Midsummer Cawnival/Prize Booth

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Wilson Portrait.png
I've got my eyes on the prize. That one, over there!


The Prize Booth is a unique structure that only available in the Midsummer Cawnival. After purchasing the Prize Booth Kit from Corvus Goodfeather, the player can deploy it on the ground. When players approach the Prize Booth, Trinket Trove filter will become available, allowing players to exchange rewards using their Prize Tickets.

The Prize Booth will emit some light when the player stands close to it.

Trinket Trove Station Icon.pngTrinket Trove Filter

The following items can be crafted in the Trinket Trove Filter:


Carnival Cannon

Wilson Portrait.png
I've got a lot of experience in making things explode.


Wurt Portrait.png
Esplode! Esplode!!

Wurt, when examining a Carnival Cannon

Winona Portrait.png
Now that'll cheer you right up!

Winona, when examining a Carnival Cannon on cooldown

The Confetti, Glitter, and Streamer Cannons are structures that can be crafted at the Prize Booth for 18 Prize Tickets. When interacted with, they will fire confetti, glitter, or streamers respectively.

Placing one of the Cannons near Cawnival Tree increases 18 points of decoration.

Confetti Glitter Streamer

Mystery Box

Webber Portrait.png
We can't wait to see what's inside!

Webber, when examining a Mystery Box

Wilson Portrait.png
I seem to be getting a lot of these...

Wilson, when examining a Common Cawnival Statuette

Wurt Portrait.png
Not snack, but still good.

Wurt, when examining a Uncommon Cawnival Statuette

Wanda Portrait.png
I should really find a nice cabinet to display it in.

Wanda, when examining a Rare Cawnival Statuette

Mystery Box - an item that can be obtained from the Prize Booth in exchange for 12 Prize Tickets. The box can be placed on the ground and unwrapped to receive one of the 12 carnival figurines. Figurines are divided into three types depending on the rarity: common, uncommon and rare. If you try to break a figure with a hammer, then a mystery box will drop out of it with the same figure inside.

Placing one of the Mystery Boxes near Cawnival Tree increases points of decoration depends on its rarity: Rare gives 20, Uncommon gives 16, and Common gives 12 points.

Common Uncommon Rare
Green Mystery Box Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (4).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (5).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (6).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (8).png
Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (9).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (10).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (11).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (12).png
Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (2).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (3).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (7).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen1 (1).png
Gold Mystery Box Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (1).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (2).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (5).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (6).png
Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (7).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (9).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (11).png
Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (3).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (4).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (8).png Cawnival Statuette Seasen2 (10).png Cawnival Statuette Season 2 (12).gif

Miniature Tree

Wilson Portrait.png
Maybe it's a boxwood?


Wilson Portrait.png
Either it's small, or I'm gigantic.

Wilson, when examining a Miniature Tree

The Miniature Tree Kit can be crafted with 24 Prize Ticket at Prize Booth and once placed down, it can be one of the 3 forms of Miniature Tree. The player can hammered it to get back its item form. Placing a Miniature Tree near a Cawnival Tree gives 24 points of decoration.

Light Catcher

Wilson Portrait.png
I have to build it myself? I should have known there'd be a catch.


Wanda Portrait.png
It's quite mesmerizing to watch.

Wanda, when examining a Light Catcher

The Light Catcher Kit can be crafted with 24 Prize Ticket at Prize Booth and once placed down, it can be one of the 3 forms of Light Catcher. The player can hammered it to get back its item form. Placing a Light Catcher near a Cawnival Tree gives 24 points of decoration.

Midsummer Night Light

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Ha! Is tiny and easy to make.


Winona Portrait.png
A bit delicate lookin' for my taste, but at least it works.

Winona, when examining a Midsummer Night Light

The Midsummer Night Light Kit can be crafted with 48 Prize Ticket at Prize Booth and once placed down, it can be one of the 6 forms of Midsummer Night Light. The player can hammered it to get back its item form. Placing a Midsummer Night Light near a Cawnival Tree gives 48 points of decoration.

The player can interact with it for it to light for 60 seconds, or put in a Cawnival Token to light for 8 minutes (1 in-game day).

Egg Rides

Wilson Portrait.png
I hope this prize is all it's cracked up to be.


Wilson Portrait.png
I could watch it for hours.

Wilson, when examining Egg Rides

Mini Ferris Wheel, Mini Swing Carousel, Mini Pendulum Ride and Mini Tower Drop are structures which can be crafted at the Prize Booth in exchange for 36 Prize Tickets. They can be activated by both the player and the Crow Kid, after which they will have an animation that will repeat for 30 seconds. The player can also insert a Cawnival Token into them, the animation will play for 5 minutes. Placing a Egg Ride near a Cawnival Tree gives 36 points of decoration.

Mini Ferris Wheel Mini Swing Carousel
Mini Pendulum Ride Mini Tower Drop

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