Archaic Boat

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A reinforced boat with a built-in 16 slots container. They don't build them like they used to.

-Scrapbook Description

Similar to Boat, Archaic Boat is a Float Platform the exclusive to Don't Starve Together. It has the same size as the boat and provides exactly the same function, plus a unique 16 slots built-in container.

The Archaic Boat has 400 health and can be repaired with various materials.

Material Repair Value
Boat Patch.png Boat Patch 25 (repair leak)
Boards.png Boards 50
Living Log.png Living Log 37.5
Twigs.png Twigs 13
Log.png Log, Driftwood Piece.png Driftwood Piece 12.5
Trusty Tape.png Trusty Tape 0 (repair leak)
Tree Jam.png Tree Jam 20 (repair leak)

Archaic Boat Kit

Unlike Boat Kit, Archaic Boat Kit is not craftable and can only be acquired from Sunken Chest. It creates a Archaic Boat when placed on the Ocean.

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Archaic Boat is introduced in the Staying Afloat update.

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