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Is pointy.


A Stalagmite is the Underground equivalent of a Boulder. It can be mined using either a Pickaxe, Opulent Pickaxe, or Pick/Axe. Stalagmites drop various minerals when mined.

Both regular and Tall Stalagmites can be found in 3 different states: full, medium, and low. Each type (and state) has a different loot table.

Stalagmite Tall Stalagmite
Full Full
  • Rocks.png×3
  • Flint.png×1.6 (1 + 60% to get 1 extra)
  • Gold Nugget.png×1.25 (1 + 25% to get 1 extra)
  • Blue Gem.png×0.05
  • Red Gem.png×0.05
  • Fossils.png×0.1 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)
  • Rocks.png×2
  • Flint.png×1.6 (1 + 60% to get 1 extra)
  • Gold Nugget.png×1.25 (1 + 25% to get 1 extra)
  • Red Gem.png×0.05
  • Log.png×0.05
  • Fossils.png×0.1
Medium Medium
Stalagmite Medium.png
Stalagmite Tall Med.png
  • Rocks.png×2
  • Flint.png×1.6 (1 + 60% to get 1 extra)
  • Gold Nugget.png×0.5
  • Fossils.png×0.1
  • Rocks.png×2
  • Flint.png×1.6 (1 + 60% to get 1 extra)
  • Gold Nugget.png×0.15
  • Fossils.png×0.1
Low Low
Stalagmite Low.png
Stalagmite Tall Low.png
  • Rocks.png×1
  • Flint.png×1.3 (1 + 30% to get 1 extra)
  • Gold Nugget.png×0.25
  • Fossils.png×0.1
  • Rocks.png×1
  • Flint.png×1.3 (1 + 30% to get 1 extra)
  • Gold Nugget.png×0.15
  • Fossils.png×0.1

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Even though a Stalagmite will appear to be reduced to a lower state as it is mined, it will retain the loot table of its starting state.
  • The fact that tall stalagmites can drop Logs suggests they may be Petrified Trees.

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