Shadow Maul

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A beautiful death bringer.


It can take down both creatures and trees. You can upgrade its stats, life steal and hunger, by defeating giants.
The weapon has 3 levels, and each level requires 3 giant kills to progress

-Scrapbook Description

The Shadow Maul is a Weapon item exclusive to Don't Starve Together. It can also be used as an Axe with 150% efficiency.

When used as a Weapon, it deals 38 Physical Damage and 10 Planar Damage. It deals +10% damage against Lunar Aligned mobs. If the Void Cowl is equipped, physical damage is increased by 10%, and planar damage is increased by 5. Additionally, the Void Cowl increases the Shadow Maul's planar damage by accumulating an additional 4 damage per consecutive hit on an enemy. The maximum bonus is 24 damage reached after 6 hits, totaling 47 planar damage. The bonus disappears if the character unequips the Void Cowl or does not attack for 3 seconds. The first hit with the Cowl equipped totals 60.8 damage, or 66.9 damage against Lunar Aligned creatures. The maximum damage reached is 80.8, or 88.9 against Lunar Aligned creatures.

The Shadow Maul will level up whenever the player kills 3 Bosses with it. The kill will count if the player attacks the boss with the Shadow Maul within five seconds of its death. Leveling up increases its Planar Damage and Chopping Efficiency. When Shadow Maul levels up at least once, it will start to drain its Hunger from 500. Killing any mobs restores its Hunger by 50. When its Hunger drops to 0, it will start to lose durability. The speed of draining Hunger is increased with the Level. Attacking with the Shadow Maul also restores the player's Health while losing the amount of Sanity equals to 50% of Health restored.

Once the Durability drops to 0, it will become "broken" form and can be repaired with a Void Repair Kit. The Level of Shadow Maul will also get reset to 0.

Level Planar Damage Life Steal (per hit) Chopping Efficiency Hunger Drain
0 10 0 150% 0
1 14 1.7 175% 3/min
2 18 2.55 200% 6/min
3 22 3.4 225% 12/min

Maxwell with Shadow Maul equipped will give Shadow Duelist tier 3 buff.

Prototype.png Tips

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  • Scrapbook description from beta was: "A weapon that is also a axe! It levels up by killing giants, increasing its stats, life steal and desire for death... It has 4 levels and it needs to kill 3 giants for each level."

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