Walter/Quotes/Don't Starve Together

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The favoured tool of axe murderers and loggers.


"Anyone want to hear a scary story?"

This page lists Walter's Quotes which are spoken when the player examines an in-game item or object. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them.

Due to the amount of text catalogued, this page only contains Walter's quotes for items found in Don't Starve Together. For items exclusive to other expansions, see the pages listed above.

Campfire.png Campfire stories

Bog Monster

  • "Ever heard of the bog monster?"
  • "Nobody knows what it really looks like..."
  • "nobody who's seen it up close ever made it back."
  • "People say it can disguise itself,"
  • "to look like a mossy rock,"
  • "or an old stump,"
  • "or even a patch of mud under your feet."
  • "The only way to really tell it's there"
  • "is if you look out of the corner of your eye..."
  • "it'll sometimes let its disguise slip,"
  • "and you'll see it start to smile..."
  • "with its six mouths full of RAZOR SHARP TEETH!"


  • "Alright, so there's this guy..."
  • "and he has a hook for a hand!"
  • "But wait,"
  • "shoot..."
  • "you're not supposed to know that yet..."
  • "let me start over."
  • "So there's this guy,"
  • "and he lives way out deep in the woods,"
  • "making clocks."
  • "They say that he has a clock"
  • "for every one of his victims..."
  • "stopped at the exact time they take their last breath."
  • "You'll know he's coming when you hear the"
  • "click... click... click..."
  • "of his hook hand tapping on his watch..."
  • "to let you know your time is up!"
  • "...But don't worry, the hook man can't get you out here!"
  • "The only things in this forest are Beargers and Moosegoose"
  • "and Hounds and Dragonflies and Treeguards..."


  • "Alright, want to hear a REALLY scary story?"
  • "It happened on a night just like this."
  • "A group of friends were camping out in the woods,"
  • "when suddenly they heard noises all around them."
  • "Howling and scratching,"
  • "from the darkest depths of the forest."
  • "The friends huddled close around their campfire,"
  • "hoping its light would save them from what lurked beyond."
  • "But what they didn't know..."
  • "was that it was already..."
  • "too..."
  • "LATE!"
  • "..."
  • "I said... LATE!"
  • "Woby! You were supposed to jump out and scare them!"
  • "Oh well, we'll work on it."


  • "Have I ever told you about... the Lord of Gourds?"
  • "They say that during Hallowed Nights he roams the land,"
  • "searching for the perfect carved pumpkin"
  • "to replace his missing head."
  • "If your pumpkin is chosen,"
  • "he will reward you with riches beyond your imagination!"
  • "But beware..."
  • "if he doesn't find one that pleases him..."
  • "he'll take YOUR head instead!"

Glommer Guts

  • "Great pink gobs of greasy grimy Glommer guts,"
  • "Icky sticky spider legs,"
  • "Scrambled rotten Tallbird eggs,"
  • "French fried eyeplant floating in a pool of mud,"
  • "And me without my spoon."

Icon Tools.pngTools

  • Snazzy Pitchfork.pngSnazzy Pitchfork- "Now I can be part of a FANCY angry mob."
  • Pocket Scale.pngPocket Scale- "Do you think there's a badge for catching the biggest fish?"
  • Garden Hoe.pngGarden Hoe- "We'll need that to plant seeds."
  • Splendid Garden Hoe.pngSplendid Garden Hoe- "My tilling skills deserve a gold metal! Get it?"
  • Watering Can.pngWatering Can- "Come on Woby, let's see if the plants need some water."
  • Watering Can.pngWatering Can (empty)- "Maybe I can find a pond around here somewhere..."
  • Waterfowl Can.pngWaterfowl Can- "Wow, fancy!"
  • Waterfowl Can.pngWaterfowl Can (empty)- "Whoops, looks like I'll have to find some water."
  • Beefalo Bell.pngBeefalo Bell- "The beefalo seem to really like the sound it makes!"
  • Turf-Raiser Helm.pngTurf-Raiser Helm- "I've always wanted to look like bug royalty!"
  • Auto-Mat-O-Chanic.pngAuto-Mat-O-Chanic- "Cool! A thingamajigy!"

Icon Light.pngLights

  • Mushlight Build.pngMushlight (off)- "It's easy to spot! You see, because it has spots! Heh..."
  • Mushlight.pngMushlight (on)- "My mom loves collecting odd lamps... I hope she's doing alright."
  • Mushlight Burnt.pngMushlight (burnt)- "Not mush we can do now."
  • Glowcap Build.pngGlowcap (off)- "It's pretty... but I can't roast marshmallows over it."
  • Glowcap.pngGlowcap (on)- "Nature is full of surprises."
  • Glowcap Burnt.pngGlowcap (burnt)- "Not mush we can do now."
  • Humble Lamb Idol Build.pngHumble Lamb Idol- "Come on Woby, we need to find some kindling!"
  • Humble Lamb Idol Build.pngHumble Lamb Idol(Level1)- "That's one neat way to have a campfire!"
  • Humble Lamb Idol Build2.pngHumble Lamb Idol(Level2)- "Wow, it looks so nice it's kind of hard to leave!"
  • Humble Lamb Idol Build3.pngHumble Lamb Idol(Level3)- "I think I'll stay here and watch it... just a bit longer."

Icon Survival.pngSurvival

  • Telltale Heart.pngTelltale Heart- "Did you ever hear the story about the beating heart hidden under the floorboards?"
  • Booster Shot.pngBooster Shot- "This is supposed to make me healthier?"
  • Waterballoon.pngWaterballoon- "Don't worry, I have great aim! Or maybe you should be worried..."
  • Whirly Fan.pngWhirly Fan- "Those are for little kids!'"
  • Flare.pngFlare- "It's a signal, only to be used in an emergency."
  • Hostile Flare.pngHostile Flare- "We don't want anyone feeling left out, right Woby?"
  • Sea Fishing Rod.pngSea Fishing Rod- "This fishing rod's really sturdy!"
  • Tillweed Salve.pngTillweed Salve- "Even weeds can be helpful in the wilderness!"
  • Seed Pack-It.pngSeed Pack-It- "You can never have too many pockets!"
  • Slimy Salve.pngSlimy Salve- "We're prepared for anything, Woby!"

Icon Food.pngFood

  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (non-meat drying)- "While we're waiting, does anyone want to see this bug I found?"
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (non-meat done)- "I think it's done!"
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (non-meat drying in rain)- "I probably should've planned ahead for this."
  • Mushroom Planter Build.pngMushroom Planter (empty)- "It needs something to get started."
  • Mushroom Planter.pngMushroom Planter (some)- "There's a few mushrooms now, but there'll probably be more soon."
  • Mushroom Planter.pngMushroom Planter (lots)- "The mushrooms must love it there!"
  • Mushroom Planter.pngMushroom Planter (stuffed)- "Mushrooms are kind of creepy when you think about them."
  • Mushroom Planter Exhausted.pngMushroom Planter (rotten)- "Not much left of this log for the mushrooms to feed on."
  • Mushroom Planter Burnt.pngMushroom Planter (burnt)- "That wasn't firewood!"
  • Mushroom Planter.pngMushroom Planter (snow covered)- "My handbook says mushrooms need warmer weather to grow."
  • Salt Box.pngSalt Box- "Salt is great for preserving your supplies."
  • Cookbook.pngCookbook- "Looks like I've got a new guide to memorize!"
  • Garden Digamajig.pngGarden Digamajig (held)- "Want to help me find a good place for the garden, Woby?"
  • Garden Digamajig Build.pngGarden Digamajig- "Hey, farming doesn't seem too hard!"
  • Composting Bin.pngComposting Bin- "Oooh, compost bins usually have all kinds of interesting bugs in them!"
  • Composting Bin.pngComposting Bin (too wet)- "This might be a bit too wet."
  • Composting Bin.pngComposting Bin (too dry)- "Hm... does that look a bit too dry, Woby?"
  • Composting Bin.pngComposting Bin (balanced)- "That looks pretty good!"
  • Composting Bin (burnt)- "We should all really be more careful with fire!"
  • Growth Formula Starter.pngGrowth Formula Starter- "I think I'm supposed to let it sit for a while."
  • Fermenting Growth Formula.pngFermenting Growth Formula- "Well, it sure looks like it's doing something."
  • Fermented Growth Formula.pngFermented Growth Formula- "I'd guess it's just about done."
  • Super Growth Formula.pngSuper Growth Formula- "That's gotta be done!"
  • Gardeneer Hat.pngGardeneer Hat- "It's like a handbook you wear on your head! A headbook?"
  • Tree Jam.pngTree Jam- "I'm glad we found a use for those figs other than eating them..."

Icon Science.pngScience

  • Cartographer's Desk Build.pngCartographer's Desk- "We're mapping out the wilderness!"
  • Cartographer's Desk.pngCartographer's Desk (burning)- "That's not a proper campfire!"
  • Cartographer's Desk Burnt.pngCartographer's Desk (burnt)- "Someone wasn't practicing fire safety."
  • Potter's Wheel Build.pngPotter's Wheel- "Time for some arts and crafts."
  • Potter's Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (material placed)- "This doesn't look too hard! Or does it..."
  • Potter's Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (sculpture)- "Hey Woby, look! I'm getting good at this!"
  • Potter's Wheel Burnt.pngPotter's Wheel (burnt)- "Don't we have a perfectly good fire pit?"
  • Think Tank Build.pngThink Tank- "We're going to need a better boat."
  • Think Tank Burnt.pngThink Tank (burnt)- "We should really be more careful with our resources."
  • Tackle Receptacle.pngTackle Receptacle- "Not to brag, but I do have my fishing badge."
  • Terra Firma Tamper.pngTerra Firma Tamper- "I think we might be tampering with something we don't understand."
  • Sawhorse.pngSawhorse- "Now I can work towards my carpentry badge!"
  • Sawhorse Burned.pngSawhorse (burnt)- "I guess my carpentry badge will have to wait."

Icon Fight.pngFight

  • Electric Dart.pngElectric Dart- "It's not as good as my slingshot, but it'll do the trick."
  • Tail o' Three Cats.pngTail o' Three Cats- "I know how you feel about cats Woby, but it still seems pretty mean."
  • Napsack.pngNapsack- "It's more humane than a stink bomb."
  • Cookie Cutter Cap.pngCookie Cutter Cap- "It's a shellmet! Because it's a helmet, but a shell-- you get it."
  • Strident Trident.pngStrident Trident- "This looks like it could cause some damage."
  • Battle Helm.pngBattle Helm- "Maybe Pinetree Pioneers should start wearing helmets instead."
  • Battle Spear.pngBattle Spear- "No Woby, that's not a stick! Well, I guess it IS a stick..."
  • Trusty Slingshot.pngTrusty Slingshot- "You never know what you'll run into out in the wilderness."
  • Fencing Sword.pngFencing Sword- "Huh. I didn't know people used swords to fix their fences."
  • Dreadstone Helm.pngDreadstone Helm- "Never forget to wear your dark helmet."
  • Dreadstone Armor.pngDreadstone Armor- "It looks like an evil knight's armor. Neat!"
  • W.A.R.B.I.S. Head Gear.pngW.A.R.B.I.S. Head Gear- "It's going to suck out my brain! Ha ha, probably not."
  • W.A.R.B.I.S. Armor.pngW.A.R.B.I.S. Armor- "I'll be part boy, part machine!"

Icon Structures.pngStructures

  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, bird hungry)- "We need some bird food!"
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, bird starving)- "Oh no! Did we forget to feed you?"
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, bird dead)- "I'm... a terrible pet owner..."
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, bird skeleton)- "Someone should bury it."
  • Directional Sign.pngDirectional Sign- "Someone has bad handwriting."
  • Sign.pngDirectional Sign.pngSign and Directional Sign (empty)- "Well... I guess SOMETHING is in that direction."
  • Directional Sign Burnt.pngDirectional Sign (burnt)- "Hopefully it didn't say anything important."
  • End Table.pngEnd Table (empty and burning)- "Hey... I think I saw something move under there."
  • Stagehand.pngEnd Table (flowers)- "Is somebody decorating out here?"
  • Stagehand.pngEnd Table (new light source)- "Oooh, useful."
  • Stagehand.pngEnd Table (old light source)- "Looks like we need to replace a bulb."
  • Stagehand.pngEnd Table (wilted)- "Those flowers are looking pretty sad."
  • End Table Burnt.pngEnd Table (burnt)- "That's how forest fires get started!"
  • Friendly Scarecrow.pngFriendly Scarecrow- "Who'd be scared of that?"
  • Friendly Scarecrow Build.pngFriendly Scarecrow (burning)- "I guess that makes it look a little scarier."
  • Friendly Scarecrow Burnt.pngFriendly Scarecrow (burnt)- "Not much use to us now."
  • Moon Rock Wall.pngMoon Rock Wall (held)- "I can't believe we're making walls out of real moon rock!"
  • Moon Rock Wall Build.pngMoon Rock Wall- "It came from another world!"
  • Dreadstone Wall.pngDreadstone Wall (held)- "It's gonna be a real nightmare to set it up! Get it?"
  • Dreadstone Wall Build.pngDreadstone Wall- "Spooky!"
  • Scrap Wall.pngScrap Wall (held)- "What a neat use of trash!"
  • Scrap Wall Build.pngScrap Wall- "What a neat use of trash!"
  • Scaled Furnace.pngScaled Furnace- "Roasty!"
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe- "I've been keeping my bugs in there when I run out of room in my pockets."
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe (burning)- "Hey! Brush fires destroy forests!"
  • Wardrobe Burnt.pngWardrobe (burnt)- "Poor little guys..."
  • Potted Succulent.pngPotted Succulent- "I guess it's nice. I prefer plants outdoors though."
  • Fish Scale-O-Matic.pngFish Scale-O-Matic- "Just wait, that biggest fish badge will be mine!"
  • Fish Scale-O-Matic.pngFish Scale-O-Matic (with heavy fish)- "Weight: {weight} Caught by: {owner} It's almost as heavy as you, Woby!"
  • Fish Scale-O-Matic.pngFish Scale-O-Matic (with own fish)- "I win! Where's my badge? Weight: {weight} Caught by: {owner}"
  • Fish Scale-O-Matic.pngFish Scale-O-Matic (with own heavy fish)- "Weight: {weight} Caught by: {owner} Pretty impressive, huh Woby?"
  • Fish Scale-O-Matic.pngFish Scale-O-Matic (burning)- "The fire is off the-- well actually it's ON the scale, that's the problem!"
  • Fish Scale-O-Matic Burnt.pngFish Scale-O-Matic (burnt)- "What a waste of supplies."
  • Astral Detector.pngAstral Detector (held)- "It must do something important."
  • Astral Detector Build.pngAstral Detector- "I guess it's kind of like a compass."
  • Astral Detector Build.pngAstral Detector (all pieces found)- "We must've found them all!"
  • Produce Scale.pngProduce Scale- "Is there a badge for growing the biggest vegetable?"
  • Produce Scale.pngProduce Scale (with light item)- "Er... it's not even registering on the scale..."
  • Produce Scale.pngProduce Scale (with item)- "It didn't turn out quite as well as I thought it would."
  • Produce Scale.pngProduce Scale (with heavy item)- "Weight: {weight} Harvested on day: {day} Wow, it's huge!"
  • Produce Scale.pngProduce Scale (burning)- "Hey! That's not a fire pit!"
  • Produce Scale Burnt.pngProduce Scale (burnt)- "That's what happens when you don't practice fire safety."
  • Grooming Station Kit.pngGrooming Station (held)- "Better get this all set up."
  • Grooming Station Build.pngGrooming Station- "Woby doesn't like getting dressed up, but beefalo seem to!"
  • Grooming Station Build.pngGrooming Station (occupied)- "You're going to look great when we're done, just you wait!"
  • Grooming Station (burnt)- "We all need to be much more careful with fire."
  • Lunar Siphonator stage1.pngLunar Siphonator (Stage 1)- "We've still got a ways to go."
  • Lunar Siphonator stage2.pngLunar Siphonator (Stage 2)- "It's almost set up!"
  • Lunar Siphonator stage3.pngLunar Siphonator (Stage 3)- "Wow! I wonder what it's for?"
  • Mannequin.pngMannequin- "I don't know why some people think mannequins are scary."
  • Mannequin.pngMannequin (burnt)- "Oh no, I thought I smelled a campfire burning around here!"
  • Punching Bag.pngShadow Boxer.pngBright Boxer.pngPunching Bag / Shadow Boxer / Bright Boxer- "Don't worry Woby, it's just for practice!"
  • Reinforced Support Pillar 45 Build.pngSupport Pillar- "That's not going anywhere!"
  • Reinforced Support Pillar 90 Damaged Phase 3.pngDreadstone Pillar 90 Build Damaged Phase 3.pngDamaged Support Pillar / Damaged Dreadstone Pillar- "Don't worry Woby, I'm sure it'll be fine!"
  • Pillar Scaffold 45 Model.pngSupport Pillar Scaffold- "I bet there's some interesting secrets hiding under there!"
  • Reinforced Support Pillar 90 Damaged Phase 4.pngSupport Pillar Wreckage- "Um. Maybe I spoke too soon..."
  • Dreadstone Pillar 45 Build.pngDreadstone Pillar- "Absolutely indestructible!"
  • Dreadstone Pillar 45 Build.pngDreadstone Pillar (Scrapbook)- "How could it be so destructible?"
  • Dreadstone Pillar Scaffold 45.pngDreadstone Pillar Scaffold- "I bet there's some interesting secrets hiding under there!"
  • Art?.pngArt?- "It's cool. I guess."
  • Table Lamp.pngTable Lamp- "Turn it off when we tell ghost stories."
  • Table Vase.pngTable Vase(Empty)- "Woby, did you eat the flower?"
  • Table Vase with Flower.pngTable Vase(Fresh Light)- "Oooh, useful."
  • Table Vase with Flower.pngTable Vase(Generic)- "Careful with that, Woby."
  • Table Vase with Flower.pngTable Vase(Old Light)- "We should find a fresh one, Woby!"
  • Table Vase with Dead Flower.pngTable Vase(Wilted)- "It looks sad."
  • Table Lamp.pngTable Lamp- "Turn it off when we tell ghost stories."
  • Empty Frame.pngEmpty Frame(Empty)- "Woby, wanna do a pawprint painting?"
  • Picture Frame.pngEmpty Frame(Picture)- "Is it upside down?"
  • Pleasant Portrait.pngPleasant Portrait- "It really looks like them! Right, Woby?"
  • Wooden Chair Build.pngWooden Stool Build.pngWooden Chair / Wooden Stool(Empty) - "Sorry Woby, that's not for you."
  • Wooden Chair Build.pngWooden Stool Build.pngWooden Chair / Wooden Stool(Occupied) - "Sorry Woby, that's not for you."
  • Wooden Chair Burnt.pngWooden Stool Burnt.pngWooden Chair / Wooden Stool(Burnt) - "That's why we should never play with matches."
  • Square Wooden Table Build.pngRound Wooden Table Build.pngSquare Wooden Table / Round Wooden Table(Empty)- "Woby, no paws on the table!"
  • Square Wooden Table Build.pngRound Wooden Table Build.pngSquare Wooden Table / Round Wooden Table(Decorated)- "Woby, no paws on the table!"
  • Square Wooden Table Burnt.pngRound Wooden Table Burnt.pngSquare Wooden Table / Round Wooden Table(Burnt)- "Someone forgot their fire saftey!"
  • Gramophone.pngGramophone- "It's almost as good as a radio. Almost."
  • Record Classic.pngRecord(Classic)- "I could listen to this forever!"
  • Record Creepy Forest.pngRecord(Creepy Forest)- "It's no Midnight Broadcast, but it's still pretty good."
  • Record D.R. Style.pngRecord(D.R. Style)- "It's no Midnight Broadcast, but it's still pretty good."
  • Record E.F.S..pngRecord(E.F.S.)- "It's no Midnight Broadcast, but it's still pretty good."
  • Elastispacer.pngElastispacer- "I can make more room for supplies!"
  • Tall Chest.pngTall Chest- "Just look at how many important survival supplies it can hold!"
  • Tall Scaled Chest.pngTall Scaled Chest- "The more supplies we can keep safe from fire, the better!"
  • Broken-down Chest.pngBroken-down Scaled Chest.pngTall Chest(Collapsed)- "It looks pretty messed-up... but I think I could fix it!"
  • Gourmet Salt Lick.pngGourmet Salt Lick- "You're not a beefalo, Woby."

Icon Refine.pngRefine

  • Cratered Moonrock.pngCratered Moonrock- "I feel like it's looking at me."
  • Marble Bean.pngMarble Bean- "I'm pretty sure it's just a rock."
  • Feathery Canvas.pngFeathery Canvas- "I didn't know you could make fabric out of feathers!"
  • Collected Dust.pngCollected Dust- "It took a long time to collect all that dust."

Icon Magic.pngMagic

  • Ocuvigil.pngOcuvigil- "Map making is so much more interesting here!"
  • Moon Dial.pngMoon Dial (generic)- "Huh? I can see the moon!"
  • Moon Dial (New Moon).pngMoon Dial (new moon)- "I know all the moon phases, this one's a new moon."
  • Moon Dial (Waxing Half).pngMoon Dial (waxing)- "It's a waxing moon."
  • Moon Dial (Full Moon).pngMoon Dial (full moon)- "The full moon, a.k.a. best time to spot a werewolf!"
  • Moon Dial (Waning Half).pngMoon Dial (waning)- "It's a waning moon."
  • Moon Dial.pngMoon Dial (in Caves)- "I can't see through stone... or can I? ...Nope."
  • Moon Dial (Moonstorm).pngMoon Dial (Moonstorm)- "Wait, this isn't ice... it's glass!"
  • The Lazy Deserter.pngThe Lazy Deserter- "Ready for a journey into the unknown Woby?"
  • The Lazy Deserter.pngThe Lazy Deserter (active)- "Let's go!"
  • Clean Sweeper.pngClean Sweeper- "It changes how things look, but they're still the same deep down."

Icon Dress.pngDress

  • Fashion Goggles.pngFashion Goggles- "I feel more adventurous already!"
  • Desert Goggles.pngDesert Goggles- "It's important to dress appropriately for the environment."
  • Blue Funcap.pngGreen Funcap.pngRed Funcap.pngLunar Funcap.pngFuncap- "It's not made of the poisonous kind, right?"
  • Seawreath.pngSeawreath- "Maybe if I look like a sea monster the real ones will come out."
  • Astroggles.pngAstroggles- "It's important to have the proper equipment in a storm."
  • Polly Roger's Hat.pngPolly Roger's Hat- "I have to be careful putting it on, Polly likes to sleep in it."

Icon Ancient.pngAncient

  • Premier Gardeneer Hat.pngPremier Gardeneer Hat- "Woah, I can see right through the dirt!"
  • Shadowcraft Plinth Kit.pngShadowcraft Plinth Kit- "Don't worry, I'm great at setting things up!"
  • Shadowcraft Plinth.pngShadowcraft Plinth- "It's really handy! Get it? Because it has hands?"

Icon Cartography.png​Cartography

  • Map Scroll.pngMap Scroll (Cave).pngMap Scroll (empty)- "A map! ...With nothing on it."

Icon Celestial.png​Celestial

  • Moon Rock Idol.pngMoon Rock Idol- "Usually these kind of things are locked in an ancient temple guarded by a monster."
  • Portal Paraphernalia.pngPortal Paraphernalia- "I'm good at following instructions! I have a badge for it!"
  • Moon Glass Axe.pngMoon Glass Axe- "Hey... it just occurred to me that this might be dangerous."
  • Glass Cutter.pngGlass Cutter- "Moon sword!!"
  • Bath Bomb.pngBath Bomb- "It smells pretty good."
  • Brightsmithy Kit.pngBrightsmithy Kit- "Woby and I can have that set up in a jiffy!"
  • Brightsmithy.pngBrightsmithy- "Let's make something, Woby!"

Brightsmithy Station Icon.png​Brightsmithy

  • Brightshade Armor.pngBrightshade Armor- "It makes me feel so safe, it's scary!"
  • Brightshade Helm.pngBrightshade Helm- "That's definitely the helmet of some kind of ghost knight!"
  • Brightshade Bomb.pngBrightshade Bomb- "If only I could use it in my slingshot."
  • Brightshade Staff.pngBrightshade Staff- "Yup, that's definitely magical."
  • Brightshade Sword.pngBrightshade Sword- "A space sword! Neat!"
  • Brightshade Smasher.pngBrightshade Smasher- "Those are some really tough leaves!"
  • Brightshade Shoevel.pngBrightshade Shoevel- "I came up with the name!"
  • Brightshade Repair Kit.pngBrightshade Repair Kit- "I hope this goes toward my sewing badge."
  • Polar Bearger Bin.pngPolar Bearger Bin- "We can keep our snacks cold when we go exploring, Woby!"
  • Ice Crystaleyezer Kit.pngIce Crystaleyezer Kit- "Woby, wanna help me put this together?"
  • Ice Crystaleyezer Build.pngIce Crystaleyezer(Deactivated)- "Something is missing. Woby, that eyeball is not a toy!"
  • Ice Crystaleyezer Build Activated.pngIce Crystaleyezer(Activated)- "The way it just stares at me is so creepy. I love it."
  • Howlitzer.pngHowlitzer- "Don't worry, Woby. Your teeth are safe."

Shadowcrafting Station Icon.png​Shadowcrafting

  • Void Robe.pngVoid Robe- "It almost looks like it has a face, doesn't it?"
  • Void Cowl.pngVoid Cowl- "Woby doesn't like it when I wear that."
  • Umbralla.pngUmbralla- "An umbrella that comes with its own lightning!"
  • Shadow Reaper.pngShadow Reaper- "I think it just blinked!"
  • Void Repair Kit.pngVoid Repair Kit- "I hope this goes toward my sewing badge."
  • Embalming Spritz.pngEmbalming Spritz- "It looks kind of like my mom's perfume, but it sure doesn't smell like it."
  • Waxed Plants- "It's still alive... I think."

Icon Critters.png​Critters

  • Kittykit.pngKittykit- "I'm usually more of a dog person, but you're so cute!"
  • Vargling.pngVargling- "You and Woby will get along great!"
  • Ewelet.pngEwelet- "Aww, you're like a dust bunny that came to life!"
  • Broodling.pngBroodling- "Play nice with Woby, okay?"
  • Glomglom.pngGlomglom- "It's small for a monster, but big for a bug."
  • Giblet.pngGiblet- "What a funny little turkey."
  • Mothling.pngMothling- "Mom would never let me keep a pet bug this big!"
  • Friendly Peeper.pngFriendly Peeper- "What is it, boy? Do you see something?"

Icon Fishing.png​Fishing

  • Wooden Ball Bobber.pngWooden Ball Bobber- "Just a simple bobber."
  • Hardened Slip Bobber.pngHardened Slip Bobber- "A slightly less simple bobber."
  • Sunrise Spinnerbait.pngDusky Spinnerbait.pngNightflyer Spinnerbait.pngSunrise, Dusky, and Nightflyer Spinnerbait- "Careful Woby, these aren't real food!"
  • Sunrise Spoon.pngDusky Spoon.pngNightflyer Spoon.pngSunrise, Dusky, and Nightflyer Spoon- "Careful Woby, these aren't real food!"
  • Rainy Day Lure.pngRainy Day Lure- "I wonder how that works."
  • Snow Day Lure.pngSnow Day Lure- "Snow fishing? Hmm, a new technique to master..."
  • Stupefying Lure.pngStupefying Lure- "Okay... just hold it carefully..."
  • Heavy Weighted Lure.pngHeavy Weighted Lure- "Just watch Woby, I'll catch the biggest fish you've ever seen!"
  • Jet Quill Float.pngJet Quill Float- "I followed the instructions perfectly."
  • Crimson Quill Float.pngCrimson Quill Float- "I followed the instructions perfectly."
  • Azure Quill Float.pngAzure Quill Float- "I followed the instructions perfectly."
  • Saffron Quill Float.pngSaffron Quill Float- "I followed the instructions perfectly."
  • Down Quill Float.pngDown Quill Float- "It floats... like a feather, in fact."
  • Malbatross Quill Float.pngMalbatross Quill Float- "Thanks Malbatross!"

Icon Sculpt.png​Sculpt

  • Statue Hornucopia Marble.pngStatue Hornucopia Stone.pngStatue Hornucopia Moonglass.pngCarved Hornucopia- "I'm starting to get hungry just looking at it..."
  • Statue Pipe Marble.pngStatue Pipe Stone.pngStatue Pipe Moonglass.pngBubble Pipe Carving- "It looks like one of those joke pipes you can mail in for."
  • Statue Pawn Marble.pngStatue Pawn Stone.pngStatue Pawn Moonglass.pngPawn Figure- "Pawns don't seem like statue material."
  • Statue Rook Marble.pngStatue Rook Stone.pngStatue Rook Moonglass.pngRook Figure- "It's so lifelike!"
  • Statue Knight Marble.pngStatue Knight Stone.pngStatue Knight Moonglass.pngKnight Figure- "What are you so worried about Woby? It's just a statue."
  • Statue Bishop Marble.pngStatue Bishop Stone.pngStatue Bishop Moonglass.pngBishop Figure- "Woby doesn't seem to like it."
  • Statue Rook Marble.pngStatue Rook Stone.pngStatue Knight Marble.pngStatue Knight Stone.pngStatue Bishop Marble.pngStatue Bishop Stone.pngRook, Knight, and Bishop Figures (shaking on new moon)- "It's coming to life!"
  • Statue Muse Marble.pngStatue Muse Stone.pngStatue Muse Moonglass.pngQueenly Figure- "It's just a statue."
  • Statue Formal Marble.pngStatue Formal Stone.pngStatue Formal Moonglass.pngKingly Figure- "Ugh. Who would want to be stuck wearing a suit forever?"
  • Statue Deerclops Marble.pngStatue Deerclops Stone.pngStatue Deerclops Moonglass.pngDeerclops Figure- "I like this one!"
  • Statue Bearger Marble.pngStatue Bearger Stone.pngStatue Bearger Moonglass.pngBearger Figure- "It looks just like him!"
  • Statue MooseGoose Marble.pngStatue MooseGoose Stone.pngStatue MooseGoose Moonglass.pngMoose/Goose Figure- "It's a shame things had to end the way they did."
  • Statue Dragonfly Marble.pngStatue Dragonfly Stone.pngStatue Dragonfly Moonglass.pngDragonfly Figure- "If only we could've gotten along."
  • Statue Butterfly Marble.pngStatue Butterfly Stone.pngStatue Butterfly Moonglass.pngMoon Moth Figure- "It's not quite as good as a real bug collection, but close!"
  • Statue Anchor Marble.pngStatue Anchor Stone.pngStatue Anchor Moonglass.pngAnchor Figure- "Technically this could still work as a real anchor."
  • Statue Moon Marble.pngStatue Moon Stone.pngStatue Moon Moonglass.png"Moon" Figure- "It tells folks to be-were! Get it?"
  • Statue Malbatross Marble.pngStatue Malbatross Stone.pngStatue Malbatross Moonglass.pngMalbatross Figure- "She was pretty angry at us, wasn't she Woby?"
  • Statue Crab King Marble.pngStatue Crab King Stone.pngStatue Crab King Moonglass.pngCrab King Figure- "The crabbiest sea monster I've ever met!"
  • Statue Toadstool Marble.pngStatue Toadstool Stone.pngStatue Toadstool Moonglass.pngToadstool Figure- "At least this version doesn't smell like old mushrooms."
  • Statue Ancient Fuelweaver Marble.pngStatue Ancient Fuelweaver Stone.pngStatue Ancient Fuelweaver Moonglass.pngAncient Fuelweaver Figure- "Definitely on my top five list of skeletons."
  • Statue Klaus Marble.pngStatue Klaus Stone.pngStatue Klaus Moonglass.pngKlaus Figure- "Aw, it reminds me of the holidays."
  • Statue Bee Queen Marble.pngStatue Bee Queen Stone.pngStatue Bee Queen Moonglass.pngBee Queen Figure- "At least I'm not allergic to bees made out of stone."
  • Statue Antlion Marble.pngStatue Antlion Stone.pngStatue Antlion Moonglass.pngAntlion Figure- "She really shook you up, didn't she Woby?"
  • Statue Ancient Guardian Marble.pngStatue Ancient Guardian Stone.pngStatue Ancient Guardian Moonglass.pngAncient Guardian Figure- "This statue is... a-maze-ing! Get it?"
  • Statue Celestial Champion Marble.pngStatue Celestial Champion Stone.pngStatue Celestial Champion Moonglass.pngCelestial Champion Figure- "It's so lifelike, I feel like they're staring right at me!"
  • Statue Eye of Terror Marble.pngStatue Eye of Terror Stone.pngStatue Eye of Terror Moonglass.pngEye of Terror Figure- "Nothing to see here, folks! Ha ha, get it Woby?"
  • Statue Twins of Terror Marble.pngStatue Twins of Terror Stone.pngStatue Twins of Terror Moonglass.pngTwins of Terror Figure- "Is this one of those sculptures where the eyes follow you around the room?"
  • Statue Nightmare Werepig Marble.pngStatue Nightmare Werepig Stone.pngStatue Nightmare Werepig Moonglass.pngNightmare Werepig Figure- "I sure hope we get to see him again!"
  • Statue Crystal Deerclops Marble.pngStatue Crystal Deerclops Stone.pngStatue Crystal Deerclops Moonglass.pngCrystal Deerclops Figure- "I still feel kind of bad for her."
  • Statue Possessed Varg Marble.pngStatue Possessed Varg Stone.pngStatue Possessed Varg Moonglass.pngPossessed Varg Figure- "They weren't nearly as nice as you, Woby."
  • Statue Armored Bearger Marble.pngStatue Armored Bearger Stone.pngStatue Armored Bearger Moonglass.pngArmored Bearger Figure- "We bearly escaped! Get it?"
  • Statue Frostjaw Marble.pngStatue Frostjaw Stone.pngStatue Frostjaw Moonglass.pngFrostjaw Figure- "Your bark was worse than their bite, Woby!"

Icon Seafaring.png​Seafaring

  • Boat Kit.pngBoat Kit- "Let's get building, Woby!"
  • Plank.pngPlank- "Oh, I'm good at diving! I got a badge for it!"
  • Boat Leak Small.pngBoat Leak Medium.pngLeak- "Don't worry! I have a badge in sailing, I know what to do!"
  • Boat Patch.pngBoat Patch- "Better to be prepared."
  • Oar.pngDriftwood Oar.pngOar and Driftwood Oar- "I used to go canoing with my Pinetree Pioneer troop."
  • Anchor Kit.pngAnchor Kit- "I've got all the supplies ready to build an anchor."
  • Anchor Build.pngAnchor- "That's another important boat part."
  • Mast Kit.pngMast Kit- "A mast would be useful."
  • Mast Build.pngMast- "That's an important boat part."
  • Winged Sail Kit.pngWinged Sail Kit- "We'd better get this set up, Woby."
  • Winged Sail Build.pngWinged Sail- "I feel kind of bad, but it does look great on the boat."
  • Steering Wheel Kit.pngSteering Wheel Kit- "It's probably a good idea to add a steering wheel."
  • Steering Wheel Build.pngSteering Wheel- "Come on First Mate Woby, we're going sailing!"
  • Tin Fishin' Bin.pngTin Fishin' Bin- "That'll keep our fish fresh!"
  • Pinchin' Winch.pngPinchin' Winch- "This is how we'll catch a sea monster!"
  • Pinchin' Winch.pngPinchin' Winch (retrieving item)- "Please be a sea monster, please be a sea monster..."
  • Pinchin' Winch.pngPinchin' Winch (holding item)- "Well... it's not a sea monster."
  • Deck Illuminator.pngDeck Illuminator- "I guess it's safer than having a campfire on the deck..."
  • Lightning Conductor.pngLightning Conductor- "The static makes Woby's fur all poofy."
  • Fire Pump.pngFire Pump- "It's always good to have proper safety precautions in place."
  • Cannon Kit.pngCannon Kit- "I've got all the supplies I need to build a cannon."
  • Cannon.pngCannon (Loaded)- "It's kind of like a giant slingshot, if you think about it."
  • Cannon.pngCannon (Empty)- "I'll load the cannonball!"
  • Cannon.pngCannon (Nothing to upload)- "I forgot the cannonballs! This won't make me lose points toward my badge, right?"
  • Cannonball.pngCannonball- "That goes in the cannon."
  • Nautopilot Kit.pngNautopilot Kit- "I hope I get Mr. Wilson's instructions right... he kind of muttered through a lot of it."
  • Nautopilot.pngNautopilot- "Woah, I've never seen a magnet that big!"
  • Nautopilot.pngNautopilot (Active)- "It's definitely pulling us toward something!"
  • Nautopilot Beacon.pngNautopilot Beacon- "I don't really get how it works, but it sure looks neat!"
  • Nautopilot Beacon.pngNautopilot Beacon (Active)- "It's blinking! I think that means it's working?"
  • Dock Kit.pngDock Kit- "Neat, I can build a dock for my boat!"
  • Dock Piling.pngDock Piling- "Some posts will make the dock look even more... dock-y."
  • Rudder Kit.pngRudder Kit- "A rudder might come in handy."
  • Rudder.pngRudder- "Rudders are very important for sailing!"
  • Grass Raft Kit.pngGrass Raft Kit- "You have to make do with what you have out in the wilderness!"
  • Kelp Bumper.pngKelp Bumper- "Don't worry Woby, I'm really good at sailing. That's just a precaution!"
  • The Shell Bumper.pngShell Bumper- "Don't worry Woby, I'm really good at sailing. That's just a precaution!"
  • Ocean Trawler Kit.pngOcean Trawler Kit- "I'd better build it if I want to catch any fish."
  • Ocean Trawler.pngOcean Trawler- "Nets sure do make fishing easier."
  • Ocean Trawler.pngOcean Trawler (Caught)- "Look at all those fish!"
  • Ocean Trawler.pngOcean Trawler (Escaped)- "Darnit, they got away!"
  • Ocean Trawler.pngOcean Trawler (Fixed)- "That wasn't so hard to fix."
  • Ocean Trawler.pngOcean Trawler (Lowered)- "Soon I'll be roasting fish over a campfire."
  • Kelp Patch.pngKelp Patch- "I knew it was a good idea to pick all that kelp!"

Wilson Filter.png ​Survivor Items

Willow Filter.png Willow

  • Willow's Lighter.pngWillow's Lighter- "Way easier than rubbing sticks together, but not as fun."
  • Bernie.pngBernie Inactive.pngBernie (held and inactive)- "He burnt himself out."
  • Bernie Active.pngBernie (active)- "Woah! Is your bear haunted? Cursed?"
  • Bernie Big.pngBERNIE!- "If you play with fire, you're gonna get Bernie'd. Heh..."
  • DeadBernie.pngBernie (broken)- "I-I'm sure we can fix him."
  • Fire Ball.pngFire Ball- "There's no wood in this campfire. Oh well."

Wolfgang Filter.png Wolfgang

  • Mighty Gym.pngMighty Gym- "Wow! I wonder if I could be as strong as Mr. Wolfgang one day..."
  • Mighty Gym (burnt)- "Aww, I never even got to try it..."
  • Dumbbell.pngDumbbell- "I can do it! I just... need to get a good grip on it!"
  • Golden Dumbbell.pngGolden Dumbbell- "Uh, m-maybe I should start with something a bit lighter."
  • Marbell.pngMarbell- "Oh... when he said it was made of marble, I kind of hoped he meant the tiny ones."
  • Gembell.pngGembell- "Time to hit the gem! Get it? Because gem sounds like gym?"
  • Firebell.pngFirebell- "I don't think your muscles should be burning THAT much..."
  • Icebell.pngIcebell- "You'll get a really n-ice workout with that! Heh. Good one, Walter."
  • Thermbell.pngThermbell- "I can warm up without lifting anything! N-not that I can't!"
  • Potato Sack.pngPotato Sack- "Do you think I'd get muscles if I ate more potatoes, Woby?"
  • Coaching Whistle.pngCoaching Whistle- "We're ready, coach! Right, Woby?"

Wendy Filter.png Wendy

  • Revenant Restorative.pngSpectral Cure-All.pngUnyielding Draught.pngDistilled Vengeance.pngNightshade Nostrum.pngVigor Mortis.pngAll Ghostly Elixirs- "Ghosts can drink potions? Uh, of course I knew that!"
  • Sisturn.pngSisturn (empty)- "Yeah, that looks haunted."
  • Sisturn.pngSisturn (some flowers)- "If I find some flowers I'll bring them back here."
  • Sisturn Build.pngSisturn (full)- "That looks pretty nice."

WX-78 Filter.png WX-78

  • Bio Scanalyzer.pngBio Scanalyzer- "Aww, who's a good little robot?"
  • Bio Scanalyzer.pngBio Scanalyzer (inactive)- "I guess it's taking a nap."
  • Bio Scanalyzer.pngBio Scanalyzer (hunting)- "Aww, who's a good little robot?"
  • Bio Scanalyzer.pngBio Scanalyzer (scanning)- "Aww, who's a good little robot?"
  • Bio Scanalyzer.pngBio Scanalyzer (scan complete)- "What is it boy? Do you have something to show WX?"
  • Circuit Extractor.pngCircuit Extractor- "Should I start carrying something like this in my first aid kit?"
  • Bio Data.pngBio Data- "Neat! Wanna scan me next?"
  • Hardy Circuit.pngSuper-Hardy Circuit.pngProcessing Circuit.pngSuper-Processing Circuit.pngBeanbooster Circuit.pngChorusbox Circuit.pngGastrogain Circuit.pngSuper-Gastrogain Circuit.pngAcceleration Circuit.pngSuper-Acceleration Circuit.pngThermal Circuit.pngRefrigerant Circuit.pngElectrification Circuit.pngOptoelectronic Circuit.pngIllumination Circuit.pngCircuits- "Robot guts! Neat!"

Wickerbottom Filter.png Wickerbottom

  • Bookcase.pngBookcase- "If you read the books out loud it's almost like listening to a radio play."
  • Bookcase burned.pngBookcase (burnt)- "Poor Ms. Wickerbottom..."
  • Birds of the World.pngBirds of the World- "I don't want to brag... but I do have a badge in birdwatching."
  • Horticulture, Abridged.pngHorticulture, Abridged- "I already have my gardening badge."
  • Applied Silviculture.pngApplied Silviculture- "There's so much to learn about the woods!"
  • Sleepytime Stories.pngSleepytime Stories- "My idea of a bedtime story has a lot more monsters in it..."
  • The End is Nigh.pngThe End is Nigh!- "Wendy already spoiled the ending for me..."
  • On Tentacles.pngOn Tentacles- "Oooh, this reminds me of a radio play where a ship gets eaten by a giant squid!"
  • The Angler's Survival Guide.pngThe Angler's Survival Guide- "Fishing is a reel-y important part of wilderness survival. Get it? Reel-y?"
  • Pyrokinetics Explained.pngPyrokinetics Explained- "There's a lot of good fire safety tips in here! Um... has Willow read it?"
  • Overcoming Arachnophobia.pngOvercoming Arachnophobia- "Maybe I should give this book to Mr. Wolfgang."
  • Tempering Temperatures.pngTempering Temperatures- "I hope it works on Woby, I worry about her in the summer with all that fur..."
  • Lux Aeterna.pngLux Aeterna- "Sounds pretty mysterious!"
  • Practical Rain Rituals.pngPractical Rain Rituals- "I wonder what impractical rain rituals look like?"
  • Lunar Grimoire.pngLunar Grimoire- "Aww, it doesn't even mention aliens!"
  • Apicultural Notes.pngApicultural Notes- "There aren't real bees inside, right? Heh, no, that would be silly."
  • Horticulture, Expanded.pngHorticulture, Expanded- "Maybe I can get another gardening badge?"
  • The Everything Encyclopedia.pngThe Everything Encyclopedia- "It's almost as useful as my Pinetree Pioneer handbook."
  • Lux Aeterna Redux.pngLux Aeterna Redux- "This one sounds extra mysterious."
  • Fiery Pen.pngFiery Pen- "I had no idea writing was so dangerous."

Woodie Filter.png Woodie

  • Kitschy Beaver Idol.pngKitschy Beaver Idol- "I knew the Werebeaver was real! Nobody believed me!"
  • Kitschy Goose Idol.pngKitschy Goose Idol- "Yeah that... definitely looks cursed."
  • Kitschy Moose Idol.pngKitschy Moose Idol- "So how does the curse work? When did it start?"
  • Hardwood Hat.pngHardwood Hat- "Mr. Woodie said he and Ms. Lucy would teach me how to whittle!"
  • Wooden Walking Stick.pngWooden Walking Stick- "Sorry Woby, maybe we can play fetch later."
  • Treeguard Idol.pngTreeguard Idol- "What a neat way to start a campfire!"

Wes Filter.png Wes

  • Pile o' Balloons.pngPile o' Balloons- "Someone left litter here!"
  • Balloon.pngBalloon- "My keen tracking senses are telling me there's a clown nearby."
  • Speedy Balloon.pngSpeedy Balloon- "Clowns have strange and mysterious ways..."
  • Speedy Balloon 4.pngSpeedy Balloon (deflated)- "It's pretty much just a regular balloon now."
  • Party Balloon.pngParty Balloon- "Is someone having a party?"
  • Inflatable Vest.pngInflatable Vest- "I guess it's better than not having a life jacket at all..."
  • Balloon Hat.pngBalloon Hat- "I'm a bit too old for this kind of thing."

Maxwell Filter.png Maxwell

  • Magician's Chest.pngMagician's Chest- "C'mon Woby, just a little peek inside?"
  • Magician's Top Hat.pngMagician's Top Hat- "Do you think he can teach me how to pull rabbits out of it?"

Wigfrid Filter.png Wigfrid

  • Weaponized Warble.pngHeartrending Ballad.pngClear Minded Cadenza.pngBel Canto of Courage.pngDark Lament.pngEnlightened Lullaby.pngWeaponized Warble, Heartrending Ballad, Clear Minded Cadenza, Bel Canto of Courage, Dark Lament, and Enlightened Lullaby- "This seems a bit more complicated than the songs I learned in the Pioneers."
  • Fireproof Falsetto.pngFireproof Falsetto- "This seems a bit more complicated than the songs I learned in the Pioneers."
  • Rude Interlude.pngStartling Soliloquy.pngRude Interlude and Startling Soliloquy- "This story could use a few more monsters."
  • Battle Rönd.pngBattle Rönd- "I feel safer already!"
  • Commander's Helm.pngCommander's Helm- "Woah, that's a lot of wings for one hat!"
  • Elding Spear.pngElding Spear- "How shocking! Get it?"
  • Battle Saddle.pngBattle Saddle- "Wanna try it on, Woby? Don't worry, I was just kidding!"
  • Battle Call Canister.pngBattle Call Canister- "It's like a special backpack for songs!"
  • Warrior's Reprise.pngWarrior's Reprise- "This seems a bit more complicated than the songs I learned in the Pioneers."

Webber Filter.png Webber

  • Den Decorating Set.pngDen Decorating Set- "He's well on his way to getting his Arts and Crafts badge."
  • Webby Whistle.pngWebby Whistle- "Hey Webber, let's call some spiders!"
  • Shoo Box.pngShoo Box- "Aw, why would I want the spiders to go away?"
  • Healing Glop.pngHealing Glop- "It's like a first aid kit for spiders!"
  • Warrior Switcherdoodle.pngCave Switcherdoodle.pngShatter Switcherdoodle.pngStrider Switcherdoodle.pngWarrior, Cave, Shatter, and Strider Switcherdoodle- "Hey, cookies! Um... what are these made of, exactly?"
  • Dangler Switcherdoodle.pngSpitter Switcherdoodle.pngNurse Switcherdoodle.pngDangler, Spitter, and Nurse Switcherdoodle- "Neat! There aren't any actual spider bits in these though, right?"

Winona Filter.png Winona

  • Trusty Tape.pngTrusty Tape- "It's so handy!"
  • Winona's Catapult Build Charge.pngWinona's Catapult- "To defend our camp!"
  • Winona's Catapult.pngWinona's Spotlight.pngWinona's Catapult and Spotlight (not connected to generator)- "It doesn't look like it's working."
  • Winona's Catapult.pngWinona's Spotlight.pngWinona's Generator.pngWinona's G.E.M.erator.pngWinona's Inventions (burning)- "Ah!! That's how forest fires start!"
  • Winona's Catapult Burnt.pngWinona's Spotlight Burnt.pngWinona's Generator Burnt.pngWinona's G.E.M.erator Burnt.pngWinona's Inventions (burnt)- "Well... I guess Winona'll have to build a new one."
  • Winona's Spotlight Build Charge.pngWinona's Spotlight- "You never know what's out there, lurking in the dark."
  • Winona's Generator Build.pngWinona's Generator- "A generator! Do you think she could make a radio too...?"
  • Winona's Generator.pngWinona's Generator (low fuel)- "I think we need to hook up a another generator to this generator."
  • Winona's Generator.pngWinona's Generator (out of fuel)- "It stopped working."
  • Winona's G.E.M.erator Build.pngWinona's G.E.M.erator- "How does it work?"
  • Winona's G.E.M.erator.pngWinona's G.E.M.erator (low fuel)- "I think we need to hook up a another generator to this generator."
  • Winona's G.E.M.erator.pngWinona's G.E.M.erator (out of fuel)- "It ran out of gem power."
  • Winona's G.E.M.erator.pngWinona's G.E.M.erator (overloaded)- "I think it's too hot, Woby."
  • Handy Remote.pngHandy Remote- "That's what Winona uses to control her machines."
  • "Woby, look! Winona made her own robot!"
  • (Charged)- "Is it ready yet?"
  • Teletransport Station.pngTeletransport Station- "We can bring all sorts of stuff back to camp!"
  • Portasol.pngPortasol- "It probably wouldn't be a good idea to use it in a thunderstorm."
  • Inspectacles.pngInspectacles- "Winona's been using them to find lots of neat stuff!"
  • Rose-Colored Glasses.pngRose-Colored Glasses- "Winona's been wearing those a lot lately."

Wurt Filter.png Wurt

  • Craftsmerm House Build.pngCraftsmerm House- "Bog monsters live in houses?"
  • Craftsmerm House Burnt.pngCraftsmerm House (burnt)- "That's horrible!"
  • DIY Royalty Kit Build.pngDIY Royalty Kit- "It looks like they're building something, but what?"
  • DIY Royalty Kit Burnt.pngDIY Royalty Kit (burnt)- "Darnit! Now I'll never know what it was!"
  • Royal Tapestry.pngRoyal Tapestry- "Wow, there's a whole bog monster civilization!"
  • Royal Tapestry Burnt.pngRoyal Tapestry (burnt)- "I'm so sorry about that!"
  • Merm Flort-ifications Build.pngMerm Flort-ifications- "They're friendly!"
  • Merm Flort-ifications Build.pngMerm Flort-ifications (Merm King dead)- "Wow, it's like a tree fort!"
  • Clever Disguise.pngClever Disguise- "Now I can disguise myself as a bog monster! The tables have turned!"
  • Lil' Itchy.pngLil' Itchy- "That's not a chew toy, Woby!"
  • Skeeter Bomb.pngSkeeter Bomb- "Watch out, Woby! We don't wanna get caught up in the buzz!"
  • Fertilizzzer.pngFertilizzzer- "Plants love this stuff."
  • Blood Shot.pngBlood Shot- "That poor mosquito..."
  • Communal Kelp Dish Build.png{Pic32|Superior Communal Kelp Dish Build}}Communal Kelp Dish / Superior Communal Kelp Dish- "Need a little kelp? Heh. Good one, Walter."
  • Communal Kelp Dish Build1.png{Pic32|Superior Communal Kelp Dish Build1}}Communal Kelp Dish / Superior Communal Kelp Dish (Some Kelp)- "More kelp is on the way! Get it, Woby?"
  • Communal Kelp Dish Build4.png{Pic32|Superior Communal Kelp Dish Build6}}Communal Kelp Dish / Superior Communal Kelp Dish (Lot of Kelp)- "This is kelpful. Hah! Where are you getting this stuff, Walter?"
  • Shoddy Tool Shed.pngSlightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed.pngShoddy Tool Shed / Slightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed- "I wonder what kind of bog monster secrets they're hiding in there..."
  • Shoddy Tool.pngShoddy Tool- "It must be really hard to make things when you have claws for hands."
  • Slightly Less Shoddy Tool.pngSlightly Less Shoddy Tool- "It must be really hard to make things when you have claws for hands."
  • Armermry.pngSuperior Armermry.pngArmermry / Superior Armermry- "Aww, can't I just take a little peek inside?"
  • Swamp Brawler Helmet.pngSwamp Warrior Helmet.pngSwamp Brawler Helmet / Swamp Warrior Helmet- "Aww, merms get all the good stuff."
  • Dreaded Mudslinger.pngDreaded Mudslinger- "It must be some kind of swamp witchcraft!"
  • Brilliant Mudslinger.pngBrilliant Mudslinger- "It must be some kind of swamp witchcraft!"

Warly Filter.png Warly

  • Chef Pouch.pngChef Pouch- "Specialized spice traveling gear."
  • Portable Crock Pot Build.pngPortable Crock Pot- "It still doesn't beat roasting things over a campfire."
  • Portable Crock Pot.pngPortable Crock Pot (finished)- "Mmmm, meal time!"
  • Portable Crock Pot.pngPortable Crock Pot (empty)- "I'll have to gather some food to start cooking."
  • Portable Crock Pot.pngPortable Crock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "It's almost done!"
  • Portable Crock Pot.pngPortable Crock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "Maybe I'll organize my bug collection while I'm waiting."
  • Portable Grinding Mill Build.pngPortable Grinding Mill- "It mixes all the food together."
  • Portable Seasoning Station Build.pngPortable Seasoning Station- "A little extra flavour never hurt anyone."
  • Portable Seasoning Station.pngPortable Seasoning Station (finished)- "Mmm, looks good!"
  • Garlic Powder.pngGarlic Powder- "It's good for you!"
  • Honey Crystals.pngHoney Crystals- "Too much will make you sick."
  • Chili Flakes.pngChili Flakes- "A little bit of spice never hurt anyone."
  • Seasoning Salt.pngSeasoning Salt- "It helps makes camp food a bit less bland."

Wormwood Filter.png Wormwood

  • Bramble Husk.pngBramble Husk- "No hugging while you're wearing that."
  • Bramble Trap.pngBramble Trap- "He's pretty good at this!"
  • Compost Wrap.pngCompost Wrap- "Oh, uh... that's alright, I'm not hungry."
  • Syrup of Ipecaca.pngSyrup of Ipecaca- "Er... thanks, but I don't think I'm hungry..."
  • Brambleshade Armor.pngBrambleshade Armor- "Aww. Why don't I get to wear it?"

Walter Filter.png Walter

  • Pinetree Pioneer Hat.pngPinetree Pioneer Hat- "A Pinetree Pioneer should always wear appropriate headgear."
  • Pebbles.pngGold Rounds.pngMarbles.pngFreeze Rounds.pngSlow-Down Rounds.pngCursed Rounds.pngPebbles, Gold Rounds, Marbles, Freeze Rounds, Slow-Down Rounds, and Cursed Rounds- "Almost as chilling as my favourite radio shows!"
  • Poop Pellets.pngPoop Pellets- "Gross... but a distraction is a distraction."
  • Tent Roll.pngTent Roll- "I'll have this set up lickety-split!"
  • Camper's Tent.pngCamper's Tent- "Nice and sturdy!"

Wanda Filter.png Wanda

  • Clockmaker's Tools.pngClockmaker's Tools- "Making clocks looks pretty complicated."
  • Time Pieces.pngTime Pieces- "Woah, these gears are kind of spooky!"
  • Ageless Watch.pngSecond Chance Watch.pngBackstep Watch.pngBacktrek Watch.pngRift Watch.pngAgeless Watch, Second Chance Watch, Backstep Watch, Backtrek Watch, and Rift Watch- "Ms. Wanda sure has a lot of clocks!"
  • Ageless Watch.pngSecond Chance Watch.pngAgeless Watch and Second Chance Watch (recharging)- "Is that clock ticking backwards?"
  • Backstep Watch.pngBacktrek Watch.pngRift Watch.pngBackstep Watch, Backtrek Watch, and Rift Watch (recharging)- "Is that clock ticking backwards?"
  • Rift Watch Portal Entrance.pngPortal Entrance- "Come on Woby, this is going to be fun!"
  • Rift Watch Portal Exit.pngPortal Exit- "Time travel sure is amazing!"
  • Alarming Clock.pngAlarming Clock- "Um, Ms. Wanda... do you make all these clocks out in the woods?"


Hallowed Nights

  • Candy Bag.pngCandy Bag- "I'm too old for that stuff. But maybe I'll help out the younger kids..."
  • Candy Apple.pngCandy Apple- "Even candy's better when it's on a stick."
  • Candy Corn.pngCandy Corn- "A handful of candy kernels."
  • Catcoon Candy.pngCatcoon Candy- "It's wearing a little mask!"
  • Choco Pigs.pngChoco Pigs- "I'm far too mature for trick or treating."
  • Ghost Pop.pngTentacle Lolli.pngGhost Pop and Tentacle Lolli- "Is it made with real tentacles?"
  • Gummy Spider.pngGummy Spider- "Maybe that spider kid would like this. Or maybe not..."
  • Jelly Worm.pngJelly Worm- "Gummy."
  • Not-So-Candy Corn.pngNot-So-Candy Corn- "Not very spooky, but it is tasty."
  • Raisins.pngRaisins- "I don't know what some people's problem is, raisins are good!"
  • "Raisins".png"Raisins"-"Those look suspicious."
  • Candy Lice.pngCandy Lice- "I think these might be real bugs!"
  • Otherworldly Jawbreaker.pngOtherworldly Jawbreaker- "Huh. It's sour."
  • Lava Pepper.pngLava Pepper- "Oh! I wasn't expecting it to actually be spicy!"
  • Broken Stake.pngBroken Stake- "I hope the vampire's okay."
  • Cubic Zirkonia Ball.pngCubic Zirkonia Ball- "Will it tell me my future?"
  • Empty Elixir.pngEmpty Elixir- "Looks like someone already drank it."
  • Faux Fangs.pngFaux Fangs- "Those are just fakes, I want to see real vampire teeth!"
  • Monkey Paw.pngMonkey Paw- "Nothing bad ever happened from wishing on a monkey's paw!"
  • Spider Ring.pngSpider Ring- "Aw, I thought it was a real spider..."
  • Binoculars.pngBinoculars- "I can almost see into space with these!"
  • Lone Glove.pngLone Glove- "I guess my hands can take turns."
  • Snail Scale.pngSnail Scale- "I don't know what we'd be measuring out here."
  • Goop Canister.pngGoop Canister- "Looks like a slime monster escaped."
  • Toy Cobra.pngToy Cobra- "It looks like someone mashed two toys together."
  • Crocodile Toy.pngCrocodile Toy- "Another toy that I'm way too mature for."
  • Broken Terrarium.pngBroken Terrarium- "Huh. I can't find that plant in my handbook."
  • Odd Radio.pngOdd Radio- "It doesn't pick up any of my favourite stations..."
  • Broken Hairdryer.pngBroken Hairdryer- "It looks like something from outer space."
  • Mad Scientist Lab.pngMad Scientist Lab- "Mad science is the best kind!"
  • Brew of Phobic Abrogation.pngBrew of Phobic Abatement.pngBrew of Phobic Abrogation and Brew of Phobic Abatement- "So that's what "liquid courage" is!"
  • Canteen of Sanguine Mixture.pngTumblerful of Psychic Fortitude.pngCanteen of Sanguine Mixture and Tumblerful of Psychic Fortitude- "Dabbling in witchcraft is fun!"
  • Flask of Sanguine Mixture.pngDram of Psychic Fortitude.pngFlask of Sanguine Mixture and Dram of Psychic Fortitude- "It didn't turn out quite as well as I thought it would."
  • Sulfuric Crystals of Saltpeter.pngSulfuric Crystals of Lime.pngSulfuric Crystals of Saltpeter and Sulfuric Crystals of Lime- "It should only be handled by someone who knows fire safety. Like me!"
  • Lunar Experiment.pngSteeped Lunar Essence- "What should we mutate first?"
  • Totally Normal Root.pngTotally Normal Root- "There's a tree inside just waiting to come out!"
  • Totally Normal Sapling.pngTotally Normal Sapling- "Who couldn't love that face?"
  • Bat Decoration.pngBat Decoration- "This is my favourite time of year."
  • Crow Decoration.pngCrow Decoration- "This decoration needs a tree to perch in."
  • Dangling Depth Dweller Decoration.pngDangling Depth Dweller Decoration- "It's pretty good, I thought it was a real spider!"
  • Ghost Decoration.pngGhost Decoration- "Spooooky!"
  • Spider Decoration.pngSpider Decoration- "Weird how the spiders around here only have six legs."
  • Tentacle Decoration.pngTentacle Decoration- "This looks really authentic!"
  • Bats coming out of tree- "Is... someone there?"
  • Drinking bravery potion- "There's nothing to be afraid of!"
  • Steeped Lunar Essence had no effect- "Darnit, I must've done something wrong..."

Winter's Feast

  • Gift Wrap.pngGift Wrap- "I'm not great at wrapping things... it always ends up a crumpled ball."
  • GiftLargeA.pngGiftLargeB.pngGiftMediumA.pngGiftMediumB.pngGiftSmallA.pngGiftSmallB.pngGift- "A present!"
  • Festive Tree Planter.pngFestive Tree Planter- "All set up and ready for a tree."
  • Festive Tree Planter Burnt.pngFestive Tree.pngFestive Tree Planter and Winter's Feast Tree (burnt)- "Maybe... we can make another one?"
  • Festive Tree Planter.pngWinter's Feast Tree (sapling)- "It'll be fully grown soon."
  • Festive Tree.pngWinter's Feast Tree- "Don't worry Woby, I'll save some for you!"
  • Festive Tree.pngWinter's Feast Tree (burning)- "Quick, put it out! Put it out!"
  • Gingerbread Cookie.pngGingerbread Cookie- "Mom made these every year."
  • Eternal Fruitcake.pngEternal Fruitcake- "I'm... good."
  • Sugar Cookie.pngSugar Cookie- "I'll make sure the younger kids don't eat too many."
  • Candy Cane.pngCandy Cane- "Don't eat too many, you'll get sick!"
  • Chocolate Log Cake.pngChocolate Log Cake- "It's soooo good!"
  • Plum Pudding.pngPlum Pudding- "There's fruit in it, so it's healthy right?"
  • Apple Cider.pngApple Cider- "Mmm, so warm and cinnamon-y!"
  • Hot Cocoa.pngHot Cocoa- "It really warms you up!"
  • Heavenly Eggnog.pngHeavenly Eggnog- "It's so sweet!"
  • Festive Bauble.pngFestive Bauble 2.pngFestive Bauble 3.pngFestive Bauble 4.pngFestive Bauble 5.pngFestive Bauble 6.pngFestive Bauble 7.pngFestive Bauble 8.pngFestive Bauble 9.pngFestive Bauble 10.pngFestive Bauble 11.pngFestive Bauble 12.pngFestive Bauble Fancy.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 2.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 3.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 4.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 5.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 6.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 7.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 8.pngFestive Bauble- "Careful Woby, they're really delicate."
  • Festive Light.pngFestive Light 2.pngFestive Light 3.pngFestive Light 4.pngFestive Light 5.pngFestive Light 6.pngFestive Light 7.pngFestive Light 8.pngFestive Light- "I wonder what powers it? Oh well!"
  • Magnificent Adornment Bearger.pngMagnificent Adornment Deerclops.pngMagnificent Adornment Gmoose.pngMagnificent Adornment Dragonfly.pngMagnificent Adornment BeeQueen.pngMagnificent Adornment Toadstool.pngMagnificent Adornment Antlion.pngMagnificent Adornment Fuelweaver.pngMagnificent Adornment Klaus.pngMagnificent Adornment Krampus.pngMagnificent Adornment Gem Deer Blue.pngMagnificent Adornment Gem Deer Red.pngMagnificent Adornment Malbatross.pngMagnificent Adornment- "This one should go someplace special."
  • Champion Adornment Grand Forge Boarrior.pngChampion Adornment Rhinocebros.pngChampion Adornment Infernal Swineclops.pngChampion Adornment- "These ones are my favourite."
  • Appeasing Adornment Mumsy.pngAppeasing Adornment Billy.pngAppeasing Adornment- "Looks like... a goat person?"
  • Masonry Oven.pngMasonry Oven- "What a huge oven! We could feed a whole Pioneer troop!"
  • Masonry Oven.pngMasonry Oven (cooking)- "Food is on the way!"
  • Masonry Oven.pngMasonry Oven (almost done cooking)- "So close... it smells so good!"
  • Masonry Oven.pngMasonry Oven (dish ready)- "Come and get it!"
  • Winter's Feast Table.pngWinter's Feast Table- "The table's all set and ready for food!"
  • Winter's Feast Table.pngWinter's Feast Table (with food)- "Dig in, everybody!"
  • Winter's Feast Table.pngWinter's Feast Table (wrong food)- "We can eat that anytime, Winter's Feast should be special!"
  • Winter's Feast Table Burnt.pngWinter's Feast Table (burnt)- "Who's the Scrooge that ruined the feast?"
  • Merry Berrysauce.pngMerry Berrysauce- "It somehow tastes even better than regular berries!"
  • Bibingka.pngBibingka- "Woah... where did we get the shaved coconut from?"
  • Cabbage Rolls.pngCabbage Rolls- "This would make great camping food!"
  • Festive Fish Dish.pngFestive Fish Dish- "Fish with some special seasonal seasonings."
  • Good Gravy.pngGood Gravy- "Pass it over here!"
  • Latkes.pngLatkes- "I've never tried potatoes cooked like this before."
  • Lutefisk.pngLutefisk- "Once you get past the smell, it's not bad!"
  • Mulled Punch.pngMulled Punch- "I like to use the cinnamon stick as a straw."
  • Panettone.pngPanettone- "I could eat this forever."
  • Pavlova.pngPavlova- "Mmmm, it almost reminds me of a perfectly roasted marshmallow."
  • Pickled Herring.pngPickled Herring- "Pickling is a really practical way to store food supplies."
  • Polish Cookies.pngPolish Cookies- "There's fruit inside, it has to be at least a little healthy."
  • Pumpkin Pie.pngPumpkin Pie- "Mmmm, cut me a big slice!"
  • Roasted Turkey.pngRoasted Turkey- "Woby wants some too!"
  • Stuffing.pngStuffing- "I could stuff a bit more in my mouth."
  • Sweet Potato Casserole.pngSweet Potato Casserole- "It just isn't the holidays without it!"
  • Tamales.pngTamales- "Woah, these are tasty!"
  • Tourtiere.pngTourtiere- "My cousin from the East Coast made these for us once, they're the best!"
  • Gingerbread Pig.pngGingerbread Pig- "Is that cookie alive?!"
  • Gingerbread Pig House 1.pngGingerbread Pig House 2.pngGingerbread Pig House 3.pngGingerbread Pig House 4.pngGingerbread Pig House- "What do they do when it rains?"
  • Gingerbread Varg.pngGingerbread Varg- "Who's a sweet Varg? Yes you are!"
  • Cookie Crumbles.pngCookie Crumbles- "Maybe they dropped them to find their way home?"
  • Holiday Cheer.pngHoliday Cheer- "It looks like magic!"
  • Eating Holiday Cheer- "Mmmm, tastes like a perfectly toasted s'more."
  • Eating without feasting- "Hey everybody! Time to eat!"
  • Feasting- "It almost feels like I'm back home."
  • Feasting buff- "It almost feels like I'm back home."
  • Feasting buff wearing off- "Well, that was fun!"

Lunar New Year

  • Red Pouch.pngRed Pouch- "It's jingling."
  • Lucky Gold Nugget.pngLucky Gold Nugget- "Woby, we struck gold!"
  • Red Firecrackers.pngRed Firecrackers- "You're not supposed to set those off in the woods."
  • Red Lantern.pngRed Lantern- "I like this dramatic lighting!"
  • Lucky Fan.pngLucky Fan- "Hey Woby, it's our biggest fan! Heh... good one, Walter."
  • Lucky Beast Head.pngLucky Beast Head- "I'll be the leader!"
  • Lucky Beast Body.pngLucky Beast Body- "I think I'd be better in the lead."
  • Lucky Beast Tail.pngLucky Beast Tail- "I don't want the back end..."
  • Floating Lantern.pngFloating Lantern- "It'll help us find the sea monsters. I know they're out there!"
  • Dappled Koi.pngGolden Koi.pngDappled and Golden Koi- "Don't you usually live in ponds?"


  • Gobbler Shrine Build.pngGobbler Shrine- "This gobbler likes gold."
  • Gobbler Shrine.pngGobbler Shrine (empty)- "It looks like something should go there."
  • Gobbler Shrine Burnt.pngGobbler Shrine (burnt)- "Now nobody can use it."


  • Varg Shrine Build.pngVarg Shrine- "What should we make, Woby?"
  • Varg Shrine.pngVarg Shrine (empty)- "It seems to respond to torchlight."
  • Varg Shrine Burnt.pngVarg Shrine (burnt)- "Well... that's that I guess."
  • Lucky Whistle.pngLucky Whistle- "Woby doesn't like the sound of it."
  • Clay Hound.pngClay Hound- "Who's a good boy?"
  • Clay Hound Statue.pngClay Hound (statue)- "I wonder who made these statues? They look so real!"
  • Clay Varg.pngClay Varg- "Don't worry, I'm good with dogs!"
  • Clay Varg Statue.pngClay Varg (statue)- "Woby's sure sniffing around this statue a lot."
  • Hound Sketch.pngVarg Sketch.pngHound Sketch and Varg Sketch- "I think I could sculpt this! I'm pretty good at arts and crafts."
  • Hound Figure Marble Build.pngHound Figure Stone Build.pngHound Figure Moonglass Build.pngHound Figure- "Poor Woby. She never seems to get along with the other dogs."
  • Varg Figure Marble Build.pngVarg Figure Stone Build.pngVarg Figure Moonglass Build.pngVarg Figure- "He wasn't a very good dog."

Pig King

  • Pig Shrine Build.pngPig Shrine- "What should we make, Woby?"
  • Pig Shrine.pngPig Shrine (empty)- "I think we're supposed to offer it meat."
  • Pig Shrine Burnt.pngPig Shrine (burnt)- "This little piggy burnt down."
  • Tribute Roast.pngTribute Roast- "We'll have his head on a platter!"
  • Eight Treasure Mud Pie.pngEight Treasure Mud Pie- "Well, at least the worms are enjoying it."
  • Fish Heads on a Stick.pngFish Heads on a Stick- "Who ate all the good parts?"
  • Golden Belt.pngGolden Belt- "I've already got a belt."
  • Clout Snout.pngClout Snout- "It looks like a pig's snout! I wonder if that's on purpose."
  • Elite Pig Dmitri.pngElite Pig (Dmitri)- "He's not afraid to get his hands... or anything else dirty."
  • Elite Pig Ignatius.pngElite Pig (Ignatius)- "Are you reddy? Heh, good one Walter."
  • Elite Pig Sawyer.pngElite Pig (Sawyer)- "He's probably really nice once you get to know him."
  • Elite Pig Wade.pngElite Pig (Wade)- "He's looking blue... because he's got blue tattoos, get it?"
  • Can't play game (too late)- "It's too late for that."
  • Can't play game (area not empty)- "Can't do anything until the area's been cleared up!"
  • Can't play game (danger)- "Huh? My attention's kind of divided right now."


  • Carrat Shrine Build.pngCarrat Shrine- "What should we make, Woby?"
  • Carrat Shrine.pngCarrat Shrine (empty)- "I think I need to offer it something for it to work."
  • Carrat Shrine Burnt.pngCarrat Shrine (burnt)- "What a waste of supplies..."
  • Starting Point Kit.pngStarting Point Kit- "Woby, help me look for a good place to set this up!"
  • Starting Point.pngStarting Point- "Let's start this race!"
  • Finish Line Kit.pngFinish Line Kit- "What if the race just went on forever?"
  • Finish Line.pngFinish Line- "First one here wins!"
  • Finish Line Burnt.pngFinish Line (burnt)- "Someone sabotaged the race!"
  • Finish Line.pngFinish Line (won)- "Yes!! Good job little guy!"
  • Finish Line.pngFinish Line (lost)- "We'll be back for a rematch, {winner}!"
  • Checkpoint Kit.pngCheckpoint Kit- "Should it go there... no, no, maybe over there..."
  • Checkpoint.pngCheckpoint- "A good race needs some planning."
  • Navigation Gym Kit.pngNavigation Gym Kit- "I'd better start training my carrat."
  • Navigation Gym.pngNavigation Gym- "A good sense of direction is important for survival!"
  • Navigation Gym.pngNavigation Gym (with Carrat)- "You'll never be a Pinetree Pioneer if you can't follow directions!"
  • Navigation Gym Burnt.pngNavigation Gym (burnt)- "Hey! I was going to use that!"
  • Reflex Gym Kit.pngReflex Gym Kit- "Maybe I'll put it over here... no, over there!"
  • Reflex Gym.pngReflex Gym- "By the time we're done, my carrat will be ready for anything!"
  • Reflex Gym.pngReflex Gym (with Carrat)- "These reflexes could save your life in the wilderness!"
  • Reflex Gym Burnt.pngReflex Gym (burnt)- "I... reacted too slow... to put the fire out..."
  • Speed Gym Kit.pngSpeed Gym Kit- "Do you think we should put it over there, Woby?"
  • Speed Gym.pngSpeed Gym- "I've never been a coach before!"
  • Speed Gym.pngSpeed Gym (with Carrat)- "Hustle, hustle! Coaches say that, right?"
  • Speed Gym Burnt.pngSpeed Gym (burnt)- "Does that look like a fire pit?!"
  • Endurance Gym Kit.pngEndurance Gym Kit- "I'm great at putting things together!"
  • Endurance Gym.pngEndurance Gym- "This is very serious training equipment."
  • Endurance Gym.pngEndurance Gym (with Carrat)- "Aww look at him jump!"
  • Endurance Gym Burnt.pngEndurance Gym (burnt)- "Oh no!!"
  • Carrat Scale Kit.pngCarrat Scale Kit- "I never knew skills could be measured by weight."
  • Carrat Scale.pngCarrat Scale- "Do I get a badge for having the best carrat?"
  • Carrat Scale.pngCarrat Scale (bad Carrat)- "He just needs some more training. We'll get there!"
  • Carrat Scale.pngCarrat Scale (good Carrat)- "Woah, all our training paid off!"
  • Carrat Scale Burnt.pngCarrat Scale (burnt)- "Why won't everyone just use the fire pit?!"
  • Packet of Seeds.pngPacket of Seeds- "Mystery seeds!"
  • Premium Seed Packet.pngPremium Seed Packet- "Not knowing what they are is half the fun!"
  • Carrat Figure Marble Build.pngCarrat Figure Stone Build.pngCarrat Figure Moonglass Build.pngCarrat Figure- "I usually prefer badges to trophies, but I might make an exception."
  • Charlie's Carrat.pngCharlie's Carrat- "Where can I get a shadow carrat?"
  • Can't start race with no participants- "Oh. I forgot the racers!"
  • Race starting- "READY-SET-GO!!"
  • Carrat is sleeping- "Hey! We need to start over, mine's asleep!"
  • Carrat is stunned- "That sound means go! Go!!"
  • Carrat going wrong way-
    • "Hey! You have to turn around!"
    • "The finish line's the other way! The. Other. Way!!"
  • Carrat is slow- "You can go faster, we trained for this! Or did we..."
  • Carrat is exhausted- "This carrat doesn't look healthy..."
  • Attempting to pick up wrong Carrat-
    • "Wait... you're not my carrat!"
    • "Mine was the OTHER orange one."


  • Beefalo Shrine Build.pngBeefalo Shrine- "What should we make, Woby?"
  • Beefalo Shrine.pngBeefalo Shrine (empty)- "I should offer it something, but what should it be..."
  • Beefalo Shrine Burnt.pngBeefalo Shrine (burnt)- "That's not good..."
  • Sewing Machine Kit.pngSewing Machine (held)- "Now to put it together!"
  • Sewing Machine.pngSewing Machine- "My mom has one of those! It looks a bit different, though."
  • Judge's Booth.pngJudge's Booth (held)- "It can't be that much harder than pitching a tent."
  • Judge's Booth Build.pngJudge's Booth- "Let's win some prizes, Woby!"
  • Beefalo Stage Item.pngBeefalo Stage (held)- "This looks easy enough to put together."
  • Beefalo Stage Build.pngBeefalo Stage- "It's pretty hard to teach a beefalo "sit" and "stay"."
  • Fearsome Pattern Scrap.pngFormal Pattern Scrap.pngFestive Pattern Scrap.pngFearsome, Formal, and Festive Pattern Scrap- "This looks like instructions for a beefalo costume! Only part of one, though..."
  • Warrior Beefalo Doll.pngDolled-Up Beefalo Doll.pngFestive Beefalo Doll.pngFlowery Beefalo Doll.pngIronclad Beefalo Doll.pngFrostbitten Beefalo Doll.pngFormal Beefalo Doll.pngVictorian Beefalo Doll.pngLucky Beast Beefalo Doll.pngBeefalo Dolls (Year of the Beefalo)- "What do you think, Woby? Should I show it to the judge?"
  • Warrior Beefalo Doll.pngDolled-Up Beefalo Doll.pngFestive Beefalo Doll.pngFlowery Beefalo Doll.pngIronclad Beefalo Doll.pngFrostbitten Beefalo Doll.pngFormal Beefalo Doll.pngVictorian Beefalo Doll.pngLucky Beast Beefalo Doll.pngBeefalo Dolls- "I hope Woby doesn't think it's a chew toy..."
  • Costume Pattern.png(Warrior Beefalo Doll.png)Warrior Costume Pattern- "I wonder if the beefalo actually like wearing these."
  • Costume Pattern.png(Dolled-Up Beefalo Doll.png)Dolled-Up Costume Pattern- "Aww, it's cute!"
  • Costume Pattern.png(Festive Beefalo Doll.png)Festive Costume Pattern- "I wish I could make one for Woby, but her measurements keep changing..."
  • Costume Pattern.png(Flowery Beefalo Doll.png)Flowery Costume Pattern- "I hope it doesn't attract too many bees."
  • Costume Pattern.png(Ironclad Beefalo Doll.png)Ironclad Costume Pattern- "Is this really for sewing?"
  • Costume Pattern.png(Frostbitten Beefalo Doll.png)Frostbitten Costume Pattern- "I guess a beefalo's own fuzzy coat isn't enough to keep warm."
  • Costume Pattern.png(Formal Beefalo Doll.png)Formal Costume Pattern- "This doesn't seem very practical for the outdoors."
  • Costume Pattern.png(Victorian Beefalo Doll.png)Victorian Costume Pattern- "This seems unnecessarily fancy."
  • Costume Pattern.png(Lucky Beast Beefalo Doll.png)Lucky Beast Costume Pattern- "I wonder what kind of animal this costume is based off of?"
  • Beefalo Figure Marble Build.pngBeefalo Figure Stone Build.pngBeefalo Figure Moonglass Build.pngBeefalo Figure- "Aw don't be jealous Woby, you deserve a statue too!"
  • Calling beefalo- "Come here, girl! Or boy? It's hard to tell."
  • Can't build stage too far- "It doesn't make sense to build it so far away..."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (no beefalo)- "Sorry Woby, I need a real beefalo for this."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (too far away)- "I should call my beefalo over here."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (already hitched)- "Don't worry, my beefalo isn't going anywhere."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (in bad mood)- "Maybe we should wait for them to calm down..."
  • Can't select beefalo contestant (already made choice)- "I already picked one!"
  • Can't select beefalo contestant (not part of contest)- "Woby and I will just watch for this round."
  • Failed to start contest (generic)- "Maybe he took the day off?"
  • Failed to start contest (already active elsewhere)- "There must be another contest going on somewhere else."
  • Judge can't appraise beefalo now- "Let's come back later."
  • Learned new costume pattern- "Hey, I think I can make a new beefalo costume!"
  • Costume pattern already known- "We already know this one, don't we Woby?"


  • Catcoon Shrine Build.pngCatcoon Shrine- "What should we make, Woby?"
  • Catcoon Shrine.pngCatcoon Shrine (empty)- "I know a lot about dogs, but what do cats like?"
  • Catcoon Shrine (burnt)- "This is exactly why learning fire safety is so important!"
  • Kitcoon Nursery Kit.pngKitcoon Nursery Kit- "I built a bird house once, a cat house should be easy!"
  • Kitcoon Nursery.pngKitcoon Nursery- "Aww, it's like a dog house for cats!"
  • Kitcoon Nursery.pngKitcoon Nursery (playing hide-and-seek)- "Don't give me any hints, Woby!"
  • Kitcoon Nursery.pngKitcoon Nursery (playing hide-and-seek, time almost up)- "I need to hurry up and find them all!"
  • Kitcoon Nursery (burnt)- "I'm glad I taught those little guys how to stop, drop and roll!"
  • Wind-up Mouse Toy.pngWind-up Mouse Toy- "Sorry Woby, that's for the kits to play with."
  • Kit Collar.pngKit Collar- "It looks almost like yours, Woby!"
  • Gobbler Wobbler Kit.pngGobbler Wobbler Kit- "Don't worry kitties, I'll put this together lickety-split!"
  • Gobbler Wobbler.pngGobbler Wobbler- "I wonder if the kits think it's a real bird?"
  • Gobbler Wobbler (burnt)- "I guess it was too convincing, someone tried to cook it!"
  • Kit Teaser Kit.pngKit Teaser Kit- "Don't worry kitties, I'll put this together lickety-split!"
  • Kit Teaser.pngKit Teaser- "It's fishing for kits!"
  • Kit Teaser (burnt)- "That wasn't kindling!"
  • Kitcoon Figure Marble Build.pngKitcoon Figure Stone Build.pngKitcoon Figure Moonglass Build.pngKitcoon Figure- "They're pretty cute, but not as cute as you Woby."
  • Catcoon Figure Marble Build.pngCatcoon Figure Stone Build.pngCatcoon Figure Moonglass Build.pngCatcoon Figure- "It's not quite as exciting as a monster statue, is it?"
  • Kitcoon Forest.pngKitcoon Savanna.pngKitcoon Deciduous.pngKitcoon Grassy.pngKitcoon (forest, savanna, deciduous, and grassy)- "I wonder if there's a badge for kitten wrangling..."
  • Kitcoon Marsh.pngKitcoon Rocky.pngKitcoon Desert.pngKitcoon Lunar.pngKitcoon YOTC.pngKitcoon (marsh, rocky, desert, lunar, and festive)- "Hmm, do you think they'd eat granola?"
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon- "Is that a real man-eating tiger? I thought they'd be bigger."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (abandoned)- "I hope he's not too upset at me..."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (found Kitcoon)- "Look, he found one!"
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (lost trail)- "Maybe he doesn't know where he's going after all."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (Kitcoon nearby)- "I think he smells something nearby!"
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (tracking)- "Come on Woby, let's follow him!"
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (tracking for someone else)- "Whoops, sorry! All man-eating tigers look so alike..."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (no Kitcoons)- "It doesn't look like he's picking up any scents."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (Kitcoons too far)- "Maybe we should try looking somewhere else."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (announce, abandoned)- "I think Woby and I can sniff them out on our own."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (announce, dead)- "I-it's okay Woby, he's just taking a nap! Let's keep going."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (announce, get leader attention)- "Look Woby, I think he's trying to get our attention!"
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (announce, lost kitcoon)- "I guess he lost the scent."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (announce, near kitcoon)- "I think he smells something nearby!"
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (announce, nothing to track)- "It doesn't look like he's picking up any scents."
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (announce, start tracking)- "I think he knows the way!"
  • Ticoon.pngTicoon (announce, waiting for leader)- "Wait up! I'm coming!"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (found1)- "I knew I'd find you!"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (found1)- "There you are!"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (found1)- "Gotcha!"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (found1)- "That was too easy."
  • Playing hide-and-seek (found, last one)- "I think that's all of them!"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (found, last one team)- "Good job {name}, I think that's the last one!"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (found, one more)- "There should be one more hiding somewhere..."
  • Playing hide-and-seek (losegame)- "Darnit, they're too good at hiding!"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (time alomost up)- "Uh oh, I think we're almost out of time."
  • Playing hide-and-seek (too far)- "I don't think they'd be hiding way out here."
  • Playing hide-and-seek (too far, return)- "I think we're getting warmer, Woby!"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (join)- "Can I play too? Uh... I mean, use my Pioneer tracking expertise?"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (start)- "Alright, I'm closing my eyes! Three... two... one...!"
  • Playing hide-and-seek (not enough hiders)- "It would be a pretty short game, maybe I should find more first."
  • Playing hide-and-seek (not enough hiding spots)- "Uhh, I'm not sure where they could even hide around here."
  • Playing hide-and-seek (one game per day)- "Sorry kitties, I can't play with you all day!"
  • Kitcoon found in the wild- "Woby! Look what I found!"


  • Offered Bunnyman Shrine.pngBunnyman Shrine- "What should we make, Woby?"
  • Bunnyman Shrine Build.pngBunnyman Shrine (empty)- "That's a hungry-looking rabbit statue."
  • Bunnyman Shrine Burnt.pngBunnyman Shrine (burnt)- "What a waste of good supplies..."
  • Bunnyman2.pngCozy Bunnyman- "They seem friendly!"
  • Hare Ball.pngHare Ball- "That looks like something Woby spit up."
  • Pillow Fight Pit Kit.pngPillow Fight Pit Kit- "I'll have it set up in a jiffy!"
  • Pillow Fight Pit Bell.pngPillow Fight Bell- "All fighting should be done with pillows."
  • Pillow Fight Pit Bell.pngPillow Fight Bell(Playing)- "It's okay, everyone is wearing their safety gear!"
  • Glove of Challenge.pngGlove of Challenge- "It's rude to hit people with gloves. You might start a fight!"
  • Flowery Pillow.pngFlowery Pillow Armor.pngFlowery Pillow / Flowery Pillow Armor- "Don't worry, I already checked it for bees."
  • Kelp-Stuffed Pillow.pngKelpy Pillow Armor.pngKelp-Stuffed Pillow / Kelpy Pillow Armor- "Well, um... I guess there are worse things to use for a pillow?"
  • Beefalo Wool Pillow.pngBeefalo Pillow Armor.pngBeefalo Wool Pillow / Beefalo Pillow Armor- "It's almost as good of a pillow as Woby!"
  • Steel Wool Pillow.pngSteel Wool Pillow Armor.pngSteel Wool Pillow / Steel Wool Pillow Armor- "It's not so bad, I once made a bed out of pine needles."
  • Bunny Roll.pngBunny Roll- "Time for a dessert break!"
  • Moon Cake.pngMoon Cake- "Is that what the moon tastes like?"
  • Moon Jelly.pngMoon Jelly- "It's so jiggly!"
  • Skewered Puffs.pngSkewered Puffs- "They're not marshmallows, but they're still pretty good!"
  • Short Rabbit Lamp Kit.pngTall Rabbit Lamp Kit.pngShort Rabbit Lamp Kit / Tall Rabbit Lamp Kit- "I'll have it set up in a jiffy!"
  • Short Rabbit Lamp.pngTall Rabbit Lamp.pngShort Rabbit Lamp / Tall Rabbit Lamp- "It's nice to have a little extra firelight!"
  • Short Rabbit Lamp.pngTall Rabbit Lamp.pngShort Rabbit Lamp / Tall Rabbit Lamp (out)- "Don't worry, Woby and I will find some kindling for it."
  • Nightcap.pngNightcap- "It's a little sleeping bag for your head."
  • Bunnyman Figure Marble Build.pngBunnyman Figure- "He looks so happy! And hoppy!"
  • Can't start fight (no pillow)- "Wait, I'm not prepared yet!"


  • Dragonfly Shrine Offered.pngDragonfly Shrine- "What should we make, Woby?"
  • Dragonfly Shrine Build.pngDragonfly Shrine (empty)- "I think it wants something burnt."
  • Dragonfly Shrine Burnt.pngDragonfly Shrine (burnt)- "I guess that's it then."
  • Decked-Out Dragonfly Boat Kit.pngDecked-Out Dragonfly Boat Kit- "Wow, how did they pack this all up so tightly?"
  • Dragonfly Boat Kit.pngDragonfly Boat Kit- "Stand back everyone, this looks like a job for a Pinetree Pioneer."
  • Dragonfly Boat.pngScaled Plank- "Oh, I'm good at diving! I got a badge for it!"
  • Dragonfly Wing Mast Kit.pngDragonfly Wing Mast Kit- "A mast would be useful."
  • Dragonfly Wing Mast.pngDragonfly Wing Mast- "It's made of tough dragon scales!"
  • Dragonfly Light Kit.pngDragonfly Light Kit- "I guess it's safer than having a campfire on the deck..."
  • Dragonfly Light.pngDragonfly Light- "Did I ever tell the story about the sea creature with the big glowing eyes?"
  • Claw Anchor Kit.pngClaw Anchor Kit- "I've got all the supplies ready to build an anchor."
  • Claw Anchor.pngClaw Anchor- "That's gotta be the fanciest anchor I've ever seen."
  • Dragonfly Boat Wheel Kit.pngDragonfly Boat Wheel Kit- "It's probably a good idea to add a steering wheel."
  • Dragonfly Boat Wheel Build.pngDragonfly Boat Wheel- "I'll steer us straight to the finish line!"
  • Fanged Bumper Kit.pngFanged Bumper Kit- "It's always best to be prepared!"
  • Fanged Bumper.pngFanged Bumper- "Neat! Are those real dragon teeth?"
  • Claw Oar.pngClaw Oar- "A dragon boat needs a dragon paddle."
  • Start Tower Kit.pngStart Tower Kit- "Hmm, I wonder where we should start the race."
  • Start Tower.pngStart Tower- "So this is where we start the race."
  • Race Checkpoint Kit.pngRace Checkpoint Kit- "Where should we toss this, Woby?"
  • Race Checkpoint.pngRace Checkpoint- "Hope it doesn't float away."
  • Golden Buoy Kit.pngGolden Buoy.pngThorny Buoy.pngGolden Buoy Kit / Golden Buoy / Thorny Buoy- "Buoy off the port side! Er, I mean starboard! I'll double check my handbook..."
  • Charlie's Racer.pngCharlie's Racer- "We're not afraid of a little friendly competition. Right, Woby?"
  • Broodling.pngBroodling Spectator- "Look Woby! I think he's rooting for us!"
  • Start Tower Figure (Marble).pngStart Tower Figure- "Racing was fun, even if I didn't get a badge for it..."
  • Can't start race (no boats)- "We've got to get closer to the Start Tower, Woby!"
  • Can't start race (no checkpoints)- "Whoops, I might've forgot to set up the checkpoints..."
  • Can't start race (no enough boats)- "We need to make some room for other racers, Woby!"

The Forge

  • Battlemaster Pugna.pngBattlemaster Pugna- "That's the guy in charge here."
  • Pit Pig.pngPit Pig- "I can take him!"
  • Crocovile.pngCrocommander- "This one's got bite."
  • Tortank.pngSnortoise- "Its shell is so spiky!"
  • Venomeer.pngScorpeon- "That spit is corrosive!"
  • Boarilla.pngBoarilla- "He's got a strong arm on him."
  • Grand Forge Boarrior.pngGrand Forge Boarrior- "You sure are big!"
  • Rhinocebro.pngRhinocebro- "He's got a nose for this kind of work."
  • Infernal Swineclops.pngInfernal Swineclops- "I can smell him from here!"
  • Molten Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (off)- "That's how we got here. Hopefully how we get back, too."
  • Molten Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (on)- "I'll just be going now."
  • Forge Ancient Anchor.pngAncient Anchor (empty)- "It needs a key."
  • Forge Ancient Anchor Key.pngAncient Anchor (key)- "That should do it."
  • Forge Portal.pngForge Portal- "This is where those enemies are coming from."
  • Battle Standard 1.pngBattle Standard 2.pngBattle Standard 3.pngBattle Standard- "Everyone, break the Battle Standard!"
  • Spider.pngBaby Spider- "I guess they're fighting for us."
  • Magma Golem.pngMagma Golem- "It's a rock monster!"
  • Living Staff.pngLiving Staff- "It conducts regenerative energy."
  • Infernal Staff.pngInfernal Staff- "It calls a meteor from above."
  • Petrifying Tome.pngPetrifying Tome- "This'll keep those monsters held for a little while."
  • Tome of Beckoning.pngTome of Beckoning- "I can't make out the text."
  • Forging Hammer.pngForging Hammer- "It's a heavy hammer for hitting things."
  • Pith Pike.pngPith Pike- "I could do a quick charge with that."
  • Spiral Spear.pngSpiral Spear- "It gets to the point."
  • Lucy the Axe.pngRiled Lucy- "That weapon's for throwing."
  • Blacksmith's Edge.pngBlacksmith's Edge- "A sharp looking instrument."
  • Darts.pngDarts- "That's a weapon I could use from range."
  • Molten Darts.pngMolten Darts- "It uses a strong blast of air to propel a projectile."
  • Hearthsfire Crystals.pngHearthsfire Crystals- "It smells like brimstone."
  • Reed Tunic.pngReed Tunic- "Light, but not very durable."
  • Feathered Reed Tunic.pngFeathered Reed Tunic- "Lightweight and designed for mobility."
  • Wood Armor.pngWood Armor- "It offers a decent amount of protection."
  • Jagged Wood Armor.pngJagged Wood Armor- "That could help me hit a little harder."
  • Silken Wood Armor.pngSilken Wood Armor- "I'd have energy for a few more stunts wearing that."
  • Stone Splint Mail.pngStone Splint Mail- "That's as good as it gets."
  • Steadfast Stone Armor.pngSteadfast Stone Armor- "This armor has been petrified for maximum protection."
  • Steadfast Grand Armor.pngJagged Grand Armor.pngSilken Grand Armor.pngWhispering Grand Armor.pngGrand Armor- "That should keep me safe."
  • Barbed Helm.pngBarbed Helm- "My strikes would hurt a little more wearing that."
  • Nox Helm.pngNox Helm- "It looks like it packs a wallop."
  • Resplendent Nox Helm.pngResplendent Nox Helm- "That could cause some major destruction."
  • Feathered Wreath.pngFeathered Wreath- "Those fluffy feathers make me want to run!"
  • Crystal Tiara.pngCrystal Tiara- "Those crystals will quicken my abilities."
  • Clairvoyant Crown.pngClairvoyant Crown- "It has a gaze full of science."
  • Woven Garland.pngWoven Garland- "Looks like it amplifies healing expertise."
  • Flower Headband.pngFlower Headband- "The blossom interacts well with healing magic."
  • Blossomed Wreath.pngBlossomed Wreath- "This garland will restore a bit of my vitality."
  • Started revival- "Don't worry! I have a badge in first aid!"
  • Finished revival- "You look better already!"
  • Revived- "Aaah... I don't want to do that again."
  • Refusing inappropriate weapon- "That's not mine."

The Gorge

  • The Gorge Mumsy.png Mumsy- "Reminds me of my old nanny."
  • The Gorge Billy.pngBilly- "This goat's much smaller."
  • The Gorge Sammy.pngThe Gorge Pipton.pngSammy, the Lucid Bog Merm and Pipton, the Cognizant Bog Merm- "Maybe they'd be willing to trade."
  • Swamp Pig Elder.pngSwamp Pig Elder- "I guess you're in charge around here?"
  • The Gorge Swamp Pig Elder Asleep.pngSwamp Pig Elder (sleeping)- "It's sleeping, for now."
  • Swamp Pig.pngSwamp Pig- "It's a super hairy pig."
  • The Gorge Old Beefalo.pngOld Beefalo- "Science says it should have died by now."
  • Pigeon.pngPigeon- "He's just winging it."
  • Pigeon.pngPigeon (sleeping)- "It's sleeping, for now."
  • Pigeon.pngPigeon (dead)- "They're dead."
  • Pebble Crab.pngPebble Crab- "That rock's alive!"
  • Berry Bush2.pngBerry Bush- "Those berries are all gone."
  • Fern.pngFern- "Probably chock full of vitamins."
  • Mushroom Stump.pngMushroom- "Are those mushrooms? I'm stumped."
  • Mushroom Stump Picked.pngMushroom (picked)- "I don't think it's growing back."
  • Rotten Crop- "I don't think the altar will want that."
  • Sapling.pngSapling- "I can't get anything else out of that."
  • Spotty Shrub Build.pngSpotty Shrub- "It reminds me of those tentacle monsters."
  • Spotty Shrub Picked.pngSpotty Shrub (picked)- "I can't get anymore out of that shrub."
  • Sugarwood Tree Build.pngSugarwood Tree- "It's full of delicious, delicious sap."
  • Sugarwood Tree Stump.pngSugarwood Tree (stump)- "Where'd the tree go? I'm stumped."
  • Sugarwood Tree Tapped.pngSugarwood Tree (tapped, empty)- "Here sappy, sappy, sap."
  • Sugarwood Tree Tapped.pngSugarwood Tree (tapped, full)- "Sweet golden sap."
  • Sugarwood Tree Infested.pngSugarwood Tree (tapped, bugs)- "That's how you get ants."
  • Sugarwood Tree Wounded.pngSugarwood Tree (wounded)- "It looks ill."
  • The Gorge Ivy.pngIvy- "Kind of clingy."
  • Altar of Gnaw.pngThe Altar of Gnaw- "We'd better start cooking some offerings."
  • Altar of Gnaw.pngThe Altar of Gnaw (food placed)- "It's in the process of digestinating."
  • Mossy Gateway.pngAncient Gateway- "Another dead end."
  • Beast of Hunger 1.pngBeast of Hunger (1)- "It's an old statue."
  • Beast of Hunger 2.pngBeast of Hunger (2)- "He's looking blue... because he's got blue tattoos, get it?"
  • Broken Carriage.pngBroken Carriage- "On the road to nowhere."
  • Dilapidated Cathedral.pngDilapidated Cathedral- "Preyed upon."
  • Dilapidated Chimney 1.pngDilapidated Chimney 2.pngDilapidated Chimney (1 and 2)- "Something put a damper on that chimney."
  • Dilapidated Clocktower.pngDilapidated Clocktower- "That clock's been punched."
  • Dilapidated Door.pngDilapidated Door- "No longer a-door-able."
  • Dilapidated House.pngDilapidated House-
    • "No one's here."
    • "Something destroyed this town."
    • "I wonder who they angered."
  • Dilapidated Roof.pngDilapidated Roof- "Someone hit the roof."
  • Gnaw Worshipper 1.pngGnaw Worshipper (1)- "Take that, creature!"
  • Gnaw Worshipper 2.pngGnaw Worshipper (2)- "So lifelike."
  • Worn Pig House.pngWorn Pig House- "It's seen better days."
  • House Rubble.pngHouse Rubble- "Some pig's house was ruined."
  • Iron Fence- "The scientific term is: "Sharp pointy thing"."
  • Locked Iron Gate- "Locked tight."
  • Iron Gate- "Turns out a key was the key to getting in."
  • Mealing Stone.pngMealing Stone- "The daily grind."
  • Park Fountain.pngPark Fountain- "Been a long time since it was hooked up to water."
  • The Gorge Post.pngPost- "As far as posts go, this one is adequate."
  • Queen Beast.pngStone Pillar.pngQueen Beast and Stone Pillar- "A monumental monument."
  • The Gorge Rundown House.pngRundown House- "What an ugly little house."
  • Safe Unlocked.pngSafe- "It's a safe. For keeping things safe."
  • Safe Locked.pngLocked Safe- "It won't open without the key."
  • Sammy Wagon.pngSammy's Wagon- "Any science in there?"
  • Pipton Cart.pngPipton's Cart- "I could use some stuff."
  • Salt Pond.pngSalt Pond- "A little salty spring."
  • The Gorge Streetlight.pngStreetlight- "Huh. Reminds me of home."
  • The Gorge Small Streetlight.pngSmall Streetlight- "Enlightening."
  • Smashed Clock.pngSmashed Clock- "Someone beat the clock. Literally."
  • Urn.pngUrn- "Ashes to ashes."
  • Wrecked Bicycle.pngWrecked Bicycle- "Must have mis-spoke."
  • Cookpot Kit.pngOven Kit.pngGrill Kit.pngLarge Grill Kit.pngAll cookware kits- "Kitchen stuff."
  • Pot Hanger Item.pngPot Hanger (held)- "For suspension-based cookery."
  • Pot Hanger.pngPot Hanger- "It has hang-ups."
  • Oven Item.pngOven (held)- "For scientifically burning things."
  • Oven.pngOven- "It needs ingredients to make the science work."
  • Small Grill Item.pngSmall Grill (held)- "For grilling small meats."
  • Small Grill.pngSmall Grill- "Barbecurious."
  • Large Grill Item.pngLarge Grill (held)- "I'll have to grill someone about this."
  • Large Grill.pngLarge Grill- "Now all I need is a backyard to put it in."
  • Cookpot.pngCookpot- "Let's get cooking!"
  • Large Cookpot.pngLarge Cookpot- "This pot holds more ingredients."
  • Small Casserole Dish.pngSmall Casserole Dish- "For making minuscule motleys."
  • Large Casserole Dish.pngLarge Casserole Dish- "A dish for all seasonings."
  • Syrup Pot.pngSyrup Pot- "I need to sweeten this pot."
  • Salt Rack.pngSalt Rack (held)- "For harvesting salt from the pond."
  • Salt Rack Build.pngSalt Rack- "Science takes time."
  • Salt Rack Ready.pngSalt Rack (ready)- "Salt has gathered on the rope."
  • Crab Trap.pngCrab Trap- "A crabby trap."
  • Hoe.pngHoe- "It's a farming instrument."
  • Slaughter Tools.pngSlaughter Tools- "Laboratory tools for surgical butchery."
  • Tree Tapping Kit.pngTree Tapping Kit- "We can use it to gather sap from the trees."
  • Key.pngKey- "Safe bet this'll come in handy."
  • Iron Key Gorge.pngIron Key- "I'll park it in my pocket until I get to the park."
  • Ancient Key Gorge.pngAncient Key- "This looks science-y."
  • Packet of Blue Seeds.pngPacket of Fluffy Seeds.pngPacket of Oblong Seeds.pngPacket of Pointy Seeds.pngPacket of Round Seeds.pngPacket of Seed Pods.pngPacket of Spiky Seeds.pngPacket of Mixed Seeds.pngAll Seed Packet types- "Sow what?"
  • Blue Seeds.pngFluffy Seeds.pngOblong Seeds.pngPointy Seeds.pngRound Seeds.pngSeed Pods.pngSpiky Seeds.pngAll Seed types- "Where should we plant them, Woby?"
  • Salmon.pngSalmon- "Mm, fresh fish."
  • Cooked Salmon.pngCooked Salmon- "Ready for the dinner table."
  • Crab Meat.pngCrab Meat- "No imitations here."
  • Cooked Crab Meat.pngCooked Crab Meat- "I can put a meal together in a pinch."
  • Cooked Foliage.pngCooked Foliage- "We cooked the foliage."
  • Mushroom.pngMushroom (item)- "These are edible mushrooms."
  • Mushroom.pngMushroom (item)- "
  • Garlic.pngGarlic- "Wards off the vampires."
  • Roasted Garlic.pngRoast Garlic- "Too bad vampires never get to enjoy it."
  • Onion.pngOnion- "I hate chopping them."
  • Roasted Onion.pngRoast Onion- "A juicy cooked onion."
  • Potato.pngPotato- "Should we mash them?"
  • Roasted Potato.pngRoast Potato- "I love a campfire-roasted potato."
  • Toma Root.pngToma Root- "It's red because it's full of science."
  • Roasted Toma Root.pngRoast Toma Root- "Cooking's easy if you understand chemistry."
  • Turnip.pngTurnip- "It's a raw turnip."
  • Roast Turnip.pngRoast Turnip- "Cooking is science in practice."
  • Wheat.pngWheat- "It looks a bit grainy."
  • Flour.pngFlour- "Ready for baking."
  • Goat Milk.pngGoat Milk- "Good if you don't think about where it came from."
  • Salt Crystals (Gorge).pngSalt Crystals- "Salt. The tastiest mineral."
  • Salt.pngSalt- "It's full of salt."
  • Sap.pngSap- "It tastes sweet."
  • Ruined Sap.pngRuined Sap- "Might as well toss it on the fire."
  • Syrup.pngSyrup- "Adds sweetness to the mixture."
  • Spotty Sprig.pngSpotty Sprig- "I could grind it up to make a spice."
  • Spot Spice.pngSpot Spice- "Flavorful."
  • Old Coin.pngOld Coin- "I'd like more than a penny for my thoughts."
  • Sapphire Medallion.pngSapphire Medallion- "A decent amount of coin."
  • Red Mark.pngRed Mark- "Seems valuable."
  • Gnaw's Favor.pngGnaw's Favor- "We can use these to reopen the Gateway."
  • Prepared dish- "I should offer it on the Altar of Gnaw."
  • Prepared dish (does not match craving)- "That's not what it wants."
  • Prepared dish (matches craving)- "Science says this will appease the sky God."
  • Prepared dish (matches craving, snack)- "It's more of a light snack, really."
  • Burnt Food Bowl.pngBurnt Food Plate.pngBurnt Food- "That one was an experiment."
  • Silver Plate.pngSilver Plate- "A silver plated plate."
  • Silver Bowl.pngSilver Bowl- "A bright bowl."
  • Cannot open Iron Gate (locked)- "I think it's locked."
  • Cannot slaughter Old Beefalo (too far)- "Hey, slow down! I just want to eat you!"
  • Cannot switch dishes (already same type)- "That just looks like the same dish..."
  • Cannot switch dishes (wrong type)- "I need to use a different dish. Apparently."
  • Cannot sacrifice to Gnaw (food already placed)- "There's some provisions in there already."
  • Cannot sacrifice to Gnaw (not suitable food)- "That... doesn't look like something anyone would eat."
  • Cannot unlock (wrong key)- "I guess I need another key."
  • Cannot use item (occupied)- "Guess I have to wait."
  • Wet Goop Bowl.pngWet Goop Plate.pngFood ruined (bad recipe)- "Huh. I thought that would go alright together."
  • Wet Goop Bowl.pngWet Goop Plate.pngFood ruined (overcooked)- "Darnit! It's uh... a bit crispy..."
  • Lost round- "Oh well, we can just try again right? Right...?"
  • Won round- "Aw, do we really have to leave?"

Midsummer Cawninval

  • Corvus Goodfeather.pngCorvus Goodfeather- "Woah! A real bird man!"
  • Crow Kid 1.pngCrow Kid 2.pngCrow Kid 3.pngCrow Kid- "Tiny bird men! Bird kids?"
  • Cawnival Token.pngCawnival Token- "What game should I play first? It's so hard to decide!"
  • Prize Ticket.pngPrize Ticket- "We're off to a good start Woby, but we can do better!"
  • Prize Tickets 1.pngPrize Tickets (small stack)- "Should I go get a prize now? Or save up for something really good..."
  • Prize Tickets 2.pngPrize Tickets (large stack)- "That's got to be worth a really good prize!"
  • Hubbub for Grub Kit.pngEggs in a Basket Kit.pngEgg Scramble Kit.pngHubbub for Grub, Eggs in a Basket, Egg Scramble, Nest Defender, Cuckoo Spinwheel, and Birdhouse Ball Drop Kits- "It can't be much harder than setting up a tent."
  • Hubbub for Grub Station.pngEggs in a Basket Station.pngEgg Scramble Station.pngHubbub for Grub, Eggs in a Basket, Egg Scramble, Nest Defender, Cuckoo Spinwheel, and Birdhouse Ball Drop- "I think it wants me to give it a token."
  • Hubbub for Grub Station.pngHubbub for Grub (playing)- "This doesn't look too hard!"
  • Hubbub for Grub Station.pngHubbub for Grub (trapdoor)- "I'd sure love to see what's down there."
  • Grub.pngGrub- "Aww, they're not real worms!"
  • Eggs in a Basket Station.pngEggs in a Basket (playing)- "I bet I'd be pretty good at that!"
  • Eggs in a Basket Station.pngEggs in a Basket (trapdoor)- "I'd sure love to see what's down there."
  • Eggs in a Basket Station.pngEggs in a Basket (trapdoor, playing)- "I'm pretty sure it was this one..."
  • Egg Scramble Station.pngEgg Scramble (playing)- "I wonder if Woby's part sheepdog..."
  • Scrambling Egg.pngScrambling Egg- "Go to the center, please!"
  • Nest Defender.pngNest Defender- "All that slingshot practice should come in handy!"
  • Nest Defender.pngNest Defender (button, playing)- "I just need to hit it at the right time..."
  • Nest Defender.pngNest Defender (target, playing)- "I wonder what kind of bug that is?"
  • Cuckoo Spinwheel.pngCuckoo Spinwheel (playing)- "It almost feels too easy."
  • Birdhouse Ball Drop.pngBirdhouse Ball Drop (playing)- "I saw a marble game once back home, I always wanted to try it!"
  • Prize Booth Kit.pngPrize Booth (held)- "I'll have this set up right away!"
  • Prize Booth Build.pngPrize Booth- "Is there a badge for winning all the prizes?"
  • Confetti Cannon Kit.pngConfetti Cannon (held)- "I just hope it doesn't startle Woby."
  • Confetti Cannon.pngConfetti Cannon- "We should probably test it out. You know, for safety."
  • Confetti Cannon.pngConfetti Cannon (cooldown)- "Don't worry Ms. Wickerbottom, I'll clean this all up later!"
  • Cawnival Sapling.pngCawnival Sapling- "I'm good at planting trees, we did it all the time in the Pioneers!"
  • Cawnival Tree.pngCawnival Tree- "Maybe if we decorate around it, more birds will come!"
  • Cawnival Tree 2.pngCawnival Tree (level 2)- "It's looking good, but I think we can do even better."
  • Cawnival Tree 3.pngCawnival Tree (level 3)- "I've got a real talon for decorating! Get it? Because crows have talons?"
  • Mini Ferris Wheel Kit.pngMini Swing Carousel Kit.pngMini Pendulum Ride Kit.pngMini Tower Drop Kit.pngMini Ferris Wheel, Mini Swing Carousel, Mini Pendulum Ride, and Mini Tower Drop (held)- "I'll have that up in a jiffy!"
  • Mini Ferris Wheel build.pngMini Swing Carousel build.pngMini Pendulum Ride build.pngMini Ferris Wheel, Mini Swing Carousel, Mini Pendulum Ride, and Mini Tower Drop- "I kind of wish they had a bigger one."
  • Midsummer Night Light Kit.pngMidsummer Night Light (held)- "I'll have that up in a jiffy!"
  • Midsummer Night Light.pngMidsummer Night Light 2.pngMidsummer Night Light 3.pngMidsummer Night Light- "Do you think it's powered by magic?"
  • Miniature Tree Kit.pngMiniature Tree (held)- "I'll have that up in a jiffy!"
  • Miniature Tree.pngMiniature Tree 2.pngMiniature Tree 3.pngMiniature Tree- "I'm going to take good care of it!"
  • Light Catcher Kit.pngLight Catcher Kit- "I'll have that up in a jiffy!"
  • Light Catcher- "Wait a minute... I think it's made with cardboard and foil!"
  • Green Mystery Box.pngGold Mystery Box.pngGreen and Gold Mystery Box- "The suspense is killing me!"
  • Cawnival Statue 3.pngCawnival Statue 4.pngCawnival Statue 5.pngCawnival Statue 7.pngCawnival Statue 8.pngCawnival Statue 9.pngCawnival Statue 10.pngCawnival Statue 11.pngCawnival Statuette- "Neat! I love collecting things!"
  • Cawnival Statue 1.pngCawnival Statue 2.pngCawnival Statue 6.pngCawnival Statuette (uncommon)- "I'm adding it to my collection!"
  • Cawnival Statue.pngCawnival Statuette (rare)- "Oooh, I got an extra rare one!"
  • Seed Clusters.pngSeed Clusters- "I guess it's sort of like trail mix. Sort of."
  • Corny Slush.pngCorny Slush- "Yum...?"
  • Chirpy Scarf.pngChirpy Scarf- "I wonder if those bird kids would want to join my Pioneer troop..."
  • Chirpy Cloak.pngChirpy Cloak- "I can blend in with the trees!"
  • Chirpy Capelet.pngChirpy Capelet- "It really helps in hot weather!"
  • Can't activate Cawnival game (already in use)- "We can wait till they're done. Right Woby?"
  • Can't activate Cawnival game (not token)- "I had a feeling that wouldn't work..."
  • Can't summon Corvus (already here)- "I thought I saw him around here somewhere..."
  • Can't summon Corvus (busy)- "Excuse me, mister...? Hm, looks like he's busy."
  • Can't summon Corvus (not Cawnival time)- "Aw, looks like they all left..."
  • Missed in Hubbub for Grub- "Darnit! I wasn't fast enough."

Eyeplant.pngNature - Plants

  • Lumpy Evergreen Sapling.pngLumpy Sapling- "Natural selection hasn't gotten to this one yet."
  • Marsh Bush Burnt.pngBurnt Spiky Bush- "Guess it wasn't a bog monster after all."
  • Twiggy Tree.pngTwiggy Tree- "It's more like a big stick than a tree."
  • Evergreen Stump.pngTwiggy Tree (stump)- "This tree looks stumped. Heh, nice one Walter."
  • Twiggy Tree.pngTwiggy Tree (burning)- "You're supposed to chop the tree first, THEN build the fire!"
  • Twiggy Tree Burnt.pngTwiggy Tree (burnt)- "That tree just couldn't wait to be a campfire..."
  • Twiggy Tree (old)- "It's barely holding together."
  • Twiggy Sapling.pngTwiggy Tree (sapling)- "It'll grow up into a big tree someday."
  • Twiggy Tree Cone.pngTwiggy Tree Cone- "Hey Woby, you dig a hole and I'll plant it."
  • Juicy Berry Bush.pngJuicy Berry Bush- "They look so tasty..."
  • Juicy Berry Bush Picked.pngJuicy Berry Bush (picked)- "More will grow soon."
  • Juicy Berry Bush Withered.pngJuicy Berry Bush (barren)- "It won't be making more berries anytime soon."
  • Dug Juicy Berry Bush.pngJuicy Berry Bush (held)- "Come on berry bush, we're going on an adventure!"
  • Juicy Berry Bush Withered.pngJuicy Berry Bush (withered)- "I guess this isn't the season for berries."
  • Marble Sprout.pngMarble Sprout- "...Okay, so I was wrong about it being "just a rock"."
  • Marble Shrub Small Round.pngMarble Shrub Medium Round.pngMarble Shrub Tall Round.pngMarble Shrub Small Cubic.pngMarble Shrub Medium Cubic.pngMarble Shrub Tall Cubic.pngMarble Shrub Small Pyramid.pngMarble Shrub Medium Pyramid.pngMarble Shrub Tall Pyramid.pngMarble Shrub- "This place is weird."
  • Flowers01-10.pngRose- "Funny, this isn't the type of rose you usually see in the wild."
  • Succulent Build.pngSucculent- "They're from the cactus family!"
  • Succulent.pngSucculent (held)- "They're pretty useful for minor cuts and burns."
  • Bull Kelp.pngBull Kelp- "It's kelp... or a sea monster DISGUISING themselves as kelp."
  • Bull Kelp Picked.pngBull Kelp (picked)- "I guess it's just kelp."
  • Bull Kelp Stalk.pngBull Kelp Stalk- "I could plant this back in the ocean."
  • Driftwood 1.pngDriftwood 2.pngDriftwood 3.pngDriftwood- "Looks kind of eerie, doesn't it?"
  • Driftwood 3 Stump.pngDriftwood (stump)- "Thanks for the firewood, tree!"
  • Driftwood 1.pngDriftwood 2.pngDriftwood 3.pngDriftwood (burning)- "You're supposed to make a pit, gather the firewood and THEN make a fire!"
  • Driftwood 1 burnt.pngDriftwood 2 burnt.pngDriftwood 3 burnt.pngDriftwood (burnt)- "That could've been bad."
  • Driftwood Piece.pngDriftwood Piece- "You'll float too, if you hold onto it!"
  • Lune Tree.pngLune Tree- "That one definitely isn't in my handbook."
  • Lune Tree Stump.pngLune Tree (stump)- "This one's already been chopped down."
  • Lune Tree.pngLune Tree (burning)- "This is why we should always practice fire safety!"
  • Lune Tree Burnt.pngLune Tree (burnt)- "I guess it could've been worse."
  • Lune Tree Blossom.pngLune Tree Blossom- "Who knew there were flowers on the moon?"
  • Lune Tree Sapling.pngLune Tree Sapling- "Poor moth."
  • Stone Fruit Bush Planted.pngStone Fruit Bush- "Is that tree growing... rocks?"
  • Stone Fruit Bush Picked.pngStone Fruit Bush (picked)- "We already gathered all the fruit."
  • Stone Fruit Bush Barren.pngStone Fruit Bush (barren)- "I don't think it'll be making fruit anytime soon."
  • Stone Fruit Bush Withered.pngStone Fruit Bush (withered)- "I don't think it likes the heat."
  • Stone Fruit Bush Planted.pngStone Fruit Bush (burning)- "It's on fire!"
  • Sprouting Stone Fruit.pngSprouting Stone Fruit- "Oh, it's growing!"
  • Spiny Bindweed.pngSpiny Bindweed- "It looks like it has a little monster claw, ready to grab you!"
  • Binding Roots- "Ah! It really is trying to grab me!"
  • Farm Plant- "That's one of our plants."
  • Farm Plant (burning)- "They uh... might need some water."
  • Farm Plant (full)- "I think it's ready to pick!"
  • Farm Plant (full oversized)- "Woah, what a monster!"
  • Farm Plant (full weed)- "Hey, you're not a vegetable!"
  • Farm Plant (growing)- "I'll take good care of you, don't you worry."
  • Farm Plant (rotten)- "Whoops... I probably should've picked that sooner."
  • Farm Plant (seed)- "Look Woby, it's growing!"
  • Farm Plant (happy)- "I think I'm doing a good job!"
  • Farm Plant (stressed)- "Something must be bothering it."
  • Farm Plant (very stressed)- "It's not looking so good..."
  • Farm Plant (stressed, killjoys nearby)- "I should probably do some weeding."
  • Farm Plant (stressed, not enough identical plants nearby)- "Maybe it would be happier if it wasn't all alone?"
  • Farm Plant (stressed, too many plants nearby)- "I think we might've planted these too close together, Woby."
  • Farm Plant (stressed, bad season)- "I don't think it likes this weather."
  • Farm Plant (stressed, not enough water)- "Do you think it needs some water, Woby?"
  • Farm Plant (stressed, poor nutrients)- "Maybe it needs some better soil..."
  • Farm Plant (stressed, left unattended)- "I think it needs a story or two to cheer it up!"
  • Giant Carrots.pngGiant Carrots- "I was hoping it would sprout ears and whiskers too... oh well."
  • Giant Corn.pngGiant Corn- "Imagine all the popcorn we could make with that!"
  • Giant Pumpkin.pngGiant Pumpkin- "It's the great pumpkin!"
  • Giant Eggplant.pngGiant Eggplant- "Oh... great! I guess we're eating eggplant for the next week..."
  • Giant Durian.pngGiant Durian- "Why did this one have to grow so big?"
  • Giant Pomegranate.pngGiant Pomegranate- "Do pomegranates usually get that big?"
  • Giant Dragon Fruit.pngGiant Dragon Fruit- "Unfortunately, not a real dragon."
  • Giant Watermelon.pngGiant Watermelon- "We'll have watermelon slices for days!"
  • Giant Toma Root.pngGiant Toma Root- "It's bigger than you Woby! Well, one version of you at least."
  • Giant Potato.pngGiant Potato- "That's going to need a lot of mashing."
  • Giant Asparagus.pngGiant Asparagus- "Oh... that's a lot of asparagus..."
  • Giant Onion.pngGiant Onion- "I don't want to be the one who has to chop it."
  • Giant Garlic.pngGiant Garlic- "Well, we'll be safe from giant vampires now."
  • Giant Pepper.pngGiant Pepper- "Fire! Oh wait, it's just a hot pepper."
  • Giant Rotting Carrots.pngGiant Rotting Corn.pngGiant Rotting Pumpkin.pngGiant Rotting Eggplant.pngGiant Rotting Durian.pngGiant Rotting Pomegranate.pngGiant Rotting Dragon Fruit.pngGiant Rotting Watermelon.pngGiant Rotting Toma Root.pngGiant Rotting Potato.pngGiant Rotting Asparagus.pngGiant Rotting Onion.pngGiant Rotting Garlic.pngGiant Rotting Pepper.pngGiant Rotten Crop- "It's all rotten!"
  • Great Tree Trunk.pngGreat Tree Trunk- "Woah, would you look at the size of that tree!"
  • Great Tree Root 1.pngGreat Tree Root 2.pngGreat Tree Root 3.pngGreat Tree Root- "Watch out for water hazards!"
  • Mossy Vine.pngMossy Vine- "Maybe one of them will turn out to be a snake!"
  • Knobbly Tree.pngKnobbly Tree- "I guess they don't have to worry about getting enough water."
  • Knobbly Tree Nut.pngKnobbly Tree Nut- "That's one big seed!"
  • Above-Average Tree Trunk.pngAbove-Average Tree Trunk- "It's a pretty swell shade tree!"
  • Banana Bush Build.pngBanana Bush- "Wait, I thought bananas grew on trees around here?"
  • Monkeytails.pngMonkeytails- "I wonder if there's any real monkeys hiding in there?"
  • Palmcone Tree.pngPalmcone Tree- "Here it- nope, wait, this one isn't in my handbook either."
  • Palmcone Tree Sapling.pngPalmcone Tree Sapling- "It's still growing."
  • Palmcone Scale.pngPalmcone Scale- "My handbook doesn't say anything about trees having scales..."
  • Palmcone Sprout.pngPalmcone Sprout- "I should plant it, you can never have enough trees!"
  • Surprising Seed.pngSurprising Seed- "I need to find just the right spot for this."
  • Surprising Seed Planted.pngPlanted Surprising Seed- "I can't wait to see what kind of tree it grows into!"
  • Surprising Seed Planted.pngPlanted Surprising Seed (Wrong Tile)- "It just doesn't seem to want to grow here."
  • Young Sproutrock.pngYoung Gloomthorn.pngYoung Sproutrock / Young Gloomthorn (Wrong Season)- "It seems happy there, I guess now I just need to be patient."
  • Sproutrock Sapling.pngGloomthorn Sapling.pngSproutrock Sapling / Gloomthorn Sapling- "Sniff out a good spot for us to plant the tree, Woby!"
  • Sproutrock.pngSproutrock- "Neat! I wonder how the tree keeps from catching fire?"
  • Sproutrock Stump.pngSproutrock Stump- "Is that a rock? No wait, it's a stump!"
  • Geode Fruit.pngGeode Fruit- "Is this really a fruit? It's as hard as a rock!"
  • Gloomthorn.pngGloomthorn- "It looks kind of like a monster... but I think it's just a tree."
  • Gloomthorn Stump.pngGloomthorn Stump- "Aww, I liked that tree..."
  • Nightberry.pngNightberry- "Did you ever hear the story about the disembodied heart that kept beating?"
  • Cooked Nightberry.pngCooked Nightberry- "It was more exciting when it was moving."

Harp Statue.pngNature - Objects

  • Florid Postern.pngFlorid Postern- "Too bad it can't get us home."
  • Gigantic Beehive.pngGigantic Beehive- "Woah, it's huge!"
  • Gigantic Beehive Hole.pngHoney Patch- "I shouldn't walk on that, I'll get my shoes sticky."
  • Gigantic Beehive Growing 1.pngGigantic Beehive Growing 2.pngSomewhat Gigantic Beehive- "It looks bigger than it did yesterday..."
  • Sculpture Rookbody.pngMarble Sculpture (rook, raw)- "I think there's something else hiding in that marble."
  • Sculpture Bishopbody.pngMarble Sculpture (bishop, raw)- "One part of this statue looks older than the other."
  • Sculpture Knightbody.pngMarble Sculpture (knight, raw)- "There's something weird about it."
  • Marble Rook.pngMarble Sculpture (rook, mined)- "There's something missing..."
  • Sculpture Bishopbody Sculpted.pngMarble Sculpture (bishop, mined)- "Can you sniff out the missing piece Woby?"
  • Sculpture Knightbody Sculpted.pngMarble Sculpture (knight, mined)- "It's all broken up."
  • Sculpture Rookbody Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (rook, repaired)- "That was easy enough."
  • Sculpture Bishopbody Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (bishop, repaired)- "Should... should something be happening?"
  • Sculpture Knightbody Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (knight, repaired)- "That looks better."
  • Sculpture Rookbody Repaired.pngSculpture Bishopbody Repaired.pngSculpture Knightbody Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (rook, bishop, and knight, repaired, shaking on full/new moon)- "Huh? I think I hear something moving in there."
  • Magma.pngMagma- "Probably not the best swimming hole."
  • Magma Rock 1.pngMagma Rock 2.pngMagma Rock 3.pngMagma Rock 4.pngMagma Rock 5.pngMagma Rock 6.pngMagma Rock 7.pngRock- "Sedimentary, my dear Woby! Well, igneous actually... never mind."
  • Crispy Skeleton.pngCrispy Skeleton- "I think the time for first aid has long passed."
  • Marble Comedy.pngMarble Statue (Comedy)- "It's nice, I guess."
  • Marble Tragedy.pngMarble Statue (Tragedy)- "It looks like something from a museum."
  • Marble Pawn.pngMarble Statue (Pawn)- "I wonder who made these?"
  • Marble Vase.pngMarble Statue (Vase)- "That one's just asking for birds to land on it."
  • Moonrock Boulder.pngMoon Rock.pngMeteor and Moon Rock- "It came from outer space!"
  • Celestial Orb.pngCelestial Orb- "Is the moon... haunted?"
  • Celestial Portal Build.pngCelestial Portal- "This one looks way fancier... but still can't get us home."
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (broken)- "What a mess."
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (repaired)- "It looks like something should go here..."
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (repaired, Star Caller's Staff placed)- "Should... should something be happening?"
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (repaired, Moon Caller's Staff placed)- "Woah! That did something!"
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (wrong staff)- "I don't think that works..."
  • Moon Rubble Build.pngMoon Rubble- "Should we try to break it apart Woby?"
  • Petrified Tree.pngPetrified Evergreen- "What could've turned it to stone?"
  • Rock Den.pngRock Den- "What's wrong Woby? Is something in there?"
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton (all players)- "Poor %s. I guess %s might be more dangerous than I thought..."
  • Stagehand.pngStagehand2.pngStagehand / Prickly Stagehand- "Woby, what's wrong? It's just a table."
  • Stagehand.pngStagehand2.pngStagehand / Prickly Stagehand (walking)- "Maybe it wants to roast marshmallows too?"
  • Suspicious Marble (Rooknose) Dropped.pngSuspicious Marble (rook)- "How did it get there?"
  • Suspicious Marble (Knighthead) Dropped.pngSuspicious Marble (knight)- "That's one way to get a head. Get it?"
  • Suspicious Marble (Bishophead).pngSuspicious Marble (bishop)- "What's that doing here?"
  • Moonrock Werepig.pngSuspicious Moonrock (Werepig)- "Don't worry Woby, it's just a statue."
  • Moonrock Hound.pngSuspicious Moonrock (Hound)- "Wouldn't it be funny if it came to life?"
  • Loot Stash.pngLoot Stash- "Hey, he brought presents!"
  • Lake.pngLake- "We're saved, Woby!"
  • Lake.pngLake (dry)- "An invisible lake?"
  • Cave-in Boulder.pngCave-in Boulder- "Come on Woby, give me a hand moving this!"
  • Cave-in Boulder.pngCave-in Boulder (raised)- "I can't get to it!"
  • Garden Detritus.pngGarden Detritus 2.pngGarden Detritus 3.pngGarden Detritus 4.pngGarden Detritus- "We'd better clean that up."
  • Anenemy planted.pngAnenemy- "I love starfish!"
  • Anenemy Closed.pngAnenemy (closed)- "H-hey, be careful!"
  • Anenemy Trap.pngAnenemy Trap- "I'm putting them in time out."
  • Celestial Altar Base.pngCelestial Altar Base- "Don't worry, I'll help you get where you need to go."
  • Celestial Altar Idol.pngCelestial Altar Idol- "Do you need some assistance?"
  • Celestial Altar Orb.pngCelestial Altar Orb- "We have to help it, Woby!"
  • Celestial Altar.pngCelestial Altar (incomplete)- "Don't worry, a Pinetree Pioneer finishes what they start!"
  • Celestial Altar.pngCelestial Altar- "You're right, people SHOULD listen to me more often."
  • Inactive Celestial Tribute.pngInactive Celestial Tribute- "Don't worry, we'll get you home!"
  • Celestial Tribute.pngCelestial Tribute- ""It's almost time"? Time for what?"
  • Celestial Sanctum Icon.pngCelestial Sanctum Icon- "Woby and I will get you back together!"
  • Celestial Sanctum Ward.pngCelestial Sanctum Ward- "It's okay, we'll have you home in no time."
  • Celestial Sanctum.pngCelestial Sanctum- "I think it's ready."
  • Celestial Fissure.pngCelestial Fissure- "Do you hear that whispering, Woby?"
  • Celestial Fissure.pngCelestial Fissure (no light)- "Any monsters down there?"
  • Hot Spring.pngHot Spring- "This would make a great swimming hole! It's even heated!"
  • Hot Spring.pngHot Spring (bombed)- "I'm sure that's safe."
  • Hot Spring Glass.pngHot Spring (glassed over)- "It's like it's frozen in time."
  • Hot Spring Empty.pngHot Spring (empty)- "It's a crater, I guess that's pretty common on the moon."
  • Inviting Formation Base.pngInviting Formation Orb.pngInviting Formation Idol.pngInviting Formation- "I think there's something in there..."
  • Moon Glass.pngMoon Glass- "I've never seen a rock like this before."
  • Moon Shard.pngMoon Shard- "Wow... it's so light!"
  • Sea Bones 1.pngSea Bones 2.pngSea Bones 3.pngSea Bones- "These are definitely sea monster bones!"
  • Shattered Spider Hole.pngShattered Spider Hole- "Look at that, Woby! It's a home for moon creatures!"
  • Hermit Home.pngHermit Home/Pearl's Place (initial)- "This house could use some fixing up."
  • Hermit Home 2.pngHermit Home 3.pngHermit Home 4.pngHermit Home/Pearl's Place (upgraded)- "A Pinetree Pioneer is always happy to help the elderly!"
  • Hermit Bee Box.pngHermit Bee Box- "Don't panic Walter, the bees smell your fear..."
  • Hermit Bee Box.pngHermit Bee Box (no honey)- "Better luck next time!"
  • Hermit Bee Box.pngHermit Bee Box (some honey)- "They're still busy making honey."
  • Hermit Bee Box.pngHermit Bee Box (full of honey)- "Look at all that honey!"
  • Hermit Bee Box (burnt)- "What! Who burned the hive?"
  • Hermit Drying Rack.pngHermit Drying Rack- "Those are some pretty swell looking drying racks."
  • Hermit Drying Rack.pngHermit Drying Rack (drying)- "You have to be patient, Woby."
  • Hermit Drying Rack.pngHermit Drying Rack (done)- "Yes! The jerky's ready!"
  • Hermit Drying Rack.pngHermit Drying Rack (drying in rain)- "I don't think that's going to work."
  • Hermit Drying Rack.pngHermit Drying Rack (non-meat drying)- "While we're waiting, does anyone want to see this bug I found?"
  • Hermit Drying Rack.pngHermit Drying Rack (non-meat done)- "Your jerky's ready, ma'am!"
  • Hermit Drying Rack.pngHermit Drying Rack (non-meat drying in rain)- "I probably should've planned ahead for this."
  • Hermit Drying Rack (burnt)- "Nooo the jerky!"
  • Plugged Fissure.pngPlugged Fissure- "She trapped all the moon ghosts in their holes."
  • Baritone Shell Bell.pngBaritone Shell Bell 2.pngBaritone Shell Bell 3.pngBaritone Shell Bell- "There's something inside it!"
  • Alto Shell Bell.pngAlto Shell Bell 2.pngAlto Shell Bell 3.pngAlto Shell Bell- "Maybe I could teach it to play some songs I learned in the Pioneers."
  • Soprano Shell Bell.pngSoprano Shell Bell 2.pngSoprano Shell Bell 3.pngSoprano Shell Bell- "Is that hard on your ears, Woby?"
  • Boat Fragment 3.pngBoat Fragment 4.pngBoat Fragment 5.pngBoat Fragment- "Looks like a sea monster got them."
  • Sea Stack.pngSea Stack- "Rocks off the port bow!"
  • Salt Formation 1.pngSalt Formation 2.pngSalt Formation 3.pngSalt Formation- "Maybe there's a Medusa nearby... a salt Medusa..."
  • Salt Formation 1.pngSalt Formation 2.pngSalt Formation 3.pngSalt Formation (partially mined)- "I'm glad they grow back!"
  • Salt Formation 1.pngSalt Formation 2.pngSalt Formation 3.pngSalt Formation (completely mined)- "Nothing left to gather."
  • Salt Crystals.pngSalt Crystals- "Hey, I think that's salt!"
  • Ocean Debris Land.pngOcean Debris- "Now that HAS to be a sea mons-- (sigh) no, just a muddy clump."
  • Wobster Mound.pngWobster Mound- "That's where the Wobsters make camp."
  • Moon Glass Mound.pngMoon Glass Mound- "That's where the Wobsters make camp."
  • Shell Cluster.pngShell Cluster- "Let's break it apart and see what's inside."
  • Sunken Chest.pngSunken Chest (locked)- "I can't get it open."
  • Sunken Chest Open.pngSunken Chest (unlocked)- "How did this clam get so big?"
  • Mysterious Energy.pngMysterious Energy- "What is it? Aaah, the suspense!"
  • Charged Glassy Rock.pngCharged Glassy Rock- "Look at that, Woby! It's glowing!"
  • Charged Glassy Rock.pngCharged Glassy Rock (Scrapbook)- "I've never seen glass made by lightning before!"
  • Infused Moon Shard.pngInfused Moon Shard- "It's light and glowy."
  • Moongleam.pngMoongleam- "It's literally spine-tingling!"
  • Reticulating Buffer.pngOdd Tool/Reticulating Buffer- "Maybe this is what he's looking for?"
  • Widget Deflubber.pngWeird Tool/Widget Deflubber- "Um... yeah, this one looks right!"
  • Grommet Scriber.pngStrange Tool/Grommet Scriber- "What do you think, Woby? Is this the tool we're looking for?"
  • Conceptual Scrubber.pngFunky Tool/Conceptual Scrubber- "It's definitely a tool of some kind... hope it's the right one!"
  • Calibrated Perceiver.pngBizarre Tool/Calibrated Perceiver- "That one looks about right... I think?"
  • Energetic Static.pngEnergetic Static- "I wonder what he's working on?"
  • Restrained Static.pngRestrained Static- "You'll be shocked to see what's inside! Get it? Because there's static inside?"
  • Lunar Essence Extractor.pngLunar Essence Extractor- "Wow, we sure are lucky he happened to have that with him!"
  • Sea Strider Nest.pngSea Strider Nest- "That must be their nest! If I could just get a closer look..."
  • Sea Strider Nest (burnt)- "The poor spiders..."
  • Conspicuous Chest.pngConspicuous Chest- "I wonder how it got here?"
  • Conspicuous Chest.pngConspicuous Chest (shimmering)-"What do you say, Woby? Should we take a look inside?"
  • Conspicuous Chest (burnt)- "Aww, and it was such a neat looking chest too..."
  • Moon Quay Pirate Banner.pngMoon Quay Pirate Banner- "It's pretty good, but the Pinetree Pioneer flag looks better."
  • Black Flag.pngBlack Flag- "I should paint something friendly on it, so people know we're helpful pirates."
  • Broken Machinery.pngBroken Machinery- "People really shouldn't leave their litter lying around."
  • Monkey Bar.pngMonkey Bar- "I wonder if I could climb all the way to the top..."
  • Monkey Hut.pngMonkey Hut- "Neat, a tree fort!"
  • Monkey Hut.pngMonkey Hut (burnt)- "Something tells me they never learned about fire safety."
  • Moon Quay Unnatural Portal Out.pngUnnatural Portal- "Neat, a portal! Is... it supposed to look like that?"
  • Stage.pngStage- "Are we doing a talent show?"
  • Playbill.pngPlaybill- "I wonder who'll be playing the characters?"
  • Mocking Bird.pngMocking Bird- "What mean birds! At least I think they're birds."
  • Overgrown Harp Statue .pngOvergrown Harp Statue- "It's all overgrown with vines."
  • Lunar Rift Phase 3.pngLunar Rift- "It looks like a rip in the sky. Neat!"
  • Ryftstal.pngRyftstal- "I need to start a new rock collection!"
  • Pure Brilliance.pngPure Brilliance- "That's gotta be the shiniest rock I've ever seen."
  • Shadow Rift Phase 3.pngShadow Rift- "I wish I could get a better look inside..."
  • Dreadstone Outcrop.pngDreadstone Outcrop- "I bet there's more buried deep underground!"
  • Dreadstone.pngDreadstone- "It's just a rock, what's so scary about a rock?"
  • Research Notes.pngResearch Notes- "These notes contain important clues to a mystery, Woby."
  • Abandoned Junk.pngAbandoned Junk- "Don't you just love junk, Woby? Never know what we'll find!"
  • Scrap.pngScrap- "Oooh, nice! Wonder what we can do with these."
  • Junky Fence.pngJunky Fence- "I guess it's better than just leaving all that scrap metal lying around."
  • Junk Pile.pngJunk Pile- "One person's trash is another's treasure!"
  • Teetering Junk Pile.pngTeetering Junk Pile- "Careful Woby, it doesn't look very stable."

CaveEntrance1.pngNature - Caves

  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree- "I didn't know bananas could grow in caves."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree (burnt)- "Whoops..."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole (full)- "There's too many people in there... I'll just wait."
  • Cave exit over capacity.pngExit to Surface (full)- "There's too many people outside... let's just wait here."
  • Batcave.pngBat Cave- "Looks like they're sleeping. Should we wake them up?"
  • Red Mushtree Blooming.pngRed Mushtree (blooming)- "Looks like this one's in bloom."
  • Green Mushtree Blooming.pngGreen Mushtree (blooming)- "It's making more mushrooms."
  • Blue Mushtree Blooming.pngBlue Mushtree (blooming)- "They only bloom spore-adically. Heh... nice one, Walter."
  • Blue Mushtree Webbed.pngBlue Mushtree (webbed)- "There must be spiders around here somewhere!"
  • Mushtree (acid covered)- "Smells weird. Right, Woby?"
  • Red Spore.pngRed Spore- "Don't eat the spores Woby, a mushtree might grow in your stomach!"
  • Green Spore.pngGreen Spore- "Swamp gas! Oh, it's just some more spores."
  • Blue Spore.pngBlue Spore- "Hope I don't accidentally swallow one."
  • Red Spore.pngGreen Spore.pngBlue Spore.pngRed, Green, and Blue Spore (held)- "The bugs in my pocket might like some light."
  • Withered Flowers.pngWithered Flower- "Should I water it more? Or water it less?!"
  • Mysterious Plant.pngMysterious Plant- "What's wrong Woby? It's just a plant!"
  • Fossils.pngFossil Fragment- "The bones of an ancient creature!"
  • Odd Skeleton (incomplete)- "It's still missing something."
  • Odd Skeleton Wrong 1.pngOdd Skeleton Wrong 2.pngOdd Skeleton (incorrect)- ""The arm bone's connected to the..." which bone was it..."
  • Odd Skeleton Build.pngOdd Skeleton (complete)- "I think we figured it out Woby!"
  • Lunar Mushtree.pngLunar Mushtree- "It's actually kind of pretty!"
  • Lunar Spore.pngLunar Spore- "I probably shouldn't touch that."
  • Vitreoasis.pngSmall Vitreoasis.pngVitreoasis and Small Vitreoasis- "Sorry Woby, I don't think it'll be any good for swimming."
  • Naked Mole Bat Burrow.pngNaked Mole Bat Burrow- "There might be something interesting in there."
  • Nightmare Rampart.pngNightmare Rampart- "We should probably stay away from those, Woby."
  • Cracked Pillar.pngCracked Pillar- "Hey, what's that stuff inside?"
  • Cracked Pillar.pngCracked Pillar (Exposed)- "Oh, it's just a different kind of rock."
  • Nitre Formation.pngNitre Formation- "Huh. Looks like a big clump of rocks."
  • Skeleton 7.pngSkeleton 8.pngSkeleton (non player)- "Think it's a monster skeleton, Woby?"

Thulecite Fragments.pngNature - Ruins

  • Ancient Chest.pngAncient Chest- "There HAS to be something good in there, just look at it!"
  • Ancient Chest.pngAncient Chest (locked)- "How do we get it open? Any ideas, Woby?"
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (inactive)- "It looks like it's missing a piece."
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (powering up)- "I guess we'll have to wait for it to power up."
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (activated)- "It's working!"
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (unstable)- "Is it supposed to be making that sound?"
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (on cooldown)- "I guess I should give it a rest for now."
  • Ancient Obelisk.pngAncient Obelisk- "What does it mean?!"
  • Ancient Beacon.pngAncient Beacon- "There's got to be a way to turn it on."
  • Ancient Beacon.pngAncient Beacon (active)- "Well, we got the lights working!"
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (first)- "It looks like things weren't going so well for the people here."
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (second)- "I can't tell what's happening in this one, the picture's worn off."
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (third)- "There's... a shadow? Or something... they took some artistic liberties."
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (fourth)- "Woah, looks like they all started changing."
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (fifth)- "That must be what the city looked like a long time ago."
  • Atrium Statue.pngAtrium Statue- "If it could speak, I wonder what it would tell us."
  • Ornate Pedestal.pngOrnate Pedestal (empty)- "There's something missing..."
  • Ornate Pedestal Full.pngOrnate Pedestal (with gem)- "I think these gems might be important, Woby!"
  • Ancient Moon Statue.pngAncient Moon Statue- "Well, they look happier than the statues outside... I think."
  • Sealed Portal.pngSealed Portal (switch off)- "I wonder what this did?"
  • Sealed Portal.pngSealed Portal (switch on)- "Weird, this is the only thing that didn't turn back on."
  • Ancient Lunarune Stone.pngAncient Lunarune Stone (first, third, and fifth)- "I sure wish I could read it."
  • Ancient Lunarune Stone.pngAncient Lunarune Stone (second and fourth)- "I wonder what it says."
  • Tidy Hidey-Hole.pngTidy Hidey-Hole- "Woah, so that's where that weird material comes from!"
  • Ancient Kiln Build.pngAncient Kiln (empty)- "They weren't so different from us, were they?"
  • Ancient Kiln Build.pngAncient Kiln (cooking, long time left)- "This might take a while. Wanna see this cool bug I found in the meantime?"
  • Ancient Kiln Build.pngAncient Kiln (cooking, short time left)- "Almost time to eat!"
  • Ancient Kiln Build.pngAncient Kiln (finished)- "Come and get it!"
  • Ancient Kiln Burnt.pngAncient Kiln (burnt)- "It's uh... extra done!"
  • Ancient Guard Post.pngAncient Guard Post (inactive)- "It doesn't seem to work anymore."
  • Ancient Guard Post.pngAncient Guard Post (active)- "Any respectable ancient ruin should have some kind of traps."
  • Security Pulse.pngSecurity Pulse- "Come on Woby, let's see where it goes!"
  • Sentrypede Husk.pngSentrypede Husk- "I don't think it's worked in a long time."
  • Fountain of Knowledge.pngFountain of Knowledge (inactive)- "I wonder what they used it for."
  • Fountain of Knowledge.pngFountain of Knowledge (active)- "That glass part looks kind of familiar."
  • Distilled Knowledge.pngDistilled Knowledge- "I wish it came with instructions..."
  • Archive Orchestrina.pngAncient Orchestrina- "Wanna solve a puzzle, Woby?"

Grass Turf.pngTurfs

  • Scaled Flooring.pngScaled Flooring- "Finally something fireproof!"
  • Moon Crater Turf.pngRocky Beach Turf.pngShell Beach Turf.pngMutated Fungal Turf.pngAncient Stonework.pngAncient Brickwork.pngImitation Ancient Brickwork.pngAncient Flooring.pngImitation Ancient Flooring.pngAncient Tilework.pngImitation Ancient Tilework.pngBlue Mosaic Flooring.pngRed Mosaic Flooring.pngGrey Mosaic Flooring.pngMoon Crater Turf / Rocky Beach Turf / Shell Beach Turf / Mutated Fungal Turf / Ancient Stonework / Ancient Brickwork / Imitation Ancient Brickwork / Ancient Flooring / Imitation Ancient Flooring / Ancient Tilework / Imitation Ancient Tilework / Mosaic Flooring- "A patch of ground."
  • Moon Quay Beach Turf.pngMoon Quay Beach Turf- "A patch of beach."
  • Lush Carpet.pngLush Carpet- "Some carpet."
  • Beard Hair Rug.pngBeard Hair Rug- "It has to be a monster, I'm sure I saw it twitching!"
  • Brick Flooring.pngBrick Flooring- "A brick floor."
  • Gold Flooring.pngGold Flooring- "That's a pretty fancy floor!"

Spider.pngMobs - Monsters

  • Red Gem Deer.pngBlue Gem Deer.pngGem Deer- "It can't be comfortable having a gem stuck in your forehead."
  • Guardian Bee.pngGrumble Bee- "They're just trying to protect their queen."
  • Lavae.pngLavae- "That's amazing!"
  • Hound Carcass.pngHound (corpse)- "It's a hound, of corpse!"
  • Hound Carcass.pngHound (corpse, burning)- "Poor thing..."
  • Hound Carcass.pngHound (corpse, reanimating)- "Phew, looks like they're okay after all!"
  • Horror Hound.pngHorror Hound- "Phew, looks like they're okay after all!"
  • Horror Hound Sleeping.pngHorror Hound (sleeping)- "See, they're harmless!"
  • Horror Hound Dead.pngHorror Hound (dead)- "Oh no... don't look, Woby."
  • Moonrock Pengull.pngMoonrock Pengull- "It's a penguin, risen from the grave!"
  • Moonrock Pengull Sleeping.pngMoonrock Pengull (sleeping)- "I think it's sleeping, but it's hard to tell."
  • Moonrock Pengull Dead.pngMoonrock Pengull (dead)- "Poor little thing."
  • Shattered Spider.pngShattered Spider- "Woah, how did they get like that? I need to get a closer look!"
  • Shattered Spider Sleeping.pngShattered Spider (sleeping)- "I could probably get close while they're sleeping."
  • Shattered Spider Dead.pngShattered Spider (dead)- "Aw, it's dead."
  • Cookie Cutter.pngCookie Cutter- "They're smiling! Wait, I think I was looking at them upside-down."
  • Cookie Cutter Shell.pngCookie Cutter Shell- "These guys have tough armor!"
  • Rockjaw.pngRockjaw- "Just look at the size of those teeth!"
  • Naked Mole Bat.pngNaked Mole Bat- "They must have terrible allergies."
  • Ancient Sentrypede.pngAncient Sentrypede- "Maybe it's friendly?"
  • Fruit Fly.pngFruit Fly- "They're just doing what bugs do! I wish they wouldn't do it to my plants though..."
  • Moonblind Crow.pngMoonblind Crow- "Woah! That doesn't look like any of the birds in my handbook!"
  • Misshapen Bird.pngMisshapen Bird- "Maybe it's a cardinal? A... really sick cardinal?"
  • Nurse Spider.pngNurse Spider- "Aw, what a helpful little guy!"
  • Sea Strider.pngSea Strider- "Woah, look how fast they are on the water, Woby!"
  • Egg of Terror.pngEgg of Terror- "Ohh, so that's how baby eyeballs are made."
  • Suspicious Peeper.pngSuspicious Peeper- "Would you say they're... multipl-eying? Heh. Good one, Walter."
  • Varglet.pngVarglet- "Look Woby, another dog for you to play with!"
  • Briar Wolf.pngBriar Wolf- "Maybe he just has a thorn stuck in his paw?"
  • Briar.pngBriar (Bush)- "Woby, what's wrong? It's just a rose bush!"
  • Grazer.pngGrazer- "It puts its victims to sleep before it eats them. Neat!"
  • Deadly Brightshade.pngDeadly Brightshade- "Woby, I think that plant's haunted!"
  • Brightshade Husk.pngBrightshade Husk- "If you kill a ghost plant, do you get... a double ghost?"
  • Tunneling Vine.pngTunneling Vine- "Revenge of the plants!"
  • Fused Shadeling.pngFused Shadeling- "Woby, look! It has a ball on its tail!"
  • Dread Mite.pngDread Mite- "Woah! The ball's alive!"
  • Shriek.pngShriek- "Oooh, neat! That one can fly!"
  • Rasp.pngRasp- "I bet they're friendly!"
  • Jitters.pngJitters- "They seem fun!"
  • Dark Tatters DST.pngDark Tatters- "All that's left of that poor shadow monster."
  • Bright-Eyed Frog.pngBright-Eyed Frog- "I wonder what it's like to see through so many eyes?"
  • Varg Carcass.pngVarg Carcass- "Why couldn't we be friends?"
  • Varg Carcass.pngVarg Carcass (burning)- "D-don't look, Woby..."
  • Varg Carcass.pngVarg Carcass (reviving)- "Hey, they're getting up!"
  • Possessed Varg.pngPossessed Varg- "That Varg doesn't look so good..."
  • Shadow Merm.pngShadow Merm- "Neat! It's a bog monster and shadow monster at the same time!"
  • Mutated Merm.pngMutated Merm- "Bog monsters from the moon!"

Pig.pngMobs - Neutral Animals

  • Saladmander.pngSaladmander- "It's a little lizard thing!"
  • Saladmander Ripe.pngSaladmander (ripe)- "I could've sworn it was green a second ago."
  • Saladmander Sleeping.pngSaladmander (sleeping)- "They're even cuter when they're sleeping."
  • Gnarwail.pngGnarwail- "Unicorns of the sea."
  • Gnarwail.pngGnarwail (broken horn)- "Oh no! You lost your horn!"
  • Gnarwail.pngGnarwail (follower)- "See? We can all get along!"
  • Gnarwail.pngGnarwail (follower, broken horn)- "I sure hope your horn grows back."
  • Gnarwail Horn.pngGnarwail Horn- "If they're not using it anymore, might as well keep it."
  • Skittersquid.pngSkittersquid- "I wonder if that's their full size, or if these are just babies..."
  • Loyal Merm Guard.pngLoyal Merm Guard- "Are they a different type of bog monster?"
  • Shadow Merm Guard.pngShadow Merm Guard- "Neat! It's a bog monster and shadow monster at the same time!"
  • Mutated Merm Guard.pngMutated Merm Guard- "Bog monsters from the moon!"
  • Sea Weed.pngSea Weed (White).pngSea Weed (Yellow).pngSea Weed- "Woah! That flower is huge!"
  • Seedshell.pngSeedshell- "Hey! Careful with those!"
  • Sea Sprout Starter.pngSea Sprout Starter- "Don't worry, we'll find a nice rock to plant you on."
  • Sea Sprout.pngSea Sprout- "I think I'm getting better at gardening!"
  • Mush Gnome.pngMush Gnome- "A living mushroom! Well, I guess all mushrooms are technically living..."
  • Grass Gator.pngGrass Gator- "He seems pretty shy."
  • Powder Monkey.pngPowder Monkey- "Maybe they're pirates cursed to be monkeys! Or monkeys cursed to be pirates..."
  • Cutless.pngCutless- "Toy swords are for little kids."
  • Pirate's Bandana.pngPirate's Bandana- "It makes me look like a real pirate!"
  • Prime Mate.pngPrime Mate- "Arr, matey! Did I say that right?"
  • Accursed Trinket.pngAccursed Trinket- "This is definitely going in my collection."
  • Battle Paddle.pngBattle Paddle- "Why is that paddle so sharp? Someone might get hurt!"
  • Captain's Tricorn.pngCaptain's Tricorn- "Listen up everybody, I'm the captain!"
  • Bandit Stash Map.pngPirate Map- "Every Pinetree Pioneer knows how to follow a map."
  • Pirate stash.pngPirate Stash- "That has to be where the treasure is!"
  • Marotter.pngMarotter- "Whatch out, Woby. I think it wants our stuff."
  • Marotter Den.pngMarotter Den- "Looks like nothing. Oh well!"
  • Marotter Den.pngMarotter Den (Has Loot)- "I think we have a winner, Woby!"
  • Marotter Den.pngMarotter Den (Dead)- "Woby, prepare to abandon ship."

Rabbit.pngMobs - Passive Animals

  • Wobster (DST).pngWobster- "Shellfish are basically bugs of the sea."
  • Grass Gekko.pngGrass Gekko- "That patch of grass is alive!"
  • Star-Sky.pngStar-sky- "Aww, are you lost little guy?"
  • Dead Star-Sky.pngStar-sky (Hutch dead)- "Ah! I-I'm sure some peroxide and a bandage will fix him up."
  • Hutch.pngHutch- "Looks like we found another friend, Woby!"
  • Canary.pngCanary- "Did you get lost too?"
  • Canary.pngCanary (held)- "Hey, no pecking!"
  • Canary (Volatile).pngCanary (poisoned)- "This bird needs first aid!"
  • Saffron Feather.pngSaffron Feather- "Looks like a canary feather."
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (very happy)- "You're the best grub in the whole wide world!"
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (happy)- "Aww, I think he's smiling!"
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (hungry)- "Are you hungry, little guy?"
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (starving)- "This little guy needs some food!"
  • Lavae Egg.pngLavae Egg- "I can't wait for it to hatch!"
  • Hatching Lavae Egg.pngLavae Egg (cracked)- "It looks pretty cozy."
  • Cold Hatching Lavae Egg.pngLavae Egg (too cold)- "It needs more warmth!"
  • Lavae Tooth.pngLavae Tooth- "Aw, they lost their first tooth!"
  • Chilled Lavae.pngChilled Lavae- "I think it's resting."
  • No-Eyed Deer.pngNo-Eyed Deer- "Hey Woby, do you guys go to the same barber?"
  • No-Eyed Deer Horned.pngNo-Eyed Deer (horned)- "You could poke an eye out with those! Maybe he already did?"
  • Deer Antler A.pngDeer Antler B.pngDeer Antler C.pngDeer Antler- "Hey, you dropped this!"
  • Puffin.pngPuffin- "Hey, that one IS in my handbook!"
  • Puffin.pngPuffin (held)- "I hope it doesn't eat the bugs in my pocket."
  • Puffin Sleeping.pngPuffin (sleeping)- "Don't wake them up, Woby."
  • Carrat.pngCarrat- "Vegetables are much more interesting here than back home."
  • Carrat Item.pngCarrat (held)- "Please don't nibble a hole in my pocket."
  • Carrat Sleeping.pngCarrat (sleeping)- "What do carrots dream about?"
  • Carrat Dead.pngCarrat (dead)- "Poor little thing."
  • Moon Moth.pngMoon Moth- "I've never seen a moth like this before!"
  • Moon Moth.pngMoon Moth (held)- "In my pocket you go!"
  • Lunar Wobster.pngLunar Wobster- "There's something different about their shell."
  • Bulbous Lightbug.pngBulbous Lightbug- "I think I have a new favourite kind of bug!"
  • Dust Moth.pngDust Moth- "Can I keep them? Pleeeaaaase?"
  • Friendly Fruit Fly.pngFriendly Fruit Fly- "I'm going to call you Buzzy!"
  • Friendly Fruit Fly Fruit.pngFriendly Fruit Fly Fruit- "The Fruit Flies seem to like following it around."
  • Crustashine.pngCrustashine- "What kind of crab is that?"
  • Koalefant's Carcass.pngKoalefant's Carcass- "Should we say a few words, Woby?"

Spider Queen.pngMobs - Bosses

  • Inspecting self- "A Pinetree Pioneer through and through!"
  • Moose/Goose nesting ground- "Looks like we found its nest."
  • Bee Queen.pngBee Queen- "If I make friends with their queen, maybe the bees won't sting me!"
  • Bee Queen Crown.pngBee Queen Crown- "I guess I'm the bee king now!"
  • Klaus.pngKlaus- "Woah! Who are you?"
  • Stag Antler.pngStag Antler- "There's something weird about this antler."
  • Antlion.pngAntlion- "Hi!"
  • Antlion.pngAntlion (happy)- "We're becoming pals already."
  • Antlion.pngAntlion (upset)- "It's hard to read her expression..."
  • Desert Stone.pngDesert Stone- "No wonder she was grumpy, there was a pit in her stomach!"
  • Desert Stone Active.pngDesert Stone (active)- "It's ready to take us somewhere!"
  • Sand Spike Short.pngSand Spike Medium.pngSand Spike Tall.pngSand Spike- "Hey, careful! You almost hit me with that!"
  • Sand Castle ANR.pngSand Castle- "Woah! How do you do that?"
  • Glass Spike Short.pngGlass Spike Medium.pngGlass Spike Tall.pngGlass Spike- "It looks like a giant tooth from a glass monster!"
  • Glass Castle.pngGlass Castle- "It looks nice I guess."
  • Toadstool Cap.pngToadstool Cap- "Don't be so skittish Woby, it's just a toadstool!"
  • Toadstool Cap Stump Icon.pngToadstool Cap (hole)- "What's wrong, Woby? It's just a normal hole in the ground."
  • Toadstool Cap.pngToadstool Cap (in ground)- "Hey! What's that in there?"
  • Toadstool.pngMisery Toadstool.pngToadstool and Misery Toadstool- "A real giant frog monster!"
  • Toadstool.pngMisery Toadstool.pngToadstool and Misery Toadstool (enraged)- "I don't think he likes us very much."
  • Sporecap build.pngMisery Sporecap build.pngSporecap and Misery Sporecap- "Woah! A giant mushroom!"
  • Boomshroom build.pngMisery Boomshroom build.pngBoomshroom and Misery Boomshroom- "My handbook says not to pick mushrooms you don't recognize."
  • Shroom Skin.pngShroom Skin- "It's so weird! Can I keep it?"
  • Reanimated Skeleton Forest.pngReanimated Skeleton Caves.pngReanimated Skeleton- "A real living skeleton!"
  • Ancient Fuelweaver.pngAncient Fuelweaver- "Maybe he knows something about the bug people that lived here!"
  • Stalker minion1.pngStalker minion2.pngWoven Shadow- "I wonder if I can catch one!"
  • Bone Armor.pngBone Armor- "Yessss bone armor!!"
  • Bone Helm.pngBone Helm- "Good thing they had such a thick skull, this makes a great helmet!"
  • Shadow Thurible.pngShadow Thurible- "Oof, that's a strong smell."
  • Malbatross.pngMalbatross- "Woah, look at that wingspan!"
  • Malbatross Feather.pngMalbatross Feather- "I think we ruffled her feathers."
  • Malbatross Bill.pngMalbatross Bill- "She left us a souvenir."
  • Crab King.pngCrab King- "YES!! Now that's a proper sea monster!"
  • Crab King Inert.pngCrab King (inert)- "Who built this giant sand castle in the middle of the ocean?"
  • Crab King (Ice Wall)- "Just have to chip away at it."
  • Imposing Claw.pngImposing Claw- "Woah! Look at the size of those claws!"
  • Cannon Tower.pngCannon Tower- "Incoming!"
  • Crab Guard.pngCrab Guard- "Watch out for those pinchers, Woby!"
  • Crab Knight.pngCrab Knight- "Whoa! Cool crab!"
  • Crab King Bumper Kit.pngCrab King Bumper Kit- "It's always best to be prepared!"
  • Crab King Bumper Kit.pngCrab King Bumper- "Don't worry Woby, I'm really good at sailing. That's just a precaution!"
  • Cracked Pearl.pngCracked Pearl- "Oh no, oh no no no no..."
  • Lord of the Fruit Flies.pngLord of the Fruit Flies- "Neat! I mean, uh... I should probably get him out of the garden."
  • Celestial Champion Phase 1.pngCelestial Champion (phase 1)- "Woah, is that a space creature?!"
  • Celestial Champion Phase 1 (Dead).pngCelestial Champion (phase 1, dead)- "Aww, I wanted to ask them what it's like up in space..."
  • Celestial Champion Phase 2.pngCelestial Champion (phase 2)- "I'm starting to think they might be mad at us, Woby."
  • Celestial Champion Spike.pngMoonglass Spike- "I think they're trying to keep us from getting away!"
  • Celestial Champion Phase 2 (Dead).pngCelestial Champion (phase 2, dead)- "At least now I can get a better look at it!"
  • Celestial Champion Phase 3.pngCelestial Champion (phase 3)- "If I just get a bit closer... I'm sure I can convince them we just want to be friends!"
  • Enlightening Snare.pngEnlightening Snare- "We should probably stay away from those, Woby."
  • Celestial Champion Phase 3 (Dead).pngCelestial Champion (phase 3, dead)- "Do you think they're going to get up again, Woby?"
  • Defeated Celestial Champion.pngDefeated Celestial Champion- "Well... I guess that's that."
  • Enlightened Crown.pngEnlightened Crown- "It tells me all kinds of stories."
  • Enlightened Shard.pngEnlightened Crown Shard (Blue).pngEnlightened Crown Shard (Green).pngEnlightened Crown Shard (Red).pngEnlightened Crown Shard- "I'm sure we can still find a use for it!"
  • Eye of Terror Phase 1.pngEye of Terror- "Wow! Do you think it escaped from a giant head?"
  • Retinazor.pngSpazmatism.pngTwins of Terror- "Somewhere, some poor giant robot is walking around completely blind..."
  • Eye Mask.pngEye Mask- "Don't worry Woby. It's just a hat, see?"
  • Shield of Terror.pngShield of Terror- "I like to think it's smiling."
  • Bearger Carcass.pngBearger Carcass- "I'm sorry..."
  • Bearger Carcass.pngBearger Carcass (burning)- "This isn't a fun campfire..."
  • Bearger Carcass.pngBearger Carcass (reviving)- "Back from the dead!"
  • Armored Bearger.pngArmored Bearger- "A zombie Bearger? Neat!"
  • Deerclops Carcass.pngDeerclops Carcass- "Poor Deerclops..."
  • Deerclops Carcass.pngDeerclops Carcass (burning)- "I'm going to miss her."
  • Deerclops Carcass.pngDeerclops Carcass (reviving)- "Look Woby, she's okay!"
  • Crystal Deerclops.pngCrystal Deerclops- "Aww, I think that poor Deerclops is sick!"
  • Spark Ark Off.pngSpark Ark(Empty)- "It's empty, Woby. Let's find something to put in there."
  • Spark Ark.pngSpark Ark(Full)- "I wonder if there is a glowing ball trapping badge."
  • Nightmare Werepig.pngNightmare Werepig(Imprisoned)- "We can't just leave him like that, Woby! We've gotta help him!"
  • Nightmare Werepig.pngNightmare Werepig- "I thought he'd be a bit happier to be free..."
  • Pure Horror.pngPure Horror- "It can't be THAT bad... can it?"
  • Frostjaw.pngFrostjaw- "Better watch out for frostbite!"
  • Bootleg Getaway.pngBootleg Getaway- "Sorry Woby, that bone isn't for you."
  • Whirlportal.pngWhirlportal- "I don't think my water safety badge prepared me for that."
  • Scrappy Werepig.pngScrappy Werepig(Neutral)- "Don't worry, Woby. I think I can gain his trust."
  • Scrappy Werepig.pngScrappy Werepig(Stack)- "Should we help him, Woby?"
  • Scrappy Werepig.pngScrappy Werepig(Hostile)- "I still think we can be friends."
  • Scrappy Chapauldron.pngScrappy Chapauldron- "That werepig was so big, I can wear his shoulder pad as a hat!"
  • Horizon Expandinator.pngHorizon Expandinator- "Woah! It's like binoculars, but... well, the opposite of that!"

Abigail.pngMobs - Other

  • Crabby Hermit.pngCrabby Hermit/Pearl- "Hello ma'am! Can I help you with anything?"
  • Pearl's Pearl.pngPearl's Pearl- "I gave my Pinetree Pioneer's oath to protect it with my life!"
  • Gestalt.pngGestalt- "Are you a ghost... from the moon?"
  • Greater Gestalt.pngGreater Gestalt- "Wow, they reeaally don't like those shadow creatures."
  • Pipspook.pngPipspook- "Maybe I should come back with someone who speaks ghost..."
  • Merm.pngRoyal-In-Progress- "I wonder how they pick their king?"
  • King of the Merms.pngKing of the Merms- "The king of the bog monsters!"
  • Woby.pngWoby (small)- "Good girl, Woby!"
  • Woby Big.pngWoby (big)- "Good girl, Woby!"
  • Grainy Transmission.pngGrainy Transmission- "Hey Mister, are you okay? You're uh... flickering...?"
  • Grainy Transmission.pngGrainy Transmission (Mutated boss killed)- "Maybe this is my chance to earn my Helping the Elderly badge!"
  • Grainy Transmission.pngGrainy Transmission (W.A.R.B.I.S. Quest)- "Gee Mister, you move fast for a senior!"
  • Queen of Moon Quay Build.pngQueen of Moon Quay- "Hello ma'am! Do you need help getting down from there?"
  • Polly Roger.pngPolly Roger- "Thanks for the help, Polly! You'd make a great Pinetree Pioneer."
  • Charlie.pngCharlie- "Excuse me, ma'am! It's dangerous here, do you need any assistance?"
  • Beckoning Hand- "We should give it a hand! Heh. Good one, Walter."
  • W.O.B.O.T..pngW.O.B.O.T.- "Now that's how you fetch, Woby!"
  • W.O.B.O.T. Broken.pngW.O.B.O.T.(Broken)- "We should try to fix it!"

Other Players

Wilson Portrait.pngWilson

  • Wilson.pngGeneric- "Hey Mr. %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "I thought he seemed alright... maybe I was wrong."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Is it true, Mr. %s? Are you a scientist gone mad?"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Thanks Mr. %s! Did you take good care of Woby?"
  • Ghost Wilson.pngGhost- "What's it like being a ghost, Mr. %s? Oh, right, I'll get you a heart."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Nobody here knows how to build a proper campfire."

Willow Portrait.pngWillow

  • Willow.pngGeneric- "Hey %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "%s? Why are you looking at me like that...?"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Get her Woby! She's a killer!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Now I know why Woby likes you!"
  • Ghost Willow.pngGhost- "Woby, fetch! A heart! ...Okay, I'll get it myself."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "You said you were listening when I was talking about fire safety!"

Wolfgang Portrait.pngWolfgang

  • Wolfgang.pngGeneric- "Hey Mr. %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Y-you stay away!"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "There's a murderer in our midst, Woby!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Mr. %s is just a big softy!"
  • Ghost Wolfgang.pngGhost- "Maybe this will help get over your fear of ghosts! Or not..."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Mr. %s, wait! The fire pit is over THERE!"

Wendy Portrait.pngWendy

  • Wendy.pngGeneric- "Hey %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "You can't scare me... okay, maybe a little."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "You... how could you do that?"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Being a ghost isn't so bad, I can see why Abigail likes it!"
  • Ghost Wendy.pngGhost- "Oh, it's... kind of hard to tell you two apart."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Fire safety isn't that hard!!"

WX-78 Portrait.pngWX-78

  • WX-78.pngGeneric- "Hey %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Is... something wrong with %s?"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "You're a killer robot? Amazing! Wait, no Walter, not amazing!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Aw, you do care about us "meatsacks"!"
  • Ghost WX-78.pngGhost- "See, you do have a soul! Now all you need is a heart."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Hey! You'll burn down the camp!"

Wickerbottom Portrait.pngWickerbottom

  • Wickerbottom.pngGeneric- "Hello Ms. %s! Need any help crossing the street?"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Is this because I said the radio will make books obsolete?"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Attack of the killer librarian!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Thanks Ms. %s!"
  • Ghost Wickerbottom.pngGhost- "Well, she lived a long life... okay, okay, stop glaring! I'll get a heart!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Not you too, Ms. %s!!"

Woodie Portrait.pngWoodie

  • Woodie.pngGeneric- "Hey Mr. %s! How's Ms. Lucy?"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "I don't like the way he's gripping that axe..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Really Mr. %s? An axe murderer? At least use some imagination."
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Us outdoorsy types have each other's backs! Right Mr. %s?"
  • Ghost Woodie.pngGhost- "Don't worry, you'll have a heart in a jiffy!"
  • Werebeaver.pngWerebeaver- "The Werebeaver! It's real!"
  • Werebeaver Ghost.pngGhost Werebeaver- "I can see your Canadian spirit! Er... I'll go get a heart."
  • Weremoose.pngWeremoose- "There's a Weremoose too?!"
  • Weremoose Ghost.pngGhost Weremoose- "Don't worry Mr. %s, Canadians stick together! I'll find you a heart!"
  • Weregoose.pngWeregoose- "Mr. %s...? Is that you?"
  • Weregoose Ghost.pngGhost Weregoose- "A Pinetree Pioneer is a friend to all woodland creatures! I'll get a heart!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "I thought for sure YOU'D know how to build a campfire!"

Wes Portrait.pngWes

  • Wes.pngGeneric- "Uh... hi %s."
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "This is why I don't trust clowns!"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "%s is a killer clown!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "I guess some clowns are okay."
  • Ghost Wes.pngGhost- "A Pinetree Pioneer leaves no one behind! Even if they're a clown!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "That's not a proper campfire, %s!"

Waxwell Portrait.pngMaxwell

  • Maxwell.pngGeneric- "Hey Mr. %s! Woby, stop growling at him!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Your dark side is showing, Mr. %s."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "You're a monster, and not the fun kind."
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "I was kind of having fun being a ghost..."
  • Ghost Maxwell.pngGhost- "Don't worry, a Pinetree Pioneer doesn't leave anyone behind!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Doesn't anyone care about fire safety?"

Wigfrid Portrait.pngWigfrid

  • Wigfrid.pngGeneric- "Hey Ms. %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Ms. %s seems even more combative than usual..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Ms. %s went into a Viking rage!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Thanks Ms. %s! You're the only Viking I know, but also the best one!"
  • Ghost Wigfrid.pngGhost- "Don't worry Ms. %s! Woby and I will get a heart for you in no time."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Not everything needs to have a Viking funeral, Ms. %s!"

Webber Portrait.pngWebber

  • Webber.pngGeneric- "Hi %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "I guess he IS a monster... it's only natural."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Hey %s! That's going too far!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Thanks for the help! You'll make a great Pinetree Pioneer someday!"
  • Webber Ghost.pngGhost- "Don't worry little guy, Woby and I will take care of it."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "We need to have a group meeting about fire safety."

Winona Portrait.pngWinona

  • Winona Original Portrait.pngGeneric- "Hey Ms. %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "You're making Woby nervous, Ms. %s..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Watch out Woby, she's a murderer!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Thanks for patching me up, Ms. %s!"
  • Ghost Winona.pngGhost- "We didn't cover this in first aid, but I'm sure I can figure it out!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Uh, Ms. %s... that's not how you make a campfire."

Wortox Portrait.pngWortox

  • Wortox Original Portrait.pngGeneric- "Hi %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Is this one of your pranks?"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Y-your prank went too far %s!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Hey, thanks for not eating my soul %s! Not that I was worried..."
  • Ghost Wortox.pngGhost- "Does this pose an interesting dilemma for you %s?"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Well... I guess he IS an imp..."

Wormwood Portrait.pngWormwood

  • Wormwood.pngGeneric- "Hi %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Wait %s! Me... friend! See?"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "A killer plant! This would make a great Midnight Broadcast episode..."
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "You good plant friend! Much thanks!"
  • Ghost Wormwood.pngGhost- "Do you need a heart? You know, uh... ba-bum?"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "%s! You're going to start a forest fire that way!"

Warly Portrait.pngWarly

  • Warly Original Portrait.pngGeneric- "Hey Mr. %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "You seem kind of cranky Mr. %s, maybe you should eat something?"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "How long have you been cooking up this murderous scheme, Mr. %s?"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Thanks Mr. %s! That really hit the spot."
  • Ghost Warly.pngGhost- "Hang on Mr. %s! You'll be back to cooking fancy food in no time."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "You're burning it, Mr. %s!"

Wurt Portrait.pngWurt

  • Wurt Original Portrait.pngGeneric- "Hi %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "She's just doing what comes naturally, I guess."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Hey %s, no killing people! Killing bad!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Thanks! Uh... florp?"
  • Ghost Wurt.pngGhost- "Oh boy, what trouble did you get into this time, %s?"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "No, first you clear the area, then arrange the logs like this, then-"

Walter Portrait.pngWalter

  • Walter Original Portrait.pngGeneric- "Hi %s! You kind of remind me of someone..."
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Hey, that's not how a Pinetree Pioneer acts!"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "You'll be kicked out of the Pioneers for this, %s!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "I knew I could count on a fellow Pinetree Pioneer."
  • Ghost Walter.pngGhost- "I'll get you fixed up lickety-split!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "%s! Did you not get your fire safety badge yet?"

Wanda Portrait.pngWanda

  • Wanda Original Portrait.pngGeneric- "Oh, sorry Ms. %s! I was just, uh... checking."
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Ms. %s is acting pretty suspiciously..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "I knew it! She IS the killer!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Thanks Ms. %s! I promise I'll be more careful."
  • Ghost Wanda.pngGhost- "Don't worry Ms. %s, we'll have you back to your old self in a jiffy!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "It really doesn't take that long to build an actual campfire Ms. %s!"

Wonkey Portrait.pngWonkey

  • Wonkey Original Portrait.pngGeneric- "Huh. That monkey seems weirdly familiar..."
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "I don't think that monkey's friendly."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Killer monkey!!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "This is why you should always be kind to animals."
  • Ghost Wonkey.pngGhost- "Somehow a monkey ghost just isn't as spooky."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Who gave the monkey a torch?"

Placeholder.pngOther (Mod Characters)

  • Placeholder.pngGeneric- "Hello, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "%s doesn't seem trustworthy..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "You're not going to get away with this, %s!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s is definitely Pinetree Pioneer material."
  • Ghost Build.pngGhost- "Don't worry %s, I have a badge in first aid!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "That's not how you build a campfire, %s!"

Meat.pngFood - Meats

  • Barnacles.pngBarnacles- "Foraged from the sea!"
  • Cooked Barnacles.pngCooked Barnacles- "Hmm, it's not bad!"
  • Runty Guppy.pngRunty Guppy- "It's barely big enough to call a guppy."
  • Needlenosed Squirt.pngNeedlenosed Squirt- "I caught it on purpose. For practice."
  • Bitty Baitfish.pngBitty Baitfish- "I usually catch much bigger fish, you know."
  • Smolt Fry.pngSmolt Fry- "You know, sometimes catching smaller fish is the real challenge."
  • Popperfish.pngPopperfish- "Careful the fins don't get stuck in your teeth."
  • Fallounder.pngFallounder- "It smells like dead leaves."
  • Bloomfin Tuna.pngBloomfin Tuna- "Hey little buddy! Get it, because it's got a bud on its head?"
  • Scorching Sunfish.pngScorching Sunfish- "Keep it away from anything flammable!"
  • Spittlefish.pngSpittlefish- "Hey! It's rude to spit at people!"
  • Mudfish.pngMudfish- "SEA MONST-- oh wait, it's just a really ugly fish."
  • Deep Bass.pngDeep Bass- "It's like it's staring into my soul..."
  • Dandy Lionfish.pngDandy Lionfish- "None of these fish look anything like the ones in my handbook..."
  • Black Catfish.pngBlack Catfish- "You're the unlucky fish who'll be my dinner."
  • Corn Cod.pngCorn Cod- "Is it corn that mutated into a fish, or a fish that mutated into corn?"
  • Ice Bream.pngIce Bream- "Will it melt if I try to cook it?"
  • Sweetish Fish.pngSweetish Fish- "Aww, it's got cute little ear fins!"
  • Barnacles.pngBarnacles- "Foraged from the sea!"
  • Cooked Barnacles.pngCooked Barnacles- "Hmm, it's not bad!"
  • Naked Nostrils.pngNaked Nostrils- "Looks like someone got a bit nosy. Get it? Because it's a nose?"
  • Charred Nostrils.pngCharred Nostrils- "It sure doesn't smell so good now..."

Dragon Fruit.pngFood - Fruits

  • Lesser Glow Berry.pngLesser Glow Berry- "More like a glow raisin..."
  • Juicy Berries.pngJuicy Berries- "Yes! These are the best kind!"
  • Roasted Juicy Berries.pngRoasted Juicy Berries- "I should eat these fast."
  • Fig.pngFig- "I don't really like figs..."
  • Cooked Fig.pngCooked Fig- "I don't really like cooked figs any better..."

Carrot.pngFood - Vegetables

  • Kelp Fronds.pngKelp Fronds- "Sea monster hair. Obviously."
  • Cooked Kelp Fronds.pngCooked Kelp Fronds- "It's... slimy."
  • Dried Kelp Fronds.pngDried Kelp Fronds- "Crunchy and salty. It's not bad."
  • Stone Fruit.pngStone Fruit- "It's hard as a rock!"
  • Ripe Stone Fruit.pngRipe Stone Fruit- "It's finally ripe! ...I think."
  • Cooked Stone Fruit.pngCooked Stone Fruit- "That's better."
  • Garlic.pngGarlic- "Wards off the vampires."
  • Roasted Garlic.pngRoasted Garlic- "Too bad vampires never get to enjoy it."
  • Onion.pngOnion- "I hate chopping them."
  • Roasted Onion.pngRoasted Onion- "A juicy cooked onion."
  • Pepper.pngPepper- "Nice and red and ripe!"
  • Roasted Pepper.pngRoasted Pepper- "It's hot!"
  • Potato.pngPotato- "Should we mash them?"
  • Roasted Potato.pngRoasted Potato- "I love a campfire-roasted potato."
  • Toma Root.pngToma Root- "It's red because it's full of science."
  • Roasted Toma Root.pngRoasted Toma Root- "Cooking's easy if you understand chemistry."
  • Moon Shroom.pngMoon Shroom- "Another mushroom that isn't in my handbook..."
  • Cooked Moon Shroom.pngCooked Moon Shroom- "This doesn't seem like the smartest idea."
  • Fire Nettle Fronds.pngFire Nettle Fronds- "They're even worse than poison oak!"
  • Forget-Me-Lots.pngForget-Me-Lots- "I keep forgetting to look them up in my handbook."
  • Tillweeds.pngTillweeds- "Hey! No weeds allowed in the garden!"

Ratatouille.pngFood - Crock Pot

  • Jellybeans.pngJellybeans- "Jellybeans are for little kids..."
  • Asparagus Soup.pngAsparagus Soup- "Asparagus again? Er, not that I'm complaining..."
  • Banana Pop.pngBanana Pop- "Those are for little kids. But bananas are healthy so I guess it's alright."
  • Bone Bouillon.pngBone Bouillon- "It really fills you up."
  • Ceviche.pngCeviche- "Mushy, but tasty."
  • Hot Dragon Chili Salad.pngHot Dragon Chili Salad- "Is it made from real dragons?"
  • Fresh Fruit Crepes.pngFresh Fruit Crepes- "With fresh-picked wild fruits."
  • Fish Cordon Bleu.pngFish Cordon Bleu- "Er... maybe Woby wants some."
  • Announce Fish Cordon Bleu buff starts- "Nothing's going to rain on my parade! Because I'm waterproof, get it?"
  • Announce Fish Cordon Bleu buff is over- "Oh well. It's good to stay hydrated anyway."
  • Asparagazpacho.pngAsparagazpacho- "(Sigh) I know it's probably good for me..."
  • Glow Berry Mousse.pngGlow Berry Mousse- "Will my insides light up if I eat it?"
  • Creamy Potato Purée.pngCreamy Potato Purée- "Yeah, mashed potatoes!"
  • Monster Tartare.pngMonster Tartare- "Fancy and gross overlaps a lot."
  • Moqueca.pngMoqueca- "Wow, having a real chef around when you're camping is great!"
  • Grim Galette.pngGrim Galette- "Looks good!"
  • Stuffed Pepper Poppers.pngStuffed Pepper Poppers- "Why does this taste minty...?"
  • Puffed Potato Soufflé.pngPuffed Potato Soufflé- "This is really good, Mr. Warly!"
  • Fancy Spiralled Tubers.pngFancy Spiralled Tubers- "I usually mash my potatoes."
  • Salsa Fresca.pngSalsa Fresca- "It only comes with one chip?!"
  • Spicy Vegetable Stinger.pngVegetable Stinger- "I've never had a spicy drink before."
  • Volt Goat Chaud-Froid.pngVolt Goat Chaud-Froid- "It definitely has a zing to it."
  • Announce Volt Goat Chaud-Froid buff starts- "This reminds me of a radio program I heard where a guy was hit by lightning and turned into pure electricity and-"
  • Announce Volt Goat Chaud-Froid buff is over- "Darnit... guess the show's over."
  • Surf 'n' Turf.pngSurf 'n' Turf- "So filling!"
  • Lobster Bisque.pngLobster Bisque- "It's tasty, I like it!"
  • Lobster Dinner.pngLobster Dinner- "This seems pretty fancy for camping food."
  • California Roll.pngCalifornia Roll- "Is that raw fish?"
  • Seafood Gumbo.pngSeafood Gumbo- "Packed full of flavour!"
  • Barnacle Pita.pngBarnacle Pita- "Further proof that anything can be a sandwich."
  • Barnacle Nigiri.pngBarnacle Nigiri- "It's... interesting."
  • Barnacle Linguine.pngBarnacle Linguine- "Just about anything tastes good with pasta."
  • Stuffed Fish Heads.pngStuffed Fish Heads- "Uhh Woby? Do you want this one?"
  • Leafy Meatloaf.pngLeafy Meatloaf- "I guess it's one way to eat your vegetables."
  • Veggie Burger.pngVeggie Burger- "It's not quite the same."
  • Jelly Salad.pngJelly Salad- "I don't think we needed to get that fancy with it..."
  • Beefy Greens.pngBeefy Greens- "What are those chunks in it?"
  • Mushy Cake.pngMushy Cake- "Is that really a cake?"
  • Soothing Tea.pngSoothing Tea- "It makes my head feel a bit fuzzy... but I'm sure that's fine!"
  • Figatoni.pngFigatoni- "At least the fig's hidden inside."
  • Figkabab.pngFigkabab- "Aw, did it have to be figs?"
  • Fig-Stuffed Trunk.pngFig-Stuffed Trunk- "How many figs are in there?!"
  • Figgy Frogwich.pngFiggy Frogwich- "Hey, that's pretty good! What's in it?"
  • Bunny Stew.pngBunny Stew- "There's no Pioneer that could say no to this!"
  • Frozen Banana Daiquiri.pngFrozen Banana Daiquiri‎- "Don't drink it too fast or you'll get a headache."
  • Banana Shake.pngBanana Shake- "Mmm, it's even better than the ones they made at the malted shop!"
  • Breakfast Skillet.pngBreakfast Skillet- "Wow, it's so... healthy!"
  • Plain Omelette.pngPlain Omelette- "Mom used to make them scrambled..."
  • Tall Scotch Eggs.pngTall Scotch Eggs- "That's a monster-sized breakfast!"
  • Beefalo Treats.pngBeefalo Treats- "Don't worry Woby, I'll get a treat for you too."
  • Steamed Twigs.pngSteamed Twigs- "Come here, beefalo! Dinner time!"
  • Stuffed Night Cap.pngStuffed Night Cap- "Don't eat that Woby! It'll knock you right out."

Rot.pngFood - Other

  • Royal Jelly.pngRoyal Jelly- "It was a royal pain to get."
  • Moon Moth Wings.pngMoon Moth Wings- "They're very fragile."
  • Oblong Seeds.pngClustered Seeds.pngBulbous Seeds.pngBrittle Seed Pods.pngSwirly Seeds.pngWindblown Seeds.pngSharp Seeds.pngSquare Seeds.pngOblong Seeds (Carrot Seeds) / Clustered Seeds (Corn Seeds) / Bulbous Seeds (Dragon Fruit Seeds) / Brittle Seed Pods (Durian Seeds) / Swirly Seeds (Eggplant Seeds) / Windblown Seeds (Pomegranate Seeds) / Sharp Seeds (Pumpkin Seeds) / Square Seeds (Watermelon Seeds)- "Yep, those are seeds!"
  • Tubular Seeds.pngSpiky Seeds.pngFluffy Seeds.pngPointy Seeds.pngSeed Pods.pngLumpy Seeds.pngTubular Seeds (Asparagus Seeds) / Spiky Seeds (Toma Root Seeds) / Fluffy Seeds (Potato Seeds) / Pointy Seeds (Onion Seeds) / Seed Pods (Garlic Seeds) / Lumpy Seeds (Pepper Seeds)- "Where should we plant them, Woby?"
  • Milky Whites.pngMilky Whites- "Woby, can you find me a stick? I want to poke it."

Trinkets.pngMisc Items

  • Abigail's Flower.pngAbigail's Flower (held)- "Did that flower just whisper something?"
  • Abigail Flower.pngAbigail's Flower (stage 1)- "Oh, Abigail! I didn't recognize you."
  • Abigail Flower2.pngAbigail's Flower (stage 2)- "Don't eat the haunted flower, Woby!"
  • Abigail Flower2.pngAbigail's Flower (stage 3)- "You're not really as spooky when you're a flower."
  • Abigail Flower Haunted.pngAbigail's Flower (ready, held)- "I don't think I should hang on to this."
  • Abigail Flower Haunted.pngAbigail's Flower (ready)- "I'd die to find out what it does."
  • Lucy the Axe.pngLucy the Axe- "She seems nice."
  • Codex Umbra.pngCodex Umbra- "I think the time for first aid has long passed."
  • Blueprint (rare).pngBlueprint (rare)- "I think I found something interesting!"
  • Fur Tuft.pngFur Tuft- "It's so soft!"
  • Sketch.pngSketch- "I think I could sculpt this! I'm pretty good at arts and crafts."
  • Advert.pngAdvert- "This looks pretty easy to make."
  • Ancient Key.pngAncient Key- "It's the key to this whole mystery!"
  • Shadow Atrium.pngShadow Atrium- "Look at that! I wonder what's keeping it alive?"
  • Gnomette.pngGnomette- "I thought she was looking the other way a second ago..."
  • Leaky Teacup.pngLeaky Teacup- "My mom would kill me if I cracked her fine china."
  • White Bishop.pngBlack Bishop.pngWhite and Black Bishop- "I'm not really interested in board games."
  • Bent Spork.pngBent Spork- "One less utensil to pack with your camping gear!"
  • Toy Trojan Horse.pngToy Trojan Horse- "Seems like a normal wooden horse."
  • Unbalanced Top.pngUnbalanced Top- "I'm too mature for toys."
  • Back Scratcher.pngBack Scratcher- "Woby likes it."
  • Beaten Beater.pngBeaten Beater- "Whoops, it got kind of bent."
  • Frayed Yarn.pngFrayed Yarn- "I like a good yarn. Heh..."
  • Shoe Horn.pngShoe Horn- "Protect your heels!"
  • White Knight.pngBlack Knight.pngWhite and Black Knight- "They're kind of boring once you've seen the bigger version."
  • Lucky Cat Jar.pngLucky Cat Jar- "Woby doesn't seem to like it very much."
  • Air Unfreshener.pngAir Unfreshener- "It doesn't even smell like a real pine tree!"
  • Potato Cup.pngPotato Cup- "One less dish to wash!"
  • White Rook.pngBlack Rook.pngWhite and Black Rook- "I'm not really interested in board games."
  • Wire Hanger.pngWire Hanger- "I wonder if I can use it to pick up radio signals..."
  • Blue Moonlens.pngBlue Moonlens- "You don't come across one of these very often."
  • Green Moonlens.pngGreen Moonlens- "They never taught us how to use these in the Pinetree Pioneers."
  • Red Moonlens.pngRed Moonlens- "This eye looks bloodshot!"
  • Orange Moonlens.pngOrange Moonlens- "It's a pretty good landmark, you can't miss it!"
  • Purple Moonlens.pngPurple Moonlens- "Purple! The friendliest colour!."
  • Yellow Moonlens.pngYellow Moonlens- "Y'ello to you too! Okay, that was bad."
  • Iridescent Gem.pngIridescent Gem- "So many colours!"
  • Moon Caller's Staff.pngMoon Caller's Staff- "No Woby, this stick isn't for fetching!"
  • Polar Light.pngPolar Light- "I just got a chill up my spine."
  • Beach Toy.pngBeach Toy- "Hm, I guess I could give it away as a gift?"
  • Crumpled Package.pngCrumpled Package- "Ugh, it's falling apart!"
  • Lost Toy- "Hey! I could've sworn I didn't see anything there a second ago!"
  • Mourning Glory.pngMourning Glory- "Spooky!"
  • Message in a Bottle (DST).pngMessage in a Bottle- "There's a note inside."
  • Empty Bottle (DST).pngEmpty Bottle- "Maybe I'll use it for my bug collection, my pockets are getting full."
  • Bundle of Thanks.pngBundle of Thanks- "I think she's really warming up to us, Woby!"
  • Bundle of Thanks.pngShell Bell Bundle- "More for the shell collection!"
  • Tackle Box.pngTackle Box- "It's got room for all my tackle."
  • Spectackler Box.pngSpectackler Box- "So organized!"
  • Fish Food.pngFish Food- "You use it to lure the fish in."
  • Amberosia.pngAmberosia- "Uh... no thanks. Maybe the moths will like it?"
  • Milkmade Hat.pngMilkmade Hat- "Milk is good for your skeleton!"
  • Compost.pngCompost- "Nothing goes to waste!"
  • Terrarium.pngTerrarium- "Woah! That's not normal!"
  • Terrarium (Corrupted).pngTerrarium (corrupted)- "Oh no, I think that shadow stuff made the tree sick..."
  • Terrarium.pngTerrarium (activated)- "Spooky!"
  • Terrarium.pngTerrarium (summoning)- "WOAH! That's REALLY not normal!"
  • Terrarium (Cooldown).pngTerrarium (dormant)- "I guess it can't stay lit up all the time."
  • Terrarium.pngTerrarium (no boss setting)- "Aww, can't we turn it on for a little bit?"
  • Doll Mask.pngCracked Doll Mask.pngQueen Mask.pngBlacksmith Mask.pngKing Mask.pngMirror Mask.pngFool Mask.pngTree Mask.pngDoll Mask / Cracked Doll Mask / Queen Mask / Blacksmith Mask / King Mask / Mirror Mask / Fool Mask / Tree Mask- "Neat! A spooky mask!"
  • Shattered Doll Mask.pngShattered Doll Mask- "Is it just me, or did that mask get even spookier?"
  • Doll Costume.pngQueen Costume.pngBlacksmith Costume.pngKing Costume.pngMirror Costume.pngFool Costume.pngTree Costume.pngDoll Costume / Queen Costume / Blacksmith Costume / King Costume / Mirror Costume / Fool Costume / Tree Costume- "Who would leave such a nice costume out in the wilderness?"
  • Recipe Card.pngRecipe Card- "Woby, I can't read the recipe if you chew on the cards!"
  • Lost Scrapbook Page.pngLost Scrapbook Page- "I should add it to my scrapbook!"
  • Red Crown.pngRed Crown- "I hope whoever lost it isn't missing it too much."
  • Archaic Boat Kit.pngArchaic Boat Kit- "Is this really how they used to build boats in the olden days?"
  • Shadow Reaper Dropped Broken.pngBroken Forged Items- "Woby! Were you playing with that?"


  • Already has Critter- "I think Woby might get jealous if I keep collecting pets."
  • Ancient Chest combo failed- "This thing is impossible to open!"
  • Ancient Chest combo successful- "That wasn't hard at all."
  • Atrium destabilizing-
    • "Don't be scared, Woby!"
    • "Woah! What's happening?"
    • "Hey... I think this might not be safe."
  • Ruins renewal- "Hey Woby, look! The monsters are back!"
  • Battlecry (Deer)- "Sorry deer!"
  • Becoming ghost- "oOooOooo!!"
  • Beefalo mount health low- "Oh. I think they're hurt."
  • Beefalo occupied, unable to mount- "I guess this seat's occupied."
  • Boat damaged- "Um. That might be a problem."
  • Boat sinking- "Better put my swimming badge to good use!"
  • Bowing down to Bee Queen Crown-
    • "Hey! Nice crown!"
    • "Your royal crowned-ness."
    • "Your majesty."
  • Blueprint already known- "Heh. I already knew that."
  • Can't learn blueprint- "Sorry, I kind of lost interest."
  • Can't learn Map Scroll (wrong world)- "Wait... this map looks all wrong."
  • Can't build Celestial Portal (in Caves)- "I'll have to wait until the moon's out."
  • Can't craft (missing ingredients)- "It looks like I need to find more supplies first."
  • Can't craft (unlearned recipe)- "Um... I don't think I know how to make one of those yet..."
  • Can't craft (needs crafting station)- "I could probably do it if I had a station with the right tools."
  • Can't change in Wardrobe (generic)- "What I'm wearing is fine."
  • Can't change in Wardrobe (on fire)- "That goes against everything we learned about fire safety."
  • Can't change in Wardrobe (in use)- "Did you get lost in there? Ha... ha... uh, that was a joke."
  • Cannot construct (occupied)- "Are you busy? Wanna hear about the bug I found yesterday?"
  • Cannot construct (wrong material)- "That doesn't make sense."
  • Cannot construct (no materials)- "I need some supplies!"
  • Cannot construct (wrong plans)- "Wait... these aren't even the right plans."
  • Can't cook (in use)- "Hey while you're here, wanna hear a scary story I heard on the radio?"
  • Can't fill watering can with ocean water- "Maybe if I was growing a garden full of seaweed."
  • Can't give Advert to Tackle Receptacle (already known)- "Heh. I learned that ages ago!"
  • Can't give Sketch to Potter's Wheel (already known)- "I know that one already."
  • Can't groom beefalo (no beefalo)- "Uh, I think we're forgetting something..."
  • Can't groom beefalo (no hair)- "I'll have to wait till their hair grows back."
  • Can't place fish on Fish Scale-O-Matic (too small)- "This one's way too small."
  • Can't place oversized crop on Produce Scale (too small)- "Nope. Not big enough."
  • Can't put item on Potter's Wheel (invalid material)- "I'm not even going to try sculpting that."
  • Can't put item on Potter's Wheel (material already present)- "It's already packed."
  • Can't revive Odd Skeleton (Ancient Gateway not active)- "Darnit. It's not working."
  • Can't revive Odd Skeleton (structure wrong)- "Did I put it together wrong? I wish it had instructions..."
  • Can't rummage (occupied)- "Do you like radio shows? There was this great horror one I used to listen to-"
  • Can't store (occupied)- ""A Pinetree Pioneer is patient and polite." But uh, hurry up please?"
  • Can't rummage and store (Warly-exclusive object)- "I should probably leave that alone."
  • Can't shave (someone else's beefalo)- "That doesn't seem very polite..."
  • Can't unlock Loot Stash (wrong key)- "I don't think that's what I'm supposed to use in this situation."
  • Can't unlock Loot Stash (Klaus)- "Wait, I want to get a closer look at that monster!"
  • Can't write on sign (in use)- "Hey! What are you writing?"
  • Can't build with encumbering item (wrong piece)- "No, see? That doesn't fit together at all!"
  • Can't place in Ancient Gateway (not Ancient Key)- "I'll have to keep looking for the right key."
  • Can't place in Moon Stone (not staff)- "I'll have to keep looking for the right key."
  • Caught in Binding Roots- "Hey, let me go!"
  • Caught in Bone Snare- "Hey!"
  • Sinkhole Cracks.pngSinkhole warning-
    • "Woah!"
    • "Hang on, I'm sure my handbook says what to do in an earthquake!"
    • "I think there's something moving underground!"
  • Cave-in warning- "Wait. Is this... dangerous?"
  • Compass broken- "What...? I've never seen a compass do this before."
  • Danger, unable to leave game- "No, wait! I can do this!"
  • Despawning (Celestial Portal)- "I don't feel so good..."
  • Encumbered (carrying heavy object)-
    • "Errgh... just... give me a minute..."
    • "Woby... could you... help... at all...?"
    • "This can't... be good... for my spine..."
    • "I can... do it...!"
    • "A Pinetree Pioneer... never gives up...!"
    • "I'll get it...! I just... need a minute...!"
    • "Come on Wobyyyy... help me... out!"
    • "Why am I... doing this... again...?"
    • "This is... ergh... a little heavy..."
  • Failed to lower sail-
    • "One more time, just like in the handbook."
    • "Aah, rope burn!"
    • "This is harder than the diagrams make it look..."
  • Failed to read Message in a Bottle- "Come on Walter, gotta focus! Don't get distracted!"
  • Failed to revive Abigail- "If it makes you feel better, ghosts are way more interesting anyway."
  • Failed to revive Ghost- "They seem pretty committed to their lifestyle. Or lack of one?"
  • Flare set off by other player- "A signal! We should follow it!"
  • Ghost sanity drain- "My head... I thought having ghosts around would be more fun."
  • Health too low, unable to attune to Meat Effigy- "I can't! I need medical attention! Where's the first aid kit?!"
  • Hitting Ancient Fuelweaver's Shadow Shield- "Look at those defenses! how does he do that?"
  • Klaus enraged- "I think we made him angry."
  • Klaus entering second form- "Maybe he'll feel better with that chain gone."
  • Klaus summoning Krampii- "He's calling more monsters! YES!!"
  • Mining Inviting Formation (part 1)- "Woby look! There's something in there!"
  • Mining Inviting Formation (part 2)- "Just a little more..."
  • Mining Inviting Formation (finished)- "Got it! What is it?"
  • Mushroom Planter needs living log- "One of those haunted logs should do the trick."
  • Mushroom Planter needs mushroom- "I need to forage for mushrooms! C'mon Woby!"
  • Mushroom Planter won't take Moon Cap- "I don't think they'll grow here."
  • Cratered Moonrock.pngNot Gem- "That's probably not going to work."
  • Cratered Moonrock.pngIridescent Gem.pngWrong Gem (Iridescent Gem)- "That doesn't look right."
  • Not catching fish-
    • "Hmm-hm hmmm, hm-de-dum..."
    • "Well. I'm kind of bored."
    • "Do you think we should try somewhere else Woby?"
    • "I wonder if fish tell scary stories about us?"
  • Paying tribute to Antlion-
    • "This is for you!"
    • "I brought you something!"
    • "Woah... you're amazing!"
  • Plant diseased pick warning- "I'm pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to look."
  • Plant diseased dig warning- "That should help... I think."
  • Refusing to eat invalid food- "I don't think that's safe to eat."
  • Rowing mistimed-
    • "Wait, I can do it! Just need to get the hang of it."
    • "That was just practice!"
    • "Come on Walter, follow the timing, just like in the handbook."
  • Refusing to eat yucky food- "Even Woby wouldn't eat that."
  • Shadow Thurible out of fuel- "I think it's out of fuel."
  • Teleporting with Lazy Deserter- "Do you think I'll be the same person when I come out the other side?"
  • Trees petrifying- "I scream, you scream, the trees scream!"
  • Trying to fish in ocean with Fishing Rod- "A Pinetree Pioneer knows to use the right equipment. And this isn't it."
  • Trying to fish in pond with Sea Fishing Rod- "Hm... my handbook says I need a different kind of fishing rod."
  • Unable to give item to player (single and all items, busy)- "I guess they're busy."
  • Unable to give item to player (single and all items, dead)- "Oh, uh... I think they're busy. Being dead."
  • Unable to give item to player (single and all items, inventory full)- "Looks like you've already got enough supplies."
  • Unable to give item to player (single and all items, sleeping)- "Hey Woby, should we wake them up?"
  • Unable to receive gift (danger)- "There's monsters around! I don't want to miss anything!"
  • Unable to receive gift (mounted)- "I'll have to get down first."
  • Unable to toss Bath Bomb into Hot Spring (already bath bombed)- "I don't want to waste supplies."
  • Unable to toss Bath Bomb into Hot Spring (glassed over)- "I don't think that's going to work."
  • Wardrobe on fire, unable to use- "That seems like a bad idea."
  • Washing ashore after abandoning ship- "Woby...? Oh good, you're okay!"
  • Fail to give to all player (inventory full)- "Looks like you've already got enough supplies."
  • Fail to give to a player (inventory full)- "Looks like you've already got enough supplies."
  • Repair Sail- "I already checked, it's in perfect sailing condition!"
  • Fail to tell story- "This isn't really the place for a scary story..."
  • Fail to tell story (not night)- "I should wait until it's dark, for maximum spookiness."
  • Fail to tell story (no fire)- "I need a fire, it adds to the atmosphere!"
  • Fire when out during story- "Darnit, the fire went out right at the best part!"
  • Day comes during story- "To be continued..."
  • Knockedout- "W-Woby...? Oooh... what happened?"
  • To dangerous to sleep- "This isn't the best time for a siesta."
  • No hunger to sleep- "Maybe if I have a snack first."
  • No sleep in cave- "I can't rest now! There's too much to look at down here!"
  • Ocean Fishing Rod bad cast- "Er... that was just for practice."
  • Fish go away- "Hey! No fair!"
  • Line snap- "Darnit!"
  • Line loose- "Just reel it in a little... just like they taught us..."
  • Walter Trusty Slingshot out of ammo-
    • "Uh oh... I'm all out of ammo."
    • "Uh... just kidding!"
  • Unable to put item into Terrarium (not Nightmare Fuel)- "I guess that was a silly thing to try..."
  • Unable to put item into Terrarium (dormant)- "There's no tree to give anything to yet!"
  • Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror arriving- "I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be attached to something!"
  • Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror leaving- "Aww wait, come back!"
  • Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror returning- "Oh good, they came back!"
  • Talking to plants-
    • "It's good to have someone to talk to. Thanks plants!"
    • "How are you doing today plants? Seen any new bugs lately?"
    • "Hey! Do you guys want to hear a story?"
    • "You're doing great, plants! Keep it up!"
    • "Don't worry, I'll be here to talk to you whenever you get lonely."
  • Wonkey
    • While transforming- "All of a sudden I can't stop thinking about bananas..."
    • When transformed- "Uhh, something really weird is happening!"
    • After returning to their original form- "Woby, c'mere girl! It's okay, I'm me again!"
  • Lunar Rift max- "Look, Woby! Something's glowing over there!"
  • Shadow Rift max- "What was that weird light? We should check it out, Woby!"
  • Fire Nettle Fronds (toxin1)- "Ah! Ow! It burns!!"
  • Fire Nettle Fronds (toxin2)- "Aaaah, it got me! It got me!"
  • Fire Nettle Fronds (toxin, done)- "Whew... I-I think I'm okay now."


  • ACTIONFAIL.ACTIVATE.EMPTY_CATCOONDEN- "It's empty? Well now I feel kind of bad..."
  • ACTIONFAIL.ACTIVATE.MANNEQUIN_EQUIPSWAPFAILED- "Sorry, I guess you can't wear that."
  • ACTIONFAIL.ACTIVATE.NOTMERM- "I tried speaking in bog monster, but I think I just offended them."
  • ACTIONFAIL.ACTIVATE.NOTMYBERNIE- "I guess I can't tell a stuffed bear what to do either."
  • ACTIONFAIL.CONSTRUCT.NOTREADY- "Maybe I'll try when the ground isn't shaking."
  • ACTIONFAIL.DISMANTLE.COOKING- "That seems kind of dangerous."
  • ACTIONFAIL.DISMANTLE.NOTEMPTY- "I should make sure it's empty first."
  • ACTIONFAIL.GIVE.NOTAMONKEY- "Um. Sorry, could you repeat that please?"
  • ACTIONFAIL.GIVE.QUEENBUSY- "Sorry ma'am, I'll wait until you're ready."
  • ACTIONFAIL.GIVE.SPIDERNOHAT- "I don't think that would be very comfy for the spider."
  • ACTIONFAIL.HARVEST.DOER_ISNT_MODULE_OWNER- "I was trying to scratch behind his ears... but I don't think he has any."
  • ACTIONFAIL.HEAL.NOT_MERM- "No Woby, that's for bog monsters only."
  • ACTIONFAIL.HERD_FOLLOWERS.WEBBERONLY- "They're not listening to me! Maybe Webber can talk to them..."
  • ACTIONFAIL.MOUNT.SLEEPING- "Sorry to wake you, but could you give me a ride?"
  • ACTIONFAIL.OPEN_CRAFTING.SHADOWMAGIC- "Maybe you could teach me some magic tricks? I'm a quick learner!"
  • ACTIONFAIL.PICKUP.FULL_OF_CURSES- "I really shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to me."
  • ACTIONFAIL.PLANTREGISTRY_RESEARCH_FAIL.GENERIC- "I've already learned everything I need to know about that one."
  • ACTIONFAIL.POUR_WATER.OUT_OF_WATER- "Well, that's the last of the water."
  • ACTIONFAIL.POUR_WATER_GROUNDTILE.OUT_OF_WATER- "I'll need to get more water."
  • ACTIONFAIL.RUMMAGE.NOTAMERM- "I don't want to make the bog monsters mad at me!"
  • ACTIONFAIL.SAIL.REPAIR- "I already checked, it's in perfect sailing condition!"
  • ACTIONFAIL.TEACH.STASH_MAP_NOT_FOUND- "Um... those monkeys aren't very good at making maps."
  • ACTIONFAIL.USEITEMON.BEEF_BELL_HAS_BEEF_ALREADY- "I've already got as many big fuzzy friends as I can manage."
  • ACTIONFAIL.USEITEMON.BEEF_BELL_INVALID_TARGET- "I don't think that's going to work."
  • ANNOUNCE_ARCHIVE_NEW_KNOWLEDGE- "Huh? It's giving me instructions!"
  • ANNOUNCE_ARCHIVE_NO_POWER- "Hm, it doesn't look like it's working."
  • ANNOUNCE_ARCHIVE_OLD_KNOWLEDGE- "I knew that one already."
  • ANNOUNCE_ATTACH_BUFF_ATTACK- "Woah! I feel like I can take on the world!"
  • ANNOUNCE_ATTACH_BUFF_ELECTRICATTACK- "This reminds me of a radio program I heard where a guy was hit by lightning and turned into pure electricity and-"
  • ANNOUNCE_ATTACH_BUFF_MOISTUREIMMUNITY- "Nothing's going to rain on my parade! Because I'm waterproof, get it?"
  • ANNOUNCE_ATTACH_BUFF_SLEEPRESISTANCE- "Wide awake and ready for anything!"
  • ANNOUNCE_ATTACH_BUFF_WORKEFFECTIVENESS- "Come on Woby, let's get to work!"
  • ANNOUNCE_CANFIX- " Don't worry, I know how to fix it!"
  • ANNOUNCE_CANT_ESCAPE_CURSE- "Huh... maybe I don't want to drop it after all."
  • ANNOUNCE_CHAIR_ON_FIRE- "This is fine."
  • ANNOUNCE_COZY_SLEEP- "Wow, that was a good night's sleep!"
  • ANNOUNCE_DETACH_BUFF_ATTACK- "Huh? My punches feel wimpier... not that I was wimpy before!"
  • ANNOUNCE_DETACH_BUFF_ELECTRICATTACK- "Darnit... guess the show's over."
  • ANNOUNCE_DETACH_BUFF_MOISTUREIMMUNITY- "Oh well. It's good to stay hydrated anyway."
  • ANNOUNCE_DETACH_BUFF_SLEEPRESISTANCE- "I'm starting to get a bit tired..."
  • ANNOUNCE_DETACH_BUFF_WORKEFFECTIVENESS- "Alright, time for a break."
  • ANNOUNCE_FERTILIZER_RESEARCHED- "I didn't know there was so much to learn about this stuff."
  • ANNOUNCE_HEALINGSALVE_ACIDBUFF_DONE- "Hold on Woby, I think my Acid Repellent is wearing off."
  • ANNOUNCE_HUNT_AVOID_FORK- "Aww, but the other trail looks so much more exciting..."
  • ANNOUNCE_HUNT_BEAST_NEARBY- "I learned all about tracking in the Pioneers! It went thataway!"
  • ANNOUNCE_HUNT_LOST_TRAIL_SPRING- "There's too many footprints in this wet ground!"
  • ANNOUNCE_HUNT_START_FORK- "This trail could be dangerous, but a Pinetree Pioneer has no fear!"
  • ANNOUNCE_HUNT_SUCCESSFUL_FORK- "Don't worry Woby, we're gonna catch them by surprise!"
  • ANNOUNCE_HUNT_WRONG_FORK- "Huh... I have the weirdest feeling something's watching me."
  • ANNOUNCE_MEGA_FLARE_SEEN- "Wow, it's hard to miss a signal that bright!"
  • ANNOUNCE_OCEANFISHING_BADCAST- "Er... that was just for practice."
  • ANNOUNCE_OCEANFISHING_LINETOOLOOSE- "Just reel it in a little... just like they taught us..."
  • ANNOUNCE_OCEAN_SILHOUETTE_INCOMING- "Is that a real sea monster?"
  • ANNOUNCE_OFF_SCRIPT- "Uh, I don't think that's in the script..."
  • ANNOUNCE_OTTERBOAT_DENBROKEN- "I knew we shouldn't have gotten rid of that den..."
  • ANNOUNCE_OTTERBOAT_OUTOFSHALLOWS- "Get ready to swim Woby, I don't think this was made for deep water!"
  • ANNOUNCE_PIRATES_ARRIVE- "What's that music? Did someone bring a radio?"
  • ANNOUNCE_PLANT_RANDOMSEED- "Let's see what grows, Woby!"
  • ANNOUNCE_PLANT_RESEARCHED.1- "More plant facts for my mental handbook!"
  • ANNOUNCE_POCKETWATCH_PORTAL- "Look at us, Woby! We're officially time travelers!!"
  • ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL- "I've already filled out my scrapbook."
  • ANNOUNCE_TOOL_TOOWEAK- "It's okay Woby, we just need to find a stronger tool!"
  • ANNOUNCE_WEIGHT- "Weight: {weight}"
  • ANNOUNCE_WEIGHT_HEAVY- "Weight: {weight} Is there a badge for heaviest fish?"
  • ANNOUNCE_WINCH_CLAW_MISS- "Next time I'll get it!"

Higgsbury Red T-Shirt Icon.png Skins

  • Guest of Honor Walter Icon.pngGuest of Honor Set- "I'd wear it more often, but it's so heavy with all these badges..."
  • The Survivor Walter Icon.pngSurvivor Set- "I hope I don't lose any points for the state of my uniform."
  • File:Buzzy Boy Head Walter Icon.pngHalloween Costume Set- "Maybe if I dress like them, they won't sting me!"
  • The Snowfallen Walter Icon.pngSnowfallen Set- "Brrr... it's a good thing you already have your own winter coat, Woby!"
  • The Verdant Walter Icon.pngVerdant Set- "Every story needs a fearless adventurer and their trusty steed!"
  • The Victorian Walter Icon.pngVictorian Set- "Extra, extra! Read all about it!"
  • The Chatterbox Walter Icon.pngChatterbox Set- "Want to hear a really scary story?"
  • The Boy Detective Walter Icon.pngBoy Detective Set- "Don't worry Sirs and Madams, Woby and I are on the case!"


  • Applied Horticulture.pngApplied Horticulture- "I already have my gardening badge."


  • RECORD_DAWN- "It's no Midnight Broadcast, but it's still pretty good."
  • RECORD_DANGER- "Woby likes to howl along, don't you girl?"
  • Carnival Ball.pngCarnival Ball- "Get the ball Woby! Uh... I guess we'll work on that later."
  • SHADOWDANCER- "Mr. Maxwell's actually kind of fun when you get to know him."
  • BOMB_LUNARPLANT_WORMWOOD- "Woah, it looks a lot stronger now!"
  • Marsh Bush Burnt.pngBurnt Spiky Bush- "Guess it wasn't a bog monster after all."
  • Fish Hook- "The diagram in my handbook shows a bobber, that might help."
  • Mini Iceberg- "Iceberg ahead!"
  • Mini Iceberg (melted) "Woby likes to roll in puddles."
  • Smoldering- "Hurry, stomp it out before it catches fire!"

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Lord of Gourds may be a reference to the Great pumpkin from the Peanuts comics. Both have similar characteristics like showing up on Halloween, searching for perfect pumpkin and rewarding people.
  • His quote for the Telltale Heart ("Did you ever hear the story about the beating heart hidden under the floorboards?") is a direct nod to Edgar Allan Poe's short story The Tell-Tale Heart.
  • His quote for the Think Tank ("We're going to need a bigger boat") may be a subtle nod to the 1975 movie Jaws.
  • His quote for a picked Carrot ("I always get a bit disappointed when it doesn't turn out to be a rat.") is a reference to the Carrat.