Wolfgang (Quotes)

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My mighty brain could make this better!

This page lists Wolfgang's Quotes which are spoken when the player examines an in-game item or object. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them.

Due to the amount of text catalogued, this page only contains Wolfgang's quotes for items found in Don't Starve. For items exclusive to other expansions, see the pages listed above.

Icon Tools.pngTools

  • Axe.pngAxe- "Chop!"
  • Luxury Axe.pngLuxury Axe- "Fancy axe more good for chop."
  • Shovel.pngShovel- "Dirt Spoon!"
  • Regal Shovel.pngRegal Shovel- "Fancy shovel is good hole maker."
  • Pickaxe.pngPickaxe- "Pick!"
  • Opulent Pickaxe.pngOpulent Pickaxe- "Fancy pickaxe do better smash."
  • Razor.pngRazor- "My skin is too strong for hairs!"
  • Hammer.pngHammer- "Needs sickle!"
  • Pitchfork.pngPitchfork- "Reminds me of childhood."
  • Feather Pencil.pngFeather Pencil- "Wolfgang must stick pinky out when holding it."
  • Brush.pngBrush- "For brush really strong hair!"
  • Saddle.pngSaddle- "Just need creature mighty enough to hold me!"
  • War Saddle.pngWar Saddle- "We ride like kings!"
  • Glossamer Saddle.pngGlossamer Saddle- "Butterflies feel soft under Wolfgang's strong butt!"
  • Saddlehorn.pngSaddlehorn- "I won't hurt you, hair cow!"
  • Salt Lick.pngSalt Lick- "Heh heh. Hair cow has funny tongue!"

Icon Light.pngLights

  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (upon being built)- "Good bye dark times!"
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (high)- "Is too much fire!"
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (normal)- "Is good fire!"
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (low)- "The fire is not hot enough."
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (embers)- "The darkness is coming!"
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (out)- "Uh oh. It turned off."
  • Torch.pngTorch- "I attack night with fire stick."
  • Miner Hat.pngMiner Hat- "Lamp for put on head."
  • Pumpkin Lantern.pngPumpkin Lantern- "Now is actual head! Wolfgang afraid!"
  • Lantern.pngLantern- "It keeps me safe from dark."

Icon Survival.pngSurvival

  • Backpack.pngBackpack- "Is for carry more thing."
  • Piggyback.pngPiggyback- "Smelly bag!"
  • Bird Trap.pngBird Trap- "I will catch bird!"
  • Bug Net.pngBug Net- "Catch bugs."
  • Fishing Rod.pngFishing Rod- "Is for get fishy from pond place."
  • Straw Roll.pngStraw Roll- "Nap time!"
  • Fur Roll.pngFur Roll- "So comfy!"
  • Tent.pngTent- "It is time for a mighty nap."
  • Trap.pngTrap- "No trap can hold me!"
  • Honey Poultice.pngHoney Poultice- "I can fix me!"
  • Healing Salve.pngHealing Salve- "It makes me feel alive!"
  • Umbrella.pngUmbrella- "The rain hurts my mighty skin."
  • Compass.pngCompass-
    • N- "Is North."
    • S- "Is South."
    • E- "Is East."
    • W- "Is West."
    • NE- "Is Northeast."
    • SE- "Is Southeast."
    • NW- "Is Northwest."
    • SW- "Is Southwest."
  • Compass.pngCompass (generic)- "All directions, but no directions."
  • Bundling Wrap.pngBundling Wrap- "Is for hiding goodies."
  • Bundled Supplies 1 Slot.pngBundled Supplies 2-3 Slot.pngBundled Supplies.pngBundled Supplies- “Is little surprise inside, maybe."

Icon Food.pngFood

  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (empty)- "Empty pot make Wolfgang think hungry thoughts."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "This take long time."
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "Is almost cook!"
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (finished)- "Is time to eat!"
  • Crock Pot.pngCrock Pot (failed to add item)- "Bah! Useless."
  • Bee Box.pngBee Box- "Many bees!"
  • Bee Box Level 0.pngBee Box (no honey)- "It has no honey."
  • Bee Box Level 2.pngBee Box (some honey)- "Bees are busy."
  • Bee Box Level 3.pngBee Box (full of honey)- "Is ready for harvest!"
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngFarm- "I will grow mighty crops here!"
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngFarm (growing)- "Grow my little friends! Grow!"
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngFarm (finished)- "Mmmm. Is tasty now."
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.pngFarm (needs fertilizer)- "Dirt is not dirty enough to make plants."
  • Ice Box.pngIce Box- "Box what makes cold!"
  • Drying Rack Build.pngDrying Rack- "I can dry meat!"
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (drying)- "Dry meaty things! Dry!"
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (finished)- "Yum, meaty leather!"

Icon Science.pngScience

  • Science Machine.pngAlchemy Engine.pngScience Machine and Alchemy Engine- "I am not sure how I feel about... science."
  • Thermal Measurer.pngThermal Measurer- "Cold go up! Red go down!"
  • Rainometer.pngRainometer- "Splish! Splash!"
  • Lightning Rod.pngLightning Rod- "Is wire in sky!"
  • Lightning Rod.pngLightning Rod (charged)- "Ooooh, sparks!"
  • Gunpowder.pngGunpowder- "Boom pepper!"

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomploshrine- "I will defeat you, tiny arrow!"

Icon Fight.pngFight

  • Spear.pngSpear- "It gave me a sliver."
  • Ham Bat.pngHam Bat- "Is still good."
  • Boomerang.pngBoomerang- "Boom! A rang! Ha!"
  • Boomerang.pngBoomerang (hit self)- "Why you hurt me throwing stick?"
  • Blow Dart.pngBlow Dart- "Dart do pain to enemies."
  • Sleep Dart.pngSleep Dart- "Dart do sleeping to enemies."
  • Fire Dart.pngFire Dart- "Careful, Wolfgang."
  • Football Helmet.pngFootball Helmet- "It protects my beautiful head!"
  • Grass Suit.pngGrass Suit- "Is prickly."
  • Log Suit.pngLog Suit- "Is almost strong as belly!"
  • Marble Suit.pngMarble Suit- "I tie rocks to muscles."
  • Bee Mine.pngBee Mine- "Is ball full of anger bees."
  • Tooth Trap.pngTooth Trap- "It bites bottoms from below!"

Icon Structures.pngStructures

  • Birdcage Build.pngBirdcage- "Is home for my birdies."
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied)- "Hello birdie!"
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, sleeping)- "I should be quiet!"
  • Pig House Build.pngPig House- "The door is too small for me."
  • Pig House Light On.pngPig House (occupied, lights on)- "Hey! Come out here, pig man!"
  • Pig House Build.pngPig House (occupied, lights off)- "Where did he go?"
  • Rabbit Hutch Build.pngRabbit Hutch- "I hear nomming inside."
  • Hay Wall.pngHay Wall (held)- "Scratchy straws!"
  • Hay Wall Build.pngHay Wall- "Wall is made of grass!"
  • Wood Wall.pngWood Wall (held)- "Pokey sticks!"
  • Wood Wall Build.pngWood Wall- "Hello, pointy sticks!"
  • Stone Wall.pngStone Wall (held)- "Piles of rocks!"
  • Stone Wall Build.pngStone Wall- "Wall is strong like me!"
  • Chest.pngChest- "I put stuff there!"
  • Sign.pngSign- "Is no time for reading signs!"
  • Potted Fern.pngPotted Fern- "It makes me happy."
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (held)- "Wolfgang will help punch into ground!"
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (empty)- "Sign needs little scribbles!"
  • Mini Sign.pngMini Sign (drawn on)- "Tiny picture is worth many, tinier words."
  • Wood Fence.pngWood Fence (held)- "Wolfgang will help make fence!"
  • Wood Fence Build.pngWood Fence- "I do not like trapping little animals."
  • Wood Gate.pngWood Gate (held)- "Wolfgang will help make swing boards!"
  • Wood Gate Build.pngWood Gate- "Is little flimsy swingboards."

Icon Refine.pngRefine

  • Rope.pngRope- "Strong! Like me!"
  • Boards.pngBoards- "I break log to make board!"
  • Cut Stone.pngCut Stone- "I crush rock to make brick!"
  • Papyrus.pngPapyrus- "Is like paper."
  • Purple Gem.pngPurple Gem- "Prettier rock."
  • Nightmare Fuel.pngNightmare Fuel- "Scary stuff."
  • Beeswax.pngBeeswax- "Bee goop is smell nice."
  • Wax Paper.pngWax Paper- "Strange paper not for make scribblemarks."

Icon Magic.pngMagic

  • Meat Effigy.pngMeat Effigy- "I'm not going to die."
  • Prestihatitator.pngPrestihatitator- "Hat not just for head."
  • Shadow Manipulator.pngShadow Manipulator- "What has Wolfgang done?"
  • Pan Flute.pngPan Flute- "I can play folk song."
  • Night Light.pngNight Light- "Is strange glow."
  • Night Armor.pngNight Armor- "Is like wearing scary little rag!"
  • Dark Sword.pngDark Sword- "Is real? Is not real? Is sharp!"
  • One-man Band.pngOne-man Band- "Is big and loud. I like!"
  • Bat Bat.pngBat Bat- "This club makes me feel funny."
  • Belt of Hunger.pngBelt of Hunger- "It moves with my many muscles!"
  • Chilled Amulet.pngChilled Amulet- "Would make good ice cube!"
  • Nightmare Amulet.pngNightmare Amulet- "This amulet... it frightens Wolfgang."
  • Life Giving Amulet.pngLife Giving Amulet- "Is very pretty."
  • Fire Staff.pngFire Staff- "Is staff for make fire. Careful, Wolfgang."
  • Ice Staff.pngIce Staff- "Frosted tip."
  • Telelocator Staff.pngTelelocator Staff- "It gives me a headache."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (full)- "Glow is good sign."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "Do not think it working."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelelocator Socket (full)- "Pretty rock now hovers."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "Is empty."

Icon Dress.pngDress

  • Sewing Kit.pngSewing Kit- "Is pokey!"
  • Rabbit Earmuffs.pngRabbit Earmuffs- "Now I look like little bunny!"
  • Straw Hat.pngBeefalo Hat.pngTop Hat.pngStraw Hat, Beefalo Hat, and Top Hat- "Is good hat!"
  • Beekeeper Hat.pngBeekeeper Hat- "Is hat for to protect from stinger bees."
  • Feather Hat.pngFeather Hat- "Is silly hat of feather. Is Wolfgang bird now?"
  • Winter Hat.pngWinter Hat- "It make ears happy in cold!"
  • Dapper Vest.pngDapper Vest- "Is vest with pattern for fancy man."
  • Breezy Vest.pngBreezy Vest- "Is warm fuzzy nose."
  • Puffy Vest.pngPuffy Vest- "I'm real cozy in this nose!"
  • Bush Hat.pngBush Hat- "I am so sneaky!"
  • Garland.pngGarland- "Is so pretty!"
  • Walking Cane.pngWalking Cane- "I can walk AND hit things!"

Icon Ancient.pngAncient

  • Thulecite.pngThulecite- "Is pretty rock."
  • Thulecite Wall.pngThulecite Wall (held)- "Stack of old rocks!"
  • Thulecite Wall Build.pngThulecite Wall- "Old wall is strong!"
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (min)- "No bad light."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising low)- "The bad light comes soon."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "The bad light is here and getting stronger."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (max)- "I think the bad light not get stronger."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "Bad light time is ending."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding low)- "Good time is soon."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "Is safe from bad light!"
  • The Lazy Forager.pngThe Lazy Forager- "I can wear it around my neck."
  • Magiluminescence.pngMagiluminescence- "Is glowing yellow."
  • Construction Amulet.pngConstruction Amulet- "What is this thing?"
  • The Lazy Explorer.pngThe Lazy Explorer- "Better to walk I think."
  • Star Caller's Staff.pngStar Caller's Staff- "Pretty gem sits in stick."
  • Deconstruction Staff.pngDeconstruction Staff- "This stick has a green gem on it."
  • PickSlashAxe.pngPick/Axe- "Chop and dig! I can do that all day."
  • Thulecite Crown.pngThulecite Crown- "Is hat for king."
  • Thulecite Suit.pngThulecite Suit- "Protect me? I don't need it!"
  • Thulecite Club.pngThulecite Club- "Is creepy."
  • Houndius Shootius.pngHoundius Shootius (held)- "I must place this."
  • Houndius Shootius Build.pngHoundius Shootius- "Mighty structure will help me fight!"

Eyeplant.pngNature - Plants

  • Evergreen.pngEvergreen- "Hello, tree!"
  • A Lumpy Evergreen.pngLumpy Evergreen- "Cheer up, tree!"
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree- "Is spiky."
  • Evergreen Stump.pngEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (stump)- "Ha! I have prevailed!"
  • Spiky Tree Stump.pngSpiky Tree (stump)- "I chop the spikes off!"
  • Evergreen.pngA Lumpy Evergreen.pngEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (burning)- "I broke it."
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree (burning)- "I burn the spikes!"
  • Burnt Evergreen.pngEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (burnt)- "Is small and broken now."
  • Spiky Tree Burnt.pngSpiky Tree (burnt)- "Is spiky and black now."
  • Evergreen Sapling.pngEvergreen (sapling)- "It will be tree soon."
  • Log.pngLog (normal and burning)- "Is thick like my arm."
  • Charcoal.pngCharcoal- "Is like holding tiny dead tree."
  • Pine Cone.pngPine Cone- "I could crush this tree-seed with my hands!"
  • Marble Tree.pngMarble Tree- "Do not try punch tree."
  • Totally Normal Tree.pngTotally Normal Tree- "I do not like tree with eyes."
  • Living Log.pngLiving Log- "Creepy face log!"
  • Sapling.pngSapling- "Puny tree! I am stronger than you!"
  • Sapling Picked.pngSapling (picked)- "Ha! Ha! Ha! Tree is floppy!"
  • Sapling.pngSapling (burning)- "Oops."
  • Sapling Item.pngGrass Tuft Item.pngBerry Bush Item.pngBerry Bush 2.pngSpiky Bush Dug.pngSapling, Grass Tuft, Berry Bush, and Spiky Bush (held)- "He is cold and lonely."
  • Twigs.pngTwigs- "Puny twigs! I can break them!"
  • Grass Tuft.pngGrass Tuft- "Is grass."
  • Grass Tuft Picked.pngGrass Tuft (picked)- "I have defeated the grass!"
  • Grass Tuft Withered.pngGrass Tuft (barren)- "It needs poop."
  • Grass Tuft.pngReeds.pngGrass Tuft and Reeds (burning)- "Not good!"
  • Cut Grass.pngCut Grass- "I made a pile of grass."
  • Berry Bush.pngBerry Bush2.pngBerry Bush (normal and burning)- "Is full of food-balls!"
  • Berry Bush Picked.pngBerry Bush (picked)- "Eating part is gone."
  • Berry Bush Withered.pngBarren Berry Bush 2.pngBerry Bush (barren)- "I need to poop on it."
  • Reeds.pngReeds- "Is watery grass."
  • Reeds Picked.pngReeds (picked)- "I have beaten the reeds!"
  • Reeds.pngReeds (burning)- "Not good!"
  • Cut Reeds.pngCut Reeds- "I made a clump of reeds."
  • Plant.pngPlant- "Leafy!"
  • Plant.pngPlant (growing)- "Is still growing."
  • Plant.pngPlant (ready to be picked)- "Mmmm. Is tasty now."
  • Marsh Plant1.pngMarsh Plant- "Is plant."
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush- "Is thorny."
  • Spiky Bush Picked.pngSpiky Bush (picked)- "Thorns hurt."
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush (burning)- "Uh oh. Spiky fire."
  • Flower.pngFlower- "They are very pretty."
  • Petals.pngPetals- "These smell nice."
  • Evil Flower.pngEvil Flower- "Is not potato."
  • Dark Petals.pngDark Petals- "They make my brain hurt."
  • Carrot Planted.pngCarrot (planted)- "Is hiding?"
  • Red Mushroom.pngGreen Mushroom.pngBlue Mushroom.pngMushroom- "Is mushy room."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngMushroom (sleeping)- "Mushy room is hiding!"
  • Mushroom Picked.pngMushroom (picked)- "I already took that mushy room."

Harp Statue.pngNature - Objects

  • Beehive.pngBeehive- "Oh, beehive!"
  • Killer Bee Hive.pngKiller Bee Hive- "Mind says no. Muscles say yes!"
  • Honeycomb.pngHoneycomb- "Bee used to live inside."
  • Hound Mound.pngHound Mound- "Is house of bones."
  • Bones.pngBones- "Wimpy woof dog was not strong enough."
  • Touch Stone.pngTouch Stone- "Hop on rock!"
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, up)- "Is beautiful."
  • Lowered Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, down)- "Is hiding underground."
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, up)- "Is in my way."
  • Lowered Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, down)- "Hah. I step over tiny obstacle."
  • Harp Statue.pngHarp Statue- "Where is pretty music?"
  • Marble Pillar.pngMarble Pillar- "Is too heavy to lift."
  • Marble.pngMarble- "I can lift!"
  • Rundown House.pngRundown House- "The house was not strong enough."
  • Merm Head.pngMerm Head- "What a handsome devil!"
  • Pig Head.pngPig Head- "Why long face?"
  • Pig Torch.pngPig Torch- "How is fire made?"
  • Basalt1.pngBasalt- "Is stronger even than me!"
  • Boulder.pngBoulder- "Is hard! Like me!"
  • Rocks.pngRocks- "Is rock. What you not get?"
  • Flint.pngFlint- "Is rock, but pointy-er."
  • Nitre.pngNitre- "Is rock, but different."
  • Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget- "Money is for tiny men!"
  • Grave.pngGrave- "Scary! Is probably full of bones!"
  • Grave Dug.pngGrave (dug)- "I am sorry, dead peoples."
  • Suspicious Dirt Pile.pngSuspicious Dirt Pile- "Dirty dirt."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track- "Animal went this way."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (lost its trail)- "No animal here."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (found)- "Animal is close."
  • Wooden Thing.pngWooden Thing Adventure Mode.pngWooden Thing- "Strange rock. Do I sit on?"
  • Wooden Thing (partially assembled)- "Is coming together now."
  • Wooden Thing (locked)- "Something missing still."
  • Wooden Thing (fully assembled)- "I do not fear what lies beyond!"
  • Ring Thing.pngRing Thing Adventure Mode.pngRing Thing- "I will bend into perfect circle!"
  • Crank Thing.pngCrank Thing Adventure Mode.pngCrank Thing- "Bendy thing is made of metal!"
  • Box Thing.pngBox Thing Adventure Mode.pngBox Thing- "Has little lever."
  • Metal Potato Thing.pngMetal Potato Thing Adventure Mode.pngMetal Potato Thing- "Ha ha! Ha ha! What ugly potato!"
  • Worm Hole.pngWorm Hole- "Like soft pillow, growing on ground."
  • Wormhole.pngWorm Hole (open)- "It can not harm this man!"
  • Worm Hole Eating.pngWorm Hole (exited)- "It makes me feel alive!"
  • Pond.pngPond- "Is all wet."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton- "Not enough muscle."
  • Spider Den.pngSpider Den- "The bugs are hiding in there."
  • Spider Eggs.pngSpider Eggs- "Nasty spider eggs."
  • Rabbit Hole.pngRabbit Hole- "You can not hide forever, jumping meat!"
  • Walrus Camp Winter.pngWalrus Camp- "How do they all fit?"
  • Walrus Camp Empty.pngWalrus Camp (empty)- "Is locked."
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Boat- "Where is captain?"
  • Sunken Boat Abandoned.pngSunken Boat (empty)- "No one home."
  • Flotsam.pngFlotsam- "Is not a mighty ship."

Exclusive to Pocket Edition

  • Compromising Statue- "Wolfgang is stronger than death!"

CaveEntrance1.pngNature - Caves

  • Sinkhole.pngPlugged Sinkhole- "Even I am not that mighty."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole (generic)- "Who wants to go in scary cave hole, anyway!"
  • Unplugged Sinkhole DS.pngUnplugged Sinkhole DST.pngSinkhole (open)- "World has belly button!"
  • Exit to Surface (generic)- "Please let Wolfgang out!"
  • Exit to Surface (open)- "Is dark and scary down here."
  • MushtreeRed.pngRed Mushtree- "Mushy bush."
  • MushtreeGreen.pngGreen Mushtree- "Mushy shrub."
  • Mushtree.pngBlue Mushtree- "Big mushtree is big."
  • Light Flower.pngLight Flower- "Is light plant."
  • Light Bulb.pngLight Bulb- "Is food?"
  • Stalagmite.pngStalagmite- "Is pointy."
  • StalagmiteTall.pngStalagmite (pointy)- "Rock reaching for the roof."
  • Spilagmite.pngSpilagmite- "Spiders everywhere."
  • Slurtle Mound.pngSlurtle Mound- "Hole full of slugs."
  • Splumonkey Pod.pngSplumonkey Pod- "This... thing. It smells not so good."
  • Fern.pngFern- "Pretty plant!"
  • Foliage.pngFoliage- "I killed the pretty plant."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree- "Hello, upside-down tree."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree (burnt)- "Is crisp."

Thulecite Fragments.pngNature - Ruins

  • Ruins Entrance.pngPlugged Ruins Sinkhole- "Even I am not that mighty."
  • Ruins Entrance.pngRuins Sinkhole-
  • Ancient.pngAncient Face.pngAncient Statue- "Ugly, ugly, ugly."
  • Broken Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station (broken)- "Is broken altar."
  • Ancient Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station- "Is nasty, creepy, altar."
  • Algae.pngAlgae- "Plant is so small! Is funny to me."
  • Broken Clockworks1.pngBroken Clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks- "Metal junk."
  • Relic Chair.pngRelic Table.pngRelic Vase.pngRelic Plate.pngRelic Bowl.pngRelic Chipbowl.pngRelic- "It is of no use to me."
  • Relic Chair Rubble.pngRelic Table Rubble.pngRelic Vase Rubble.pngRelic (broken)- "Relic is in tiny pieces."
  • Thulecite Fragments.pngThulecite Fragments- "I can smash together to make bigger piece!"
  • Cave Lichen.pngCave Lichen- "I'm lichen this!"
  • Ornate Chest.pngOrnate Chest- "Fancy box!"
  • Ornate Chest.pngLarge Ornate Chest- "Chest have big strong horns."
  • Nightmare Light.pngNightmare Light- "Is light, but not good light."

Grass Turf.pngTurfs

  • Wooden Flooring.pngCarpeted Flooring.pngCheckerboard Flooring.pngCobblestones.pngForest Turf.pngGrass Turf.pngSavanna Turf.pngRocky Turf.pngMarsh Turf.pngMud Turf.pngGuano Turf.pngSlimy Turf.pngFungal Turf Blue.pngFungal Turf Red.pngFungal Turf Green.pngCave Rock Turf.pngAll Turfs- "Step stones."

Spider.pngMobs - Monsters

  • Clockwork Knight.pngClockwork Knight- "Horsey horse!"
  • Clockwork Bishop.pngClockwork Bishop- "Padre!"
  • Clockwork Rook.pngClockwork Rook- "This one jumps the queen!"
  • Damaged Knight.pngDamaged Knight- "Funny metal man."
  • Damaged Bishop.pngDamaged Bishop- "Is angry man. Should relax."
  • Damaged Rook.pngDamaged Rook- "Is no match for my mighty chest!"
  • Charlie (the darkness monster)- "Show yourself!"
  • Charlie (attacked by)- "Ow! It got me!"
  • Hound.pngHound- "Woof!"
  • Red Hound.pngRed Hound- "Bark!"
  • Blue Hound.pngBlue Hound- "Bow wow!"
  • Hound's Tooth.pngHound's Tooth- "Puppy tooth!"
  • Spider.pngSpider- "He has scary face!"
  • Spider Warrior.pngSpider Warrior- "This one extra scary."
  • Spider Sleeping.pngSpider (sleeping)- "Walk quiet, and he might not see me."
  • Spider Warrior Sleeping.pngSpider Warrior (sleeping)- "I think not smart to poke it."
  • Dead Spider.pngSpider (dead)- "Is made of sticky goo!"
  • Dead Spider Warrior.pngSpider Warrior (dead)- "Not scary now!"
  • Spider Gland.pngSpider Gland- "Squishy and wobbly!"
  • Silk.pngSilk- "Is too fancy."
  • Krampus.pngKrampus- "Scary goat man! Run!"
  • Krampus Sack.pngKrampus Sack- "I have goat man's sack."
  • Merm.pngMerm- "Is fishy man!"
  • Frog.pngFrog- "Hey little froggy, froggy."
  • Frog Sleeping.pngFrog (sleeping)- "Is asleep."
  • Dead Frog.pngFrog (dead)- "Is delicacy in my country."
  • Tentacle.pngTentacle- "Skinny monster!"
  • Tentacle Spike.pngTentacle Spike- "Perfect for sticking!"
  • Tentacle Spots.pngTentacle Spots- "Yuck! Slimy!"
  • Tentapillar.pngBig Tentacle (1)- "Lots of little friends!"
  • Tentapillar.pngBig Tentacle (2)- "Time to pole dance!"
  • Big Slimy Pit.pngBig Slimy Pit- "You run away from mighty Wolfgang?"
  • Baby Tentacle.pngBaby Tentacle- "Tiny tentacle baby thing! Ha!"
  • Guardian Pig.pngGuardian Pig- "Is bad piggie!"
  • Werepig.pngWerepig- "Angry piggie!"
  • Ghost Build.pngGhost- "Aaaaaaaaaaah!"
  • MacTusk.pngMacTusk- "Sea cow man!"
  • WeeTusk.pngWee MacTusk- "You think you are mightier than old man?"
  • Walrus Tusk.pngWalrus Tusk- "Sea cow man tooth!"
  • Tam o' Shanter.pngTam o' Shanter- "I have sea cow man's hat!"
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito- "Reminds me of uncle!"
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito (held)- "No more blood for you!"
  • Mosquito Sack.pngMosquito Sack- "Uncle did not have gut like this."
  • Mosquito.pngNearby Mosquitoes- "Wolfgang need blood, get away sucking bugs!"
  • Cave Spider.pngCave Spider- "Is scared spider!"
  • Spitter.pngSpitter- "Ptoo! Ptoo!"
  • Batilisk.pngBatilisk- "Flying mousey!"
  • Lureplant.pngMeat Bulb- "You cannot fool Wolfgang!"
  • Fleshy Bulb.pngFleshy Bulb- "Ah ha! Who is tricky now?"
  • Eyeplant.pngEyeplant- "They are not what they seem."
  • Slurper.pngSlurper- "No! No! Stay off head!"
  • Slurper Pelt.pngSlurper Pelt- "It's still moving!"
  • Dangling Depth Dweller.pngDangling Depth Dweller- "Scary spider from above."
  • Depths Worm.pngDepths Worm (emerged)- "Did not expect this!"
  • Mysterious Plant.pngDepths Worm (lure)- "Pretty light."
  • Depths Worm Burrowed.pngDepths Worm (burrowed)- "Is dirt moving?"
  • Ewecus.pngEwecus- "Look so friendly and cuddly."
  • Steel Wool.pngSteel Wool- "Is like my arm hair."

Pig.pngMobs - Neutral Animals

  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo- "Is hair-cow thing!"
  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo (follower)- "Hair-cow follow me!"
  • Beefalo Sleeping.pngBeefalo (sleeping)- "Hair-cow is sleeping."
  • Beefalo Naked.pngBeefalo (naked)- "Hair-cow has no more hair."
  • DefaultDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated)- "Hair-cow so fluffy and nice!"
  • PudgyDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, pudgy)- "A critter after own heart!"
  • RiderDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, docile)- "Like I'm back in cavalry!"
  • OrneryDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, ornery)- "You are feisty!"
  • Beefalo Wool.pngBeefalo Wool- "I make clothes of hair-cow."
  • Beefalo Horn.pngBeefalo Horn- "Is hair-cow horn. Wolfgang hear hair-cow."
  • Baby Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo- "Baby hair-cow!"
  • Baby Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo (sleeping)- "Sleepy baby hair-cow!"
  • Bee.pngNearby Bees- "
  • Bee.pngBee- "Is fat and angry-looking."
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee- "Angry bee!"
  • Bee.pngBee (held)- "Is safely in my pocket."
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee (held)- "My angry bee!"
  • Stinger.pngStinger- "Is sharp like skewer!"
  • Pig.pngPig- "Hello pig. How are you?"
  • Pig.pngPig (follower)- "Is friend now!"
  • Dead Pig.pngPig (dead)- "No! The pig is dead!"
  • Pig Skin.pngPig Skin- "Why long butt? Ha ha, Wolfgang is funny man."
  • Bunnyman2.pngBeardlord.pngBunnyman and Beardlord- "Hello rabbit!"
  • Bunny Puff.pngBunny Puff- "Puffy!"
  • Koalefant.pngKoalefant- "Nose meat!"
  • Winter Koalefant.pngWinter Koalefant- "So soft, I want to squish it!"
  • Pengull.pngPengull- "Funny walking birds!"
  • Rock Lobster.pngRock Lobster- "He is mighty! Like me!"
  • Slurtle.pngSlurtle- "Ha! You are slow!"
  • Snurtle.pngSnurtle- "Spirally!"
  • Slurtle Slime.pngSlurtle Slime- "Boom snot!"
  • Broken Shell.pngBroken Shell- "Is broken."
  • Shelmet.pngShelmet- "Keeps my head safe."
  • Snurtle Shell Armor.pngSnurtle Shell Armor- "Is sticky inside."
  • Splumonkey.pngSplumonkey- "Ugly monkey man!"

Rabbit.pngMobs - Passive Animals

  • Butterfly.pngButterfly- "Is pretty flutterby!"
  • Butterfly.pngButterfly (held)- "My pet!"
  • Crow.pngCrow- "I do not like birds. Too fragile."
  • Crow.pngCrow (held)- "He is squawky."
  • Redbird.pngRedbird- "Is pretty red color bird."
  • Redbird.pngRedbird (held)- "Is happy bird in pocket."
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird- "Is pretty white color bird."
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird (held)- "Is fluffy bird. Nice bird."
  • Jet Feather.pngJet Feather- "Is feather of bird black."
  • Crimson Feather.pngCrimson Feather- "Is feather of bird red."
  • Azure Feather.pngAzure Feather- "Is feather of bird white."
  • Gobbler.pngGobbler- "Dumb bird is take all berries!"
  • Eye Bone.pngSnow Eyebone.pngShadow Eyebone.pngEye Bone- "It is eye bone. Eye bone connect to face bone."
  • Eye Bone.pngSnow Eyebone.pngShadow Eyebone.pngEye Bone (Chester dead)- "It sleeps now."
  • Ashes.pngEye Bone (ashes)- "Is burned pieces of eyebone from teleport!"
  • Chester.pngChester- "Strange box with legs."
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngBeardling.pngRabbit and Beardling- "Tiny rabbit! Hide from me!"
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngBeardling.pngRabbit and Beardling (held)- "He is my friend."
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies- "Sparkly!"
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies (held)- "My pocket is sparkles!"
  • Planted Mandrake.pngMandrake (planted)- "Is strange plant."
  • Mandrake Mob.pngMandrake (follower)- "Little plant man friend!"
  • Mandrake.pngMandrake (dead)- "Little plant man is died!"
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (cooked)- "Little plant man is food?"
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (knocked out by)- "Ugh, Wolfgang must have hit head."

Smallbird.pngMobs - Tallbird family

  • Tallbird.pngTallbird- "Is tallest bird!"
  • Tallbird Nest Full.pngTallbird Nest (with egg)- "Is big egg!"
  • Tallbird Nest.pngTallbird Nest (empty)- "Is nest of emptiness."
  • Tallbird Egg.pngTallbird Egg- "There is bird inside."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg- "Little bird is trying to get out."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (dead, eating the egg)- "This egg is too crunchy."
  • Tallbird Egg Too Hot.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too hot)- "Is too hot for little bird!"
  • Tallbird Egg Too Cold.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too cold)- "Bird is like ice cube!"
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (long time left)- "I wait for bird."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (short time left)- "Bird comes soon."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird- "Is very small bird."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (hungry)- "Small bird is hungry."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (starving)- "Small bird will die from starving."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird- "Hah! Not so tall."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (hungry)- "Is hungry, and noisy."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (starving, attacking)- "Is hungry, noisy and angry!"
  • Teenbird.pngPecked by a Smallish Tallbird- "What I do to deserve this?"

Spider Queen.pngMobs - Bosses

  • Treeguard.pngTreeguard (normal)- "Is wood man!"
  • Lumpy Treeguard.pngTreeguard (lumpy)- "
  • Spider Queen.pngSpider Queen- "Oh no! Walking bug-house!"
  • Spiderhat.pngSpiderhat- "Is like smooch from giant bug."
  • Deerclops.pngDeerclops- "He looks mightier than me!"
  • Deerclops Eyeball.pngDeerclops Eyeball- "Yuck yuck yuck!"
  • Ancient Guardian.pngAncient Guardian- "Strong! Like me! I like him!"
  • Guardian's Horn.pngGuardian's Horn- "Is trophy from mighty foe."

Abigail.pngMobs - Other

  • Maxwell ingame.pngMaxwell- "A fancy suit is no match for my muscles!"
  • Pig King.pngPig King- "Ha! Is good people!"
  • Wes.pngWes (trapped)- "Is puny man trapped by statue men."
  • Abigail.pngAbigail- "Are you friendly ghost?"

Meat.pngFood - Meats

  • Egg.pngEgg- "Poor birdy."
  • Cooked Egg.pngEgg (cooked)- "Yum!"
  • Meat.pngMeat- "Meat makes me strong!"
  • Cooked Meat.pngCooked Meat- "I made meat good with fire!"
  • Jerky.pngSmall Jerky.pngJerky and Small Jerky- "Looks like leather, taste like meat!"
  • Morsel.pngMorsel- "I need more meat!"
  • Cooked Morsel.pngCooked Morsel- "It is even smaller cooked!"
  • Monster Meat.pngMonster Meat- "It is not looking like food."
  • Cooked Monster Meat.pngCooked Monster Meat- "I still do not want to eat this."
  • Monster Jerky.pngMonster Jerky- "Look like leather, taste like leather."
  • Leafy Meat.pngLeafy Meat- "What is this? Meat for baby man?"
  • Cooked Leafy Meat.pngCooked Leafy Meat- "Is slightly better now."
  • Drumstick.pngDrumstick- "Leg meat for make legs more strong."
  • Fried Drumstick.pngFried Drumstick- "Eat off bone is good."
  • Fish.pngFish- "Is fishy."
  • Cooked Fish.pngCooked Fish- "Meat from water still make Wolfgang strong."
  • Eel.pngEel- "I must cook this!"
  • Cooked Eel.pngCooked Eel- "I have cooked it."
  • Koalefant Trunk.pngKoalefant Trunk- "Is floppy nose."
  • Winter Koalefant Trunk.pngWinter Koalefant Trunk- "Is floppy hairy nose."
  • Koalefant Trunk Steak.pngKoalefant Trunk Steak- "Is cooked nose."
  • Fried Tallbird Egg.pngFried Tallbird Egg- "Cooked bird. Good for breakfast!"
  • Frog Legs.pngFrog Legs- "Is delicacy in my country!"
  • Cooked Frog Legs.pngCooked Frog Legs- "Is mostly taste like chicken."
  • Batilisk Wing.pngBatilisk Wing- "Is all hairy and gross"
  • Cooked Batilisk Wing.pngCooked Batilisk Wing- "Crispy!"

Dragon Fruit.pngFood - Fruits

  • Berries.pngCave Banana.pngBerries and Cave Banana- "Is tasty!"
  • Roasted Berries.pngRoasted Berries- "Is more tasty!"
  • Cooked Cave Banana.pngCooked Cave Banana- "Is warm and tasty!"
  • Dragon Fruit.pngDragon Fruit- "Is funny looking fruit."
  • Prepared Dragon Fruit.pngPrepared Dragon Fruit- "Is cooked but still look funny."
  • Durian.pngDurian- "Is spiky smelly fruit."
  • Extra Smelly Durian.pngExtra Smelly Durian- "Now is hot spiky smelly fruit."
  • Pomegranate.pngPomegranate- "Look like smartypants' brain."
  • Sliced Pomegranate.pngSliced Pomegranate- "Ha ha ha! I cook brain! Not so smart now."

Carrot.pngFood - Vegetables

  • Carrot.pngCarrot- "Is food. I guess."
  • Roasted Carrot.pngRoasted Carrot- "Is not more like meat after do cooking."
  • Corn.pngCorn- "Is corn. What expect?"
  • Popcorn.pngPopcorn- "Pop pop pop! Ha ha, funny corn."
  • Eggplant.pngEggplant- "Is not egg!"
  • Braised Eggplant.pngBraised Eggplant- "Has no yolk! Yolk is strongest part!"
  • Pumpkin.pngPumpkin- "Is big as head of weakling man! Not Wolfgang head."
  • Hot Pumpkin.pngHot Pumpkin- "I cook your head, puny man! I am strongest Wolfgang."
  • Red Cap.pngRed Cap- "Oh! Is pretty and shiny!"
  • Green Cap.pngGreen Cap- "Is for salads. Blech."
  • Blue Cap.pngBlue Cap- "Is good for me, I think."
  • Cooked Red Cap.pngCooked Green Cap.pngCooked Blue Cap.pngCooked Cap- "Is not same."
  • Glow Berry.pngGlow Berry- "Pretty light."
  • Lichen.pngLichen- "Tastes terrible."

Ratatouille.pngFood - Crock Pot

  • Bacon and Eggs.pngBacon and Eggs- "Food has yolk! And meat! More strong!"
  • Butter Muffin.pngButter Muffin- "Wolfgang did not know about bug muffin. I will taste."
  • Dragonpie.pngDragonpie- "Pie made of funny red fruit."
  • Fishsticks.pngFishsticks- "Ha ha, is funny name."
  • Fish Tacos.pngFish Tacos- "Wolfgang hope is not too spicy for Wolfgang."
  • Fist Full of Jam.pngFist Full of Jam- "Oozes like tiny enemy I crush in hand."
  • Froggle Bunwich.pngFroggle Bunwich- "Is sandwich with tasty leg meat."
  • Fruit Medley.pngFruit Medley- "Is cup of teensy fruits."
  • Honey Ham.pngHoney Ham- "Big meat with sweet is good meat."
  • Honey Nuggets.pngHoney Nuggets- "Small meats with sweet still is good meat."
  • Kabobs.pngKabobs- "Eat off stick is good."
  • Mandrake Soup.pngMandrake Soup- "Little plant man is for make soup!"
  • Meatballs.pngMeatballs- "Ball of meats make me strong!"
  • Meaty Stew.pngMeaty Stew- "Is stew full of strong meat."
  • Monster Lasagna.pngMonster Lasagna- "Taste like hairs and meats with noodle."
  • Pierogi.pngPierogi- "Wolfgang love pierogi!"
  • Powdercake.pngPowdercake- "Is made of nothings!"
  • Pumpkin Cookies.pngPumpkin Cookies- "Is tasty cookie."
  • Ratatouille.pngRatatouille- "Is food. Sort of."
  • Stuffed Eggplant.pngStuffed Eggplant- "I make yolk of other foods."
  • Taffy.pngTaffy- "Is taffy for crushing!"
  • Turkey Dinner.pngTurkey Dinner- "Is good feast of bird meat."
  • Unagi.pngUnagi- "Food makes me mighty!"
  • Waffles.pngWaffles- "Why does bread have holes?"
  • Wet Goop.pngWet Goop- "Wolfgang ruin food!"

Rot.pngFood - Other

  • Seeds.pngSeeds- "Too small to eat."
  • Carrot Seeds.pngCarrot Seeds- "Seeds is too small."
  • Corn Seeds.pngCorn Seeds- "Is seeds for grow corn."
  • Dragon Fruit Seeds.pngDragon Fruit Seeds- "I use this to grow funny fruit."
  • Durian Seeds.pngDurian Seeds- "Tiny baby spiky fruit plant."
  • Eggplant Seeds.pngEggplant Seeds- "Teensy fake egg plant."
  • Pomegranate Seeds.pngPomegranate Seeds- "Is piece of brain?"
  • Pumpkin Seeds.pngPumpkin Seeds- "This grow food size of wimpy head."
  • Toasted Seeds.pngToasted Seeds- "Fire make bigger, can eat now."
  • Honey.pngHoney- "Is yum!"
  • Butterfly Wings.pngButterfly Wings- "No fly without wings!"
  • Butter.pngButter- "Is buttery, and taste like insect."
  • Rot.pngRot- "Is ball of yuck!"
  • Rotten Egg.pngRotten Egg- "Stinky!"
  • Phlegm.pngPhlegm- "A ha ha ha! Boogers! Oh ho ho!"

Trinkets.pngMisc Items

  • Blueprint.pngBlueprint- "Pretty pictures!"
  • Gears.pngGears- "Ah ha! Who is bigger muscles now?"
  • Ashes.pngAshes- "Is skeleton of fire."
  • Ashes.pngAshes of item- "Is burned pieces of some thing. Is dead now..."
  • Red Gem.pngBlue Gem.pngYellow Gem.pngOrange Gem.pngRed, Blue, Yellow, and Orange Gem- "Pretty rock."
  • Green Gem.pngGreen Gem- "Is pretty and not be crushed. Like me!"
  • Beard Hair.pngBeard Hair- "Gross. These are not from my face."
  • Manure.pngManure- "Smelly!"
  • Guano.pngGuano- "More poop."
  • Melty Marbles.pngMelty Marbles- "Glob of glass!"
  • Fake Kazoo.pngFake Kazoo- "Fake bless you."
  • Gord's Knot.pngGord's Knot- "Is knot what Wolfgang expected."
  • Gnome.pngGnome- "Is junk, I think."
  • Tiny Rocketship.pngTiny Rocketship- "What is do?"
  • Frazzled Wires.pngFrazzled Wires- "Robot bits."
  • Ball and Cup.pngBall and Cup- "Ball goes in wood hole."
  • Hardened Rubber Bung.pngHardened Rubber Bung- "Hardened, like Wolfgang."
  • Mismatched Buttons.pngMismatched Buttons- "Tiny little buttons."
  • Second-hand Dentures.pngSecond-hand Dentures- "Is pearly chompers!"
  • Lying Robot.pngLying Robot- "Is very strange!"
  • Dessicated Tentacle.pngDessicated Tentacle- "Yuck."
  • Dwarf Star.pngDwarf Star- "It hurts to touch."

Maxwell Head.pngAdventure Mode

  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (in starting base)- "Is funny rod thing."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod- "Is robot box."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (cold)- "The robot box is talking."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warm)- "Ha! That is good one, robot box!"
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warmer)- "Robot box is getting angry..."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (hot)- "Robot box is scaring me!"
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder- "What is purpose?"
  • Nightmare Lock.pngDivining Rod Holder (ready to unlock)- "Rod thing need key to make start."
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder (unlocked)- "Rod thing is on!"
  • Maxwell's Door.pngMaxwell's Door- "Is mouth door! Say 'Ahhhhh!'"
  • Gramophone.pngMaxwell's Phonograph- "Is box that sings!"
  • Maxwell's Light.pngMaxwell's Light- "Scary light!"
  • Maxwell Statue.pngMaxwell Statue- "Man is rock now! Very tricky..."
  • Maxwell's Tooth Trap.pngMaxwell's Tooth Trap- "Whoever put this is bad fella!"
  • Sick Worm Hole.pngSick Worm Hole- "Is not looking very good."
  • Nightmare Lock.pngNightmare Lock- "Scary lock!"
  • Nightmare Throne.pngNightmare Throne- "Scary chair!"
  • Nightmare Throne.pngMale character on Nightmare Throne- "Scary chair scare him!"
  • Nightmare Throne.pngFemale character on Nightmare Throne- "Scary chair scare her!"
  • Nightmare Throne.pngOther character on Nightmare Throne- "Scary chair scare it!"


  • Generic- "What is this thing?"
  • Failed Adventure Mode- "Next time I will be mightier!"
  • Freedom- "I am free! Strong freedom!"
  • Freezing- "Brrr, is frosty!"
  • Battlecry- "I will punch you!"
  • Battlecry (prey)- "Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!"
  • Battlecry (Pig)- "I am sorry, my friend!"
  • Battlecry (Spider)- "Die, evil scary bug!"
  • Battlecry (Spider Warrior)- "I am still stronger, scary bug!"
  • Leaving combat- "Ha! I win!"
  • Leaving combat (prey)- "You keep running!"
  • Leaving combat (Pig)- "I forgive you, pig man."
  • Leaving combat (Spider)- "He ran away from me."
  • Leaving combat (Spider Warrior)- "He knows I am stronger."
  • Activated a Bee Mine- "Bees! Nasty stinging bug men!"
  • Dusk- "The scary time is coming soon."
  • Entering darkness- "I cannot see! I am scared!"
  • Entering light- "I can see again!"
  • Doing things in the dark- "Help me! It is dark!"
  • Failed to do something- "I am not mighty enough to do that."
  • Failed to craft something- "I need to gather more things to make that."
  • Failed to give something- "Wolfgang does not think that goes there."
  • Trying to sleep during the day- "Is too bright for sleep."
  • Trying to sleep during day in a cave- "Is creepy in cave."
  • Trying to sleep when too hungry- "My mighty belly does not allow that!"
  • Trying to sleep near monsters- "That's too dangerous."
  • Trying to give item to a busy mob- "The Mighty Wolfgang will try again soon!"
  • Trying to give item to a dead mob- "You know is dead, yes?"
  • Trying to give item to a sleeping mob- "Is sleeping now!"
  • Not enough fertilizer- "Is not enough poop."
  • Hounds are coming- "I hear puppies!"
  • Depths Worms are coming- "Earth is tremble beneath Wolfgang's mighty feet!"
  • Boss is coming- "Sound like big strong man coming."
  • Inventory full- "My mighty arms can carry no more."
  • Can't rummage (generic)- "Maybe Wolfgang do later."
  • Can't store (generic/full)- "I will make it fit!"
  • Can't store (invalid item)- "Bah! Useless."
  • Can't bundle (no items)- "Wolfgang has no little things to wrap!"
  • Can't cook (generic)- "Wolfgang not in cooking mood."
  • Can't cook (too far)- "Is pot very small, or just far away?"
  • Can't draw (no subject)- "Wolfgang no good at drawing pictures from head."
  • Can't shave (generic)- "That cannot be shaved."
  • Can't shave (nothing left)- "I cannot shave when there are no hairs."
  • Can't shave (beefalo awake)- "I will wait until he is not looking."
  • Can't write on sign (generic)- "Wolfgang not good with tiny letters."
  • Beefalo in combat, unable to mount or saddle- "I cannot ride it now! Hair-cow is proving itself in battle!"
  • Unable to build structure (mounted)- "Hair-cow is too tall. I can't reach."
  • Eating- "Yum!"
  • Eating (stale food)- "Tastes funny."
  • Eating (spoiled food)- "Ew! Tastes like garbage!"
  • Eating (painful food)- "Oooooh. I have belly ache."
  • Hungry- "My mighty belly is empty!"
  • Triggered trap- "Ack! Do not surprise Wolfgang!"
  • Torch and Miner Hat out- "Oh no! The light is gone!"
  • Pricked- "Pointy is not fair!"
  • Object broken, fixable- "Mighty brain could make this better!"
  • Earthquake- "Ground is shake. Wolfgang hate shaking ground."
  • Turning from Normal to Wimpy- "I am not feeling so good."
  • Turning from Normal to Mighty- "I AM MIGHTY!"
  • Turning from Mighty to Normal- "No! Wolfgang must get stronger"
  • Turning from Wimpy to Normal- "Wolfgang is better."

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment- "I am doing great things with tiny arrow!"
  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment completed- "I have defeated the tiny arrow!"


  • Maxwell Head.pngMaxwell's Head- "Scary head is 12 feet tall!"
  • Skull Chest.pngSkull Chest- "This man had big head!"
  • Golden Pitchfork- "Fancy pitchfork good for stab ground."
  • Boat- "Mighty vessel fights the waters back."
  • Home- "Tiny house for weaklings!"
  • Sunk Boat.pngSunk Boat- "Is broken!"
  • Tree Clump- "Do not block Wolfgang's way!"
  • Pig Tent- "Is tent of pigs."
  • Beach Turf.pngDirt and Beach Turf- "Step stones."
  • DEPLETED_GRASS- "Is tuft of grass."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit- "A pile of crusty rocks!"
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (normal)- "Liquid fire!"
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (low)- "Is getting cold."
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit (out)- "Ha! More thing to smash!"
  • Maxwell's Mosquito Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap- "Is ball full of anger mosquitoes."
  • Maxwell's Mosquito Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap (went off)- "Wolfgang need blood, get away sucking bugs!"
  • Chest.pngChest (trap)- "Raagh!"
  • ANNOUNCE_NO_TRAP- "Easy like lift weights."
  • UNIMPLEMENTED- "I do not trust unfinished business."
  • UNIMPLEMENTED (announcement)- "Is not ready."
  • DEVTOOL- "Wolfgang will smash!"
  • DEVTOOL_NODEV- "Smash!"
  • Untitled5.pngRubble- "Broken house stuff."
  • Hit by Bishop charge- "Rrrraa!"
  • Shadow Digger- "Ha ha! Tiny men should dance for amusement!"
  • Friend-o-matic- "If I had any friends, this could take me to them."
  • Friend-o-matic (open)- "If I step through, will I still be me?"
  • Friend-o-matic (full)- "It seems to be popular over there."
  • Scaled Furnace.pngScaled Furnace (generic, no gems)- "Scaly pot for making hotness."
  • Scaled Furnace.pngScaled Furnace (low, one gem)- "Brainlady warned not to touch pot with bare hands."
  • Scaled Furnace.pngScaled Furnace (hammered)- "Is very cute!"
  • Relic Plate.pngRelic Replica (plate)- "
  • Relic Bowl.pngRelic Replica (bowl)- "
  • Relic Chair.pngRelic Replica (chair)- "
  • Relic Vase.pngRelic Replica (vase)- "
  • Relic Table.pngRelic Replica (table)- "
  • Sporecap build.pngMisery Sporecap build.pngSporecap and Misery Sporecap (burnt)- "Tall mushy-room is burnt now!"
  • WETPAPER- "Wolfgang can rip like wet paper!"
  • Bernie Active.pngBernie (Forge)- "Nice little creepy bear."
  • Packet of Blue Seeds.pngPacket of Fluffy Seeds.pngPacket of Oblong Seeds.pngPacket of Pointy Seeds.pngPacket of Round Seeds.pngPacket of Seed Pods.pngPacket of Spiky Seeds.pngPacket of Mixed Seeds.pngPacket of Seeds and Mixed Seeds (small, medium, and large)- "Give your seeds to Wolfgang, tiny paper!"
  • Prepared dish (plate)- "Plating is best part!"
  • Prepared dish (bowl)- "Is hat? Nope."
  • Prepared dish (soup)- "Is like Wolfgang Mommy used to make."
  • Prepared dish (snack)- "Is tiny bit of food."
  • Prepared dish (bread)- "Is keeping Wolfgang going."
  • Prepared dish (pasta)- "Is full of wheaty things."
  • Prepared dish (vegetable)- "Wolfgang always eat his vegetables."
  • Prepared dish (meat)- "Meat! Wolfgang like."
  • Prepared dish (fish)- "Is meal with floppy fishies."
  • Prepared dish (crab and cheese)- "Gooey parts is good."
  • Prepared dish (dessert)- "Wolfgang save room for dessert."
  • Luxury Machete.pngLuxury Machete (DST)- "Hoighty toighty knife!"
  • Frog Poison.pngPoison Frog- "Coward frog!"
  • Peacock- "Bird is showing off."
  • Shadow Skittish.pngMr. Skittish- "I do not like it!"
  • Swimming Horror.pngSwimming Horror- "If it's a fight you want, Wolfgang will oblige!"
  • COFFEEBOT- "Is hard worker."
  • WOODLEGSSAIL- "Is scary sail!"
  • BIGFISHINGROD- "Is catching big fish?"
  • Tornado- "
  • SNAKE_FIRE- "You are slippery snake!"
  • PIKE_SKULL- "Wolfgang not afraid!"
  • Sailor's Ghost- "Eeeeeeeeeeee!"
  • Baby Water Beefalo.pngBaby Water Beefalo (1)- "He will grow very strong. Or she?"
  • Baby Water Beefalo.pngBaby Water Beefalo (2)- "He will grow very strong! Or is she?"
  • Chicken.pngChicken- "Little cluck bird."
  • Chicken.pngChicken (sleeping)- "Is sleepy times."
  • Chicken.pngChicken (dead)- "Is dead cluck-cluck."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen- "Is little nice bird."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen (sleeping)- "Is pretty sleep."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen (dead)- "Is dead now."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon- "Is to fight Wolfgang!"
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon (sleeping)- "Plant is night-night time."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon (dead)- "Wolfgang win again!"
  • Zeb.pngZeb- "Stripey horsey is have no arms."
  • Zeb.pngZeb (sleeping)- "Nighty night."
  • Zeb.pngZeb (dead)- "Is not breathe."
  • Wolfgang Portrait.pngInspecting self- "Everyone! Come watch Wolfgang flex!"


  • Thermal Stone.pngHeat Stone- "This round rock is like my head!"
  • Thermal Stone.pngHeat Stone (cold)- "Cold rock is useless!"
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4.pngHeat Stone (warm)- "It's nice to touch."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5.pngHeat Stone (hot)- "Is finally hot enough!"
  • Meaty Stew.pngDeadly Feast- "Look like evil food."
  • Bee Box.pngBee Box- "Bees!"
  • Football Helmet.pngFootball Helmet- "Is hat for make tackling."
  • Ice Staff.pngIce Staff- "Is my cold stick!"
  • Marble Tree.pngMarble Tree- "Defensive tree here!"
  • Totally Normal Tree.pngTotally Normal Tree- "Tree is spooky!"
  • Grave.pngGrave- "Another came through here."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole- "World has belly button!"
  • Crow.pngCrow- "I do not like birds."
  • Crimson Feather.pngCrimson Feather- "A redbird feather."
  • Azure Feather.pngAzure Feather- "A snowbird feather."
  • Tallbird Nest Full.pngTallbird Nest (with egg)- "That's quite an egg!"
  • Tallbird Nest.pngTallbird Nest (empty)- "The nest is empty."
  • Roasted Carrot.pngRoasted Carrot- "Mushy."
  • Taffy.pngTaffy- "Is sweet candy thing."
  • Melty Marbles.pngFake Kazoo.pngGord's Knot.pngTiny Rocketship.pngFrazzled Wires.pngBall and Cup.pngHardened Rubber Bung.pngMismatched Buttons.pngSecond-hand Dentures.pngLying Robot.pngDessicated Tentacle.pngMost Graveyard Trinkets- "Is junk, I think."
  • Nightmare Lock.pngDivining Rod Holder (ready to unlock)- "It looks like it needs a large key."
  • Gramophone.pngMaxwell's Phonograph- "Their musics are bad."
  • Research (high value)- "Is maybe too much information."
  • Research (normal value)- "Is lot of information."
  • Research (low value)- "Is tiny information."
  • Changing from Mighty to Normal- "I need to filly my mighty belly again."
  • Earthquake- "That doesn't sound good."
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Boat- "Pretty birdie come from sea!"

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • His examination quote for the Eye Bone ("It is eye bone. Eye bone connect to face bone.") is a reference to the song "Dem Bones".
  • His examination quote for the Splumonkey ("Ugly monkey man!") is similar to a quote said by Pigs when the player is nearby in earlier versions of the game.