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Sanity Meter.png

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Enlightenment

I get crazy when I don't sleep.


Sanity is the Character's "mental health" in Don't Starve. The Sanity Meter.png Sanity icon, represented as a picture of a brain, is located near the character's Health Meter.png Health and Hunger Meter.png Hunger. Characters can gain and lose sanity in various ways. A small animated arrow appears over the Sanity Meter.png icon, indicating an increase or decrease in Sanity. The size of the arrow signifies the rate of gain or loss.

As sanity decreases, the player's vision becomes shaky, over-saturated, and bright, whispers are heard, and Shadow Creatures start to appear. These creatures become "physical" and aggressive and will attack the player when their sanity is below 15%. When sanity is low, the player's character covers their ears and closes their eyes while rocking back and forth, as if experiencing a bad headache.

Being alone in the wilderness will take its toll. Generally speaking, being in close proximity to Monsters, Darkness, Rain, eating bad or raw Food, or using various magic items decreases sanity; while wearing certain clothing, eating Jerky and Crock Pot food, being near friendly Pigs, and sleeping increases sanity. See the Sanity Tables below for a complete list.

Insanity Effects

The screen when at 0 sanity with distortion off.

Sanity Meter.png ≤ 80%

Sanity Meter.png ≤ 75%

  • Night Hands appear at night.
  • The screen starts shaking.
  • Color desaturation begins.

Sanity Meter.png ≤ 60%

  • Eyes appear in the darkness.
  • The screen starts getting distorted.
  • Lighting is desaturated in the Surface World and Caves. Lighting brightens in the Ruins.
  • Willow begins lighting fires. (Don't Starve icon.png)

Sanity Meter.png ≤ 50%

  • Crawling Horrors are visible.
  • Shadow Watchers appears.
  • Insanity ambiance becomes audible.
  • When inactive survivors begin shaking with their head in their hands.

Sanity Meter.png ≤ 45%

  • Whispering can be heard.

Sanity Meter.png ≤ 40%

Sanity Meter.png ≤ 15% for effects to appear and ≥ 17.5% to disappear

  • The screen is surrounded by red tendrils.
  • Present Crawling Horrors and Terrorbeaks will attack.
  • Up to one Crawling Horror spawns at a time.
  • The "night to day" transition jingle becomes warped.

Sanity Meter.png ≤ 10%

  • Terrorbeaks spawn.
  • Up to two Crawling Horrors or Terrorbeaks spawn at a time.
  • The screen becomes even more distorted.

Instant Sanity Table

Action Sanity
• Eating Magic Water.png (Hamlet icon.png) +150
• Resurrecting a Ghost Player (Don't Starve Together icon.png) +80
• Sleeping in a Tent.png Siesta Lean-to.png

• Eating Ice Cream.png Brainy Matter.png Lobster Dinner.png Jelly Salad.png
• Eating Gears.png as WX-78 Portrait.png

• Sleeping on a Straw Roll.png Fur Roll.png

• Killing a Terrorbeak
• Eating Banana Pop.png Surf 'n' Turf.png Caviar.png Iced Tea.png Spicy Vegetable Stinger.png Tea.png Salsa Fresca.png Creamy Potato Purée.png Moqueca.png

• Repairing a Relic Chair.png

• Eating Melonsicle.png Seafood Gumbo.png

• Killing a Crawling Horror

• Eating Taffy.png Pumpkin Cookies.png Jerky.png Cooked Green Cap.png Cooked Cactus Flesh.png Fresh Fruit Crepes.png Mussel Bouillabaise.png Sweet Potato Souffle.png Tropical Bouillabaisse.png Feijoada.png Steamed Ham Sandwich.png Cooked Lotus Root.png Royal Jelly.png Fancy Spiralled Tubers.png Puffed Potato Soufflé.png Moon Moth Wings.png
• Prototyping a new item using Science Machine.png Alchemy Engine.png Prestihatitator.png Shadow Manipulator.png Piratihatitator.png Hogus Porkusator.png
• Learning a recipe from Blueprint.png

• Summoning Abigail.png as Wendy (Don't Starve Together icon.png)

• Eating  Small Jerky.png Cooked Blue Cap.png Dried Kelp Fronds.png Lobster Bisque.png California Roll.png Snake Bone Soup.png Asparagazpacho.png Glow Berry Mousse.png Hot Dragon Chili Salad.pngVolt Goat Chaud-Froid.png

• Eating Monster Tartare.png(Shipwrecked icon.png)
• Shaving a Beard
• Eating Banana.png Cooked Banana.png as Wilbur Portrait.png
• Planting Seeds.png Grass Tuft.png Sapling.png Bamboo Patch.png Viney Bush.png Nettle Vine.png Coffee Plant.png Spiky Bush.png Pine Cone.png Birchnut.png Coconut.png Jungle Tree Seed.png Jungle Burr.png Seed Pod.png as Wormwood Portrait.png
• Getting hit by Gestalt.png Enlightening Snare.png

• Eating Grilled Watermelon.png +7.5
• Eating most Crock Pot Dishes except for those shown elsewhere in this table and Wet Goop.png

• Eating Watermelon.png Cactus Flower.png Lotus Flower.png Fried Blooming Tuber.png Tribute Roast.png Electric Milk.png
• Picking Flower.png Seashell.png Exotic Flower.png Flower rose.pngwhen playing as any other character that isn’t Wormwood

• Riding a wave on a Surfboard.png

• Throwing Rawling.png
• Eating Fish Heads on a Stick.png

• Using a Ice Staff.png Fire Staff.png -1
• Attacking wearing Enlightened Crown.png while Sanity is above 85% -1
Sneezing -3
• Eating Dark Petals.png Durian.png Extra Smelly Durian.png Monster Jerky.png Lichen.png Cactus Flesh.png Cooked Coffee Beans.png Coffee.png Cooked Bean Bugs.png Cooked Gummy Slug.png Gummy Cake.png Roasted Onion.png Roasted Garlic.png Stuffed Pepper Poppers.png Potato.png Cooked Kelp Fronds.png

• Picking Evil Flowers.png
• Using Pile o' Balloons.png
• Using Slotmachine.png
• Picking Flower.png Exotic Flower.png as Wormwood Portrait.png
• Digging up Tree stumps or Grass Tuft.png Sapling.png Bamboo Patch.png Viney Bush.png Nettle Vine.png Coffee Plant.png as Wormwood Portrait.png
• Eating Soul.png as Wortox Portrait.png

• Adding fuel to Vortex Cloak.png

• Eating Spoiled Food

• Eating Meat.png Morsel.png Drumstick.png Frog Legs.png Cooked Monster Meat.png Cooked Red Cap.pngBatilisk Wing.pngLeafy Meat.png Glow Berry.png Dragoon Heart.png Shark Fin Soup.png Limpets.png Seaweed.png Bean Bugs.png Gummy Slug.png Flytrap Stalk.png Lesser Glow Berry.png Roasted Pepper.png Onion.png Garlic.png Fish Cordon Bleu.png Poison Dartfrog Legs.png Kelp Fronds.png
• Digging up a Grave32.png
• Digging through a Dung Pile.png with bare hands
• Crafting Brew of Phobic Abatement.png Brew of Phobic Abrogation.png Flask of Sanguine Mixture.png Canteen of Sanguine Mixture.png Dram of Psychic Fortitude.png Tumblerful of Psychic Fortitude.png Sulfuric Crystals of Lime.png Sulfuric Crystals of Saltpeter.png

• Bats from opening a Chest or chopping a tree during Hallowed Nights (Don't Starve Together icon.png)
• Being hit by Manure.png thrown by Splumonkey.png PrimeApe.png

•Eating Monster Meat.png Blue Cap.png Deerclops Eyeball.png Guardian's Horn.png Phlegm.png Shark Fin.png Mussel.png Eye of the Tiger Shark.png Pepper.png

• Going through a Worm Hole.png Electric Isosceles.png
• Using The Lazy Explorer.png
• Entering map boundaries in Shipwrecked
• Being carried by BFB Head.png

• Unsummoning Abigail.png as Wendy (Don't Starve Together icon.png)

• Eating Monster Lasagna.pngMonster Tartare.png

• Being attacked by Charlie
• Using Star Caller's Staff.png Deconstruction Staff.png Moon Caller's Staff.png
• Crafting Totally Normal Root.png
• Picking up more than 20 Soul.png as Wortox Portrait.png

• Reading Applied Horticulture.png Sleepytime Stories.png The End is Nigh.png

• Getting hit by lightning as WX-78 Portrait.png

• Eating Green Cap.png Glommer's Goop.png

• Reading Birds of the World.png On Tentacles.png
• Using Telelocator Staff.png The Lazy Deserter.png
• Spawning Abigail.png in singleplayer Don't Starve as Wendy

• Blowing from Queen Womant.png - between 25-50
• Using a Codex Umbra.png -55 Max Sanity
Resurrection via Life Giving Amulet Meat Effigy.png Touch Stone.png Set to 1/2
of maximum
• Absorbing damage via Vortex Cloak.png Damage absorbed ÷ 3.4
• Eating Grim Galette.png Set to Current health + 5

Temporal Sanity Table

Name Sanity (/min) Notes
• Sanity aura of Celestial Champion Phase 1.png ≤+400
• Sanity aura of Celestial Fissure.png ≤+100
• Sleeping in Tent.png Siesta Lean-to.png
60 Drains 60 & 20Hunger Meter.png/min respectively
• Sanity aura of Music Box Hutch.png Misshapen Bird.png Moonblind Crow.png ≤+40 Must be very close to benefit from aura.
• Sanity aura of a Magic Flower.png +36 Decreases hunger (roughly 0.5 per second) in exchange for sanity.
• Sanity aura of a Dwarf Star Old.png ≤+25
• Sanity aura of a Sisturn.png Humble Lamb Idol.png +25 Sisturn must contain petals in all four slots, Humble Lamb Idol must be level 3.
• Sanity aura of a friendly Pig.png Bunnyman.png Wildbore.png Bottlenose Ballphin.png, nearby Parrot Pirate.png, and Sand Castle.png

• Sanity aura of a glowing Brainy Sprout.png

≤+25 Must be very close to benefit from aura.
• Playing as Waxwell Portrait.png +20,
+6.75 in Don't Starve Together icon.png
• Being near a fire as Willow Portrait.png (Don't Starve Together icon.png) ≤+11

per fire

Amount depends on strength of fire.
• Sanity aura of Humble Lamb Idol.png • Wearing Enlightened Crown.png +10 Humble Lamb Idol must be level 2.
• Being near a fire as Willow Portrait.png ≤+10 Amount depends on strength of fire.
• Wearing Lucky Beast Head.png Lucky Beast Body.png Lucky Beast Tail.png and using /dance emote +6.67 Can increase up to +20/min if there are other players nearby (wearing a costume piece and dancing).
• Wearing Tam o' Shanter.png
• Wearing Shark Tooth Crown.png while on Boats
• Sanity aura of Glommer.pngHumble Lamb Idol.pngFriendly Fruit Fly.png or Pudgy Beefalo +6.25 Must be very close to benefit from aura, Humble Lamb Idol must be level 1.
• Being inside Slanty Shanty.png +6.25
• Wearing Hibearnation Vest.png Royal Crown.png +4.44
• Wearing Top Hat.png Cat Cap.png Floral Shirt.png Dapper Vest.png Thulecite Suit.png Scalemail.png Fashion Goggles.png Desert Goggles.png +3.33
• Wearing Feather Hat.png Summer Frest.png Breezy Vest.png Puffy Vest.png Life Giving Amulet.png Chilled Amulet.png Magiluminescence.png Construction Amulet.png The Lazy Forager.png Belt of Hunger.png Pretty Parasol.png Tropical Parasol.png Limestone Suit.png Windbreaker.png Sleek Hat.png Pirate Hat.png Pith Hat.png Pinetree Pioneer Hat.png or holding Rawling.png +2
• Wearing Garland.png Winter Hat.png +1.33
Day on Lunar Island +0.625
• Wearing Seawreath.png -1.33
• Wearing Spiderhat.png One-man Band.png Fashion Melon.png -2 For One-Man Band this is the default insanity aura without followers.
• Insanity aura of Night Light.png -3 Only when active, except for Willow Portrait.png
Rain ≤-3.3 Sanity loss depends on "precipitation rate".
Wetness ≤-3.3 Sanity loss is not linear, e.g. at 50 Wetness the sanity loss is -1.67 instead of -3.33
• Wearing Nightmare Amulet.png -3.3
• Being on land as Woodlegs Portrait.png -4.8
Dusk, Night and Caves -5
• Wearing soaked items. -6
per item
• Being Poisoned -6
• Insanity aura of Houndius Shootius Build.png -6.25
• Wearing Silver Necklace.png to forestall a Werepig transformation -6.6
• Insanity aura of Scorpion.png ≤-10
• Wearing Gas Mask.png Night Armor.png

• Total darkness on Lunar Island

• Being attached by Gnat Swarm.png -12.5
• Wearing Bone Helm.png or holding Dark Sword.png -20
• Insanity aura of Umbralla.png Evil Flowers.png Spider.png Slurper.png Depths Worm.png Dangling Depth Dweller.png Level 1 Snaptooth Seedling.png Viper.png Snake.png Poison Snake.png

• Insanity aura of Spider Warrior.png Cave Spider.png Spitter.png(Reign of Giants icon.png)

• Insanity aura of Slotmachine.png ≤-40 Increases by approximately -4/min per 10 coins collected
• Wearing One-man Band.png and having Pig.png or Bunnyman.png


(-25 per follower)
• Insanity aura of Hound.png Red Hound.png Blue Hound.png Spider Warrior.png Beardling.png Beardlord.png Tentacle.png Baby Tentacle.png Ghost Build.png Nighthand.png Shadow Tentacle.png Crocodog.png Yellow Crocodog.png Blue Crocodog.png Sea Hound.png Spider Warrior (Venomous).png Crab (insanity).png Pirate Ghost.png Spider Monkey.png Snaptooth Flytrap.png Ancient Spirit.png Antlion.png Stalker minion1.png Stalker minion2.png Clay Hound.png Cave Spider.png Spitter.png Vampire Bat.png ≤-40
• Total darkness -50
Freezing as Willow Portrait.png Don't Starve Together icon.png -100
• Insanity aura of Treeguard.png Crawling Horror Terrorbeak Werepig.png Palm Treeguard.png Swimming Horror.png Shadow Knight.png Shadow Bishop.png Shadow Rook.png

• Insanity aura of Klaus.png Klaus2.png BFB Head.png Pugalisk.png Ancient Herald.png Large Iron Hulk.png

• Insanity aura of Deerclops.png Spider Queen.png Bearger.png Dragonfly.png Sealnado.png Reanimated Skeleton Caves.png Reanimated Skeleton Forest.png Ancient Fuelweaver.png Klaus2.png Ancient Herald.png Large Iron Hulk.png ≤-400
• Insanity aura of Ancient Obelisk.png Nightmare Rampart.png ≤-800
• Insanity aura of Nightmare Light.png ≤-900 Shadow Creatures spawned from Nightmare Lights are not present during the "warning" phase of the Nightmare Cycle.

Character Specifics

Wilson looking around from paranoia.

Sanity maximums:

150-300 Max Sanity - WX-78 Don't Starve Together icon.png (depending on how many Processing CircuitsDon't Starve Together icon.png/Super-Processing CircuitsDon't Starve Together icon.png are installed)
100-300 Max Sanity - WX-78 (depending on upgrades)
250 Max Sanity - Wickerbottom
200 Max Sanity - Wilson, Wendy, WolfgangWoodie, Maxwell, Walani Shipwrecked icon.png, Warly Shipwrecked icon.png, Wormwood Hamlet icon.png, Wheeler Hamlet icon.png, Winona Don't Starve Together icon.png, Walter Don't Starve Together icon.png, Wanda Don't Starve Together icon.png
150-200 Max Sanity - Wurt Don't Starve Together icon.png (depending on King of the Merms)
150 Max Sanity - Wes, Wagstaff, Wilbur Shipwrecked icon.png, Wortox Don't Starve Together icon.png
120 Max Sanity - Willow, Wigfrid Reign of Giants icon.png, Woodlegs Shipwrecked icon.png
100 Max Sanity - Webber Reign of Giants icon.png, Wilba Hamlet icon.png
75 Max Sanity - Wes Don't Starve Together icon.png

Characters with the potential to stay sane longer:

Wendy - 0.75x Sanity is lost while in darkness or near monsters.
Willow - Gains Sanity while near a fire.
Wolfgang - 1.1x Sanity is lost while in darkness or near monsters.
Maxwell - Sanity is restored at a rate of 20 (6.75 in Don't Starve Together icon.png) in points per minute.
Wigfrid Reign of Giants icon.png - Gains Sanity after killing Mobs.
Walani Shipwrecked icon.png - Due to her drying off quicker, the combined Sanity loss from wetness would be reduced over time. She also does not have a sanity drain from Wetness itself, although she does have a sanity drain from Wet Items.
Warly Shipwrecked icon.png - Gains more Sanity from Crock Pot meals.
Wilba Hamlet icon.png - 1.5x Sanity is lost while in darkness, but no loss of sanity in darkness in Werepig form.
Wormwood Hamlet icon.png - Gains Sanity when planting most Plants. Don't Starve Together icon.png He doesn't have a sanity drain from Wetness itself and Wet Items.
Wurt Don't Starve Together icon.png - Doesn't have a sanity drain from Wetness itself and Wet Items. Gains Sanity when holding Fish.
Wanda Don't Starve Together icon.png - Takes half the sanity drain from staff items when middle-aged, and a quarter the sanity drain when old-aged. Loses only a third the usual sanity drain from equippable Shadow Items (the Dark Sword and Night Armor) when middle-aged, and no sanity drain when old-aged.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Sanity was added in the Insanity! update.
  • Distortion can be turned off in the Options menu, removing the blurry effect on the edges of the screen that occurs from Sanity loss. This can also boost performance on slow systems.
  • In the Hamlet DLC, when being in any interior, there is no loss of sanity in Darkness.

Blueprint.png Gallery