Rose-Colored Glasses

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Alright, Charlie. Show me the way.


The Rose-Colored Glasses is a head-slot gear item that can only be crafted and used by a Winona with the Shadow Seeker I skill. Winona can equip the Rose-Colored Glasses and interact with various objects and places for different effects. This interaction is called "Closely Examine".

Icon Tools.png Usage

A Dark Vestige spawned from closely examining a Rose.

Interacting with valid objects or places while wearing the Rose-Colored Glasses will spawn a Dark Vestige, which can be activated to trigger the corresponding effect. Some objects, like Flowers, cannot be examined directly. With the default settings, the player can use Alt + Left Click to examine.

The player can closely examine the Dark Vestige to deactivate it.

Vine Bridge

Winona can interact with the edge of the land if there is an edge on the opposite side at most 3 tiles away. This generally works anywhere, e.g. at Ocean coasts, at "lakes" in the Mosaic biome and also on the Lunar Island. This examination will spawn a Dark Vestige, which in turn will spawn a temporary Vine Bridge when activated. The bridge lasts 18 seconds and will start to shake a few seconds before it disappears, which the character will also mention. If there is a Dock on either side of the land, this skill cannot be used. This ability has no cooldown.

Nightmare Fuel and Pure Horror

Winona with the Rose-Colored Glasses can also closely examine Charlie-related or shadow-related structures and spawn a Dark Vestige. On activating that Dark Vestige, it will drop one Nightmare Fuel. This ability has a half-day cooldown.

With the Shadow Seeker II skill, some objects will have a 5% chance to drop one Pure Horror instead. Some other objects have a 25% chance to drop one Pure Horror instead.

The following objects can be closely examined to get Nightmare Fuel or Pure Horror:

Object Name Chance to get Pure Horror
with Shadow Seeker II
Florid Postern.png Florid Postern
(Not Celestial Portal)
Touch Stone.png Touch Stone 5%
Playbill.png Playbill 5%
Stage.png Stage 5%
Maxwell Statue.png Maxwell Statue 5%
Harp Statue.png Harp Statue 5%
Ancient.png Ancient Face.png Ancient Statue 25%
Atrium Statue.png Atrium Statue 25%
Ancient Gateway.png Ancient Gateway 25%
Ancient Beacon.png Ancient Beacon 25%
AncientAltar.png Ancient Pseudoscience Station 25%
Broken Pseudoscience Station Build.png Broken Pseudoscience Station 25%
Ancient Mural.png Ancient Mural 25%
Ornate Chest.png Ornate Chest 25%
Cracked Pillar.png Cracked Pillar 25%
Ancient Obelisk.png Ancient Obelisk 25%
Nightmare Light.png Nightmare Light 25%
Relic Chair.png Relic Table.png Relic Bowl.png
Relic Vase.png Relic Dish.png Relic Plate.png
Relic (Not a replica) 25%

Wormhole and Big Slimy Pit

Interface to choose a Worm Hole to teleport to.

Winona with the Shadow Seeker II skill can closely examine a Worm Hole or Big Slimy Pit to spawn a Dark Vestige. Upon activation of it, she then can select to which other Worm Hole or Big Slimy Pit she wants to travel. This ability does not have any cooldown. Winona can pick any Worm Hole or Big Slimy Pit that she has discovered on the map. The Big Slimy Pit's Big Tentacle has to be killed before examining, and after going through it, the Big Slimy Pit's Big Tentacle at the destination will grow back.

Fragile Rose

Winona examining a Rose.

Winona with the Shadow Seeker II skill can closely examine any flower. The Flower will turn into a Rose and a Dark Vestige will spawn. When Winona activates the Dark Vestige, she will pick up a Fragile Rose. If Winona dies with a Fragile Rose in her inventory, she will be revived immediately. The player can closely examine the Dark Vestige to deactivate it, but the Flower will remain a Rose. This ability has a half-day cooldown.

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