Kitcoon Toys

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Catcoon Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Catcoon
Kitcoon Toys are structures and items that can be activated just by tushing by player or Kitcoon. They can only be crafted at Catcoon Shrine.

Wind-up Mouse Toy

Wortox Portrait.png
Wind the bobbin up, pull, pull!

Wortox, when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy

The Wind-up Mouse Toy can be crafted and placed on the ground for Kitcoons and Catcoons to play with. Kitcoons and Catcoons will occasionally walk up to the toy and interact with it, causing it to wheel back and forth for two seconds. Kitcoons will chase the toy while adult Catcoons will not. Wind-up Mouse Toys do not appear to have any other function besides allowing the player to watch Kitcoons and Catcoons play with them.

Gobbler Wobbler

Wilson Portrait.png
It looks like there's some assembly required.


Webber Portrait.png
We hope the kitcoons like it!

Webber, when examining a Gobbler Wobbler

Wilson Portrait.png


The Gobbler Wobbler can be crafted and placed on the ground for Kitcoons and Catcoons to play with. Kitcoons and Catcoons will occasionally walk up to the toy and interact with it, causing it to wobble in place. Gobbler Wobblers do not appear to have any other function besides allowing the player to watch Kitcoons and Catcoons play with them.

Kit Teaser

Wilson Portrait.png
It doesn't look too hard to build.


Winona Portrait.png
The kits sure seem to like it.

Winona, when examining a Kit Teaser

Winona Portrait.png
They really shouldn't make these things so flammable.


The Kit Teaser can be crafted and placed on the ground for Kitcoons and Catcoons to play with. Kitcoons and Catcoons will occasionally walk up to the toy and interact with it, causing it to spin dangling arm around in one rotation. Kit Teasers do not appear to have any other function besides allowing the player to watch Kitcoons and Catcoons play with them.
