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Torch.png About me..


Well.. I haven't played this game for a looong time, but it is still interesting. Any questions? I won't answer, because I don't know this game enough okay, fell free to ask me any questions(I didn't pass autumn on my best server - pls don't laguh FORGET ABOUT THIS. I am a lot better than before. On my server with friend, we have day 27, and on my alone server I have 42 day). Probably I am a noob but I play to have fun, not to win. I think Wortox and Wormwood are the most interesting characters, but Wigfrid is my favourite.

Blue Gem.png Favorite characters

Feather Pencil.png Other fandoms which I edit


Wilson Portrait.png
Looks mysterious

Wilson, when examining Rivezen

Neutral creature which spawns in his own base. Has a unique ability to turn players instantly into ghosts (96%). He wears thulecite crown and umbrella, but when killed, he won't drop these. Also these items does not protect him from damage (only from rain), and he has one weapon (see below). His range of shadowing players is equal to 1.5 pitchfork tiles.

Brain.png Behaviour

Don't Starve icon.pngHamlet icon.png Making alliance

To make an alliance with Rivezen, you have to give him all casual gems (Blue Gem.png 4,Red Gem.png 2 and Purple Gem.png 2). Despite his low health he deals double damage to mobs both hostile and neutral. When he will be killed, he will respawn in his base after 2 days. Keep in mind, that opening his chests will provoke him. To make him neutral again:

  • You have to kill him and wait to respawn
  • Or give him thulecite fragment (you'll need some luck while giving thulecite to not being turn to ghost)

Making alliance is exclusive to Don't Starve and Hamlet. In order to help player:

  • Survive Aporkalypse in Hamlet
  • and help lone player to survive in the Constant (because the player cannot team-up)

Doydoy Egg.png Seasons

Don't Starve icon.png During Summer

During summer Rivezen will act like a normal player. He will pick up grass, cut down trees and pick up flowers and food. While overheating he will wear Straw Hat and Pretty Parasol (he will drop these items when killed) and he will use an endothermic pit instead of normal one.

Winter Hat.png During Winter

During winter Rivezen will hunt for MacTusk Camps and collect walrus loot. He will wear winter hat or Tam O' Shanter (if will get this by killing MacTusk). His loot will also change:

From / To
Purple Gem.png x4 > Blue Gem.png x6
Beeswax.png x20 > Cut Reeds.png x30
Moon Rock.png x12 > Nitre.png x20
Crimson Feather.pngx1 > Azure Feather.png x1

When Deerclops is a problem just lure him near Rivezen's camp and he will automatically attack him (to defend his base). He should be able to defeat him, but it depends on his total health. When he will his full health (500 Health Meter.png) then he will easily beat him. When his health is below 300 Health Meter.png, then he will die before end of the fight. When playing Don't Starve Together he will remain with half of his health.

Reign of Giants icon.png During Spring

He will focus on chopping trees especially birchnut trees. When Moose/Goose will come, he'll instantly hut for it (this can be a guide to find it). Although Rivezen has big amount of HP he won't kill not AoE giants on his own. When the dusk will come, Rivezen will pick up green mushrooms (so if you want some green caps you have to dig them up (before dusk). Frog Rains will trigger retreat to his base (even a short one).

Reign of Giants icon.png During Autumn

In this season he will act like in summer with an exception for overheating. When the Bearger will come, nothing will provoke him to a fight (even when he's allied). Also his sanity aura increases from +20/min Sanity Meter.png (when allied) to +25/min Sanity Meter.png (when allied). And from -30/min when provoked to -40/min Sanity Meter.png.


Rivezen will sometimes leave his base to gather resources. This is the best moment to attack and avoid his base's specific formation.

Gold Nugget.png Loot

His loot isn't very special. He will always drop Beeswax.png 20; Purple Gem.png 4; Moon Rock.png12 and a Crimson Feather.png (23%). When Winter will come, his drops will be changed from Beeswax to Cut Reeds, from Purple Gems to Blue Gems (two more), from Moon Rocks to Nitre and from Crimson to Azure feather. He also has 100% chance to drop 2 Shadow Scraps, which can be used to make Night Necklace. He is definitely more worth to farm during other seasons, because on winter his drops are much poorer. Shadow Scraps don't have any use in game, except making Night Necklace. They can be found killing Rivezen and having four of them will be enought to craft Night Necklace.

Nightmare Fuel.png Night Necklace

This item is special to Rivezen (mob), and he can use it to turn players instantly into ghosts (you can save yourself by a Meat Effigy or Life Giving Amulet). With this necklace on your neck you will be able to deal double to regular mobs with Area of Effect attacks (AoE) but 20% less damage to not AoE creatures. It also decreases damage dealt by Terrorbeaks, Terrorclaws and Crawling Horrors. When it's durablity is above 70% Night Hands will not appear. When it is above 90%, shadow creatures will be neutral until you attack them.

Fire Pit.png Base Generation

His base will be surrounded with stone walls and will have a few rooms:

  • Tooth Room

This room has a little space and it's floor is full of tooth traps so that Rivezen can survive hound attack.

  • Science Room

This room has carpet as it's floor and has a Science Machine and an Alchemy Engine. There are also several chests which contains science materials.

  • Garden

The turf here is normal and Rivezen grows here Leafy Berry Bushes and some Improved Farms (Don't Starve icon.png) and in place of these some garden crops (Don't Starve Together icon.png).

  • Sinkhole Room

A special room for a Sinkhole and a Wormhole. Using them won't provoke Rivezen, so feel free to use it.

  • Main Room

Which is a room with Firepit (Reign of Giants icon.png when overheating comes it will be turned into Endothermic Firepit), Icebox (2), Drying Rack (5) and Crock Pot (2).

Note, that stealing anything from his camp, even berries from bushes will trigger an attack (as well opening Iceboxes). However defending yourself in the Tooth Room is acceptable and Rivezen will not be angry. If you will kill him, opening his chests and stealing food will provoke him after respawn. Staying in his base longer than 2 days (when you aren't allied) also creates a possibility of attack. Here's a table for chances:

Days Chances
2 days 15%

30%Don't Starve Together icon.png

5 days 38%

76% Don't Starve Together icon.png

9 days + 49-68%

83-94% Don't Starve Together icon.png

Percents are double in DST except for the last stage, when it reaches almost 100%. His base spawns only in Deciduous Forest at least a biome away from player's starting place.

Prototype.png Tips

  • When being allied with Rivezen, surviving hard battles will be much easier because of his double damage perk.
    • He is quite useless fighting not AoE mobs, so if this is a boss monster, fight him (the boss of course) before making alliance, because you will simply waste your gems
    • When you will find his base, you can easily survive first two waves of hounds
  • Visit his base only, if you need it ex. Hound attack, when you aren't prepared or when you want to travel by Wormhole/Sinkhole.
  • When you are advanced in your world, try to set an attack of non AoE mobs so that he will lose some of his Health Meter.png and you will be able to get Shadow Scraps (and the Night Necklace in the future)
  • Having allied Pigs or Bunnymen will help you farming Shadow Scraps (because Pigs and Bunnies don't have AoE attack) and further Night Necklaces.
  • As an ally he is also powerful, so saving each gem is worthwhile
  • When he is killed you can try to steal his goods and when he will respawn catch him into a trap (then kill and he will be neutral again)