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Masks and Costumes are items needed to perform on stage. Performances require performers, be they players or Mannequins, to wear a matching mask and costume. Both items are dropped by the Briar Wolves which spawn in a specific set piece consisting of four of them surrounding a Overgrown Statue. Between them, the wolves drop two random costume sets when defeated, and respawn after a day. All masks and costumes can be burned.

Costume piece used in stage plays.

-Scrapbook Description


Act 1

According to the script, a porcelain Doll came to life. She decides to explore the world. The Blacksmith who cared for her before she came alive takes her under her wing. She protects the Doll and creates a heavy armor that cracks her (After this, the mask on the player turns from Doll Mask to Cracked Doll Mask). The Doll escapes and meets the King, who creates wonderful things with the help of magic. After which the King offers to travel with her. The Doll agrees and asks the King to teach her magic.

Act 2

For a long time, the Doll traveled with the King. She often asked the king to teach her magic, but the king always gave different excuses. Then she finds a Mirror in a secret room in the royal castle. The Mirror admits that the King stole their power. The Mirror wants to gain freedom and the Doll decides to help. The King learns that his secret has been revealed, and panics. The Mirror tells the King that the King did not keep his end of their deal. The King makes an explosion which causes the Doll to split even more (Cracked Doll changes to Shattered Doll) and disappears with his magic.

The Doll wakes up. The Mirror gives all of their remaining power to the doll. The Doll finds the King cowering behind his throne in his castle. The King asks to leave him alone, coming up with excuses for this. The Doll asks for the King's power to heal herself and the Mirror. The King disappears with his throne to where he hopes the doll will not find him.

Act 3

The Doll finds the Fool singing. She decides to shadow him to find the King. The Fool finds the King and accidentally knocks him over. The King's fragile body turns to dust, and the Fool appoints themselves king. The Doll removes the Fool from the throne and becomes the Queen.(Shattered Doll Mask turns into Queen Mask. Doll Costume turns into Queen Costume) The new Queen asks the Mirror why they are still broken. The Mirror says that they were broken long before the King stole their power. The Queen promises to fix them some day, and the play ends.


The play is a representation of Charlie's backstory before she became the ruler of the Constant. Each costume represents a major player in her story:

  • The Doll represents Charlie herself.
  • The Blacksmith represents Winona. The heavy armor the Blacksmith gives to the Doll likely represents Winona's over-protectiveness.
  • The King represents Maxwell. His magic blast likely represents Maxwell sending Charlie into the Constant.
  • The Mirror represents Them. The King stealing the Mirror's power likely represents Them granting Maxwell shadow magic, and the Mirror reviving the Doll likely represents Them turning Charlie into the Night Monster.
  • The Fool represents Wilson. Their appointing themselves king likely represents the events at the end of Adventure Mode.


Wilson Portrait.png
It's a doll mask.

Wilson, when examining a Doll Mask

Wilson Portrait.png
It's a cracked doll mask.

Wilson, when examining a Cracked Doll Mask

Wilson Portrait.png
It was a doll mask at one point.

Wilson, when examining a Shattered Doll Mask

Wanda Portrait.png
What's this? An oversized doll's dress?

Wanda, when examining a Doll Costume


Wilson Portrait.png
It's a Queen mask.

Wilson, when examining a Queen Mask

Wilson Portrait.png
It's a Queen costume.

Wilson, when examining a Queen Costume


Wilson Portrait.png
It's a blacksmith mask.

Wilson, when examining a Blacksmith Mask

Winona Portrait.png
Hey, that looks like it'll fit me!

Winona, when examining a Blacksmith Costume


Wilson Portrait.png
It's a King mask.

Wilson, when examining a King Mask

Waxwell Portrait.png
I think that one will fit me nicely.

Maxwell, when examining a King Costume


Wilson Portrait.png
It's a mask, but it looks like a mirror.

Wilson, when examining a Mirror Mask

Wanda Portrait.png
Something about that costume doesn't sit right with me.

Wanda, when examining a Mirror Costume


Wilson Portrait.png
It's a fool's mask.

Wilson, when examining a Fool Mask

Wilson Portrait.png
It's a fool's costume.

Wilson, when examining a Fool Costume


Woodie Portrait.png
Now this one I kinda like.

Woodie, when examining a Tree Mask

Woodie Portrait.png
It's not as scratchy as it looks.

Woodie, when examining a Tree Costume

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