Beefalo Gloom Bell

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This is some decent magic.


Bind a Beefalo to the bell. A bound Beefalo will follow the holder, even into the caves and offline.
You can also use this bell to revive a bound Beefalo.

-Scrapbook Description

The Beefalo Gloom Bell is a craftable Item exclusive to Don't Starve Together. It can only be crafted at a Shadowcraft Plinth, requiring 1 Possessed Shadow Atrium, 5 Pure Horror, 4 Dreadstone, and 2 Dark Tatters.

The Beefalo Gloom Bell is functionally the same as a Beefalo Bell, although it uses the word "bind" rather than "bond."

When a Beefalo bound by a Beefalo Gloom Bell dies, its corpse sticks around. The Beefalo Gloom Bell can then be used on it to bring the Beefalo back to life. Doing this makes the Beefalo Gloom Bell go into a 15-day cooldown, removes 50% of the player's maximum health, and the player loses 100 Sanity. A player's removed maximum health can be restored by Booster Shots.

If the bound Beefalo dies while the Bell is on cooldown, its corpse disappears immediately.

While bound with a Beefalo Gloom Bell, the Beefalo's Manure disappears after 5 seconds.

Prototype.png Tips

  • When the Beefalo Gloom Bell is in cooldown, the player can bind their Beefalo to another Beefalo Gloom Bell so that it can be revived.
  • The Beefalo Gloom Bell and Beefalo Bell can be eaten by Lureplant and Great Depths Worm and will be gone forever. The Bells can also be stolen by Powder Monkey, but they can be retrieved back by digging the Pirate Stash.

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