Wheeler (Quotes)

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Can you hear that? It's adventure calling.


"I also know the heartbreak of losing the ability to fly."

This page lists Wheeler's Quotes which are spoken when the player examines an in-game item or object. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them.

Due to the amount of text catalogued, this page only contains Wheeler's quotes for items found in Don't Starve. For items exclusive to other expansions, see the pages listed above.

Icon Tools.pngTools

  • Axe.pngAxe- "If a tree falls in the forest, it was probably from an axe."
  • Luxury Axe.pngLuxury Axe- "Swell. Because I can't think of anything better to do with gold."
  • Shovel.pngShovel- "Good for digging things. And whacking things."
  • Regal Shovel.pngRegal Shovel- "A little gaudy for my taste."
  • Pickaxe.pngPickaxe- "Swell. Now I have no excuse not to do back-breaking mining work."
  • Opulent Pickaxe.pngOpulent Pickaxe- "I used a precious metal to make a rock smasher!"
  • Razor.pngRazor- "I've never seen a serrated razor before."
  • Hammer.pngHammer- "Everyone needs a tool to smash things with."
  • Pitchfork.pngPitchfork- "For eating big meals."
  • Feather Pencil.pngFeather Pencil- "So good it even makes my handwriting legible!"
  • Brush.pngBrush- "Not my idea of a good hair brush but those beefalo seem to like it."
  • Saddle.pngSaddle- "I like it. But I'm not the one who has to wear it."
  • War Saddle.pngWar Saddle- "Extra durable for the extra adventurous."
  • Glossamer Saddle.pngGlossamer Saddle- "Woowee! You can really get some speed on this!"
  • Saddlehorn.pngSaddlehorn- "A shoehorn for a saddle."
  • Salt Lick.pngSalt Lick- "Swell. It's a big lump of salt."

Icon Light.pngLights

  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (upon being built)- "I know a thing or two about hot air."
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (high)- "That's a lot of hot air!"
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (normal)- "Put a balloon over that and I'm airborne again!"
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (low)- "Needs something... It needs to not go out!"
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (embers)- "It has a glow about it."
  • Campfire.pngCampfire (out)- "Swell. At least I got some ash out of the whole thing."
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (out)- "Throw some fuel in there and it's start right up again."
  • Torch.pngTorch- "Nothing more useful than a stick on fire."
  • Miner Hat.pngMiner Hat- "Does it glow brighter if I think harder?"
  • Pumpkin Lantern.pngPumpkin Lantern- "Who knew bugs and a rotting vegetable could be so comforting."
  • Lantern.pngLantern- "Portable light for when you're tired of lighting things on fire."

Icon Survival.pngSurvival

  • Backpack.pngBackpack- "Finally! My pockets were getting full."
  • Piggyback.pngPiggyback- "Storage space! Just what I always wanted!"
  • Bird Trap.pngBird Trap- "It keeps the little birdies grounded."
  • Bug Net.pngBug Net- "I'll teach those bugs to flaunt their flying around me."
  • Fishing Rod.pngFishing Rod- "Amazing what you can make with a stick and some spider webs."
  • Straw Roll.pngStraw Roll- "I'm thinking its good for one, maybe two, dreams."
  • Fur Roll.pngFur Roll- "I bet I'll dream of bunnies."
  • Tent.pngTent- "Nothing more therapeutic than sleeping in some spiderwebs."
  • Trap.pngTrap- "I need to trap something good. Preferably a sandwich."
  • Honey Poultice.pngHoney Poultice- "Looks like it will... work?"
  • Healing Salve.pngHealing Salve- "Take some ashes. Add some rocks. Throw in some spider guts... and voila!"
  • Umbrella.pngUmbrella- "Because you never know when it's going to rain. Unless you check the weather reports."
  • Compass.pngCompass-
    • N- "North."
    • S- "South."
    • E- "East."
    • W- "West."
    • NE- "Northeast."
    • SE- "Southeast."
    • NW- "Northwest."
    • SW- "Southwest."
  • Compass.pngCompass (generic)- "Mine's better."
  • Compass.pngCompass (broken)- "They just don't make compasses like they used to."
  • Bundling Wrap.pngBundling Wrap- "Wrapped up extra tight so it'll fit in my pocket."
  • Bundled Supplies 1 Slot.pngBundled Supplies 2-3 Slot.pngBundled Supplies.pngBundled Supplies- "Extra storage space!"

Icon Food.pngFood

  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (empty)- "Meals are typically better if they contain food."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "Hope I don't die of hunger while I wait."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "It'll be done in short order."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (finished)- "Through the teeth, past the gums..."
  • Bee Box.pngBee Box- "A box of honey just waiting to happen."
  • Bee Box Level 0.pngBee Box (no honey)- "Come on, bees. You can do it!"
  • Bee Box Level 1.pngBee Box (some honey)- "Just a touch of honey in there."
  • Bee Box Level 3.pngBee Box (full of honey)- "Oh, honey!"
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm- "Normally I don't stick around long enough to grow a garden."
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (growing)- "Not quite ripe."
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (finished)- "Harvest time!"
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (needs fertilizer)- "I'll have to throw some more manure on it."
  • Ice Box.pngIce Box- "As long as I don't have to lug it around with me."
  • Drying Rack Build.pngDrying Rack- "Dried food is all I ever eat on long balloon trips."
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (drying)- "It's like watching food dry."
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (finished)- "Dry, chewy and ready for adventure."

Icon Science.pngScience

  • Science Machine.png Science Machine- "Time to make some discoveries of the scientific variety!"
  • Alchemy Engine.png Alchemy Engine- "Alright machine, tell me something I don't know."
  • Thermal Measurer.pngThermal Measurer- "Every aeronaut needs one in her possession."
  • Rainometer.pngRainometer- "A good aeronaut always has a barometer handy."
  • Lightning Rod.pngLightning Rod- "Does disguising itself like lightning help it do its job?"
  • Lightning Rod.pngLightning Rod (charged)- "Keeps the darkness and the lightning away. My new favorite thing."
  • Gunpowder.pngGunpowder- "Makes things go kabloo-ey."

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomploshrine- "Why would I do this? Because it's there."

Icon Fight.pngFight

  • Spear.pngSpear- "Looks sharp. Sharp could come in handy around here."
  • Ham Bat.pngHam Bat- "Oh good. I was looking for a way to work on my swing."
  • Boomerang.pngBoomerang- "If you love something set it free. If it comes back it's probably a boomerang."
  • Boomerang.pngBoomerang (hit self)- "Ouch! That came back to haunt me."
  • Blow Dart.pngBlow Dart- "You mean I have to blow into it myself?"
  • Sleep Dart.pngSleep Dart- "This one's so boring it puts things to sleep."
  • Fire Dart.pngFire Dart- "Oh! A rival projectile launcher."
  • Football Helmet.pngFootball Helmet- "Perfect for ramming things with my head."
  • Grass Suit.pngGrass Suit- "Because everyone knows grass is nigh on impenetrable."
  • Log Suit.pngLog Suit- "I think it brings out the color in my eyes."
  • Marble Suit.pngMarble Suit- "It's like wearing a tank. Like driving a tank too."
  • Bee Mine.pngBee Mine- "If those bees were nicer to me, I might feel sorry for them."
  • Tooth Trap.pngTooth Trap- "Ambush from below."

Icon Structures.pngStructures

  • Birdcage Build.pngBirdcage- "I know how it feels to be grounded."
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied)- "I'll let you out if you fly me away from here."
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, sleeping)- "Sleep well and dream of clouds."
  • Pig House Build.pngPig House- "Should I knock and ask to borrow some bacon grease?"
  • Pig House Light On.pngPig House (occupied, lights on)- "Looks like a party going on. And I'm not invited."
  • Pig House Build.pngPig House (occupied, lights off)- "They need all the beauty sleep they can get."
  • Rabbit Hutch Build.pngRabbit Hutch- "Both room and board. Clever."
  • Hay Wall.pngHay Wall (held)- "Swell. Nothing more durable than a wall of grass."
  • Hay Wall Build.pngHay Wall- "I'm sure this will keep the monsters at bay."
  • Wood Wall.pngWood Wall (held)- "A fence should be in the ground. That's 'Fence Building 101'."
  • Wood Wall Build.pngWood Wall- "At least I don't have to paint it."
  • Stone Wall.pngStone Wall (held)- "You know this would be a lot more useful on the ground."
  • Stone Wall Build.pngStone Wall- "I'm going to miss it when a monster tears it down."
  • Chest.pngChest- "More pockets!"
  • Sign.pngSign- "It's a sign. Literally and figuratively."
  • Potted Fern.pngPotted Fern- "Aww... A house warming gift. How nice!"
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (held)- "I should put this somewhere, I'm getting tired of lugging it around."
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (empty)- "Swell. A sign announcing nothing."
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (drawn on)- "A sign. Always useful for organizing."
  • Wood Fence.pngWood Fence (held)- "I bet there's a better place for this."
  • Wood Fence Build.pngWood Fence- "Don't fence me in."
  • Wood Gate.pngWood Gate (held)- "I'd rather not carry this around any more than I have to."
  • Wood Gate Build.pngWood Gate- "Creaky."

Icon Refine.pngRefine

  • Rope.pngRope- "I feel really confident about the strength of this braided grass."
  • Boards.pngBoards- "I'd be board too, if I just lay around all day."
  • Cut Stone.pngCut Stone- "Amazing what happens when you mash a few stones together."
  • Papyrus.pngPapyrus- "Dear Diary, today I made paper."
  • Purple Gem.pngPurple Gem- "Shiny. Purple. Ready for evil."
  • Nightmare Fuel.pngNightmare Fuel- "A perfectly normal fuel source made of dark souls."
  • Beeswax.pngBeeswax- "Aww... Those bees made it just for me."
  • Wax Paper.pngWax Paper- "If only it kept me as dry and warm as my things."

Icon Magic.pngMagic

  • Meat Effigy.pngMeat Effigy- "Adventuring insurance."
  • Prestihatitator.pngPrestihatitator- "Well la di da! Aren't you fancy."
  • Shadow Manipulator.pngShadow Manipulator- "Oooh. Dark and mysterious. I like it."
  • Pan Flute.pngPan Flute- "Pan flute music: so boring everyone falls instantly asleep."
  • Night Light.pngNight Light- "It's like a garden light fueled by evil."
  • Night Armor.pngNight Armor- "Looks... safe?"
  • Dark Sword.pngDark Sword- "Well if this doesn't say adventure, I don't know what does."
  • One-man Band.pngOne-man Band- "I wonder if I can play "Twinkle Twinkle" on this."
  • Bat Bat.pngBat Bat- "Aw. I was hoping it would let me fly."
  • Belt of Hunger.pngBelt of Hunger- "It'll be all the rage in Paris."
  • Chilled Amulet.pngChilled Amulet- "Keeps me cold-hearted."
  • Nightmare Amulet.pngNightmare Amulet- "The kind of thing that'll give you nightmares."
  • Life Giving Amulet.pngLife Giving Amulet- "Now I can have two lifetimes of adventure."
  • Fire Staff.pngFire Staff- "All right, I'll play with fire."
  • Ice Staff.pngIce Staff- "An icicle waiting to happen."
  • Telelocator Staff.pngTelelocator Staff- "I like the teleporting. Could do without being struck by lightning, though."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (full)- "Always good to stay focused."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "I think it likes gems. Can't say I blame it."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelolocator Socket (full)- "Helps with keeping focus."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "Looking for gems. Aren't we all."

Icon Dress.pngDress

  • Sewing Kit.pngSewing Kit- "Is it too much to ask to have a personal tailor sew everything for me?
  • Rabbit Earmuffs.pngRabbit Earmuffs- "The rabbits whisper their secrets to me."
  • Straw Hat.pngStraw Hat- "I like it. It says, "I'm desperate for headwear.""
  • Beefalo Hat.pngBeefalo Hat- "It's all the rage with my beefalo friends."
  • Beekeeper Hat.pngBeekeeper Hat- "I'm wearing this the next time I go out on the town."
  • Feather Hat.pngFeather Hat- "All these feathers and no wings."
  • Winter Hat.pngWinter Hat- "I'll wear it and think of summer."
  • Top Hat.pngTop Hat- "Those spiders sure do make fancy hat material."
  • Dapper Vest.pngDapper Vest- "All dressed up and ready for adventure."
  • Breezy Vest.pngBreezy Vest- "Now I'm only slightly freezing cold."
  • Puffy Vest.pngPuffy Vest- "I bet it'd be even warmer if there were sleeves."
  • Bush Hat.pngBush Hat- "Good thing this is a great disguise, because I don't want to be seen wearing it."
  • Garland.pngGarland- "A proper hat for adventuring in peaceful meadows."
  • Walking Cane.pngWalking Cane- "An efficient way to adventure."

Icon Ancient.pngAncient

  • Thulecite.pngThulecite- "Just the kind of weird thing I was looking for."
  • Thulecite Wall.pngThulecite Wall (held)- "Better not drop this on my toe."
  • Thulecite Wall Build.pngThulecite Wall- "No better use for a precious rock than building a wall."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (min)- "A little too calm around here for my taste."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising low)- "Something's happening. I don't know what, but definitely something."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "Things are getting... interesting."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (max)- "I wanted an adventure. This is definitely an adventure."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "Things are getting back to normal. Whatever "normal" is."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding low)- "Well, that was fun."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "Nothing going on here."
  • The Lazy Forager.pngThe Lazy Forager- "It must sense my magnetic personality."
  • Magiluminescence.pngMagiluminescence- "Puts a light on my chest and a spring in my step."
  • Construction Amulet.pngConstruction Amulet- "Fabrication just got easier."
  • The Lazy Explorer.pngThe Lazy Explorer- "Not as good as flying, but it'll have to do."
  • Star Caller's Staff.pngStar Caller's Staff- "Always wanted to get closer to the stars."
  • Deconstruction Staff.pngDeconstruction Staff- "A stick with a stone in it. Oh, and it has magic powers."
  • PickSlashAxe.pngPick/Axe- "Frees up some pocket space."
  • Thulecite Crown.pngThulecite Crown- "A crown you can wear anywhere. Even fighting monsters."
  • Thulecite Suit.pngThulecite Suit- "Ready for whatever adventures come my way."
  • Thulecite Club.pngThulecite Club- "All those years playing stick ball will finally come in handy."
  • Houndius Shootius.pngHoundius Shootius (held)- "What are you looking at?"
  • Houndius Shootius Build.pngHoundius Shootius- "Just what I always wanted, my own personal shooting eye!"

Eyeplant.pngNature - Plants

  • Evergreen.pngEvergreen- "Well, it looks lifeless enough, but you can never tell."
  • A Lumpy Evergreen.pngLumpy Evergreen- "Needs is a little love. And pinecones." [sic]
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree- "Twigs and wood. Mostly twigs."
  • Evergreen Stump.pngEvergreen (stump)- "I don't remember if that was my handiwork, but I'm taking credit for it."
  • Evergreen Stump.pngLumpy Evergreen (stump)- "Nothing personal, tree. I needed the wood."
  • Spiky Tree Stump.pngSpiky Tree (stump)- "I put it to good use."
  • Evergreen.pngEvergreen (burning)- "Should I be worried about that?"
  • A Lumpy Evergreen.pngLumpy Evergreen (burning)- "That looks... alarming."
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree (burning)- "As long as it's not me on fire."
  • Burnt Evergreen.pngEvergreen (burnt)- "Nothing but ashes now."
  • Burnt Evergreen.pngLumpy Evergreen (burnt)- "I may be wrong, but I don't think it'll recover from that."
  • Spiky Tree Burnt.pngSpiky Tree (burnt)- "A nice shade of burnt."
  • Evergreen Sapling.pngEvergreen (sapling)- "Grow up big and strong. So I can cut you down."
  • Log.pngLog- "Could use some more of these."
  • Log.pngLog (burning)- "Doing what it was made to do."
  • Charcoal.pngCharcoal- "Chopped up projectile."
  • Pine Cone.pngPine Cone- "It's almost a crime not to launch this through the air."
  • Marble Tree.pngMarble Tree- "Did it just grow like that?"
  • Totally Normal Tree.pngTotally Normal Tree (normal and stump)- "You know, where I come from trees don't normally move so much."
  • Living Log.pngLiving Log- "Don't look at me like that. I didn't put you in that log."
  • Sapling.pngSapling- "Kind of twiggy. I can work with twigs."
  • Sapling Picked.pngSapling (picked)- "It's been de-twigged."
  • Sapling.pngSapling (burning)- "Nothing left to do but watch it burn."
  • Sapling Item.pngGrass Tuft Item.pngBerry Bush Item.pngBerry Bush 2.pngSpiky Bush Dug.pngSapling, Grass Tuft, Berry Bush, and Spiky Bush (held)- "I should probably plant this somewhere. My pockets are getting full."
  • Twigs.pngTwigs- "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but they'll also make a lot of tools."
  • Grass Tuft.pngGrass Tuft- "I need as much of this as I can get."
  • Grass Tuft Picked.pngGrass Tuft (picked)- "I hear grass grows back."
  • Grass Tuft Withered.pngGrass Tuft (barren)- "Needs some kind of fertilization."
  • Grass Tuft.pngGrass Tuft (burning)- "Should I bother putting it out?"
  • Cut Grass.pngCut Grass- "These are more useful when there's more of them."
  • Berry Bush.pngBerry Bush2.pngBerry Bush- "Aww... Are all those berries for me?"
  • Berry Bush Picked.pngBerry Bush (picked)- "It's missing something... Oh yeah, berries!"
  • Berry Bush Withered.pngBarren Berry Bush 2.pngBerry Bush (barren)- "Needs a manure-ing."
  • Reeds.pngReeds- "This is good. More would be better."
  • Reeds.pngReeds (burning)- "Well at least they're by the water."
  • Reeds Picked.pngReeds (picked)- "Grow! Grow! Grow! Grow!"
  • Cut Reeds.pngCut Reeds- "Only useful in twos or threes. Or fours or fives."
  • Plant.pngPlant- "I believe the name for that is "plant"."
  • Plant.pngPlant (growing)- "It's growing! I guess I'm not a totally incompetant gardener."
  • Plant.pngPlant (ready to be picked)- "Harvest time!"
  • Marsh Plant1.pngMarsh Plant- "I'm looking for something more adventurous than a plant."
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush- "I'm beginning to think it's trying to keep people away."
  • Spiky Bush Picked.pngSpiky Bush (picked)- "Don't worry, it'll be dry and thorny in no time."
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush (burning)- "Serves you right."
  • Flower.pngFlower- "Sure I can stop and pick flowers. Not like I have anything better to do."
  • Petals.pngPetals- "Perfectly good ammo, just laying around."
  • Evil Flower.pngEvil Flower- "It'd be pretty if it were a little less evil."
  • Dark Petals.pngDark Petals- "I found all this perfectly good ammo just laying on the ground."
  • Carrot Planted.pngCarrot (planted)- "A wild vegetable in its natural habitat."
  • Red Mushroom.pngRed Mushroom- "I'm expecting a little gnome to come out any minute now."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngRed Mushroom (sleeping)- "It's hiding. I don't blame it."
  • Mushroom Picked.pngRed Mushroom (picked)- "I really don't care if it grows back or not."
  • Green Mushroom.pngGreen Mushroom- "Mmmm... green mushrooms. Seems completely edible."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngGreen Mushroom (sleeping)- "Soggy feet and mushrooms. Must be rainy season."
  • Mushroom Picked.pngGreen Mushroom (picked)- "You never really get rid of mold."
  • Blue Mushroom.pngBlue Mushroom- "I never know which ones are dangerous and which ones are safe."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngBlue Mushroom (sleeping)- "Found you!"
  • Mushroom Picked.pngBlue Mushroom (picked)- "Who goes around picking strange mushrooms? Besides me, I mean."

Harp Statue.pngNature - Objects

  • Beehive.pngBeehive- "I like it better when it's making me honey."
  • Killer Bee Hive.pngKiller Bee Hive- "I gotta admit, those horrible bees sure can build a house."
  • Honeycomb.pngHoneycomb- "More useful as a sweetener than a comb."
  • Hound Mound.pngHound Mound- "Typical. Dogs never clean up after themselves."
  • Bones.pngBones- "Those hounds don't leave any meat on the bone, do they?"
  • Touch Stone.pngTouch Stone- "The perfect precious stone for any adventurer."
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, up)- "It's hiding from my voracious wit."
  • Lowered Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, down)- "Where has it been hiding?"
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, up)- "Oh I get it! It's meant to be annoying."
  • Lowered Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, down)- "Weird little pyramids are a sure sign you're on an adventure."
  • Harp Statue.pngHarp Statue- "Wow. How does he play without looking at the strings?"
  • Marble Pillar.pngMarble Pillar- "A perfectly good marble column just sitting there for anyone to take."
  • Marble.pngMarble- "Now I can build the Parthenon I always wanted."
  • Rundown House.pngRundown House- "Nice house. Could do with some air freshener though."
  • Merm Head.pngMerm Head- "Yeesh. Heck of a welcoming party."
  • Pig Head.pngPig Head- "He's not going anywhere."
  • Pig Torch.pngPig Torch- "Those pigs do have nice garden lamps."
  • Basalt1.pngBasalt- "It's stronger than my will to break it."
  • Boulder.pngBoulder- "That's a projectile just waiting to happen."
  • Rocks.pngRocks- "A bunch of projectiles. Just sitting there on the ground."
  • Flint.pngFlint- "Looks useful. I should go hunting for more of these."
  • Nitre.pngNitre- "It's not gold, but it's not useless."
  • Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget- "Gold! I've struck gold!"
  • Grave.pngGrave- "I'm just one bad adventure away from being a mound of dirt."
  • Grave Dug.pngGrave (dug)- "It's not like they were using it."
  • Suspicious Dirt Pile.pngSuspicious Dirt Pile- "Dirt piles. Sure sign of something suspicious."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track- "Ohh! A mystery!"
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (lost its trail)- "Darn it! I've lost the trail."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (found)- "I'm on the hunt!"
  • Wooden Thing.pngWooden Thing Adventure Mode.pngWooden Thing- "Can you hear that? It's adventure calling."
  • Wooden Thing (partially assembled)- "They never make these things easy, do they?"
  • Wooden Thing (locked)- "Looks like a lock. Locks always need a key."
  • Wooden Thing (fully assembled)- "If that's not an invitation to adventure, I don't know what is."
  • Ring Thing.pngRing Thing Adventure Mode.pngRing Thing- "Well this looks adventure-y."
  • Crank Thing.pngCrank Thing Adventure Mode.pngCrank Thing- "No good on its own. But probably good with something else."
  • Box Thing.pngBox Thing Adventure Mode.pngBox Thing- "It does something. Probably."
  • Metal Potato Thing.pngMetal Potato Thing Adventure Mode.pngMetal Potato Thing- ""Thingys" like this always need more "thingys" to make it work."
  • Worm Hole.pngWorm Hole- "Nothing more adventurous than a gigantic open mouth."
  • Wormhole.pngWorm Hole (open)- "Here goes nothing."
  • Worm Hole Eating.pngWorm Hole (exited)- "Whew! That was... interesting."
  • Pond.pngPond- "Something fishy about that pond. Might be the fish."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton- "Always a good sign there's adventure ahead."
  • Spider Den.pngSpider Den- "So rich they lined their walls with silk."
  • Spider Eggs.pngSpider Eggs- "Swell. I can make more horrible things."
  • Rabbit Hole.pngRabbit Hole- "Maybe they're part of an underground resistance."
  • Walrus Camp Winter.pngWalrus Camp- "How adorable. They think they're people!"
  • Walrus Camp Empty.pngWalrus Camp (empty)- "They picked up and left in a hurry."
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Boat- "Is that your boat, bird?"
  • Sunken Boat Abandoned.pngSunken Boat (empty)- "If I had wings, I'd fly away too."
  • Flotsam.pngFlotsam- "One gal's junk is another gal's sea treasure."

CaveEntrance1.pngNature - Caves

  • Sinkhole.pngPlugged Sinkhole- "My Grandma taught me to always look under rocks."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole (generic)- "I'm going to leave it, for now."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole (open)- "I'm not one to reject an invitation like that.",
  • Exit to Surface (generic)- "Why would I want to leave?"
  • Exit to Surface (open)- "It's a way out."
  • MushtreeRed.pngRed Mushtree- "I've seen that kind of thing in cellars."
  • MushtreeGreen.pngGreen Mushtree- "A Christmas Tree for spelunkers."
  • Mushtree.pngBlue Mushtree- "A bit of a mold problem in here."
  • Light Flower.pngLight Flower (single)- "It's growing projectiles!"
  • Double Light Flower.pngLight Flower (double)- "You know what they say: Two bulbs are better than one."
  • Triple Light Flower.pngLight Flower (triple)- "That's a lot of things I can fire through the air."
  • Light Bulb.pngLight Bulb- "Glowing projectiles. Perfect."
  • Stalagmite.pngStalagmiteTall.pngStalagmite (normal and pointy)- "I'm going to go ahead and guess it's a rock."
  • Spilagmite.pngSpilagmite- "Looks like a swell place to live."
  • Slurtle Mound.pngSlurtle Mound- "Not my idea of a dream home."
  • Splumonkey Pod.pngSplumonkey Pod- "It's trying to look scary, but it doesn't quite pull it off."
  • Fern.pngFern- "That says projectile to me."
  • Foliage.pngFoliage- "Swell. A bunch of leaves."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree- "Aw, that's sweet. It grew those bananas just for me."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree (burnt)- "You pick a fight with fire, you always lose."

Thulecite Fragments.pngNature - Ruins

  • Ruins Entrance.pngRuins Sinkhole- "Smells like trouble. I like trouble."
  • Ancient.pngAncient Face.pngAncient Statue- "It looks... old."
  • Broken Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station (broken)- "Now, what would repair this thing?"
  • Ancient Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station- "Looks like an ancient knowledge kind of thing."
  • Algae.pngAlgae- "Looks like some kind of... plant?"
  • Broken Clockworks1.pngBroken Clockworks (type 1)- "I said I wanted to see something new. That's definitely something new."
  • Broken Clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks (type 2)- "I don't know who made it, but it's unmade now."
  • Broken Clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks (type 3)- "Doesn't look like flying machine, so why should I fix it?"
  • Relic Chair.pngRelic Table.pngRelic Vase.pngRelic Plate.pngRelic Bowl.pngRelic Chipbowl.pngRelic- "Someone moved out in a hurry."
  • Relic Chair Rubble.pngRelic Table Rubble.pngRelic Vase Rubble.pngRelic (broken)- "A little love will fix that up. A little love and some rocks."
  • Thulecite Fragments.pngThulecite Fragments- "This seems like the kind of thing I'm going to need more of."
  • Cave Lichen.pngCave Lichen- "Looks projectile-y."
  • Ornate Chest.pngOrnate Chest- "It's a trap! But it's also very, very tempting."
  • Ornate Chest.pngLarge Ornate Chest- "Experience tells me these things aren't always what they seem."
  • Nightmare Light.pngNightmare Light- "Light is good. Light is very good."

Grass Turf.pngTurfs

  • Wooden Flooring.pngCarpeted Flooring.pngCheckerboard Flooring.pngWooden Flooring, Carpeted Flooring, and Checkerboard Flooring- "Do I really need to drag this floor around with me?"
  • Cobblestones.pngCobblestones- "Do I really need to drag this road around with me?"
  • Forest Turf.pngGrass Turf.pngMarsh Turf.pngSavanna Turf.pngMud Turf.pngGuano Turf.pngSlimy Turf.pngFungal Turf Blue.pngFungal Turf Red.pngFungal Turf Green.pngCave Rock Turf.pngForest Turf, Grass Turf, Marsh Turf, Savanna Turf, Mud Turf, Guano Turf, Slimy Turf, Fungal Turf (all colors), and Cave Rock Turf- "Do I really need to drag this dirt around with me?"
  • Rocky Turf.pngRocky Turf- "Do I really need to drag these rocks around with me?"

Spider.pngMobs - Monsters

  • Clockwork Knight.pngClockwork Knight- "An accordion stomach. Bold choice. Not one I would've made."
  • Clockwork Bishop.pngClockwork Bishop- "I'm not in the mood to play games, mister!"
  • Clockwork Rook.pngClockwork Rook- "Swell. And I was having such a good day."
  • Damaged Knight.pngDamaged Knight- "Reminds me of the broken down merry-go-round I saw once."
  • Damaged Bishop.pngDamaged Bishop- "Looks like he's been playing Full Contact Chess?"
  • Damaged Rook.pngDamaged Rook- "Stuck together with gears and sticky tape."
  • Charlie (the darkness monster)- "Swell. There's something hiding in the dark."
  • Charlie (attacked by)- "ACK! Knock it off!"
  • Hound.pngHound- "You'd be better if you were a cat."
  • Red Hound.pngRed Hound- "Should I be terrified? Just for future reference."
  • Blue Hound.pngBlue Hound- "Am I supposed to be scared? Because I am."
  • Hound's Tooth.pngHound's Tooth- "I have two words for you: Pew. Pew."
  • Spider.pngSpider- "I've seen bigger spiders. Oh wait, no I haven't."
  • Spider Sleeping.pngSpider (sleeping)- "Sleeping on the job."
  • Dead Spider.pngSpider (dead)- "I'd say a few words but I don't speak spider."
  • Spider Warrior.pngSpider Warrior- "That's a nice color on you."
  • Spider Warrior Sleeping.pngSpider Warrior (sleeping)- "I'll just tip-toe by."
  • Dead Spider Warrior.pngSpider Warrior (dead)- "I promise, I will go on without you."
  • Spider Gland.pngSpider Gland- "Can't let this gross thing go to waste."
  • Silk.pngSilk- "Made by the finest enormous spiders."
  • Krampus.pngKrampus- "Whoops. All those little bad acts have come back to haunt me."
  • Krampus Sack.pngKrampus Sack- "A treasure trove of extra storage!"
  • Merm.pngMerm- "Hi, I'm Wheeler. And you are... not human?"
  • Frog.pngFrog- "Sir, you seem to have accidentally stolen my stuff!"
  • Frog Sleeping.pngFrog (sleeping)- "Hopefully it's hibernating. Forever."
  • Dead Frog.pngFrog (dead)- "I promise I will go on without you!"
  • Tentacle.pngTentacle- "Swell. There's a tentacle coming out of the ground."
  • Tentacle Spike.pngTentacle Spike- "Can't beat a weapon with spiky things coming out of it."
  • Tentacle Spots.pngTentacle Spots- "It's like rubber. Rubber from a monster arm."
  • Tentapillar.pngBig Tentacle (1)- "Hmm... looks suspiciously like something I should avoid."
  • Tentapillar.pngBig Tentacle (2)- "Excuse while I tip-toe by." [sic]
  • Baby Tentacle.pngBaby Tentacle- "This one's just a little bit horrible."
  • Guardian Pig.pngGuardian Pig- "Not everyone can pull off a look like that."
  • Werepig.pngWerepig- "Don't take this the wrong way, but you may need a shave."
  • Ghost Build.pngGhost- "I'll end up one of those if I don't get out of here soon."
  • MacTusk.pngMacTusk- "If only I could grow a mustache like that."
  • WeeTusk.pngWee MacTusk- "Not everyone can pull off a mustache like that."
  • Walrus Tusk.pngWalrus Tusk- "Big deal, it's a tooth. I have a bunch of them in my mouth."
  • Tam o' Shanter.pngTam o' Shanter- "All the rage with the sane people this season."
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito- "You don't deserve to fly."
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito (held)- "Haha! Not so annoying now, are you!"
  • Mosquito Sack.pngMosquito Sack- "I'm taking my blood back."
  • Cave Spider.pngCave Spider- "Found you!"
  • Spitter.pngSpitter- "You're not making any friends with your attitude."
  • Batilisk.pngBatilisk- "I was never that angry when I was flying."
  • Lureplant.pngMeat Bulb- "Animal or vegetable? Make up your mind!"
  • Fleshy Bulb.pngFleshy Bulb- "A plantable pet. Swell."
  • Eyeplant.pngEyeplant- "Not normally what I expect to see, but okay."
  • Slurper.pngSlurper- "I'll make you a deal: you keep your slobber, I'll keep my brain."
  • Slurper Pelt.pngSlurper Pelt- "Light and fluffy. I need to find more of these."
  • Dangling Depth Dweller.pngDangling Depth Dweller- "It's rude to just drop in on someone like that."
  • Depths Worm.pngDepths Worm (emerged)- "You seem angry. Maybe we can talk this out."
  • Mysterious Plant.pngDepths Worm (lure)- "Oh! Shiny thing!"
  • Depths Worm Burrowed.pngDepths Worm (burrowed)- "Nothing less suspicious than a pile of dirt."
  • Ewecus.pngEwecus- "I'm sure he has a winning personality."
  • Steel Wool.pngSteel Wool- "Of course that sheep would have scratchy wool."

Pig.pngMobs - Neutral Animals

  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo- "Makes fine wool. And even finer manure."
  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo (follower)- "You look like you're up for an adventure."
  • Beefalo Sleeping.pngBeefalo (sleeping)- "I bet I could shave it right now and it wouldn't even notice."
  • Beefalo Naked.pngBeefalo (naked)- "Aw. Someone should knit it a coat."
  • DefaultDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated)- "You and I could definitely get into some trouble."
  • PudgyDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, pudgy)- "I'm sure he can walk it off."
  • RiderDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, docile)- "Now I only have to teach it to fly."
  • OrneryDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, ornery)- "Having a bad day. Having a bad hair day too."
  • Beefalo Wool.pngBeefalo Wool- "A woolly projectile."
  • Beefalo Horn.pngBeefalo Horn- "Meh. I like horn mine better." [sic]
  • Baby Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo- "Aw. So cute and smelly."
  • Baby Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo (sleeping)- "Even cuter and smellier when they're asleep."
  • Bee.pngBee- "Flying is wasted on insects."
  • Bee.pngBee (held)- "I'm surprised it doesn't sting me."
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee- "You guys should relax. You'll make more friends that way."
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee (held)- "You're going to make me honey, whether you like it or not."
  • Stinger.pngStinger- "So cute and projectile-y."
  • Pig.pngPig- "I hope he doesn't ask me my views on bacon."
  • Pig.pngPig (follower)- "Swell. A pig sidekick."
  • Dead Pig.pngPig (dead)- "Lived a better life than the other pigs I've known."
  • Pig Skin.pngPig Skin- "I have so many uses for pig butt."
  • Bunnyman2.pngBunnyman- "Yeah, that's not creepy at all."
  • Bunny Puff.pngBunny Puff- "A puffy projectile."
  • Koalefant.pngKoalefant- "Mystery solved."
  • Winter Koalefant.pngWinter Koalefant- "Haha! Didn't think I would find you, did you?"
  • Pengull.pngPengull- "You're going to get your suit dirty sliding around in it like that."
  • Rock Lobster.pngRock Lobster- "You look like you've had some adventures."
  • Slurtle.pngSlurtle- "A little advice: You might go faster if you ditched that heavy shell."
  • Snurtle.pngSnurtle- "Aw. It's shy."
  • Slurtle Slime.pngSlurtle Slime- "Looks a lot like a slimy projectile."
  • Broken Shell.pngBroken Shell- "Pfft. Not even good as ammunition."
  • Shelmet.pngShelmet- "I like it. It shows off my desire not to get hurt."
  • Snurtle Shell Armor.pngSnurtle Shell Armor- "You never really know a snail until you slink a mile in its shell."
  • Splumonkey.pngSplumonkey- "I can launch things too, you know.

Rabbit.pngMobs - Passive Animals

  • Butterfly.pngButterfly- "It's more a flutterer than a flyer."
  • Butterfly.pngButterfly (held)- "Tell me all your flying secrets."
  • Crow.pngCrow- "You think you could fly me out of here?"
  • Crow.pngCrow (held)- "If I hold onto him tight, maybe I'll make liftoff."
  • Redbird.pngRedbird- "Mind lending me your wings so I can fly away from here?"
  • Redbird.pngRedbird (held)- "I know how it feels to not be able to fly away."
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird- "How do you fly in this weather?"
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird (held)- "Fly me away."
  • Jet Feather.pngJet Feather- "I'll keep it to remind me of how I'm not flying."
  • Crimson Feather.pngCrimson Feather- "Maybe if I cover myself in feathers I can fly away from here."
  • Azure Feather.pngAzure Feather- "A feather that doesn't let me fly? That hardly seems fair."
  • Gobbler.pngGobbler- "Not the smartest bird in the bush."
  • Eye Bone.pngEye Bone- "It's missing an eye. And everything else."
  • Eye Bone.pngEye Bone (Chester dead)- "Well, at least someone can sleep."
  • Ashes.pngEye Bone (ashes)- "I'm guessing it doesn't work anymore."
  • Chester.pngChester- "I would've named you "Pockets"."
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngRabbit- "Fur balls of food."
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngRabbit (held)- "This will probably not end well for you."
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies- "Let's be friends! I'm not just saying that 'cause I'm terrified of the dark."
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies (held)- "Now, where am I going to put you guys."
  • Planted Mandrake.pngMandrake (planted)- "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just launch you out of the Pew-matic."
  • Mandrake Mob.pngMandrake (follower)- "Swell. I picked up an annoying sidekick."
  • Mandrake.pngMandrake (dead)- "Forgive me if I don't mourn your death."
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (cooked, 1)- "Just looking at it makes me yawn."
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (cooked, 2)- "That took a lot out of me."
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (knocked out by)- "Once again I defy death!"

Smallbird.pngMobs - Tallbird family

  • Tallbird.pngTallbird- "Don't mind me. Just trying not to get pecked."
  • Tallbird Nest Full.pngTallbird Nest (with egg)- "Looks pretty cozy for a bunch of sticks."
  • Tallbird Nest.pngTallbird Nest (empty)- "Is that a nest or did one of those living trees get a haircut."
  • Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg.pngTallbird Egg and Hatching Tallbird Egg- "There's a little flyer inside, just waiting to get out."
  • Fried Tallbird Egg.pngFried Tallbird Egg- "Why can't I ever make scrambled eggs?"
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (dead, eating the egg)- "I prefer scrambled eggs."
  • Tallbird Egg Too Hot.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too hot)- "It's sweating. That's just swell."
  • Tallbird Egg Too Cold.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too cold)- "It's cold. Even I don't want to come out when it's cold."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (long time left)- "I'll just mentally organize my sock drawer while I wait."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (short time left)- "Better get hatching, bird. We've got adventuring to do!"
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird- "Look at you flying. What's your secret?"
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (hungry)- "Better feed this guy before he realizes he can eat me."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (starving)- "All right! All right! I'll feed you."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird- "I also know the heartbreak of losing the ability to fly."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (hungry)- "Teenagers. Always hungry."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (starving, attacking)- "Really? You can't get your own food?"
  • Teenbird.pngPecked by a Smallish Tallbird- "Ouch! What'd I ever do to you?"

Spider Queen.pngMobs - Bosses

  • Treeguard.pngTreeguard- "I'm sure I'll look back on this one day and laugh."
  • Lumpy Treeguard.pngTreeguard (lumpy)- "I don't mean to alarm you, but you appear to be a walking tree."
  • Spider Queen.pngSpider Queen- "I don't suppose she's more afraid of me than I am of her."
  • Spiderhat.pngSpiderhat- "It'll be all the rage in the murky places."
  • Deerclops.pngDeerclops- "Mind holding my stuff while I run away in terror?"
  • Deerclops Eyeball.pngDeerclops Eyeball- "I wonder if its eye is bigger than its stomach."
  • Ancient Guardian.pngAncient Guardian- "I'm guessing he's guarding something. Big monsters usually are."
  • Guardian's Horn.pngGuardian's Horn- "Seems a shame to waste it."

Abigail.pngMobs - Other

  • Maxwell ingame.pngMaxwell- "Don't take this the wrong way, but you're evil."
  • Pig King.pngPig King- "One thing about traveling the world, you learn to barter with everyone."
  • Wes.pngWes (trapped)- "Just say the word and I'll get you out of there."
  • Abigail.pngAbigail- "Awww, she has a cute little bow."

Meat.pngFood - Meats

  • Egg.pngEgg- "Perfectly projectile shaped."
  • Cooked Egg.pngEgg (cooked)- "Drat. I was trying to make scrambled eggs."
  • Meat.pngMeat- "Meat. It tastes like meat."
  • Cooked Meat.pngCooked Meat- "Meat on a bone to put a little meat on your bones."
  • Jerky.pngJerky- "Small, dry and ready to be eaten."
  • Morsel.pngMorsel- "Hardly any meat on that bone to put meat on your bones."
  • Cooked Morsel.pngCooked Morsel- "The snacking meat."
  • Small Jerky.pngSmall Jerky- "Dry. Chewy. Ready to be eaten."
  • Monster Meat.pngMonster Meat- "What's that smell? It smells like... horror?"
  • Cooked Monster Meat.pngCooked Monster Meat- "I like my monster meat medium roar."
  • Monster Jerky.pngMonster Jerky- "Drying it really seals in the horror."
  • Leafy Meat.pngLeafy Meat- "Green. Grown on a plant. Everything you want in a piece of meat."
  • Cooked Leafy Meat.pngCooked Leafy Meat- "I'll try to eat around the green parts."
  • Drumstick.pngDrumstick- "The original meat on a stick."
  • Fried Drumstick.pngFried Drumstick- "Still a bit furry."
  • Fish.pngFish- "Ah, dead fish. The most unappetising of all smells."
  • Cooked Fish.pngCooked Fish- "Bones included at no extra cost!"
  • Eel.pngEel- "The slime makes it go down easy."
  • Cooked Eel.pngCooked Eel- "A nice appetizing shade of green."
  • Koalefant Trunk.pngKoalefant Trunk- "Swell. I'll add it to my collection of nose related treasures."
  • Winter Koalefant Trunk.pngWinter Koalefant Trunk- "Am I supposed to be proud of this?"
  • Koalefant Trunk Steak.pngKoalefant Trunk Steak- "I hope it tastes like chicken. And not nose."
  • Frog Legs.pngFrog Legs- "Nice gams!"
  • Cooked Frog Legs.pngCooked Frog Legs- "The things I do for adventure."
  • Batilisk Wing.pngBatilisk Wing- "Maybe if I flapped it really fast I could get off the ground."
  • Cooked Batilisk Wing.pngCooked Batilisk Wing- "Swell."

Dragon Fruit.pngFood - Fruits

  • Berries.pngBerries- "Juicy little projectiles."
  • Roasted Berries.pngRoasted Berries- "They may be squishy but they'll still fly through the air."
  • Cave Banana.pngCave Banana- "Ever see a fruit fly?"
  • Cooked Cave Banana.pngCooked Cave Banana- "Swell. I made baby food."
  • Dragon Fruit.pngDragon Fruit- "Bet this would look even better flying out of the Pew-matic."
  • Prepared Dragon Fruit.pngPrepared Dragon Fruit- "I cooked all the interesting bits out of it."
  • Durian.pngDurian- "What an adventurous smell I've discovered!"
  • Extra Smelly Durian.pngExtra Smelly Durian- "I'm going to launch this as far away from me as possible."
  • Pomegranate.pngPomegranate- "A bunch of seeds in the guise of a fruit."
  • Sliced Pomegranate.pngSliced Pomegranate- "You can cook anything. Whether it's good or not is another story."

Carrot.pngFood - Vegetables

  • Carrot.pngCarrot- "Makes for an aerodynamic projectile."
  • Roasted Carrot.pngRoasted Carrot- "It's already cut up into tiny little projectiles for me."
  • Corn.pngCorn- "Aerodynamic food."
  • Popcorn.pngPopcorn- "Makes for a crackerjack projectile."
  • Eggplant.pngEggplant- "The best of the purple vegetables, if you ask me."
  • Braised Eggplant.pngBraised Eggplant- "I prefer my eggplants scrambled."
  • Pumpkin.pngPumpkin- "And it's not even fall! Or is it?"
  • Hot Pumpkin.pngHot Pumpkin- "Gives off the smell of fresh jack-o-lantern."
  • Red Cap.pngRed Cap- "Nothing safer than eating a strange mushroom off the ground."
  • Cooked Red Cap.pngCooked Red Cap- "Cooking toxic mushrooms make them...safer?"
  • Green Cap.pngGreen Cap- "How adventurous am I feeling?"
  • Cooked Green Cap.pngCooked Green Cap- "Well, only one way to tell if it's poisonous or not."
  • Blue Cap.pngBlue Cap- "Well if it's not edible, I can always launch it through the air."
  • Cooked Blue Cap.pngCooked Blue Cap- "Only one way to tell if it's safe or not."
  • Glow Berry.pngGlow Berry- "Has a certain glow about it."
  • Lichen.pngLichen- "I could eat it. Or I could launch it."

Ratatouille.pngFood - Crock Pot

  • Bacon and Eggs.pngBacon and Eggs- "Not often I get a breakfast like this."
  • Butter Muffin.pngButter Muffin- "Swell. It comes with butterfly frosting."
  • Dragonpie.pngDragonpie- "Things are always better in pie."
  • Fishsticks.pngFishsticks- "Mmmm... You can hardly taste the stick."
  • Fish Tacos.pngFish Tacos- "Those dead fish heads look... appetizing?"
  • Fist Full of Jam.pngFist Full of Jam- "No bread. I guess I'll just eat the whole thing straight out of the jar."
  • Froggle Bunwich.pngFroggle Bunwich- "Swamp on a bun."
  • Fruit Medley.pngFruit Medley- "A cup of cold crops."
  • Honey Ham.pngHoney Ham- "Sticks to your ribs. And to your hands."
  • Honey Nuggets.pngHoney Nuggets- "Tiny bits of sweet meat I can launch through the air."
  • Kabobs.pngKabobs- "Cooked to projectile perfection."
  • Mandrake Soup.pngMandrake Soup- "Perfect soup for a sleepy afternoon."
  • Meatballs.pngMeatballs- "Perfectly rounded edible projectiles."
  • Meaty Stew.pngMeaty Stew- "If I don't like it, I can always use it as ammo."
  • Monster Lasagna.pngMonster Lasagna- "I've had some bad meals in my lifetime. And this is one of them."
  • Pierogi.pngPierogi- "Food. For me or the Pew-matic."
  • Powdercake.pngPowdercake- "Looks good enough to fire through the air."
  • Pumpkin Cookies.pngPumpkin Cookies- "I prefer chocolate chips to chunks of pumpkin."
  • Ratatouille.pngRatatouille- "I don't think there are any rats in it, but you never know around here."
  • Stuffed Eggplant.pngStuffed Eggplant- "Are you supposed to eat the stem on top, too?"
  • Taffy.pngTaffy- "Bite sized tooth decay."
  • Turkey Dinner.pngTurkey Dinner- "Things are looking up."
  • Unagi.pngUnagi- "Wrap it anyway you like, it's still a dead fish."
  • Waffles.pngWaffles- "I'm eating them for dinner because I'm adventurous."
  • Wet Goop.pngWet Goop- "Typical of my culinary talents."

Rot.pngFood - Other

  • Seeds.pngSeeds- "Seedy little guys."
  • Carrot Seeds.pngCarrot Seeds- "I could plant it. I could also fire it out my Pew-matic."
  • Corn Seeds.pngCorn Seeds- "A seed for a vegetable made of seeds."
  • Dragon Fruit Seeds.pngDragon Fruit Seeds- "Seedy looking things."
  • Durian Seeds.pngDurian Seeds- "Really the only good use for this is as Pew-matic fodder."
  • Eggplant Seeds.pngEggplant Seeds- "I call these little Pew Pews."
  • Pomegranate Seeds.pngPomegranate Seeds- "Seeds. To plant or launch through the air."
  • Pumpkin Seeds.pngPumpkin Seeds- "Pew! Pew!"
  • Toasted Seeds.pngToasted Seeds- "Not too late to be used as a projectile."
  • Honey.pngHoney- "That's a lot of honey, honey."
  • Butterfly Wings.pngButterfly Wings- "If I launch it with my Pew-matic, will it start fluttering again?"
  • Butter.pngButter- "Practically screaming to be launched through the air."
  • Rot.pngRot- "Am I really that desperate for adventure?"
  • Rotten Egg.pngRotten Egg- "Smells like sulphur. And sulphur goes boom."
  • Phlegm.pngPhlegm- "Just what I need. A hunk of goop."

Trinkets.pngMisc Items

  • Blueprint.pngBlueprint- "Wish it was plans for a new flying machine."
  • Gears.pngGears- "I should find more of these. They look useful."
  • Ashes.pngAshes- "Swell. It's been burnt to ash."
  • Ashes.pngAshes of item- "I don't suppose I could put it back together."
  • Red Gem.pngRed Gem- "It's still warm from its last use."
  • Blue Gem.pngBlue Gem- "Ohh. Sparkly. I like sparkly."
  • Yellow Gem.pngYellow Gem- "Nice and light."
  • Green Gem.pngGreen Gem- "Sparkly thing. Typically a good sign you're on an adventure."
  • Orange Gem.pngOrange Gem- "Orange you glad it wasn't a banana?"
  • Beard Hair.pngBeard Hair- "Swell. I always wanted a bunch of scratchy hair."
  • Manure.pngManure- "Never thought I'd say this, but I could really use that poop."
  • Guano.pngGuano- "It's exactly what it looks like."
  • Melty Marbles.pngMelty Marbles- "One man's trash is another kid's marbles."
  • Fake Kazoo.pngFake Kazoo- "What kind of monster would create a kazoo you can't use!"
  • Gord's Knot.pngGord's Knot- "I've found knots like this in my balloon rigging."
  • Gnome.pngGnome- "Pity I don't have a lawn to put it on."
  • Tiny Rocketship.pngTiny Rocketship- "I'd fly it to the moon if I could."
  • Frazzled Wires.pngFrazzled Wires- "I bet someone would find this valuable. Not me, but someone."
  • Ball and Cup.pngBall and Cup- "I'll play this in my down-time. Which is never."
  • Hardened Rubber Bung.pngHardened Rubber Bung- "I'm more a showerer myself."
  • Mismatched Buttons.pngMismatched Buttons- "I think I figured out where all the lost buttons go."
  • Second-hand Dentures.pngSecond-hand Dentures- "Treasures like this make the adventuring life worthwhile.
  • Lying Robot.pngLying Robot- "Swell. My new co-pilot."
  • Dessicated Tentacle.pngDessicated Tentacle- "I wonder if they want it back."
  • Dwarf Star.pngDwarf Star- "Haha! Always knew I'd reach the stars."
  • Old Boot.pngOld Boot- "It's treasures like this that make all the hardship worthwhile."

Maxwell Head.pngAdventure Mode

  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (in starting base)- "The weirder things look, the more useful they usually are."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod- "Testing... one, two, three.
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (cold)- "Mayday! Mayday! I'm losing the signal!"
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warm)- "I prefer music with a faster tempo."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warmer)- "The tempo is a little better but I bet it could get faster still."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (hot)- "Better find what's making this thing sing before it oscillates my ears off."
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder- "Looks... magic-y."
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder (ready to unlock)- "Looks like something belongs in there."
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder (unlocked)- "Well, that worked."
  • Maxwell's Door.pngMaxwell's Door- "Smells like adventure."
  • Gramophone.pngMaxwell's Phonograph- "Is there some kind of dance party going on?
  • Maxwell's Light.pngMaxwell's Light- "Whoever put this here is my new best friend."
  • Maxwell Statue.pngMaxwell Statue- "A little pretentious for my taste.
  • Maxwell's Tooth Trap.pngMaxwell's Tooth Trap- "Ambush from below."
  • Sick Worm Hole.pngSick Worm Hole- "It's seen better days."
  • Nightmare Lock.pngNightmare Lock- "Seems like the kind of thing I would want to unlock."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngNightmare Throne- "That would be a great adventure."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngMale Character on Nightmare Throne- "Looks like he's having a bad day."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngFemale Character on Nightmare Throne- "Don't take this personal, but you're a little creepy."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngOther Character on Nightmare Throne- "You look like you've had a bad day."


  • Generic- "Never seen one of those in my adventures."
  • Failed Adventure Mode- "You haven't heard the last of Maybelle Dorothea Wheeler!"
  • Freedom- "The adventure continues!"
  • Freezing- "Brr. It's colder out here than the upper atmosphere."
  • Battlecry- "You picked the wrong gal to mess with!"
  • Battlecry (prey)- "Hey, get back here!"
  • Battlecry (Pig)- "Remember my name, pig!"
  • Battlecry (Spider)- "Put up your dukes. All six of 'em."
  • Battlecry (Spider Warrior)- "Put up your dukes. All six of 'em."
  • Leaving combat- "Bah. Not worth it."
  • Leaving combat (prey)- "I'll let you go this time."
  • Leaving combat (Pig)- "I've got better things to do."
  • Leaving combat (Spider)- "You're not worth my time."
  • Leaving combat (Spider Warrior)- "You're lucky I have things to do."
  • Activated a Bee Mine- "BEES!"
  • Dusk- "Getting dark. But I can stay up past my bedtime."
  • Entering darkness- "Where's the light switch around here?"
  • Entering light- "Light. What a novel concept!"
  • Doing things in the dark- "Where's the light switch around here?"
  • Failed to do something- "That didn't work. I'll try something else."
  • Failed to craft something- "I'll take another crack at it."
  • Failed to give something- "
  • Trying to sleep during the day- "Can't sleep in the day. Too much to do."
  • Trying to sleep during day in a cave- "No way, I've spelunking to do!",
  • Trying to sleep when too hungry- "Food before shut eye."
  • Trying to sleep near monsters- "Can't sleep now. I'm in peril!"
  • Trying to give item to a busy mob- "Feel free to keep me waiting here like a fool."
  • Trying to give item to a dead mob- "I'm not sure they're up for receiving gifts."
  • Trying to give item to a sleeping mob- "It can wait."
  • Not enough fertilizer- "That garden needs some tending to."
  • Hounds are coming- "How am I supposed to explore with those dogs running around?"
  • Depths Worms are coming- "Now what's all that rumbling about?"
  • Boss is coming- "Whatever's moaning needs to show itself."
  • Inventory full- "I need bigger pockets."
  • Can't rummage (generic)- "Not too keen on digging around in there."
  • Can't store (generic/full)- "It won't fit, darn it."
  • Can't store (invalid item)- "It's not going in."
  • Can't bundle (no items)- " "Well, I need something to wrap first."
  • Can't cook (generic)- "What's cookin'? Not me."
  • Can't cook (too far)- "Well I'm too far away for that."
  • Can't draw (no subject)- "Give me something to draw and I'll draw it."
  • Can't shave (generic)- "Doesn't seem too keen on getting shaved just now."
  • Can't shave (nothing left)- "There's nothing left to shave!"
  • Can't shave (beefalo awake)- "Better if he's not so awake."
  • Can't write on sign (generic)- "I don't want to vandalize it with my bad handwriting."
  • Beefalo in combat, unable to mount- "Let them get the fight out of their system first."
  • Beefalo in combat, unable to saddle- "I'm beginning to think now's not the best time."
  • Unable to build structure (mounted)- "Well, I'll have to get down first."
  • Eating- "Mmm... That hit the spot."
  • Eating (stale food)- "Not the freshest food, but I've had worse."
  • Eating (spoiled food)- "Blech. Well, it'll make a good story."
  • Eating (painful food)- "That's what I get for keeping an open mind."
  • Hungry- "When was the last time I ate?"
  • Triggered trap- "Oh! What'd I get?"
  • Torch out- "Swell. Time for a new torch."
  • Pricked- "Y'ouch! Gotta watch myself."
  • Object broken, fixable- "I can fix it in a jiffy."
  • Earthquake- "The ground's moving! Take cover!"

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment- "Well that looks interesting."
  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment completed- "A waste of time. Onto the next adventure!"


  • Maxwell Head.pngMaxwell's Head- "I could make my head that big too, I just choose to value onto my morality."
  • Meaty Stew.pngDeadly Feast- "I'm adventurous, but not that adventurous."
  • Skull Chest.pngSkull Chest- "Exactly what I was looking for!"
  • Golden Pitchfork- "Because dirt needs to get dug out of the ground in style."
  • Boat- "It's like a hot air balloon for the water."
  • Home- "The only place I've felt at home is in the sky."
  • Sunk Boat.pngSunk Boat- "I assume they didn't mean to sink it like that."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit- "A crusted over pit of lava: a sure sign you're on an adventure."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (normal)- "If only there was a way to harness this into a balloon burner."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (low)- "Does lava burn out?"
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (out)- "Well, I knew it couldn't last."
  • Maxwell's Mosquito Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap- "Swell. Someone's trying to kill me."
  • Maxwell's Mosquito Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap (went off)- "Bah! Mosquitos!"
  • Tree Clump- "Drat! It's blocking the way."
  • Pig Tent- "I've slept in worse."
  • Frog Poison.pngPoison Frog- "I'd like you more if you weren't such a criminal."
  • Peacock- "Pretty. Pretty conceded."
  • Shadow Skittish.pngMr. Skittish- "Well, I wanted an adventure."
  • Swimming Horror.pngSwimming Horror- "This is why I prefer to stick to the sky."
  • Beach Turf.pngBeach Turf- "Do I really need to drag this dirt around with me?"
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe- "An adventurer needs an adventurous wardrobe."
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe (burning)- "Someone's obviously jealous of my keen fashion sense."
  • Wardrobe Burnt.pngWardrobe (burnt)- "There go my dreams of being a fashion guru."
  • COFFEEBOT- "Automatic coffee maker, what will they think of next?"
  • WOODLEGSSAIL- "I'd rather have a balloon."
  • BIGFISHINGROD- "There's always a bigger fishing rod."
  • SNAKE_FIRE- "I admire your capacity to fit so much annoying into such a small body."
  • PIKE_SKULL- "I'm going to try and avoid that same fate."
  • Baby Water Beefalo.pngBaby Water Beefalo- "Aw, he's so cute and waterlogged!"
  • Chicken.pngChicken- "Can't fly. But then neither can I now."
  • Chicken.pngChicken (sleeping)- "Probably dreaming he was a flying bird."
  • Chicken.pngChicken (dead)- "I promise I will go on without you!"
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen- "She's very sensibly dressed."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen (sleeping)- "That little gal's no threat to me."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen (dead)- "I promise, I will go on without you!"
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon- "Well, I wanted an adventure."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon (sleeping)- "It's dreaming of ground."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon (dead)- "I promise, I will go on without you!"
  • Zeb.pngZeb- "Not a chess player I see."
  • Zeb.pngZeb (sleeping)- "It's going to take him a while to get up."
  • Zeb.pngZeb (dead)- "I promise, I will go on without you!"
  • Red Mushtree Blooming.pngRed Mushtree (blooming)- "Giving off the smell of fresh mushrooms."
  • Green Mushtree Blooming.pngGreen Mushtree (blooming)- "Swell. It's making more."
  • Blue Mushtree Blooming.pngBlue Mushtree (blooming)- "Well, I'm not cleaning that up!"
  • Blue Mushtree Webbed.pngBlue Mushtree (webbed)- "Mold and a lot of spiders. Reminds me of my Grandma's cellar."
  • Red Spore.pngRed Spore- "At least they're glowing."
  • Red Spore.pngRed Spore (held)- "I bet I could make you work for me somehow."
  • Green Spore.pngGreen Spore- "I get it. You can fly and I can't. Quit rubbing it in."
  • Green Spore.pngGreen Spore (held)- "Small. Glowy. Smells like cellar."
  • Blue Spore.pngBlue Spore- "Glad I'm not allergic to mold."
  • Blue Spore.pngBlue Spore (held)- "Well, they won't fit in the Pew-matic."
  • Big Slimy Pit.pngBig Slimy Pit- "That doesn't look normal. Even for around here."

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Her quote for the Accomploshrine ("Why would I do this? Because it's there.") may be a reference to George Mallory's alleged response to why he wanted to climb Mount Everest.
  • Her quote for a Relic Fragment ("This belongs in a museum.") may be a reference to a line spoken by Indiana Jones, a character from the eponymous Indiana Jones franchise.