Maxwell (Quotes)

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The dapperest of them all.


Say pal, you don't look so good...

This page lists Maxwell's Quotes which are spoken when the player examines an in-game item or object. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them.

Due to the amount of text catalogued, this page only contains Maxwell's quotes for items found in Don't Starve. For items exclusive to other expansions, see the pages listed above.

Icon Tools.pngTools

  • Axe.pngAxe- "Sometimes the direct approach is best."
  • Luxury Axe.pngLuxury Axe- "It gets sharper with every cut."
  • Shovel.pngShovel- "This is some real advanced technology."
  • Regal Shovel.pngRegal Shovel- "This shovel is worth a princely sum."
  • Pickaxe.pngPickaxe- "Everybody loves a little mining."
  • Opulent Pickaxe.pngOpulent Pickaxe- "This must be game logic."
  • Razor.pngRazor- "If only the world had a single neck."
  • Hammer.pngHammer- "It feels good to undo the work of others."
  • Pitchfork.pngPitchfork- "The tool of choice for perfectionists."
  • Feather Pencil.pngFeather Pencil- "Not as elegant as a quill and inkwell, but it'll do."
  • Brush.pngBrush- "It's like showing affection, without actually touching it."
  • Saddle.pngSaddle- "But that means I'd have to touch the smelly thing."
  • War Saddle.pngWar Saddle- "At least it affords some dignity to the rider."
  • Glossamer Saddle.pngGlossamer Saddle- "But is it fast enough to escape the judgmental stares?"
  • Saddlehorn.pngSaddlehorn- "And I may never put it back on."
  • Salt Lick.pngSalt Lick- "So salty."

Icon Light.pngLights

  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (upon being built)- "Sure beats darkness."
  • Campfire.pngCampfire (high)- "That will keep Charlie away for now."
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (high)- "A roaring fire."
  • Campfire.pngCampfire (normal)- "Firey."
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (normal)- "It's hot."
  • Campfire.pngCampfire (low)- "It needs fuel."
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (low)- "It's getting low."
  • Campfire.pngCampfire (embers)- "I'm going to lose it."
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (embers)- "I should attend to that."
  • Campfire.pngCampfire (out)- "That's not coming back."
  • Fire Pit.pngFire Pit (out)- "It's gone cold."
  • Torch.pngTorch- "It keeps Charlie at bay."
  • Miner Hat.pngMiner Hat- "Eventually the firefly will starve."
  • Pumpkin Lantern.pngPumpkin Lantern- "Why hello, Mr. Crane."
  • Lantern.pngLantern- "I hope this keeps Them away."

Icon Survival.pngSurvival

  • Backpack.pngBackpack- "I wish there were porters around here."
  • Piggyback.pngPiggyback- "Oh that's just demeaning."
  • Bird Trap.pngBird Trap- "They keep falling for it!"
  • Bug Net.pngBug Net- "Good for capturing defenseless insects."
  • Fishing Rod.pngFishing Rod- "I will eat for a lifetime."
  • Straw Roll.pngStraw Roll- "I don't like sleeping rough."
  • Fur Roll.pngFur Roll- "At least they're good for something."
  • Tent.pngTent- "That's a bit rustic for my taste."
  • Trap.pngTrap- "Only the dumbest animals will fall for this."
  • Honey Poultice.pngHoney Poultice- "Sticky and gooey and good for putting on booboos."
  • Healing Salve.pngHealing Salve- "Just a bit of venom and some dirty old ash."
  • Umbrella.pngUmbrella- "It's crooked!"
  • Compass.pngCompass-
    • N- "North."
    • S- "South."
    • E- "East."
    • W- "West."
    • NE- "Northeast."
    • SE- "Southeast."
    • NW- "Northwest."
    • SW- "Southwest."
  • Compass.pngCompass (generic)- "I've lost my way."
  • Bundling Wrap.pngBundling Wrap- "I guess we could wrap a few things up."
  • Bundled Supplies 1 Slot.pngBundled Supplies.pngBundled Supplies- "Nice and snug."

Icon Food.pngFood

  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (empty)- "Just the thought makes my mouth water."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "Wait for it..."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "Here it comes!"
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (finished)- "Finally, some quality grub."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (failed to add item)- "That can't go in there."
  • Bee Box.pngBee Box- "It holds my bees."
  • Bee Box Level 0.pngBee Box (no honey)- "My bees are not working hard enough."
  • Bee Box Level 1.pngBee Box (some honey)- "I should wait a bit longer."
  • Bee Box Level 3.pngBee Box (full of honey)- "So tempting, but so full of bees."
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngFarm- "Do I look like a farmer?"
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngFarm (growing)- "I have better things to do than watch plants grow."
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngFarm (finished)- "It's ready."
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngFarm (needs fertilizer)- "It needs to be... refreshed."
  • Ice Box.pngIce Box- "A little piece of winter in a box."
  • Drying Rack Build.pngDrying Rack- "It can dry meats so that they last longer."
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (drying)- "Still moist."
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (finished)- "Like the desert."

Icon Science.pngScience

  • Science Machine.pngScience Machine- "I can't believe I forgot how to build those things."
  • Alchemy Engine.pngAlchemy Engine- "It unlocks recipes of middling utility."
  • Thermal Measurer.pngThermal Measurer- "Not the most useful invention, is it?"
  • Rainometer.pngRainometer- "I could also just look up to learn the same thing."
  • Lightning Rod.pngLightning Rod- "A little bit of protection."
  • Lightning Rod.pngLightning Rod (charged)- "Energy flows through it."
  • Gunpowder.pngGunpowder- "Now this, I like."

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomploshrine- "Even They couldn't build something so devious."

Icon Fight.pngFight

  • Spear.pngSpear- "It's a spear. Yup."
  • Ham Bat.pngHam Bat- "An undignified weapon for a less refined time."
  • Boomerang.pngBoomerang- "Beats getting your hands dirty."
  • Boomerang.pngBoomerang (hit self)- "Ow! Clumsy!"
  • Blow Dart.pngBlow Dart- "A glorious tube of pain-giving!"
  • Sleep Dart.pngSleep Dart- "Call me Mr. Sandman."
  • Fire Dart.pngFire Dart- "Just make sure to breathe out."
  • Football Helmet.pngFootball Helmet- "Now I am ready for the scrimmage."
  • Grass Suit.pngGrass Suit- "Direct confrontation is quite gauche."
  • Log Suit.pngLog Suit- "Ugh. I'm not one for such vulgar fisticuffs."
  • Marble Suit.pngMarble Suit- "That really isn't my style."
  • Bee Mine.pngBee Mine- "They wait so patiently."
  • Tooth Trap.pngTooth Trap- "This one packs a wallop."

Icon Structures.pngStructures

  • Birdcage Build.pngBirdcage- "You'll never get me behind bars again."
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied)- "I feel for ya, feathers."
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, sleeping)- "You'll still be in there when you wake up."
  • Pig House Build.pngPig House- "That's like their only trick."
  • Pig House Light On.pngPig House (occupied, lights on)- "I'd go inside too, if I was him."
  • Pig House Build.pngPig House (occupied, lights off)- "I'll huff and I'll puff!"
  • Rabbit Hutch Build.pngRabbit Hutch- "Oh, isn't that clever."
  • Hay Wall.pngWood Wall.pngStone Wall.pngHay Wall, Wood Wall, and Stone Wall (held)- "Pocket-sized wall pieces. Yup."
  • Hay Wall Build.pngHay Wall- "It's a tinderbox."
  • Wood Wall Build.pngWood Wall- "Moderately tough, but flammable."
  • Stone Wall Build.pngStone Wall- "This will keep the riff-raff out."
  • Chest.pngChest- "A place to store loot."
  • Sign.pngSign- "It says... nothing."
  • Potted Fern.pngPotted Fern- "How quaint."
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (held)- "It's not much use like this. We should place it."
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (empty)- "We should draw something on there."
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (drawn on)- "I could draw better than that!"
  • Wood Fence.pngWood Fence (held)- "All we need to build a nice, sturdy fence."
  • Wood Fence Build.pngWood Fence- "It's just a wood fence."
  • Wood Gate.pngWood Gate (held)- "All we need to build a nice, sturdy gate."
  • Wood Gate Build.pngWood Gate- "It opens. And closes sometimes, too."

Icon Refine.pngRefine

  • Rope.pngRope- "You'd think this would have more uses."
  • Boards.pngBoards- "Roughly hewn."
  • Cut Stone.pngCut Stone- "The building blocks of civilization."
  • Papyrus.pngPapyrus- "A blank canvas."
  • Purple Gem.pngPurple Gem- "Purple brings great power."
  • Nightmare Fuel.pngNightmare Fuel- "Ahhh. Refreshing."
  • Beeswax.pngBeeswax- "I miss sealing a good letter."
  • Wax Paper.pngWax Paper- "My interest in this wax paper wanes...."

Icon Magic.pngMagic

  • Meat Effigy.pngMeat Effigy- "I'm not above using this."
  • Prestihatitator.pngPrestihatitator- "Quite a dapper machine."
  • Shadow Manipulator.pngShadow Manipulator- "This is where I do my own personal research."
  • Pan Flute.pngPan Flute- "I'm going to sing a song of madness."
  • Night Light.pngNight Light- "It burns with a beautiful glow."
  • Night Armor.pngNight Armor- "Time to wrap myself in nightmares."
  • Dark Sword.pngDark Sword- "Snicker-snack!"
  • One-man Band.pngOne-man Band- "It has a good beat and you can dance to it."
  • Bat Bat.pngBat Bat- "Violence has never felt better."
  • Belt of Hunger.pngBelt of Hunger- "Wet, soggy, and oddly filling."
  • Chilled Amulet.pngChilled Amulet- "It's frosted over."
  • Nightmare Amulet.pngNightmare Amulet- "It speaks with the shadow."
  • Life Giving Amulet.pngLife Giving Amulet- "It channels the darkest energies of the universe."
  • Fire Staff.pngFire Staff- "A basic enchantment, but effective."
  • Ice Staff.pngIce Staff- "Cool staff."
  • Telelocator Staff.pngTelelocator Staff- "Power can do amazing things when it's funneled through the right channels."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (full)- "That should do the trick."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "The fuel needs more focus points."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelolocator Socket (full)- "This one's ready."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "The fuel needs a focus."

Icon Dress.pngDress

  • Sewing Kit.pngSewing Kit- "A fine and noble endeavor."
  • Rabbit Earmuffs.pngRabbit Earmuffs- "They are at least warm."
  • Straw Hat.pngStraw Hat- "A hat fit for a peasant."
  • Beefalo Hat.pngBeefalo Hat- "How unfashionable."
  • Beekeeper Hat.pngBeekeeper Hat- "I'll wear it if I have to."
  • Feather Hat.pngFeather Hat- "I will lure them in with my plumage."
  • Winter Hat.pngWinter Hat- "How disappointingly rustic."
  • Top Hat.pngTop Hat- "Some fine haberdashery."
  • Dapper Vest.pngDapper Vest- "It's no three-piece, but it's dapper enough."
  • Breezy Vest.pngBreezy Vest- "It's more of a fall vest."
  • Puffy Vest.pngPuffy Vest- "It's so hard to look fashionable in the winter."
  • Bush Hat.pngBush Hat- "There's room in there for me."
  • Garland.pngGarland- "Definitely not my style."
  • Walking Cane.pngWalking Cane- "It has pictures of fast things carved into it."

Icon Ancient.pngAncient

  • Thulecite.pngThulecite- "An exceedingly rare but useful material."
  • Thulecite Wall.pngThulecite Wall (held)- "Pocket-sized wall pieces. Yup."
  • Thulecite Wall Build.pngThulecite Wall- "An ancient wall."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (min)- "The heart of the city is still."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising low)- "It beats once again."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "The pulse is quickening."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (max)- "The pulse is holding steady."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "The pulse is waning."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding low)- "It calms once more."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "The pulse has no influence here."
  • The Lazy Forager.pngThe Lazy Explorer.pngThe Lazy Forager and Lazy Explorer- "Simple magic is often the best."
  • Magiluminescence.pngMagiluminescence- "This will make me stand out."
  • Construction Amulet.pngConstruction Amulet- "I swear I don't normally need this."
  • Deconstruction Staff.pngDeconstruction Staff- "I must rely on focusing tools in this form."
  • Star Caller's Staff.pngStar Caller's Staff- "With a bigger gem it would be so much more powerful."
  • PickSlashAxe.pngPick/Axe- "I don't know why I didn't think of this."
  • Thulecite Crown.pngThulecite Crown- "Fuel must flow."
  • Thulecite Suit.pngThulecite Suit- "Thulecite meshes so well with nightmare fuel."
  • Thulecite Club.pngThulecite Club- "The fuel runs deep in this."
  • Houndius Shootius.pngHoundius Shootius (held)- "Now I just have to set it up."
  • Houndius Shootius Build.pngHoundius Shootius- "Some of my better work."

Eyeplant.pngNature - Plants

  • Evergreen.pngEvergreen- "I've heard them described as 'piney'."
  • A Lumpy Evergreen.pngLumpy Evergreen- "It looks sickly."
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree- "A tree with a foul demeanor."
  • Evergreen Stump.pngEvergreen (stump)- "That's not about to grow back."
  • Evergreen Stump.pngLumpy Evergreen (stump)- "I put it out of its misery."
  • Spiky Tree Stump.pngSpiky Tree (stump)- "Tree 0, Maxwell 1."
  • Evergreen.pngA Lumpy Evergreen.pngSapling.pngGrass Tuft.pngReeds.pngEvergreen, Lumpy Evergreen, Sapling, Grass Tuft, and Reeds (burning)- "Oops."
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree (burning)- "There it goes."
  • Burnt Evergreen.pngEvergreen (burnt)- "Bathed in fire."
  • Burnt Evergreen.pngLumpy Evergreen (burnt)- "Dust to dust."
  • Spiky Tree Burnt.pngSpiky Tree (burnt)- "It's no use to anyone now."
  • Evergreen Sapling.pngEvergreen (sapling)- "Huh, it seems to belong in the ground."
  • Log.pngLog- "It's a piece of wood. What more is there to say?"
  • Log.pngLog (burning)- "Well. That was fun while it lasted."
  • Charcoal.pngCharcoal- "Nothing will steal my carbon!"
  • Pine Cone.pngPine Cone- "A more outdoorsy type might be able to make something of this."
  • Marble Tree.pngMarble Tree- "How whimsical."
  • Totally Normal Tree.pngTotally Normal Tree- "It's got a face."
  • Totally Normal Tree.pngTotally Normal Tree (stump)-
  • Living Log.pngLiving Log- "I like the noise they make when you burn them."
  • Sapling.pngSapling- "A supple, woody stem."
  • Sapling Picked.pngSapling (picked)- "It'll grow back."
  • Sapling Item.pngGrass Tuft Item.pngBerry Bush Item.pngBerry Bush 2.pngSpiky Bush Dug.pngSapling, Grass Tuft, Berry Bush, and Spiky Bush (held)- "Do I look like a gardener?"
  • Twigs.pngTwigs- "Common, but useful."
  • Grass Tuft.pngGrass Tuft- "That's not doing anyone any good."
  • Grass Tuft Picked.pngGrass Tuft (picked)- "Nothing to harvest."
  • Grass Tuft Withered.pngGrass Tuft (barren)- "Needs manure."
  • Cut Grass.pngCut Grass- "The mundane stuff of the earth."
  • Berry Bush.pngBerry Bush2.pngBerry Bush (normal and burning)- "Reduced to eating berries. Sigh."
  • Berry Bush Picked.pngBerry Bush (picked)- "And now we wait."
  • Berry Bush Withered.pngBarren Berry Bush 2.pngBerry Bush (barren)- "It needs manure."
  • Reeds.pngReeds- "There's wind in them there willows."
  • Reeds Picked.pngReeds (picked)- "No more tubes."
  • Cut Reeds.pngCut Reeds- "I think I could build something useful from this."
  • Plant.pngPlant- "That is a generic plant."
  • Plant.pngPlant (growing)- "It's growing."
  • Plant.pngPlant (ready to be picked)- "It's ready."
  • Marsh Plant1.pngMarsh Plant- "What a generic little plant."
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush- "It's twisted and thorny, just like me!"
  • Spiky Bush Picked.pngSpiky Bush (picked)- "That was painful."
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush (burning)- "I should ask it questions."
  • Flower.pngFlower- "I am filled with the irrational urge to stomp upon it."
  • Petals.pngPetals- "I've a habit of destroying beautiful things, haven't I?"
  • Evil Flower.pngEvil Flower- "I like that flower."
  • Dark Petals.pngDark Petals- "It's dripping with nightmare essence."
  • Carrot Planted.pngCarrot (planted)- "How mundane."
  • Red Mushroom.pngRed Mushroom- "It's a red mushroom."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngRed Mushroom (sleeping)- "I'll have to come back for it."
  • Mushroom Picked.pngRed Mushroom (picked)- "It's all used up."
  • Green Mushroom.pngGreen Mushroom- "Green fungus."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngGreen Mushroom (sleeping)- "When do those ones come up?"
  • Mushroom Picked.pngGreen Mushroom (picked)- "Been there. Done that."
  • Blue Mushroom.pngBlue Mushroom- "The blue ones are good for something."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngBlue Mushroom (sleeping)- "It's not ready."
  • Mushroom Picked.pngBlue Mushroom (picked)- "Another time, maybe?"

Harp Statue.pngNature - Objects

  • Beehive.pngBeehive- "Not the bees!"
  • Killer Bee Hive.pngKiller Bee Hive- "That looks dangerous."
  • Honeycomb.pngHoneycomb- "It's full of bee seeds."
  • Hound Mound.pngHound Mound- "It's a tunnel down to the hound nests."
  • Bones.pngBones- "Hungry devils, aren't they?"
  • Touch Stone.pngTouch Stone- "There's a story behind that..."
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (up)- "I can see its true nature now!"
  • Lowered Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, down)- "There are two ways to see that obstacle."
  • Lowered Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, down)- "It only half-exists on this plane."
  • Harp Statue.pngHarp Statue- "Not my best work."
  • Marble Pillar.pngMarble Pillar- "I've always wondered who built those."
  • Marble.pngMarble- "It's strong stuff."
  • Rundown House.pngRundown House- "They copied the pigs, but they're even less intelligent."
  • Merm Head.pngMerm Head- "The eyes follow you around."
  • Pig Head.pngPig Head- "Er... charming."
  • Pig Torch.pngPig Torch- "Great. Now they have fire."
  • Basalt1.pngBasalt- "I made a rock so heavy that I can't lift it."
  • Boulder.pngBoulder- "It's a rock."
  • Rocks.pngRocks- "Hmmm. Now what do I do with them?"
  • Flint.pngFlint- "Ow! I cut my finger!"
  • Nitre.pngNitre- "One third of the way there..."
  • Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget- "This was important to me once."
  • Grave.pngGrave- "What lies beneath?"
  • Grave Dug.pngGrave (dug)- "Already got that one."
  • Suspicious Dirt Pile.pngSuspicious Dirt Pile- "That looks out-of-place."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track- "Some dumb beast passed through here."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (lost its trail)- "Drat! It got away."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (found)- "I smell dung and beast-sweat."
  • Wooden Thing.pngWooden Thing Adventure Mode.pngWooden Thing- "My beautiful machine is in pieces!"
  • Wooden Thing (partially assembled)- "It is still incomplete."
  • Wooden Thing (locked)- "Now to turn it on."
  • Wooden Thing (fully assembled)- "It's alive!"
  • Ring Thing.pngRing Thing Adventure Mode.pngRing Thing- "This is the quantum field guard band."
  • Crank Thing.pngCrank Thing Adventure Mode.pngCrank Thing- "This is used to agitate the humours."
  • Box Thing.pngBox Thing Adventure Mode.pngBox Thing- "This is a box full of sadness and woe."
  • Metal Potato Thing.pngMetal Potato Thing Adventure Mode.pngMetal Potato Thing- "The gears in here are so small they turn the fabric of reality."
  • Worm Hole.pngWorm Hole- "It's worse knowing what the other part looks like."
  • Wormhole.pngWorm Hole (open)- "I can assure you that it smells worse than it looks."
  • Worm Hole Eating.pngWorm Hole (exited)- "Yech. It's horrible in there."
  • Pond.pngPond- "I can see my face reflected off the top."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton- "Ha! I remember that one."
  • Spider Den.pngSpider Den- "They grow big here."
  • Spider Eggs.pngSpider Eggs- "Squishy."
  • Rabbit Hole.pngRabbit Hole- "There's a world going on under there."
  • Walrus Camp Winter.pngWalrus Camp- "The Walrusser can't be far."
  • Walrus Camp Empty.pngWalrus Camp (empty)- "I best not linger when winter comes."
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Boat- "This bird's vessel is clearly not seaworthy."
  • Sunken Boat Abandoned.pngSunken Boat (empty)- "I'm not sad to see that bird go..."
  • Flotsam.pngFlotsam- "Perhaps I could reel it in somehow."

Exclusive to Pocket Edition

  • Compromising Statue- "For when my defenses have been compromised."

CaveEntrance1.pngNature - Caves

  • Sinkhole.pngPlugged Sinkhole- "I plugged it a long time ago."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole (generic)- "That was not a good idea!"
  • Unplugged Sinkhole DS.pngUnplugged Sinkhole DST.pngSinkhole (open)- "Off to plunder the depths."
  • Exit to Surface (generic)- "Get me out of here!"
  • Exit to Surface (open)- "Onward to the next thing."
  • MushtreeRed.pngRed Mushtree- "Where's Waldo?"
  • MushtreeGreen.pngGreen Mushtree- "Ugh, it smells bad."
  • Mushtree.pngBlue Mushtree- "It smells of rot and failure."
  • Light Flower.pngLight Flower- "It's so dark down here."
  • Light Bulb.pngLight Bulb- "It will run out eventually."
  • Stalagmite.pngStalagmite- "Rocks. How dull."
  • StalagmiteTall.pngStalagmite (pointy)- "Stalagmite. How dull."
  • Spilagmite.pngSpilagmite- "How did that get down here?"
  • Slurtle Mound.pngSlurtle Mound- "That's revolting."
  • Splumonkey Pod.pngSplumonkey Pod- "What a disgusting home."
  • Fern.pngFern- "I'd like to step on it."
  • Foliage.pngFoliage- "A meal fit for a peasant."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree- "It looks like a banana, but I'm not buying it."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree (burnt)- "I refuse to be held responsible for that."

Thulecite Fragments.pngNature - Ruins

  • Ruins Entrance.pngPlugged Ruins Sinkhole- "Probably shouldn't venture any deeper."
  • Ruins Entrance.pngRuins Sinkhole- "
  • Ancient.pngAncient Face.pngAncient Statue- "A once proud race."
  • Broken Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station (broken)- "This can be partially restored."
  • Ancient Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station- "Where are their gods now?"
  • Algae.pngAlgae- "It's some algae."
  • Broken Clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks (1)- "There's a reason I never finished that."
  • Broken Clockworks1.pngBroken Clockworks (2)- "That one was a jerk."
  • Broken Clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks (3)- "Didn't like that one's face."
  • Relic Chair.pngRelic Table.pngRelic Vase.pngRelic Plate.pngRelic Bowl.pngRelic Chipbowl.pngRelic- "Remnants of an extinct civilization."
  • Relic Chair Rubble.pngRelic Table Rubble.pngRelic Vase Rubble.pngRelic (broken)- "Just bits and pieces of rock."
  • Thulecite Fragments.pngThulecite Fragments- "I could combine several piles to make a bigger piece."
  • Cave Lichen.pngCave Lichen- "This fungus survived the downfall."
  • Ornate Chest.pngOrnate Chest- "It's a trap."
  • Ornate Chest.pngLarge Ornate Chest- "It's almost like he's still alive."
  • Nightmare Light.pngNightmare Light- "The overuse of fuel was their downfall."

Grass Turf.pngTurfs

  • Wooden Flooring.pngWooden Flooring- "I prefer hardwoods."
  • Carpeted Flooring.pngCarpeted Flooring- "That's a quality, high-pile carpet sample!"
  • Checkerboard Flooring.pngCheckerboard Flooring- "That's my natural habitat."
  • Cobblestones.pngCobblestones- "At least this one is useful."
  • Forest Turf.pngForest Turf- "Smells like mud."
  • Grass Turf.pngGrass Turf- "Scratchy."
  • Savanna Turf.pngSavannah Turf- "Dirty."
  • Rocky Turf.pngRocky Turf- "Kinda rough."
  • Marsh Turf.pngMarsh Turf- "It's dripping all over."
  • Mud Turf.pngGuano Turf.pngSlimy Turf.pngFungal Turf Blue.pngFungal Turf Red.pngFungal Turf Green.pngCave Rock Turf.pngOther Turfs- "Turf."

Spider.pngMobs - Monsters

  • Clockwork Knight.pngClockwork Knight- "Such quality workmanship!"
  • Clockwork Bishop.pngClockwork Bishop- "I'm especially proud of that piece."
  • Clockwork Rook.pngClockwork Rook- "A castle for my home."
  • Damaged Knight.pngDamaged Knight- "It looks beyond repair."
  • Damaged Bishop.pngDamaged Bishop- "They degrade without proper upkeep."
  • Damaged Rook.pngDamaged Rook- "The builders have left it in a state of abandonment."
  • Charlie (the darkness monster)- "Charlie? It's me! Maxwell!"
  • Charlie (attacked by)- "Ow! Charlie, that hurt!"
  • Hound.pngHound- "They don't recognize me!"
  • Red Hound.pngRed Hound- "I put fire gems in there as a joke."
  • Blue Hound.pngBlue Hound- "I had a lot of surplus gems!"
  • Hound's Tooth.pngHound's Tooth- "It could be used for fashion."
  • Spider.pngSpider- "It's mostly digestive system."
  • Spider Warrior.pngSpider Warrior- "It's a specialized form."
  • Spider Sleeping.pngSpider (sleeping)- "Shhhh! It will wake up hungry."
  • Spider Warrior Sleeping.pngSpider Warrior (sleeping)- "I don't want to wake that one."
  • Dead Spider.pngDead Spider Warrior.pngSpider and Spider Warrior (dead)- "Splat."
  • Spider Gland.pngSpider Gland- "Distasteful."
  • Silk.pngSilk- "Despite its origin, it could make some fine garments."
  • Krampus.pngKrampus- "You'll never catch me!"
  • Krampus Sack.pngKrampus Sack- "It's really light."
  • Merm.pngMerm- "They were here when I got here."
  • Frog.pngFrog- "It jumps and licks things."
  • Frog Sleeping.pngFrog (sleeping)- "It looks tired."
  • Dead Frog.pngFrog (dead)- "It croaked."
  • Tentacle.pngTentacle- "I'm glad the rest of it is still down there."
  • Tentacle Spike.pngTentacle Spike- "Ugh. This is so revolting."
  • Tentacle Spots.pngTentacle Spots- "This is how they reproduce."
  • Tentapillar.pngBig Tentacle (1)- "This one is odd."
  • Tentapillar.pngBig Tentacle (2)- "How deep does this go?"
  • Big Slimy Pit.pngBig Slimy Pit- "Ugh! How can it live down there?"
  • Baby Tentacle.pngBaby Tentacle- "Babies?"
  • Guardian Pig.pngGuardian Pig- "Blech. Disgusting brute."
  • Werepig.pngWerepig- "That one's gone feral."
  • Ghost Build.pngGhost- "It remembers me!"
  • MacTusk.pngMacTusk- "Don't you recognize me?"
  • WeeTusk.pngWee MacTusk- "A chip off the old block."
  • Walrus Tusk.pngWalrus Tusk- "I'll put this to better use."
  • Tam o' Shanter.pngTam o' Shanter- "Made in Scotland."
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito- "Bloody bloodsucking bloodsuckers."
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito (held)- "I got him."
  • Mosquito Sack.pngMosquito Sack- "A bloody sack. With blood in it."
  • Mosquito.pngNearby Mosquitoes- "What annoying little bugs."
  • Cave Spider.pngCave Spider- "It's a tricky one."
  • Spitter.pngSpitter- "Aggressive little thing, isn't it?"
  • Batilisk.pngBatilisk- "Ugh. Ugly beasts."
  • Lureplant.pngMeat Bulb- "A vicious plant."
  • Fleshy Bulb.pngFleshy Bulb- "Perhaps I can use this to my advantage."
  • Eyeplant.pngEyeplant- "The Meat Bulb's pawns."
  • Slurper.pngSlurper- "Simple creatures. They exist only to sleep and feed."
  • Slurper Pelt.pngSlurper Pelt- "In death, this creature will serve me!"
  • Dangling Depth Dweller.pngDangling Depth Dweller- "Creatures in this world evolve at a terrifying rate."
  • Depths Worm.pngDepths Worm (emerged)- "Well that's new!"
  • Mysterious Plant.pngDepths Worm (lure)- "You aren't fooling me, plant."
  • Depths Worm Burrowed.pngDepths Worm (burrowed)- "Something stirs."
  • Ewecus.pngEwecus- "Ornery and tough as nails."
  • Steel Wool.pngSteel Wool- "Someone should use this to clean something."

Pig.pngMobs - Neutral Animals

  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo- "Just look at that stupid beast."
  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo (follower)- "Aw nuts, it's following me."
  • Beefalo Sleeping.pngBeefalo (sleeping)- "It's only marginally less stupid when it's asleep."
  • Beefalo Naked.pngBeefalo (naked)- "Now it looks dumb AND pathetic."
  • DefaultDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated)- "I like a creature that knows its place."
  • PudgyDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, pudgy)- "I suppose some people might find that charming."
  • RiderDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, docile)- "I'd only ride you if I was desperate."
  • OrneryDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, ornery)- "Yes, you understand how this works."
  • Beefalo Wool.pngBeefalo Wool- "It smells like a barn."
  • Beefalo Horn.pngBeefalo Horn- "Call forth the beasts!"
  • Baby Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo- "They're even ugly as children."
  • Baby Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo (sleeping)- "Seems we've a few hours of reprieve."
  • Bee.pngBee- "They work so hard, the fools."
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee- "What is that bee so angry about?"
  • Bee.pngBee (held)- "Now what do I do with it?"
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee (held)- "I've caught a tiger by the tail."
  • Stinger.pngStinger- "It's dripping with venom."
  • Pig.pngPig- "What a slobbering fool."
  • Pig.pngPig (follower)- "He's simple but he's mine."
  • Dead Pig.pngPig (dead)- "I dub thee, 'Bacon'."
  • Pig Skin.pngPig Skin- "It was him or me."
  • Bunnyman2.pngBunnyman- "It reminds me of my old act."
  • Bunny Puff.pngBunny Puff- "Silly rabbit."
  • Koalefant.pngKoalefant- "A distant cousin of the beefalo."
  • Winter Koalefant.pngWinter Koalefant- "It has its winter coat on."
  • Pengull.pngPengull- "Nice tux."
  • Rock Lobster.pngRock Lobster- "I banished these guys down here for a reason."
  • Slurtle.pngSlurtle- "I don't remember those..."
  • Snurtle.pngSnurtle- "That's strange. They must be new."
  • Slurtle Slime.pngSlurtle Slime- "There must be a better way."
  • Broken Shell.pngBroken Shell- "They don't fit back together."
  • Shelmet.pngShelmet- "This will keep me standing, if I need to fight."
  • Snurtle Shell Armor.pngSnurtle Shell Armor- "That is not dapper at all."
  • Splumonkey.pngSplumonkey- "I don't have time for you!"

Rabbit.pngMobs - Passive Animals

  • Butterfly.pngButterfly- "It's a flying flower."
  • Butterfly.pngButterfly (held)- "It would be a shame if someone ripped the wings off of it."
  • Crow.pngCrow- "I don't know how they got here."
  • Crow.pngCrow (held)- "Shhhh... My pretty."
  • Redbird.pngRedbird- "The redbird comes from the fire lands."
  • Redbird.pngRedbird (held)- "Silence, bird!"
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird- "I don't recognize that one."
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird (held)- "Quiet, you."
  • Jet Feather.pngJet Feather- "Black is the color of sleep."
  • Crimson Feather.pngCrimson Feather- "Red is the color of fire."
  • Azure Feather.pngAzure Feather- "Grey is the color of pain."
  • Gobbler.pngGobbler- "It is addicted to fermented berries."
  • Eye Bone.pngEye Bone- "Stop looking at me!"
  • Eye Bone.pngEye Bone (Chester dead)- "What is it waiting for?"
  • Ashes.pngEye Bone (ashes)- "Don't worry. There will be more Chesters."
  • Chester.pngChester- "Annoying little monster. Has his uses, though."
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngRabbit- "I've been here too long- it actually looks tasty."
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngRabbit (held)- "Don't worry, rabbit. Everything is under control."
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies- "How pretty."
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies (held)- "I could squish them if I wanted to."
  • Planted Mandrake.pngMandrake (planted)- "What a disturbing root."
  • Mandrake Mob.pngMandrake (follower)- "Oh shut UP, will you?"
  • Mandrake.pngMandrake (dead)- "My ears are still ringing."
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (cooked)- "It has lost a lot of its power."
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (knocked out by)- "Ugh. My head hurts."

Smallbird.pngMobs - Tallbird family

  • Tallbird.pngTallbird- "These were a failed experiment."
  • Tallbird Nest Full.pngTallbird Nest (with egg)- "Well. That's tempting."
  • Tallbird Nest.pngTallbird Nest (empty)- "It's made of dirty beefalo hair."
  • Tallbird Egg.pngTallbird Egg- "Tallbirds are territorial because of these things."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg- "We've got a live one here."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (dead, eating the egg)- "That tastes about as good as you'd expect."
  • Tallbird Egg Too Hot.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too hot)- "Hot enough for ya?"
  • Tallbird Egg Too Cold.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too cold)- "It's getting tepid."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (long time left) "It's going to be a while."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (short time left) "Any moment now..."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird- "What!? What do you want?"
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (hungry)- "You want some food?"
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (starving)- "He's so hungry!"
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird- "It's less cute now that it's grown up."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (hungry)- "They sure do eat a lot."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (starving, attacking)- "A hungry beast is a dangerous beast."
  • Teenbird.pngPecked by a Smallish Tallbird- "Have patience!"

Spider Queen.pngMobs - Bosses

  • Treeguard.pngLumpy Treeguard.pngTreeguard (normal and lumpy)- "Disgusting creature!"
  • Spider Queen.pngSpider Queen- "Maybe I'll just get out of her way."
  • Spiderhat.pngSpiderhat- "Spiders have such malleable wills."
  • Deerclops.pngDeerclops- "Even I am afraid of that guy."
  • Deerclops Eyeball.pngDeerclops Eyeball- "Deerclops are myopic."
  • Ancient Guardian.pngAncient Guardian- "My my, the fuel has changed you."
  • Guardian's Horn.pngGuardian's Horn- "I'm sorry I had to do that, old friend."

Abigail.pngMobs - Other

  • Maxwell ingame.pngMaxwell- "Looking good!"
  • Pig King.pngPig King- "That's a man with his priorities in order!"
  • Wes.pngWes (trapped)- "He displeased me."
  • Abigail.pngAbigail- "Why won't these mortals just stay dead?"

Meat.pngFood - Meats

  • Egg.pngEgg- "I like to think of it as baby bird prison."
  • Cooked Egg.pngEgg (cooked)- "Sunny side up."
  • Meat.pngMeat- "I'm used to much finer fare."
  • Cooked Meat.pngCooked Meat- "It smells less like barnyard, now."
  • Monster Jerky.pngJerky.pngSmall Jerky.pngJerky (all kinds)- "My teeth are getting too old for this."
  • Morsel.pngMorsel- "This is barely a mouthful."
  • Cooked Morsel.pngCooked Morsel- "Well, at least it's not moving any more."
  • Monster Meat.pngMonster Meat- "How revolting."
  • Cooked Monster Meat.pngCooked Monster Meat- "I'll eat it if I have to."
  • Leafy Meat.pngLeafy Meat- "A feeble attempt to trick the weaker minded."
  • Cooked Leafy Meat.pngCooked Leafy Meat- "The heat has made this a suitable meal."
  • Drumstick.pngDrumstick- "It tastes strangely like berries."
  • Fried Drumstick.pngFried Drumstick- "Still tastes like berries."
  • Fish.pngFish- "Fresh from the murky depths."
  • Cooked Fish.pngCooked Fish- "It still stinks."
  • Eel.pngEel- "They only exist in the depths."
  • Cooked Eel.pngCooked Eel- "It will have to do."
  • Koalefant Trunk.pngKoalefant Trunk- "Full of summer mucus."
  • Winter Koalefant Trunk.pngWinter Koalefant Trunk- "The trunk thickens in the winter to hold more mucus."
  • Koalefant Trunk Steak.pngKoalefant Trunk Steak- "At least the mucus burned off."
  • Fried Tallbird Egg.pngFried Tallbird Egg- "It tastes like broken dreams."
  • Frog Legs.pngFrog Legs- "Muscular."
  • Cooked Frog Legs.pngCooked Frog Legs- "Stringy."
  • Batilisk Wing.pngBatilisk Wing- "I'm not eating that."
  • Cooked Batilisk Wing.pngCooked Batilisk Wing- "I'm still not eating that."

Dragon Fruit.pngFood - Fruits

  • Berries.pngBerries- "Sigh. If I have to."
  • Cave Banana.pngCave Banana- "Like ashes in my mouth."
  • Cooked Cave Banana.pngCooked Cave Banana- "Even worse than raw."
  • Dragon Fruit.pngDragon Fruit- "Exotic and delicious."
  • Durian.pngDurian- "It's an acquired taste."
  • Pomegranate.pngPomegranate- "Usually I'd get someone to seed this for me."
  • Roasted Berries.pngPrepared Dragon Fruit.pngExtra Smelly Durian.pngSliced Pomegranate.png Berries, Dragon Fruit, Durian, and Pomegranate (cooked)- "A little more refined, at least."

Carrot.pngFood - Vegetables

  • Carrot.pngCarrot- "I'm not a fan of vegetables."
  • Corn.pngCorn- "High in fructose."
  • Pumpkin.pngPumpkin- "Hallowe'en was always my favorite."
  • Eggplant.pngEggplant- "Just another boring plant."
  • Popcorn.pngRoasted Carrot.pngHot Pumpkin.pngBraised Eggplant.pngCorn, Carrot, Pumpkin, and Eggplant (cooked)- "A little more refined, at least."
  • Red Cap.pngRed Cap- "I forget what this one does."
  • Cooked Red Cap.pngCooked Red Cap- "Kind of bitter."
  • Green Cap.pngGreen Cap- "I should eat it."
  • Cooked Green Cap.pngCooked Green Cap- "Salty!"
  • Blue Cap.pngBlue Cap- "What could go wrong?"
  • Cooked Blue Cap.pngCooked Blue Cap- "Umami!"
  • Glow Berry.pngGlow Berry- "What a neat trick."
  • Lichen.pngLichen- "Dry, crumbly, sustaining."

Ratatouille.pngFood - Crock Pot

  • Bacon and Eggs.pngBacon and Eggs- "Now that is a proper breakfast."
  • Butter Muffin.pngButter Muffin- "That should stop its incessant flapping."
  • Dragonpie.pngDragonpie- "Simply exquisite."
  • Fishsticks.pngFishsticks- "These should tide me over."
  • Fish Tacos.pngFish Tacos- "Cooked fish in a crunchy shell."
  • Fist Full of Jam.pngFist Full of Jam- "It's soiled my good gloves."
  • Froggle Bunwich.pngFroggle Bunwich- "Has a bit of a kick to it."
  • Fruit Medley.pngFruit Medley- "This would pair great with a simple cheese plate."
  • Honey Ham.pngHoney Ham- "Tender."
  • Honey Nuggets.pngHoney Nuggets- "These look childish, but they're delicious."
  • Kabobs.pngKabobs- "Cooked to perfection."
  • Mandrake Soup.pngMandrake Soup- "There'll be no more crying out of you."
  • Meatballs.pngMeatballs- "My compliments to the chef!"
  • Meaty Stew.pngMeaty Stew- "Leave no scrap unused."
  • Monster Lasagna.pngMonster Lasagna- "It would be unwise to ingest this."
  • Pierogi.pngPierogi- "I made it, so you know it's good."
  • Powdercake.pngPowdercake- "What foul product of science is this?"
  • Pumpkin Cookies.pngPumpkin Cookie- "It's been eons since I had a good biscuit."
  • Ratatouille.pngRatatouille- "Roughage."
  • Stuffed Eggplant.pngStuffed Eggplant- "A meal fit for a king... or at least someone with a throne."
  • Taffy.pngTaffy- "It's almost entirely sugar."
  • Turkey Dinner.pngTurkey Dinner- "How festive."
  • Unagi.pngUnagi- "It will have to do."
  • Waffles.pngWaffles- "An excellent start to the morning. Or evening."
  • Wet Goop.pngWet Goop- "How uncultured."

Rot.pngFood - Other

  • Seeds.pngSeeds- "I suppose these won't plant themselves."
  • Carrot Seeds.pngCorn Seeds.pngDragon Fruit Seeds.pngDurian Seeds.pngEggplant Seeds.pngPomegranate Seeds.pngPumpkin Seeds.pngSeeds (specific)- "This labour is beneath me."
  • Toasted Seeds.pngToasted Seeds- "I broiled the life out of 'em."
  • Honey.pngHoney- "Sticky and sweet."
  • Butterfly Wings.pngButterfly Wings- "Ha ha ha. I got him!"
  • Butter.pngButter- "Some puns are irresistible."
  • Rot.pngRot- "That used to be food until I wasted it."
  • Rotten Egg.pngRotten Egg- "Disgusting. Why am I carrying this around?"
  • Phlegm.pngPhlegm- "I need to put on gloves for this."

Trinkets.pngMisc Items

  • Blueprint.pngBlueprint- "I know all about that. I just forgot."
  • Gears.pngGears- "My pets! What has become of you?"
  • Ashes.pngAshes- "A fine powder that smells of destruction."
  • Ashes.pngAshes of item- "My trip through the portal made it unrecognizable."
  • Red Gem.pngRed Gem- "Red brings fire."
  • Blue Gem.pngBlue Gem- "Blue brings ice."
  • Yellow Gem.pngYellow Gem- "I can feel the magic in this."
  • Green Gem.pngGreen Gem- "The nightmare fuel will unlock its true potential."
  • Orange Gem.pngOrange Gem- "This will be quite powerful with some fuel."
  • Beard Hair.pngBeard Hair- "Hirsute."
  • Manure.pngManure- "It's the way of all mortal life."
  • Guano.pngGuano- "Disgusting!"
  • Melty Marbles.pngMelty Marbles- "These must have been heated to an incredible temperature."
  • Fake Kazoo.pngFake Kazoo- "This was important to someone once."
  • Gord's Knot.pngGord's Knot- "A tangled mess. Like life."
  • Gnome.pngGnome- "Don't look at me like that."
  • Tiny Rocketship.pngTiny Rocketship- "A toy for a child's mind."
  • Frazzled Wires.pngFrazzled Wires- "Just useless old wires."
  • Ball and Cup.pngBall and Cup- "Not something a grown man should be caught playing with."
  • Hardened Rubber Bung.pngHardened Rubber Bung- "I'd prefer a pocketwatch on a chain."
  • Mismatched Buttons.pngMismatched Buttons- "My suits don't deserve to be defaced with these tacky atrocities."
  • Second-hand Dentures.pngSecond-hand Dentures- "These are gross, and that's the tooth."
  • Lying Robot.pngLying Robot- "I'm not listening."
  • Dessicated Tentacle.pngDessicated Tentacle- "I’m not touching that without several pairs of gloves."
  • Codex Umbra.pngCodex Umbra- "I'm so sorry Charlie."
  • Codex Umbra.pngCodex Umbra (Not enough fuel)- "I need some nightmare fuel."
  • Codex Umbra.pngCodex Umbra (Not enough sanity)- "I have a headache!"
  • Dwarf Star.pngDwarf Star- "That should chase the shadows away."

Maxwell Head.pngAdventure Mode

  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (in starting base)- "The portals lead to the next rod."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod- "I can use this to find my missing parts."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (cold)- "Mostly just background noise."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warm)- "This is the right direction."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warmer)- "I should keep my eyes peeled."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (hot)- "It must be right under my nose!"
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder- "It's the starting mechanism."
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder (ready to unlock)- "I need to insert the divining rod."
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder (unlocked)- "Progress!"
  • Maxwell's Door.pngMaxwell's Door- "So that's where I left that thing!"
  • Gramophone.pngMaxwell's Phonograph- "That accursed thing!"
  • Maxwell's Light.pngMaxwell's Light- "Aw, it remembers me."
  • Maxwell Statue.pngMaxwell Statue- "Now that's a fine statue."
  • Maxwell's Tooth Trap.pngMaxwell's Tooth Trap- "I'm sure I had my reasons when I placed this."
  • Sick Worm Hole.pngSick Worm Hole- "It looks ill."
  • Nightmare Lock.pngNightmare Lock- "It keeps the master in the chair."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngNightmare Throne- "It's less painful than it looks. Barely."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngMale Character on Nightmare Throne- "Better him than me."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngFemale Character on Nightmare Throne- "Better her than me."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngOther Character on Nightmare Throne- "Better it than me."


  • Generic- "You tell me."
  • Failed Adventure Mode- "I of all people should be able to do this."
  • Freedom- "Freedom, at last!"
  • Freezing- "My heart grows cold."
  • Battlecry- "To arms!"
  • Battlecry (prey)- "You look tasty!"
  • Battlecry (Pig)- "Brains over brawn!"
  • Battlecry (Spider)- "I'll not be made a fool of!"
  • Battlecry (Spider Warrior)- "You've forced my hand!"
  • Leaving combat- "And stay away!"
  • Leaving combat (prey)- "You're not worth my time!"
  • Leaving combat (Pig)- "Next time, pig!"
  • Leaving combat (Spider)- "I won't be made a fool of... next time!"
  • Leaving combat (Spider Warrior)- "Next time the gloves come off!"
  • Activated a Bee Mine- "Killing me won't bring back your honey!"
  • Dusk- "It'll be dark soon. Charlie will be waking up."
  • Entering darkness- "It's dark! I can't see!"
  • Entering light- "The light is back."
  • Doing things in the dark- "I can't see in the dark!"
  • Failed to do something- "That didn't work."
  • Failed to craft something- "Er... I can't do that."
  • Failed to give something- "I should think not."
  • Trying to sleep during the day- "I can't sleep in the day."
  • Trying to sleep during day in a cave- "Sleeping now would mess up my sleep schedule!"
  • Trying to sleep when too hungry- "I'm too hungry. I can't sleep."
  • Trying to sleep near monsters- "Not while there's danger afoot!"
  • Trying to give item to a busy mob- "It's busy, currently."
  • Trying to give item to a dead mob- "The dead have no need of such things."
  • Trying to give item to a sleeping mob- "It's thoroughly unconscious."
  • Not enough fertilizer- "It perked up just a tiny bit."
  • Hounds are coming- "The hounds are growing restless."
  • Depths Worms are coming- "Something terrible cometh."
  • Boss is coming- "I hear one of them coming."
  • Inventory full- "My pockets are full."
  • Can't rummage (generic)- "Curses."
  • Can't store (generic/full)- "It wouldn't fit."
  • Can't bundle (no items)- "I don't know what to wrap."
  • Can't store (invalid item)- "That can't go in there."
  • Can't cook (generic)- "Nothing ever goes as planned."
  • Can't cook (too far)- "I must get closer."
  • Can't draw (no subject)- "My memory isn't good enough to draw from it."
  • Can't shave (generic)- "That's unshavable."
  • Can't shave (nothing left)- "But it's already as smooth as a baby's rear end."
  • Can't shave (beefalo awake)- "I don't think she'd take kindly to that."
  • Can't write on sign (generic)- "I'm unable to do that right now."
  • Beefalo in combat, unable to mount or saddle- "Perhaps I should take a step back."
  • Unable to build structure (mounted)- "Even with my long arms, I still can't reach."
  • Eating- "(Gulp!)"
  • Eating (stale food)- "That was past its due-date."
  • Eating (spoiled food)- "That was putrid."
  • Eating (painful food)- "Ow! That hurt my mouth!"
  • Hungry- "I am empty inside."
  • Triggered trap- "Ack!"
  • Torch out- "Dang it, another light down."
  • Miner Hat out- "Eventually the firefly will starve."
  • Pricked- "I scratched my arms up doing that."
  • Object broken, fixable- "I think I can fix this!"
  • Earthquake- "That rumbling can't be good."

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment- "I need to pass the time somehow."
  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment completed- "Ah. The satisfaction of a job well done."


  • Maxwell Head.pngMaxwell Head- "Hey, handsome."
  • Skull Chest.pngSkull Chest- "That's one snazzy chest."
  • Skull Chest.pngSkull Chest (DST)- "That chest is calling to me."
  • Golden Pitchfork- "I'm not sure this was a good investment."
  • Boat- "It's not going anywhere."
  • Home- "There's no place like it."
  • Sunk Boat.pngSunk Boat- "That's not how you use a boat!"
  • Tree Clump- "I can't get through there."
  • Pig Tent- "That's just nasty."
  • Dirt Turf- "Dusty."
  • DEPLETED_GRASS- "That's not doing anyone any good."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit- "The top of this lava pit has cooled into a fine crust."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (normal)- "It's hot."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (low)- "The fires are cooling."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (out)- "It looks harmless."
  • Maxwell's Mosquito Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap- "Maybe I shouldn't have put that there."
  • Maxwell's Mosquito Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap (went off)- "What annoying little bugs."
  • Chest.pngChest (trap)- "Hmmm. Looks suspicious."
  • ANNOUNCE_NO_TRAP- "Odd. They forgot to set it."
  • UNIMPLEMENTED- "Just what are you up to now, Charlie?"
  • UNIMPLEMENTED (announcement)- "Hmm, not quite done."
  • DEVTOOL- "How odd."
  • DEVTOOL_NODEV- "I fear I cannot grasp it."
  • Untitled5.pngRubble- "Everything eventually turns to dust."
  • Hit by Bishop charge- "How DARE you!"
  • Shadow Digger- "I'm a shadow of myself. Ha-ha!"
  • Friend-o-matic- "If I had any friends, this could take me to them."
  • Friend-o-matic (open)- "If I step through, will I still be me?"
  • Friend-o-matic (full)- "It seems to be popular over there."
  • Scaled Furnace.pngScaled Furnace (generic, no gems)- "Such a spiffy design!"
  • Scaled Furnace.pngScaled Furnace (low, one gem)- "With only one gem it is only moderately scorching."
  • Scaled Furnace.pngScaled Furnace (hammered)- "How undignified."
  • Relic Plate.pngRelic Replica (plate)- "
  • Relic Bowl.pngRelic Replica (bowl)- "
  • Relic Chair.pngRelic Replica (chair)- "
  • Relic Vase.pngRelic Replica (vase)- "
  • Relic Table.pngRelic Replica (table)- "
  • Sporecap build.pngMisery Sporecap build.pngSporecap and Misery Sporecap (burnt)- "Singing it released the toxic cloud!"
  • WETPAPER- "It's absorbent, at any rate."
  • Bernie Active.pngBernie (Forge)- "That thing's still shambling about, I see."
  • Summoning Shadow Duelists in Forge- "Shadow Strike!"
  • Packet of Blue Seeds.pngPacket of Fluffy Seeds.pngPacket of Oblong Seeds.pngPacket of Pointy Seeds.pngPacket of Round Seeds.pngPacket of Seed Pods.pngPacket of Spiky Seeds.pngPacket of Seeds (small)- "A small investment in the future."
  • Packet of Blue Seeds.pngPacket of Fluffy Seeds.pngPacket of Oblong Seeds.pngPacket of Pointy Seeds.pngPacket of Round Seeds.pngPacket of Seed Pods.pngPacket of Spiky Seeds.pngPacket of Seeds (medium)- "This could spawn some vegetable."
  • Packet of Blue Seeds.pngPacket of Fluffy Seeds.pngPacket of Oblong Seeds.pngPacket of Pointy Seeds.pngPacket of Round Seeds.pngPacket of Seed Pods.pngPacket of Spiky Seeds.pngPacket of Seeds (large)- "An abundance of seeds."
  • Packet of Mixed Seeds.pngPacket of Mixed Seeds (small)- "A small vegetable blend."
  • Packet of Mixed Seeds.pngPacket of Mixed Seeds (medium)- "This adds a bit of variety to the garden."
  • Packet of Mixed Seeds.pngPacket of Mixed Seeds (large)- "A cornucopia."
  • Prepared dish (plate)- "It's a simple plate."
  • Prepared dish (bowl)- "
  • Prepared dish (soup)- "Ahh... a nice broth."
  • Prepared dish (snack)- "A lovely light snack."
  • Prepared dish (bread)- "Refined food."
  • Prepared dish (pasta)- "I prefer my pasta al dente."
  • Prepared dish (vegetable)- "Nourishing."
  • Prepared dish (meat)- "Robust."
  • Prepared dish (fish)- "Edible."
  • Prepared dish (crab)- "Smells a little fishy."
  • Prepared dish (cheese)- "Cheesy."
  • Prepared dish (dessert)- "Sweet."
  • Luxury Machete.pngLuxury Machete (DST)- "The only way to hack things is in luxury."
  • Frog Poison.pngPoison Frog- "I had better teach it some manners."
  • Peacock- "This creature understands showmanship."
  • Shadow Skittish.pngMr. Skittish- "Oh dear."
  • Swimming Horror.pngSwimming Horror- "I've had enough of your kind, fiend."
  • COFFEEBOT- "It will do my coffee-related bidding."
  • WOODLEGSSAIL- "A fine sail."
  • BIGFISHINGROD- "Perhaps I'll have better luck with the swimming meat now."
  • Beach Turf.pngBeach Turf- "It appears to be some turf."
  • Tornado- "
  • SNAKE_FIRE- "Something's got that snake heated."
  • PIKE_SKULL- "Drab."
  • Sailor's Ghost- "He reminds me of someone..."
  • Baby Water Beefalo.pngBaby Water Beefalo (1)- "Stop chewing my cuff links, wretched cur."
  • Baby Water Beefalo.pngBaby Water Beefalo (2)- "You'll get no special treatment from me, beast."
  • Chicken.pngChicken- "Foul fowl."
  • Chicken.pngChicken (sleeping)- "Dreadful bird dreaming dreadfully."
  • Chicken.pngChicken (dead)- "No one will grieve you, fowl beast."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen- "You look suspiciously like dinner."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen (sleeping)- "It is much easier to kill like this."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen (dead)- "Met a fine end."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon- "I have no quarrel with you. Yet."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon (sleeping)- "Good. I hope it stays asleep."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon (dead)- "Everything dies, it seems."
  • Zeb.pngZeb- "I prefer pinstripes."
  • Zeb.pngZeb (sleeping)- "Seems better suited to laying down."
  • Zeb.pngZeb (dead)- "Expired."
  • Waxwell Portrait.pngInspecting self- "I still look dapper, right? As if I need to check."


  • Thermal Stone.pngHeat Stone- "A pocketful of heat."
  • Thermal Stone.pngHeat Stone (cold)- "It's useless when cold."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4.pngHeat Stone (warm)- "Comfortably warm."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5.pngHeat Stone (hot)- "It's almost too hot to hold."
  • Meaty Stew.pngDeadly Feast- "It smells... noxious."
  • Grass Tuft.pngGrass Tuft- "Tufty."
  • Flotsam.pngFlotsam- "Someone has made a mess of the ocean."
  • Barrel.pngBarrel- "What a disgusting home."
  • Ancient.pngAncient Face.pngAncient Statue- "Once a proud race..."
  • Broken Clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks (1)- "Mechanical refuse."
  • Broken Clockworks1.pngBroken Clockworks (2)- "There's a reason I never finished that."
  • Relic Chair.pngRelic Table.pngRelic Vase.pngRelic Plate.pngRelic Bowl.pngRelic Chipbowl.pngRelic- "They were all dead when I got here."
  • Blue Hound.pngBlue Hound- "How quickly they forget..."
  • Dead Pig.pngPig (dead)- "What a slobbering fool."
  • Melty Marbles.pngGord's Knot.pngGnome.pngTiny Rocketship.pngFrazzled Wires.pngBall and Cup.pngHardened Rubber Bung.pngMismatched Buttons.pngSecond-hand Dentures.pngLying Robot.pngDessicated Tentacle.pngMost Graveyard Trinkets- "This was important to someone once."
  • Research (high value)- "My brain swells with power!"
  • Research (normal value)- "Knowledge is power. And power is... well, power."
  • Research (low value)- "That wasn't very informative."


  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomploshrine- "Even THEY couldn't build something so devious."
  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment completed- "That kinda makes it all worthwhile."

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Maxwell's quote for the Evergreen ("I've heard them described as 'piney'.") is a reference to Wilson's examination quote "It is all Piney!".
  • Maxwell's quote for a Pig House ("I'll huff and puff!") is a reference to the popular children's story "The Three Little Pigs".
  • "Not the bees!" and "Killing me won't bring back your honey!" are references to a famous Nicholas Cage movie, The Wicker Man.
  • His quote for a Fishing Rod ("I will eat for a lifetime") is a reference to the saying, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."
  • His quote for a Dark Sword ("Snicker-snack!") is a reference to the Vorpal Blade in Through the Looking-Glass, by Lewis Caroll.
  • His quote for a Bunny Puff ("Silly rabbit.") is a reference to Trix cereal's catchphrase, "Silly rabbit! Trix are for kids!"
  • His quote for Krampus is a reference to the alpine folklore that he captures very naughty children.
  • His quote for a Razor ("If only the world had a single neck") is likely a reference to the notorious serial killer Carl Panzram, who, when hanged for his crimes in 1930, allegedly spat in the executioner's face and said, "I wish the entire human race had one neck, and I had my hands around it!" Maxwell's quote may also refer to Caligula, who said, "Utinam populus Romanus unam cervicem haberet!" ("Would that the Roman people had but one neck!")
  • His quote for Charcoal ("Nothing will steal my carbon!") may be a reference to the Modest Mouse song "Parting of the Sensory" lyrics: "Some day you will die and / somehow something's going to steal your carbon."
  • His quote for a burning Spiky Bush ("I should ask it questions.") is a reference to the story of Moses and the Burning Bush from the Bible.
  • His quote for Reeds ("There's wind in them there willows.") is a reference to The Wind in the Willows, a children's novel by Kenneth Grahame.
    • The line is also a snowclone of "There's gold in them thar hills", spoken in the novel The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner.
  • His quote for a cooked Blue Cap ("Umami!") is Japanese for "Savory!".
  • His quote for the Red Mushtree ("Where's Waldo?") is a joke about the colors of Waldo's outfit.
  • Maxwell's quote for the Basalt ("I made a rock so heavy that I can't lift it") is a reference to the paradox that asks the question: "Can God create a rock so heavy He can't lift it?".
  • Maxwell's quote on being attacked by Charlie ("Ow! Charlie, that hurt!") is actually unrelated to Charlie bite me...; the devs claimed it was only a coincidence.
  • His quote for the Pumpkin Lantern ("Hello there, Mr. Crane.") is a reference to Sleepy Hollows, wherein one of the characters is called Ichabod Crane. It is associated with the Pumpkin Lantern as the Headless Horseman is a part of the story.
  • Maxwell's quote for the burnt Rabbit Hutch, "Cleverness killed the carrot", may be a reference to the saying "Curiosity killed the cat".
  • Maxwell's quote for the Ham Bat is a reference to Obi-wan Kenobi's description of the Star Wars lightsaber.
  • His quote for Thulecite Crown ("Fuel must flow.") is a refernce to a quote from Dune "The spice must flow"