Coat of Carrots

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Walter Portrait.png
Nice VESTable! Get it, Woby?


Bunnymen are drawn to its alluring scent, powerful enough to mask the musk of meats.

-Scrapbook Description

The Coat of Carrots is a craftable item exclusive to Don't Starve Together.

A player with the Coat of Carrots equipped can befriend up to 10 Bunnymen within a 3 tile radius. Unlike feeding Carrots, the player is not required to feed the Coat of Carrots to Bunnymen to benefit from its effects. The loyalty of the Bunnymen following a player wearing a Coat of Carrots will increase by 3 points per second.

While equipping the Coat, the player can safely carry Meat items around Bunnymen without getting attacked by them.

The Coat of Carrots can be repaired with Carrots to restore 25% durability each.