Ancient Pseudoscience Station/DST

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WX-78 Portrait.png


An Ancient Pseudoscience Station is a Crafting Structure found only in the Ruins. It gives access to the Ancient Pseudoscience Filter and emits enough light to protect from Charlie when nearby.

When struck with a Hammer, in either the full or broken state, the station will either drop loot or spawn enemies (see the table below). Upon destruction it also drops 2 Thulecite, 1 Nightmare Fuel with a 50% chance, 1 Frazzled Wires with a 50% chance, and 1 Rocks with a 50% chance.

A fully repaired Ancient Pseudoscience Station will be completely destroyed after 10 hits from a Hammer, causing 11 drops.

Many broken stations are found naturally in the Ruins with only 1 hit left and have about half the available recipes (9 instead of 16), but will still emit light. Thulecite can be used to repair a broken station, using 32-34 Thulecite Fragments (or for simplicity 6 Thulecite) to obtain a fully repaired Station. To obtain never ending loot drops, a player could hit the station with a hammer and then repair it with 3-4 Thulecite Fragments per hammer strike. However, this will generate many more monsters than valuable loot, so be prepared to fight.

Killing the Ancient Fuelweaver will cause all the Broken and Repaired Ancient Pseudoscience Stations to respawn.

Hammer.png Item Drops

Possible result after a hammer strike:

Chance (Each) Result
12.3% Crawling Horror.png Terrorbeak.png
11.2% Gears.png, Trinkets.png×4, Splumonkey.png×2-4, Batilisk.png×5, Cave Spider.png×2, Spitter.png×2
1.1% Dwarf Star Old.png
0.56% Red Gem.pngBlue Gem.pngOrange Gem.pngGreen Gem.pngPurple Gem.png
0.11% Meat Effigy.pngIce Staff.pngFire Staff.pngTelelocator Staff.pngThe Lazy Explorer.pngDeconstruction Staff.pngStar Caller's Staff.pngLife Giving Amulet.pngChilled Amulet.pngNightmare Amulet.pngThe Lazy Forager.pngConstruction Amulet.pngMagiluminescence.pngThulecite.png
0.056% Marble Suit.pngNight Armor.pngSnurtle Shell Armor.png

Prototype.png Tips

  • It's possible to keep destroying/repairing a station for the purpose of farming items, but enemies have a much higher chance to spawn than any of the loot.
  • A naturally occurring fully operational Ancient Pseudoscience Station will typically have more Ancient Clockwork enemies guarding it, along with two Nightmare Lights beside it.
  • A Brightshade Smasher has better efficiency and only takes 8 hits to destroy an Ancient Pseudoscience Station. If the player tries to get more loots, it is advised to use Hammer instead.

Blueprint.png Gallery