder what a piscine civilization looks like."
  • Frog.pngFrog- "Rather skittery!"
  • Frog Sleeping.pngFrog (sleeping)- "I'll not disturb it."
  • Dead Frog.pngFrog (dead)- "Ah. Reminds me of my dissecting days."
  • Tentacle.pngTentacle- "I say! A monster from the depths!"
  • Tentacle Spike.pngTentacle Spike- "A boorish animal artifact."
  • Tentacle Spots.pngTentacle Spots- "A rather eccentric animal artifact."
  • Tentapillar.pngBig Tentacle- "Presumably it's attached to something?"
  • Baby Tentacle.pngBaby Tentacle- "Rather unwieldy!"
  • Guardian Pig.pngGuardian Pig- "I say, old chap! What are you guarding?"
  • Werepig.pngWerepig- "I say! He's rather hirsute."
  • Ghost Build.pngGhost- "Bah! Ghastly!"
  • MacTusk.pngMacTusk- "I say! He looks jaunty!"
  • WeeTusk.pngWee MacTusk- "I say! He looks like a jaunty fellow!"
  • Walrus Tusk.pngWalrus Tusk- "Ancient societies often find uses for tusks."
  • Tam o' Shanter.pngTam o' Shanter- "I feel at the top o' my game!"
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito- "Blasted bugs! Away with you!"
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito (held)- "Rather less annoying when captured."
  • Mosquito Sack.pngMosquito Sack- "Makes things a touch more sanguine."
  • Mosquito.pngNearby Mosquitoes- "Bah! There are mosquitos about."
  • Cave Spider.pngCave Spider- "Shy little fellow."
  • Spitter.pngSpitter- "I say! That's rather rude!"
  • Batilisk.pngBatilisk- "I say! They'll drive one batty!"
  • Lureplant.pngMeat Bulb- "Alluring!"
  • Fleshy Bulb.pngFleshy Bulb- "I say! I could plant it!"
  • Eyeplant.pngEyeplant- "Ra-ther! It's quite ghoulish!"
  • Slurper.pngSlurper- "Rather parasitic."
  • Slurper Pelt.pngSlurper Pelt- "I say! A pelt could be quite useful!"
  • Dangling Depth Dweller.pngDangling Depth Dweller- "An abseiling arachnid!"
  • Depths Worm.pngDepths Worm (emerged)- "That was rather unexpected!"
  • Mysterious Plant.pngDepths Worm (lure)- "I believe it's just a plant."
  • Depths Worm Burrowed.pngDepths Worm (burrowed)- "Rather odd..."
  • Ewecus.pngEwecus- "I say, that's an ugly creature."
  • Steel Wool.pngSteel Wool- "It's quite durable."

Pig.pngMobs - Neutral Animals

  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo- "I say, that is quite the hide!"
  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo (follower)- "I seem to have picked up a straggler."
  • Beefalo Sleeping.pngBeefalo (sleeping)- "Lethargic."
  • Beefalo Naked.pngBeefalo (naked)- "Haw haw! It's quite amusing shaved like that."
  • DefaultDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated)- "
  • PudgyDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, pudgy)- "
  • RiderDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, docile)- "
  • OrneryDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, ornery)- "
  • Beefalo Wool.pngBeefalo Wool- "A souvenir."
  • Beefalo Horn.pngBeefalo Horn- "A rather useful trophy."
  • Baby Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo- "Rather captivating."
  • Bee.pngNearby Bees- "The bees are stirring."
  • Bee.pngBee- "They're rather busy!"
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee- "Rather pokey insects."
  • Bee.pngBee (held)- "Its humming is rather tedious."
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee (held)- "Captured for future use."
  • Stinger.pngStinger- "The artifact from a bee."
  • Pig.pngPig (normal and sleeping)- "Rather curious porcine humanoid."
  • Pig.pngPig (follower)- "I have acquired a party."
  • Dead Pig.pngPig (dead)- "I say!"
  • Pig Skin.pngPig Skin- "Rather useful in many civilizations."
  • Bunnyman2.pngBeardlord.pngBunnyman and Beardlord- "I say! It's an upright cuniculus!"
  • Bunny Puff.pngBunny Puff- "A gluteal artifact."
  • Koalefant.pngKoalefant- "I say! That's a rare beast!"
  • Winter Koalefant.pngWinter Koalefant- "I say! That trunk would make a cozy vest."
  • Pengull.pngPengull- "They appear quite organized."
  • Rock Lobster.pngRock Lobster- "I say! He seems craggy!"
  • Slurtle.pngSlurtle- "Curious, it's shell is an ancient helm!"
  • Snurtle.pngSnurtle- "A well armoured source of slime."
  • Slurtle Slime.pngSlurtle Slime- "Glutinous and illuminating."
  • Broken Shell.pngBroken Shell- "Bother! It shattered."
  • Shelmet.pngShelmet- "I feel rather Grecian."
  • Snurtle Shell Armor.pngSnurtle Shell Armor- "Quite durable!"
  • Splumonkey.pngSplumonkey- "I say, throwing poop is rather uncivilized!"

Rabbit.pngMobs - Passive Animals

  • Butterfly.pngButterfly- "A first rate addition to a butterfly collection."
  • Butterfly.pngButterfly (held)- "One wishes one had a killing jar..."
  • Crow.pngCrow- "Ah! A corvus!"
  • Redbird.pngRedbird- "Rather paltry."
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird- "Handsome."
  • Crow.pngRedbird.pngSnowbird.pngCrow, Redbird, & Snowbird (held)- "A bird in the hand..."
  • Jet Feather.pngCrimson Feather.pngJet & Crimson Feather- "A feathered artifact."
  • Azure Feather.pngAzure Feather- "A handsome feathered artifact."
  • Gobbler.pngGobbler- "Rather noisy bird."
  • Eye Bone.pngEye Bone- "Quite an amalgamation."
  • Eye Bone.pngEye Bone (Chester dead)- "I say, is it...sleeping?"
  • Ashes.pngEye Bone (ashes)- "The artifact of a captivating bone."
  • Chester.pngChester- "I seem to have picked up a pet."
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngBeardling.pngRabbit and Beardling- "I say! Is it rabbiting season?"
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngBeardling.pngRabbit and Beardling (held)- "Captured!"
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies- "I should like to capture those."
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies (held)- "Rather useful, these."
  • Planted Mandrake.pngMandrake (planted)- "Quite a cacophony!"
  • Mandrake Mob.pngMandrake (follower)- "Infernal caterwauling!"
  • Mandrake.pngMandrake (dead)- "More pleasant to be around like this."
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (cooked)- "Simple yet satisfying."
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (knocked out by)- "I say, I finally have a bit of peace and quiet."

Smallbird.pngMobs - Tallbird family

  • Tallbird.pngTallbird- "A fantastic feathered monstrosity!"
  • Tallbird Nest Full.pngTallbird Nest (with egg)- "I say! That egg would make a fine breakfast."
  • Tallbird Nest.pngTallbird Nest (empty)- "It appears all its eggs have hatched."
  • Tallbird Egg.pngTallbird Egg- "The egg of those marvelous birds."
  • Fried Tallbird Egg.pngFried Tallbird Egg- "Rather edible."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg- "I say! It appears to be hatching!"
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (dead, eating the egg)- "
  • Tallbird Egg Too Hot.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too hot)- "It's rather overheated."
  • Tallbird Egg Too Cold.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too cold)- "Quite chilly just now."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (long time left)- "It's certainly taking its time."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (short time left)- "Patience is a virtue."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird- "Quite dimunitive."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (hungry)- "Rather thin."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (starving)- "I say! It looks famished!"
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird- "A rather youthful fellow."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (hungry)- "A bit peckish."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (starving, attacking)- "Quite underfed."
  • Teenbird.pngPecked by a Smallish Tallbird- "I say, old chap, you insult me!

Spider Queen.pngMobs - Bosses

  • Treeguard.pngTreeguard- "I say! He's rather combatative for a conifer!"
  • Lumpy Treeguard.pngTreeguard (lumpy)- "A rather pitiful pine."
  • Spider Queen.pngSpider Queen- "I say! She seems annoyed."
  • Spiderhat.pngSpiderhat- "A horrifying hat!"
  • Deerclops.pngDeerclops- "I say! He looks quite irate!"
  • Deerclops Eyeball.pngDeerclops Eyeball- "A first-rate trophy!"
  • Ancient Guardian.pngAncient Guardian- "I say! He rather doesn't want me to be here!"
  • Guardian's Horn.pngGuardian's Horn- "A horn from that rather savage beast."

Abigail.pngMobs - Other

  • Maxwell ingame.pngMaxwell- "Rather arrogant chap."
  • Pig King.pngPig King- "Fascinting! I wonder if he'd be open to negotiations."
  • Wes.pngWes (trapped)- "He's been trapped!"
  • Abigail.pngAbigail- "

Meat.pngFood - Meats

  • Egg.pngEgg- "I do enjoy a good egg for breakfast."
  • Cooked Egg.pngEgg (cooked)- "A competent meal."
  • Meat.pngMeat- "I could use this as food!"
  • Cooked Meat.pngCooked Meat- "Rather bland without some seasoning."
  • Jerky.pngJerky- "A light meal whilst on the hunt."
  • Morsel.pngMorsel- "Properly prepared it might make for a tea time snack."
  • Cooked Morsel.pngCooked Morsel- "Would hardly qualify as a snack."
  • Small Jerky.pngSmall Jerky- "Rather useful for eating while on the move."
  • Monster Meat.pngMonster Meat- "Rather grotesque."
  • Cooked Monster Meat.pngCooked Monster Meat- "That does not look agreeable."
  • Monster Jerky.pngMonster Jerky- "Not fit for a civilized gentleman."
  • Leafy Meat.pngLeafy Meat- "Fascinating! Meat from agriculture."
  • Cooked Leafy Meat.pngCooked Leafy Meat- "Quaint, but it'll do."
  • Drumstick.pngDrumstick- "A bit of meat in need of cooking."
  • Fried Drumstick.pngFried Drumstick- "Rather more tasty in this state."
  • Fish.pngFish- "I've caught it!"
  • Cooked Fish.pngCooked Fish- "Rather bland, but edible."
  • Eel.pngEel- "A slippery fish."
  • Cooked Eel.pngCooked Eel- "Tolerable, but not exquisite."
  • Koalefant Trunk.pngWinter Koalefant Trunk.pngKoalefant Trunk & Winter Koalefant Trunk- "He'll not miss it."
  • Koalefant Trunk Steak.pngKoalefant Trunk Steak- "I prefer to nose a good whiskey."
  • Frog Legs.pngFrog Legs- "A delicacy when cooked."
  • Cooked Frog Legs.pngCooked Frog Legs- "Ah yes! Some cuisses de grenouille."
  • Batilisk Wing.pngBatilisk Wing- "Ghastly!"
  • Cooked Batilisk Wing.pngCooked Batilisk Wing- "Rather gamey."

Dragon Fruit.pngFood - Fruits

  • Berries.pngBerries- "Rather elementary. But perhaps one can add them to a recipe."
  • Roasted Berries.pngRoasted Berries- "A touch better than eating them raw."
  • Cave Banana.pngCave Banana- "I'll not eat it straight from the tree like that."
  • Cooked Cave Banana.pngCooked Cave Banana- "I do enjoy a nice cooked banana."
  • Dragon Fruit.pngDragon Fruit- "Rather more bland than it looks."
  • Prepared Dragon Fruit.pngPrepared Dragon Fruit- "A touch more tasty like this."
  • Durian.pngDurian- "Bah! Odious fruit."
  • Extra Smelly Durian.pngExtra Smelly Durian- "Still odious but a touch more palatable."
  • Pomegranate.pngPomegranate- "A seedy fruit."
  • Sliced Pomegranate.pngSliced Pomegranate- "Archaic, but edible."

Carrot.pngFood - Vegetables

  • Carrot.pngCarrot- "I rather prefer them roasted."
  • Roasted Carrot.pngRoasted Carrot- "Ahh. Good for the digestion."
  • Corn.pngCorn- "A nice corn dish would go great with dinner."
  • Popcorn.pngPopcorn- "Quite extraordinary!"
  • Eggplant.pngEggplant- "Rather in need of roasting."
  • Braised Eggplant.pngBraised Eggplant- "A bit of roasted vegetable is good for ones innards."
  • Pumpkin.pngPumpkin- "A stable vegetable."
  • Hot Pumpkin.pngHot Pumpkin- "Hearty."
  • Red Cap.pngRed Cap- "Rather dangerous to mess with this fungus."
  • Cooked Red Cap.pngCooked Red Cap- "Rather unsound to consume."
  • Green Cap.pngGreen Cap- "A strange irrational fungus."
  • Cooked Green Cap.pngCooked Green Cap- "Consuming cooked mushrooms is a tad more level headed."
  • Blue Cap.pngBlue Cap- "Experimenting with fungus is rather audacious."
  • Cooked Blue Cap.pngCooked Blue Cap- "Quite intoxicating."
  • Glow Berry.pngGlow Berry- "I say, this is a curious piece of fruit."
  • Lichen.pngLichen- "Rather prefer these cooked."

Ratatouille.pngFood - Crock Pot

  • Bacon and Eggs.pngBacon and Eggs- "Eggs and a rasher of bacon does improve ones constitution."
  • Butter Muffin.pngButter Muffin- "An ornate bit of baking."
  • Dragonpie.pngDragonpie- "Pie for desert. How urbane!"
  • Fishsticks.pngFishsticks- "A bit of refined food."
  • Fish Tacos.pngFish Tacos- "Quite worldly."
  • Fist Full of Jam.pngFist Full of Jam- "Ahh. Like grand-mama used to make."
  • Froggle Bunwich.pngFroggle Bunwich- "Thank goodness for the Earl's invention."
  • Fruit Medley.pngFruit Medley- "A wide assortment of fruit."
  • Honey Ham.pngHoney Ham- "A proper meal for the properly civilized."
  • Honey Nuggets.pngHoney Nuggets- "A sweet treat."
  • Kabobs.pngKabobs- "Meat on a stick. What a novel idea!"
  • Mandrake Soup.pngMandrake Soup- "Invigorating!"
  • Meatballs.pngMeatballs- "Ahh. A proper meal."
  • Meaty Stew.pngMeaty Stew- "Quite hardy."
  • Monster Lasagna.pngMonster Lasagna- "I prefer my meals sans hair, thank you."
  • Pierogi.pngPierogi- "Quite savory."
  • Powdercake.pngPowdercake- "Bah! It's barely fit for an animal!"
  • Pumpkin Cookies.pngPumpkin Cookies- "I say! What a treat!"
  • Ratatouille.pngRatatouille- "A proper meal."
  • Stuffed Eggplant.pngStuffed Eggplant- "Quite delectable."
  • Taffy.pngTaffy- "I do enjoy a bit of toffee."
  • Turkey Dinner.pngTurkey Dinner- "I should like this with some figgy pudding."
  • Unagi.pngUnagi- "I say! Rather enjoyable when prepared this way."
  • Waffles.pngWaffles- "A Belgian delicacy!"
  • Wet Goop.pngWet Goop- "Bah! Quite inedible."

Rot.pngFood - Other

  • Seeds.pngSeeds- "I should plant these."
  • Carrot Seeds.pngCarrot Seeds- "It would behoove me to plant this in a garden."
  • Corn Seeds.pngCorn Seeds- "I do enjoy growing corn."
  • Dragon Fruit Seeds.pngDragon Fruit Seeds- "I should plant these."
  • Durian Seeds.pngDurian Seeds- "Seeds of the odious fruit."
  • Eggplant Seeds.pngEggplant Seeds- "I should like to plant these."
  • Pomegranate Seeds.pngPomegranate Seeds- "This will grow some pomegranates."
  • Pumpkin Seeds.pngPumpkin Seeds- "Seeds for a pumpkin."
  • Toasted Seeds.pngToasted Seeds- "Barely suitable for tea time."
  • Honey.pngHoney- "Nectar of the gods!"
  • Butterfly Wings.pngButterfly Wings- "Charming!"
  • Butter.pngButter- "A dab of butter makes it better."
  • Rot.pngRot- "Blast! It's gone bad!"
  • Rotten Egg.pngRotten Egg- "Odious!"
  • Phlegm.pngPhlegm- "Quite!"

Trinkets.pngMisc Items

  • Blueprint.pngBlueprint- "This shall be put to good use."
  • Gears.pngGears- "Rather practical for clockwork contraptions."
  • Ashes.pngAshes- "Rather ashen."
  • Ashes.pngAshes of item- "Bah! There's nothing left to study!"
  • Red Gem.pngRed Gem- "A torrid gem."
  • Blue Gem.pngBlue Gem- "Chilling beauty."
  • Yellow Gem.pngYellow Gem- "Looks like a bit of amber."
  • Green Gem.pngGreen Gem- "Huzzah! A jade jackpot!"
  • Orange Gem.pngOrange Gem- "I say! This gem appears quite valuable."
  • Beard Hair.pngBeard Hair- "I say, this is boorish!"
  • Manure.pngManure- "I say! That's repugnant."
  • Guano.pngGuano- "My word!"
  • Melty Marbles.pngMelty Marbles- "I didn't lose them after all. Haw Haw!"
  • Fake Kazoo.pngFake Kazoo- "What sort of artifact is this?"
  • Gord's Knot.pngGord's Knot- "Looks rather Phrygian!"
  • Gnome.pngGnome- "A gnomatic artifact."
  • Tiny Rocketship.pngTiny Rocketship- "What kind of artifact is this?"
  • Frazzled Wires.pngFrazzled Wires- "If there were a trading post I could trade this for something."
  • Ball and Cup.pngBall and Cup- "Haw haw! What fun!"
  • Hardened Rubber Bung.pngHardened Rubber Bung- "I should like a nice soak in the tub."
  • Mismatched Buttons.pngMismatched Buttons- "I've no need for buttons, but I suppose someone might."
  • Second-hand Dentures.pngSecond-hand Dentures- "What a chattering artifact!"
  • Lying Robot.pngLying Robot- "The artifact of a miniature automaton!"
  • Dessicated Tentacle.pngDessicated Tentacle- "A cephalopodic artifact!"
  • Dwarf Star.pngDwarf Star- "An illuminating artifact!"

Maxwell Head.pngAdventure Mode

  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (in starting base)- "Quite refined."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod- "A sophisticated bit of equipment."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (cold)- "Barely transmitting a hum."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warm)- "The quarry is near!"
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warmer)- "I'm quite close!"
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (hot)- "It's around here somewhere!"
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder- "Looks rather sophisticated."
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder (ready to unlock)- "I'm afraid it needs a key to work."
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder (unlocked)- "It's functioning!"
  • Maxwell's Door.pngMaxwell's Door- "Always up for a bit of adventure."
  • Gramophone.pngMaxwell's Phonograph- "I prefer a robust military march."
  • Maxwell's Light.pngMaxwell's Light- "Curious device."
  • Maxwell Statue.pngMaxwell Statue- "Harrumph. A man not worthy of a statue, if you ask me."
  • Maxwell's Tooth Trap.pngMaxwell's Tooth Trap- "Harrumph. Rather gauche."
  • Sick Worm Hole.pngSick Worm Hole- "I say, it looks a little under the weather."
  • Nightmare Lock.pngNightmare Lock- "I shall have to locate the key!"
  • Nightmare Throne.pngNightmare Throne- "A tad grandiose for my taste."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngMale Character on Nightmare Throne- "Rather ghoulish."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngFemale Character on Nightmare Throne- "I say, she's rather grisly."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngOther Character on Nightmare Throne- "A ghastly automaton."


  • Generic- "It seems I'm not able."
  • Failed Adventure Mode- "You have bested me, sir!"
  • Freedom- "Unfettered at last!"
  • Freezing- "A tad chilly out, don't you think?"
  • Battlecry- "Huzzah! To arms!"
  • Battlecry (prey)- "I shall eat well tonight!"
  • Battlecry (Pig)- "I shall defend my honour!"
  • Battlecry (Spider)- "Prepare to meet your doom!"
  • Battlecry (Spider Warrior)- "For King and Country!"
  • Leaving combat- "I'll live to fight another day!"
  • Leaving combat (prey)- "I grant you one more day of life."
  • Leaving combat (Pig)- "Rather prefer to keep my skin!"
  • Leaving combat (Spider)- "Rather more interested in survival, thank you!"
  • Leaving combat (Spider Warrior)- "Run away! Run away!"
  • Activated a Bee Mine- "The bees are stirring."
  • Dusk- "I say, I'd best set up camp."
  • Entering light- "Rather more pleasant in the light."
  • Entering darkness- "Blasted dark! I can't see!"
  • Doing things in the dark- "One can't see in this!"
  • Failed to do something- "It seems I'm not able."
  • Failed to craft something- "Bah! What could I be missing...?"
  • Failed to give something- "
  • Trying to sleep during the day- "Plenty of time for sleep tonight."
  • Trying to sleep during day in a cave- "Neither the time nor the place for sleep."
  • Trying to sleep when too hungry- "I'll sleep after a proper meal."
  • Trying to sleep near monsters- "Bah! No time for sleep. I need my wits about me."
  • Trying to give item to a busy mob- "Seems a bit preoccupied just now."
  • Trying to give item to a dead mob- "A bit too late for gifts, I'm afraid."
  • Trying to give item to a sleeping mob- "Perhaps when they're awake."
  • Not enough fertilizer- "Bah! I'm afraid it requires more manure."
  • Hounds are coming- "There are beasts lurking..."
  • Depths Worms are coming- "A creature from the depths!"
  • Boss is coming- "I say! That fellow looks irate!"
  • Inventory full- "I'm afraid I can't carry a single thing more."
  • Can't rummage (generic)- "Harrumph. I'm not doing that."
  • Can't store (generic/full)- "No more room, I'm afraid."
  • Can't store (invalid item)- "It's not the proper place for that."
  • Can't bundle (no items)- "Rather devoid of things to wrap at the moment."
  • Can't cook (generic)- "Mastery of the culinary arts occasionally eludes me."
  • Can't cook (too far)- "Perhaps if I'm a bit closer..."
  • Can't draw (no subject)- "I need some sort of reference."
  • Can't shave (generic)- "Not possible, I'm afraid."
  • Can't shave (nothing left)- "I'm afraid there's nothing left."
  • Can't shave (beefalo awake)- "I'd likely have better luck when it's more lethargic."
  • Can't write on sign (generic)- "I'll not scribble a word on that!"
  • Beefalo in combat, unable to mount- "It's rather busy at the moment."
  • Beefalo in combat, unable to saddle- "Rather difficult to do that right now!"
  • Unable to build structure (mounted)- "I'm afraid I can't reach that far."
  • Eating- "Exquisite!"
  • Eating (stale food)- "Not the most savory meal."
  • Eating (spoiled food)- "Horrid!"
  • Eating (painful food)- "I'd best avoid that in the future."
  • Hungry- "I'm feeling rather peckish."
  • Triggered trap- "Huzzah! A trap has sprung!"
  • Torch out- "My blasted torch went out!"
  • Pricked- "Egad! That smarts!"
  • Object broken, fixable- "Should be easy enough to repair."
  • Earthquake- "A slight tremblor."

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment- "An amusement of some sort."
  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment completed- "A feat sure to make the annals of the Gentleman's Club!"


  • Maxwell Head.pngMaxwell's Head- "Harrumph. Bigheaded blowhard."
  • Meaty Stew.pngDeadly Feast- "A macabre meal."
  • Skull Chest.pngSkull Chest- "What morbid treasures are contained within?"
  • Golden Pitchfork- "A rather elegant tool for groundwork."
  • Boat- "Its seaworthiness is questionable."
  • Home- "Ahh... Base camp."
  • Sunk Boat.pngSunk Boat- "I say! That voyage took a nasty turn."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit- "I say! It's a lava pit."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (normal)- "I say! It's a pit of lava!"
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (low)- "Not as scorching as one might expect."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (out)- "It's cooled."
  • Maxwell's Mosquito Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap- "It's emitting a buzzing sound."
  • Maxwell's Mosquito Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap (went off)- "Bah! There are mosquitoes about."
  • Tree Clump- "I'm afraid the way is blocked."
  • Pig Tent- "Rather pungent habitation."
  • Frog Poison.pngPoison Frog- "You'll not poison me!"
  • Peacock- "Rather immodest fellow."
  • Shadow Skittish.pngMr. Skittish- "I say! There's something in the depths!"
  • Swimming Horror.pngSwimming Horror- "Rather horrifying!"
  • Beach Turf.pngBeach Turf- "Rather gritty."
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe (unable to change, generic)- "I'd rather not."
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe (unable to change, on fire)- "Quite a roaring fire, that."
  • COFFEEBOT- "A coffee making automaton. How clever!"
  • WOODLEGSSAIL- "Rather unique sail. One wonders if it belongs to someone."
  • BIGFISHINGROD- "This will catch a 'wopper'."
  • SNAKE_FIRE- "Rather fiery attitude on this one."
  • PIKE_SKULL- "Really! That is quite barbaric!"
  • Baby Water Beefalo.pngBaby Water Beefalo- "I say! It's rather charming!"
  • Chicken.pngChicken- "A fowl fellow!"
  • Chicken.pngChicken (sleeping)- "It sleeps standing up!"
  • Chicken.pngChicken (dead)- "Didn't put up much of a fight."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen- "Foolish fowl!"
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen (sleeping)- "Yawn."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen (dead)- "Quite dead."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon- "A rabid root!"
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon (sleeping)- "Perhaps one might be able to sneak by..."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon (dead)- "Bah! Almost too easy."
  • Zeb.pngZeb- "A striped stooge!"
  • Zeb.pngZeb (sleeping)- "Unaware and unarmed. Haw haw!"
  • Zeb.pngZeb (dead)- "I shall contact the glue factory."


  • Ice Box.pngIce Box- "Every civilized person should have one."