Jury-Rigged Portal

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Map Icon Florid Postern.png This feature has been removed from the game.
The information presented here is for reference only.

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

It's rickety, but it appears to function. After a fashion...


The Jury-Rigged Portal was a previously naturally spawning Structure in Don't Starve Together that served as a spawn point for newly joined players. It could also be used to resurrect Ghost Players when playing in Endless Mode.

Lore-wise, the Jury-Rigged Portal was first featured in a comic used to announce Don't Starve Together, as silhouetted characters could be seen emerging from it. Later, it was revealed that Maxwell helped Wilson build it. It was then destroyed and replaced with the Florid Postern by Charlie upon the game leaving Early Access, though it is functionally the same thing.

Blueprint.png Gallery