Siesta Lean-to/DST

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Is it nap time?


The Siesta Lean-to is a craftable Structure. It requires 2 Silk, 4 Boards, and 3 Rope to craft and an Alchemy Engine to prototype.

Siesta Lean-to has been altered to a similar fashion as the Tent, healing over time, instead of instantly. While sleeping in the lean-to, players regenerate 1Sanity Meter.png/sec & 2Health Meter.png/sec at the cost of a mere 0.33Hunger Meter.png/sec. It also reduces Wetness by 1/second, and lowers Body Temperature by 1/second as long as the player's temperature is greater than 40. All outside temperature sources are ignored, so the player's temperature will not decrease if it is below 40.

Wickerbottom can not use the Siesta Lean-to due to her insomnia.

Higgsbury Red T-Shirt Icon.png Skins

Glommer's Flower.png Main article: Belongings

Prototype.png Tips

  • One could have the Siesta Lean-to prebuilt in case of emergency overheating. It may then be placed to cool down, while also giving some sanity and health. This way of using the Lean-to should only be used if one does not have an Endothermic Fire Pit ready, as the structure has a limited amount of uses and costs time.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • A siesta is a short nap taken during midday in some countries with hotter climates.
  • A Lean-to is a type of shelter that consists of rafters leaning against a wall or structure forming a roof. Lean-tos are associated with camping and wilderness survival.

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